Hey, it's my newest story! So uh yay for me! But anyway it's a story about Mai, but other characters too and this little intro is in her POV, I'm still unsure wether or not the whole thing will be in her POV, or various POV's. . . because well. . . you'll see! But any who I'll let you know what goes on!
Disclaimer: I don't own YGO b/c if I did. . . well things would be different!
Rain slowly poured down all around me. Each drop hit my head. It reminded me that I was alive and not dreaming this moment. I was barely standing myself. The only thing holding my up was my pride.
Well, what was left of it anyway. Of course I spent most of my time building it back up. I glanced over at my car. My newMustang was totally demolished. Half of me blames the rain and the slippery roads. Yet the other half blames him.
Maybe it's not fair that I blame him. Yet he was the one tailgating. I could hardly make out the road in front of me. Yet I was persistent. I had to make it into Domino tonight. It was planned.
See after I left Domino, I wanted a change. Unfortunately I didn' t have the change I wanted. I tried to rise my status in the dueling world. Battle after battle I won. Fight after fight I was the victor. Seeing the fear installed on my opponents face brought me back to the days before Battle City.
Of course I was only a shell of a woman after that. It was really pointless of me to continue with dueling. Yet it was all I ever knew of. I breathed it. It was my life. It was my passion. Yet it kept failing me. I would sit at cafes and bars and watch the news. . .
I would heard about Joey and Yugi. They were going so far in the dueling world and I was stuck. The nightmares started haunting me soon after. The woman I once one was gone. I was alone and for the first time in my life, scared.
Then it happened. I let some stupid kid get me upset. They didn't even know I was there, listening on their conversation. Who am I to eavesdrop? Yet I did. I guess he was embarrassed to lose to me. It hurt and I didn't know why. I was always beyond emotions like love and pain. I was always the cut and dry type of girl. What I said went.
Somewhere along my life I changed. It was because of Joey. Every wall I ever built, he tore down. I didn't get it. I don't know why I let him lie to me and to show me the wonders of friendship. It wasn't doing me any good then. I soon found this out as I slumped to the ground of some filthy alley.
It was raining that day, just like this one. Luckily my tears mixed with the rain and they were unidentifiable. Only I knew I had sunk so low to crying. I wanted a change. I needed something. I needed to feel something but the pain. I don't remember what pain it was. It was many years ago, but I think it was the pain of being alone.
I'm not sure, but it was unbearable. It hurt worse than any physical pain. I would do anything and I did. He approached me. Valon. He beat me in a duel. I guessed that really killed my pride. Then he said he could help me.
Maybe I was that desperate for attention. Maybe I was so alone that anybody would have done. Maybe I believed him. Actually it was all three of those reasons. I allowed him to take me to the man who could give me that. Dartz.
He knew me better than I knew myself. He knew all about my pain and my past. He could make it go away. I believed him. When he touched my head I felt a rush of power I had never felt before.
It was as if my insides were being torn in two. Suddenly all the pain was gone. It felt like I had gotten really drunk and I was beyond comprehension. Yet everything was clear. Everything was cut and dry again. I could only feel one emotion. Rage. I grasped onto this feeling and I wouldn't let it go.
Thunder boomed in the background. It brought me back to my senses. I stared at the person who just got out of his car. His car of course was some old blue thing. The front of it was smashed up. The windshield had cracks up and down it. unfortunately he didn't get his back ran into while his front skidded into a tree.
I'm still shaky, but I'm standing. Maybe it's the rush of sudden memories that makes me want to fall over. Maybe it's the fact that I just survived one hell of a crash without a scratch. The man was looking over the crash scene. He seemed more mature since the last I saw him, which was many years ago.
I remember that day perfectly. I rode away on my motorcycle. I had to fix my life. I ended up in New York City. I don't even know how I made it there. I just did. I rented a hotel with a little bit of money I had with me and freshened up. I went to a modeling agency and was hired right away.
I suppose that's unusual. I guess no matter how ugly I feel on the inside, I am still beautiful on the outside. I don't care how stuck-up it sounds, I am not ugly. I was instantly on the cover of the magazine company I was working for.
Somehow I contributed my ideas into the magazine. They excepted them and I worked my way into the company. I eventually ended up on the committee. I maybe be blonde, but I am far from stupid. I just don't judge people well. Anyway, because of lack of funds, they were going to hand over the business to Kaiba Corp.
I couldn't have that. With the money I had saved and the money I had earned I bought the company. I improved the magazine. I changed it to a magazine for teenage girls rather than 35 year old women. The business immediately boomed. We started to branch out all over the world.
Each year, I open up a new office in a new country. I throw a dart at a map and wherever it lands, that's where I build my new office. Of course I use the closest biggest city, but that's beside the point.
I don't know how or why the dart landed on Domino City as my temporary home, but it did. Part of me was happy. I was finally going back.
Honestly I don't know what to expect. I didn't even know if I would see them. Somewhere deep inside of me, I wanted too.
I guess that brings me to where I am. The man turned to look at me. Lighting went off behind him. It lightened his face. I can only stare into the honey-brown eyes. For some reason they are staring right back at me. I'm searching for any emotion.
Then I realized something. I can't read them. They are void. I wonder if mine are the same. I came here hoping to see him. Now I just want to run away, like I always do. Yet my feet stay stranded to the spot.
I want to run over to him. I want to tell him how I've gotten better. Rage no longer controls my actions. No words can come out of my mouth. Somewhere deep inside of me is a voice. It's not a 'your going crazy' kind of voice, it's a internal voice. It's telling me that this isn't going to end good.
The thunder booms again.