A/n: MID-TERMS ARE DONE! Thanx god! So stressed out, almost cried during 4th! Thanx for all the reviews! Read plz! Note: This is the last chapter!
BTW, I don't own the song 'Listen To your Heart', D.H.T. does!
Chapter 7: I Loved Him
Tucker and I were running towards the Nasty Burger. We soon got up there and I just took off yelling "YOU'VE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!"
We stopped when we were close to them and Tucker put his word in "The Nasty Burger's going to blow! AND WE'RE THREE FEET FROM IT!"
I know
there's something in the wake of your smile.
I get a notion from
the look in your eyes, yea.
Before Tucker or I could answer, we heard a voice behind us "I'LL TELL YOU WHAT'S GOING ON!" I turned around and saw Jazz standing there, arm up, and in the Fenton ghost peeler "Or better yet, SHOW YOU!"
I watched as Jazz pressed a button and this green glow came out and started taking Danny apart! I wanted to stop her, but then I realized what was going on. It was Danny's future self!
"THAT'S NOT DANNY!" screamed Jazz
built a love but that love falls apart.
Your little piece of
heaven turns too dark.
I just stood there in shock and watched as Mr. and Mrs. Fenton ran up to Danny's future self and pointed their ghost weapons at their future son.
"Where is he? WHERE'S OUR SON?" bellowed Mr. Fenton
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO OUR BOY?" yelled Mrs. Fenton
to your heart
when he's calling for you.
Danny's future self laughed for a few seconds and then looked up at his parents "I AM your boy!"
"WHAT?" asked Mrs. Fenton
Danny's future self got up and floated above his parents "What kind of parents are you anyway? The world's leading ghost experts and you can't even figure out that your own son is half ghost!"
to your heart
there's nothing else you can do.
"For the record, I blame you." Mr. Fenton stated to his wife
"Hello, Danny Fenton, Danny Phantom! Ever notice the similarity?" he turned to Jazz "Jazz did."
My mouth dropped when I heard that statement "She DID?"
I don't
know where you're going
and I don't know why,
Mr. Fenton pointed his ghost weapon up at Danny and screamed "LIAR, DON'T MOVE!"
"Actually, nobody's going anywhere! Not until it's time for you to be blown everywhere!"
Danny's future self threw out some kind of glowing rope that threw me onto the boiler. I didn't know what to do so I just started screaming. But before anybody would pay any attention to our screams, future Danny threw some more glowing green stuff, this time at our mouths!
listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.
I just watched as Jazz came up to future Danny and tried to punch him in the stomach, but it just went right through!
Future Danny instantly started talking "Nice try Jazz, but me, my future," future Danny spun his head around and then his body "I'm inevitable!"
He cloned himself into three Danny's; one of them took off the helmet to the ghost peeler. She screamed but he used his rope on her mouth and then threw her over to us!
you wonder if this fight is worthwhile.
The precious moments are
all lost in the tide, yea.
It wasn't before long that I heard a voice coming from the sky "HEY! Ready for a blast from your past?"
It was Danny! I felt so relieved when I saw him. I watched as he hit his future self and came over to us "I won't turn into that, ever, I promise!" he flew over to Mr. Lancer "I guess this sort of explains my periodic absences huh?"
Before he could say anything else, his future self grabbed him with his rope and dragged him over there!
swept away and nothing is what is seems,
the feeling of belonging
to your dreams.
I can't believe this is happening! I don't want to die at such a young age! Life isn't fair and it just plain stinks! At this very moment, it made me think back to when Danny, Tucker, and I first met in kindergarten, when everything was so simple!
I was sitting over by a table alone while other kids were over playing with the toys, they didn't want to play with me and I certainly didn't want to play with them!
Them two boys came over to me and sat down. One had a red cap on and another had ice blue eyes and black colored hair. He was the first one to speak up.
"Hi, I'm Danny Fenton and this is Tucker Foley! What's your name?"
Listen to
your heart
when he's calling for you.
I looked up at them, were they talking to me? "Sam Manson."
"Sam? Isn't that a boy's name?" asked the kid whose name was Tucker
"The full names Samantha, but call me that and you're dead!"
Listen to
your heart
there's nothing else you can do.
I almost burst out laughing when I saw them look so scared!
End Flashback
So, that was a beginning of a great friendship! Of course when middle school hit, he started liking girls and I had, of course a HUGE crush on him!
"First day of middle school, this is going to be the best years of our lives!" stated Tucker
"Isn't that high school?" I asked
I don't
know where you're going
and I don't know why,
"That's what they want you to think!" Tucker argued
"Come on Sam, why the gloomy outlook?" Danny asked
"I'm just not sure on us growing up, I mean, what if we start loosing our friendship?"
but listen
to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.
"Sam, I'm sure that's not going to happen."
"Really?" I asked "How do you know?"
We walked into the school and instantly I knew things were going to change because when Danny and Tucker got into the school, they instantly turned their attentions to the firsts girls they saw.
And there
are voices
that want to be heard.
I sighed as the awed over the girls. Everything was going to change, and I wasn't ready for it. Danny was going to get a girlfriend which isn't going to be me!
End Flashback
That first day is when I noticed that I had a crush on Danny. But unfortunately he didn't notice me! All he noticed was all the pretty girls like Paulina! What is so special about her anyway? At least I can be my own person!
Those were only minor changes, a couple months before high school, Danny turned into a halfa!
So much
to mention
but you can't find the words.
"Come on Danny, smile!" I said as I took the picture of Danny holding up the grey hazmat suit with a picture of his dad on it.
"Do I have to?" asked Danny
"Come on Danny, go check it out!" Tucker begged Danny
The scent
of magic,
the beauty that's been
when love was wilder than the wind.
Before he went into the portal, I went up to him and took off the picture of his dad on it "Oh, thanks."
Danny walked into the portal and before we knew it, there was a bright light coming from it and we heard Danny screams.
Listen to
your heart
when he's calling for you.
Listen to your
there's nothing else you can do.
"DANNY!" I screamed as I watched him get electrocuted
I wanted to go in there and save him, but a hand was holding me back! "No, Sam, you're just going to get electrocuted too!"
I just watched as his screams soon died down and he came flying out of the portal!
I don't
know where you're going
and I don't know why,
but listen to
your heart
before you tell him goodbye.
I heard footsteps coming toward the basement and I knew that Tucker and I had to hide! So Tucker grabbed me and we hid under a table.
We watched as Jazz came in and then her parents soon followed after. Jazz and Mrs. Fenton took Danny upstairs while Mr. Fenton awed over the now working Fenton portal!
After a while Tucker and I were able to get out of the house! I sat on the bench as tears started to form in my eyes and soon let go.
Listen to your heart, mm-mmmmmm
End Flashback
I don't
know where you're going
and I don't know why,
That was what changed it all! At first we didn't believe him on the whole being ghost thing, but after he showed us, we believed. We vowed never to let anybody know his secret. Unfortunately now we're going to die…
but listen to your heart
…I wish I had the courage before to tell him this, and I wish he could hear it now…
…Danny, I love you!
…you tell him goodbye.
A/N: So sad, well, that's it folks! Hope you enjoyed it! Look out for my next story coming out soon! BTW, did u notice the pattern in which I got the characters from? Well, if you look closely on the boiler, it goes Jazz, Maddie, Jack, Mr. Lancer, Tucker and Sam. Did u kno? Well, review plz! Till next time…