Disclaimer: I do not own Dynasty Warriors or its characters. But some of the characters here, I do. No one better kill me for this…

Destiny's Saga


"You cheated"

"I did not"

"It was not supposed to end that way"

"Are you challenging me?"




"You cannot do anything now"

"Care to bet on that?"

"What can you do?"



"The fall of Han was great indeed—"


"Due to man and a god's greed—"


"Yet it will not be set in stone

for there are those who will atone—"

"Stop it"

"The great kin's blood will still endure

Until a worthy heir procure.

The heir's soul will be the key

Which will finally bring harmony"

"Two can play at this game…'Yet the chosen one will just appear

when the kin's blood will disappear' "

"Yet the one will fly across the worlds

To claim rightful destiny from the lords"

Chapter 1

A beam of light harshly penetrated through the termite-infested boards that blocked the window. It struck Soi's eyes as it disturbed her slumber

"Morning again…" she groaned as she shielded her eyes from the harsh day and sat up. She spent a night in an abandoned building that was scheduled to be demolished. A week almost passed…

Xiu Soi exited through the back of the building and came upon a faucet just right by the alley. She took her gray sweatshirt and mp3 player off, leaving only her bra covering her top and her black cycling shorts and sneakers. She washed her boy cut hair and cleaned the upper half of her body. After her rituals, she dressed, carried her small body bag and left.

She looked at her mp3 player tenderly and held it. Even if it was the only thing that she was able to grab, aside from a few of her clothes, it was okay. Music was her greatest love. And there was also something else…

After munching on stale bread that she has been saving for three days, her legs took her to the public library. Here, she knew she would have her much needed peace and solace

The library also held another thing that she loved best: books. Particularly about history arts, literature…and Sun Tzu.

She took an old copy of the "Art of War" by Sun Tzu off the bookshelf and sat with it. No matter how many times, she loved reading on the ancient principles of strategy. She found his ideas brilliant, and unquestionably correct. It was applicable to any time frame, for he wrote on some simple, universal truths. She smiled as she continued to read on the chapter about tactics, when a hand was suddenly, yet gently, placed on her shoulder. It was the librarian.

"How are you today, Soi?" she gently asked.

"Fine…this book I'm reading is really amazing!"

"It's good that children nowadays appreciate materials such as those" the librarian nodded in approval. "How old are you, Soi?"

"14…" Soi suddenly stopped as she recalled something. "Actually…I forgot, I just turned 15 today…"

"You did?" The librarian smiled. "Well then, happy birthday to you! I'm sorry, I can't give anything to you…"

How about food and a place to stay? Soi thought as she smiled innocently at the woman.

"Ah! I know…you love Sun Tzu right…? Well then…" she leaned over and whispered to Soi "I'll give it to you. I'll take care of the details…Just don't tell anyone, promise?"

Her eyes went wide and, wordlessly, she hugged the librarian. This was even better!

"Thank you…I'll always treasure it…"

As Soi walked out of the library with her new book, the librarian smiled. "Such a sweet girl"

She ate the last of her bread in the back garden of the library. She rested against a tree as she listened to her mp3 player and read Sun Tzu. Happy birthday to her.

As she was lost in the book, a figure emerged from the dark woods and stood over her. She then noticed a pair of feet by her side and looked up to see who owned them.

It was an old man who apparently was not fond of shaving…and by the looks of things, he was not so fond of the 21st century either.

He was like in a cosplay, wearing silk robes that also smelled ancient. "Um…grandpa, isn't Halloween months away?"

He laughed. "You are a witty one, child…tell me, may I sit beside you?"

She shrugged and he sat down on the grass. "It's such a lovely day…"

Soi sighed. Is he going to babble on uselessly, like an old man?

He looked at the book she was reading. "What is it you are reading?"

"Sun Tzu…all about ancient strategies…" she replied

He laughed once more. "Good! That is perfect…You are indeed ready"

This made Soi stop. "Ready for what?"

He smiled serenely and replied, "I have been waiting for you."

This made her jump to her feet. A dirty old man? Or just some loony?

He stood and took a step forward. "My apologies…allow me to introduce myself…"

"No introductions! Leave me alone!" No! She wanted no relation with that dirty old man. "And stay away from me!"

He sighed and smiled. "I'm afraid we I have no time to discuss things with you…you will have to find out yourself…but do not worry. Fate herself will guide you…" he held out a hand which she slapped away.

"I said, STAY AWAY!" and she sprinted away, stuffing the book in her bag and clutching it along with the mp3 player.

The old man smiled serenely as she ran away. "She is a lively one…I wonder what may happen…"

She ran with all her might. She wanted put as much distance as she can between the two of them.

"I will not be caught…"

Suddenly, she felt a strong force grab her feet, making her trip and fall. As she felt that she was about to hit the ground, it dissolved as she made contact with it and was instantly replaced by cool, white clouds that parted as she fell right through them. She saw the ground below, a thousand feet below and she realized it…she was falling!


Author's notes :There! The prologue and chapter 1 is finished! Actually, this fic was inspired by Romance of the Three Kingdoms 10 and Dynasty Warriors 5, so I'll be basing a lot of things from there… I'm weird, aren't I? Having the Prologue and Chapter 1 together…the prologue was just too short! Chapter 2 will be up soon! Comments, flames, fan letters (as if!) and the likes are welcomed. And…THIS IS NOT A FUSHIGI YUUGI RIP-OFF AND THIS GIRL WILL NOT BE LIKE MIAKA! You'll see…nn.

Another note: Sorry to all Miaka fans out there, no offense meant. Ja!