That's Shocking!

JeLlYbEaN RuLz: Here's another small story, dedicated to Kai himself. This is for all you Kai fans, a Christmas present for you. This is in a world where Beyblade doesn't exist, but Pokemon roam the world. I don't own either.

Chief isn't in this, nor is Daichi or Hilary or any other characters from Beyblade. Too many characters spoil a story. And the Beyblade characters are in their 3rd season outfits and ages. Pokemon is from Gold/Silver/Crystal. I don't own any of the 3.

Its set on Christmas Eve.


Chapter 1

Christmas. A time for celebration...A time to enjoy oneself...A time to celebrate with your loved ones...

Everyone was surely filled with the oncoming Christmas spirit...perhaps except one boy. He didn't have any family he respected and loved left. All he had was a mad power-hungry grandfather, now serving a life sentence in jail. He knew not the feeling of true happiness, or the love of a mother to an only son. His life seemed bleak, the only thing that kept him going through his days, was the opportunity of, someday, becoming a Trainer.

Obviously, he was of course the age where he could choose a Pokemon and set off around the world, but something about his home of Akiraka Town (pronounced Ah-Key-Rah-Kah) (a/n a made-up town, it doesn't exist in the Pokemon anime or games, it's a figment of my imagination) constantly pulled him back. He made the choice of staying here, the place where he was recognised and cared for. His childhood friends, whom of which were all Trainers, realised that he wouldn't leave this town, so they decided altogether, that they would stay too.

He didn't show it, but he was deeply grateful of their decision.

Kai Hiwatari...was grateful...

Kai sat by his lonesome at the open door of his friend's dojo, gazing out onto his hometown. Several streets were planned like routes on a map, houses filling the spaces between the streets. His dark greyish blue wild bangs swayed in a gentle breeze, his dark navy blue 'ponytail' catching the drift. A long scarf floated round his form in the light wind, making his image like he was sitting underwater.

He didn't have a place to stay, but his rather annoying friend, Tyson Granger, welcomed him into his home, giving him a roof over his head, a bed to sleep in and food with drink to consume. Kai glanced over the dojo's grounds; an acre of open land, flat and filled with nature's beauty. He heard Tyson's yell, as his Pidgey perched upon his baseball cap, Pecking at his hollow head.

"Pidgey! Stop it now!" exclaimed Tyson, running around like a headless chicken.

Pidgey Pecked his head a couple more times then, flapping its small wings, it flew to Kai, past him and flew through the open sliding door and into the heart of the dojo.

"That hurt," moaned Tyson at Kai, walking to him and rubbing his head.

"...Fascinating..." muttered Kai.

"It won't obey me"

"So...Why you telling me this?"

"I suddenly had an insane idea that you would help me out"

"Gee, you actually had an idea?"

"Hey!'ll help me?"

"...Do I look like a Trainer to you! I don't even have my own!"

"You have a way with bird Pokemon though..."

"...What gave you that idea?"

"You fed that hoard of Spearow pretty well yesterday, and don't forget that Pidgeot you disciplined last week. You tamed that thing when no-one else could get close to it!"


"No they were not Kai! You can be a Trainer, but you just won't do it!" said Tyson and strolled past the scarf-wielding boy and into his dojo to find his Pidgey.

Kai sighed where he sat, thinking about what Tyson said to him. Sure, those Spearow did eat right out of his hands...and the Pidgeot did become calm when he walked to it and petted it. He cleared those thoughts from his head.

I can't leave here he thought, I want to. I could just walk on down to Professor Elm's lab, take a Pokemon and leave right now...but something's nagging at me to stay. Like a piece of myself is hidden somewhere in this town

He glanced about the dojo's grounds once again, taking in the sight of another one of his friends. A dark-haired boy sat on the grass, playing with his starter Pokemon; a male Chikorita, nicknamed Taiyou (pronounced Tie-You). It lay on the grass on its back as the boy rubbed its tummy.

"Chi-ka" it said happily.

"Hey Ray" Kai called, "Why did ya call your Chikorita Taiyou?"

Ray looked up, but didn't stop fondling his starter Pokemon.

"It means Solar in Japanese, as in Solar Beam," said Ray, sweatdropping.

Kai sweatdropped a little to this statement.

"Bloody hell, I feel sorry for him," said Kai.

Taiyou looked at him in surprise.

"Chi?" he asked.

"Sorry mate, wish I knew what you're sayin'" Kai said to the Grass Pokemon.

"Chi-ka chi-ka ka" the Grass Pokemon said.

"Let's see about you..." muttered Kai and pulled out his PokeDex and flipped it open.

"Chikorita, the Leaf Pokemon. A sweet aroma gently wafts from the leaf on its head. It is docile and loves to soak up the sun's rays," said the female voice from the device. (A/n I used it from Gold version, not own)

Kai grunted in response and stowed away the electronic encyclopaedia.

"Sure is docile enough..." he muttered, seeing a big smile on the Pokemon's face.

Kai glanced over to the lake that Tyson owned. Sure enough, there was someone there. Someone blond, someone with a freckled face, someone with azure coloured eyes, someone who could smile at anything...

The blond's eyes shone in happiness as he viewed the water. He had a thing for water and water-based Pokemon. It was his dream to become a Water Trainer, and he was well on his way. A grin appeared on his face as a little medium blue floating ball appeared on the liquid's surface. (a/n 3 guesses). A little blue mouse eared head broke the surface.

"Hi Mizu" said Max, smiling at the Pokemon. (a/n Mizu means Water, pronounced Me-Zoo)

"Marill marill" it replied, swimming to the edge and heaving itself up to stand at the edge and it shook itself dry.

Max picked the water mouse Pokemon up.

"Did you find it?" asked Max.

"Marill" Mizu replied, holding out a PokeBall.

"Brilliant! You're the best Mizu!" replied Max, and giving his Marill a hug, to which Marill gave one back using its tiny arms, with a very happy smile on its face.

Like Pokemon, like Trainer.

A scuffling sound reached Kai's ears; Tyson had come back, his Pidgey twittering away in his arms. He sat down next to Ray and placed his prized Pidgey on the grass.

"Now Tane, you do as I tell you" Tyson told his Pidgey. (a/n Tane means Seed, pronounced as it is)

Tane chirped a little, and seemingly rolled its eyes.

"You're never gonna give up, are you?" asked Ray, watching Tane digging into the soil with its small peachy pink beak to search for some snacks a.k.a. worms.

"No, I'll master training Tane, then I'll maybe catch a Sandshrew too" answered Tyson, also watching his Pokemon.

Max came over to the group, Mizu standing on his shoulder, using its buoy-like tail for balance. He also sat down cross-legged onto the grass, Mizu hopping down and sitting on his feet.

"You sure you can catch a Sandshrew, that Pidgey alone was hard for you to obtain," laughed Max.

Tyson went a little pink.

"No it was not! Tane just kept dodging my PokeBall!" he exclaimed back at his best friend.

"And where exactly where are you gonna find this Sandshrew?" enquired Ray.

Tyson pointed to the lone rocky mountain behind a large dark-looking forest.

"There's a cave in the mountain" informed Tyson, "It's in there, that I'll find my Sandshrew"

Kai glanced over at the mass of rock. He gazed at its peak and straight down at the treetops. Their branches seemed to beckon him like waving hands, and they seemed to whisper his name as they swayed to and fro. A strange feeling arose inside of Kai.

'Go there, go' said a voice at the back of his mind.

The feeling intensified. Deep down inside of him, he knew that...possibly...the one thing he had been looking for his whole life, was patiently waiting for him, just him, in that forest.

"I'm taking a walk," said Kai shortly.

"Where to?" asked Max.

Kai did not answer but allowed his feet to guide his way.

"Midoriiro Forest!" sputtered out Tyson, "But, Kai's defenceless! He has no Pokemon! KAI!" (a/n Midoriiro means Green, pronounced Me-Doh-Ree-Roh)

Kai chose to ignore him. His feet knew where to go so he allowed himself to be pulled into this dense dark forest.

His friends quickly vanished behind him. He walked to nowhere, the sky disappearing as tree branches criss-crossed above him, soon blocking out most sunlight. The trees encouraged him to go on.

"This way Kai..." they seemed to whisper to him.

Kai walked on valiantly. There seemed to be nothing moving, except him and the mossy shrubbery. He walked onward, still not having a clue where exactly he was headed. All around was silence...

200 volts of electricity suddenly rocked his body, zapping his every cell. Luckily, his trainers were rubber-soled, so they absorbed half the shock. The power charge suddenly lifted. Kai's body was still tingling afterward, and his hair had become spikier due to the electric voltage. He looked down.

There was his right trainer...stepping on a long black tail, ending with a yellow lightening bolt shape.

Oh shit...

The Raichu jumped out from the bushes, anger clearly written all over its face.

"Rai-CHUUU!" it shouted out.

As if from nowhere, Pichu, Pikachu and other Raichu appeared, surrounding the surprised teenager. They all carried the same expression as the first Raichu, hissing and baring their small but knife-sharp teeth at him. They closed ranks around Kai, blocking his every chance of escape. Boy, if Kai had ever wished he were a Trainer, he wished it now. He stood ready, bracing his body for any and every electric attack aimed at him.

The hissing stopped and Pokemon murmurs rang throughout the forest around him. Kai became more surprised by the minute. This wasn't normal wild Pokemon behaviour, surely?

The mouse Pokemon parted like Moses parting the Red Sea. A baby Pikachu walked to him, its chibi eyes curiously surveying him and his every move. As it neared him, the rest closed the gap behind it so Kai was trapped within a Pokemon circle with a baby Pikachu staring at him.

It stood up on its hind legs and cocked its little head to one side. If Kai's heart and soul wasn't so frozen, he might've let out an 'awwww'. Instead he said rather snappishly:

"What you looking at?"

The baby Pokemon suddenly jumped from the ground and latched onto the non-Trainer's face. Kai yelled out in shock and fell onto his back.

His world dissolved around him, the sounds turning mute and the smells stopped reached his brain. He couldn't feel anything as he blacked out.

Until he woke up, he wouldn't realise that his world and life has been turned upside down, and gladly, for the better.

JeLlYbEaN RuLz: There ya go, i'd really like you readers out there to review this...pretty please?