HELLO! lol i edited this chap. nothin new to it though.
Disclaimer: not mine...it never..will be...sniffs oh well hope you like!
It was a cold, snowy day. Kazahaya stood outside Green Pharmacy watching the snow fall. A fierce and frigid wind blew by him and made him shiver, reminding him about his forgotten jacket. He turned back to the store and looked through the windows. He saw Saiga sitting at the counter sleeping, an elderly woman, gently prodding the huge man to wake. Kakei walked over and hit him in the back of the head with his clipboard before walking back into the office. He scanned the store for the one he really wanted to see, and found him. He just finished putting the last ornament on the tree that he was told to decorate. Then Rikuo turned around and stared straight at Kazahaya. All Kazahaya did was stare back before he sighed, looked down, and turned back around to look back up at the sky.
Rikuo smirked as he finished putting the last ornament on the tree. Then he felt eyes on his back and turned around to see Kazahaya staring at him. He was shocked, in a way; the look Kazahaya was giving him seemed so different from the ones he usually gives him. It looked like he was...sad. Rikuo sighed when Kazahaya looked down and turned away from him.
"Go on Rikuo, Ill close up tonight. Kudo doesn't seem like himself today," Kakei said before he smiled and walked off to go wake Saiga again. Rikuo looked out the window again before he went and got his and Kazahaya's coat. He walked out of the store quietly, walked to Kazahaya and stood behind him. He saw Kazahaya look at him from the corner of his eye before he looked back at the sky. An eyebrow rose before Rikuo draped Kazahayas coat over him. Then Kazahaya leaned back against Rikuos strong chest. It surprised the dark haired teen and he stood still watching the smaller teens face for any signs of way he was acting the way he was.
Kazahaya sighed before he stood straight and turned and faced the other. The shorter teen looked blankly into Rikuos emotionless eyes before he wrapped his arms around the muscular teens waist. Kazahaya buried his face into Rikuos chest and stood there. Not long after Kazahaya let go and then walked up to their apartment.
When Rikuo finally walked into the apartment, he saw the kitchen light on and Kazahaya making dinner. He watched as Kazahaya washed the rice and wondered what was wrong with the teen. Why was he making dinner when it was Rikuos turn to?
Dinner was ready, now all Kazahaya had to do was put the stuff on the table. He took the bowls that contained the rice and turned to the table and jumped. Rikuo sat at the table one arm up, hand holding his head, sleeping peacefully. Kazahaya went to the table then set the food down softly then got the rest of the stuff.
Rikuo smelled dinner. He couldn't tell if it was done or not, all he knew was that he was smelling it. Then a gentle hand on his shoulder shook him softly.
"Rikuo, dinners ready." Rikuo opened his eyes and picked up his head he saw Kazahaya sitting across from him eating slowly and looking down. With an eyebrow raised he stood up and walked over to Kazahaya. Kazahaya looked up. Rikuo knelt down in front of Kazahaya and looked him in the eye.
"What is the matter with you?" he asked emotionlessly. Kazahaya sat and stared at Rikuo, shocked that he would even care about something that was bothering him.
Hello everyone. Sorry I let it hang like that, I just got writers block. Any of you who have read my other fics would know how much I hate chapters. Anyway, heres an update on how the two fics Im doing are.
Raging Rain and Longing Love : I have the third chapter done, but I forgot the spiral with the story in it in my school locker. Im stupid I know. Im sorry. Along with that I had a better Christmas fic for Legal Drug in there so Im kinda throwing this one together. It will seem crappy and again Im sorry.
Blood Red Rain : ...sorry? I dont know where I put the next chapter... I may have to rewrite it...sorry!