It had been just an ordinary day in Nerima, what means a lot of crazy stuff had

just happened, and night had just come in an unusual calm. Akane was lying in her

bed, still wearing her favourite pyjama, quietly staring at the ceiling, though her eyes

looked like wanting to trespass it…To the roof, to where Ranma was surely staying. Her heart was pounding so hard after the events of that same night that it hurt her and made her breathing quickened as her eyes started to be filled with tears that streamed down her soft flushed cheeks. "BAKA"(silly) she wanted to cry out load, but instead continued sobbing 'till sleep, pressing her little P-Chan closer for her to comfort.

Ranma couldn't understand girls, he had wanted to protect her, he had… and at this though he became aware of what had just taken place and a bright blush crept through his face and he started feeling dizzy. Ranma couldn't stop himself when that Ryoga guy (or P-chan) was near her fiancée, he couldn't bear it when he was so close being hold by Akane, couldn't permit something like that ever to happen… "Not that I'm jealous or anything…" he blurted out. But, he had wanted so badly to be hug like that, that he'd even wished of having a different curse…Having Ryoga's!

Night has slowly come to an end, and Ranma still hadn't gotten any sleep. All night he had been up, playing over and over again, the same situation, still touching slightly his face trying to feel her slap. For the first seconds he had fallen into her sleeping form, he had felt scared but then he had felt the longing to touch her…and then, she half-opened her eyes and kept on staring at his since reality hit them both. It was worse for Ranma, as apart from the red face from the blush he also got a hand print mark on his right cheek.

As soon as the boy felt asleep a voiced was heard….

"The windy night whispers you to sleep… sleep well for that when you wake up I swear you will hear her call your name…And as soon as she does, you won't be able to tear your eyes away…don't fight it, destiny awaits you… from now on, only desires will rule your life, RANMA SAOTOME!"

Still hadn't she seen him and first class was nearly going to start when he appeared sweating entering the class and sitting in a rush, but still keeping some time to stare at her flushed face. "You've got it bad, man" he thought while stealing glances at the back of her fiancée, staring a bit longer at her neck where he wanted to leave his mark, to claim it himself, to…

He shocked his head and got up in a hurry making his way through the class to the spot where Akane sat. He wanted her right now, and no-one could've stopped him when he scooped her into his arms running up to the last school corridor where no class was being held. She hadn't spoken since then and if she had wanted to, she wouldn't have been able, as Ranma hurried himself to crush his lips to hers while pinning her back to the wall, having her hold by her wrists. "Akane, Akane, Akane…" his voice hold on saying in his mind, and quickly, hoarsely escaped through his mouth, that still kissed her hungrily, running his tongue over…

"RANMA YOU IDIOT!" yelled once more Akane

"Daisuka?" (What's wrong?) Asked a groggily half-unconscious Ranma

"You should've told me you had a fever! You BAKA, it's all your Fuck fault!...Why would you sleep on the roof when it's winter? IDIOTTTTTTTTT!"

"mmmm, What?" He replied still out of himself but then recovered and snapped out "Shut up you, KAWAIKUNE TOMBOY! Why is it you were here anyway? And by the way…Where is "here"? He asked frantically looking around"

"We were in Maths and you fainted! You even fall from your chair and hit the floor! And, as you can see yourself we're in the school's nursery"

"So…I still don't see what's the big deal to be making such a big production out of it!"

"What? I couldn't care less about you. PERVERT!"

"Cut it out already! I told you it was Ryoga's fault last night!"

"Do you want me to believe Ryoga became invisible or something!...I thought you'd do better than that" She snapped out.

"What are you saying? As if anyone would like to do anything with an uncute tomboy like you!"

By this time, Akane had her mallet strongly pressed in her hands, her face red with anger, she was about to hit him when a thought crossed her mind. "He's ill". Finally she released the mallet, looking intendly at Ranma, whose eyes had fallen close wanting to anticipate the bang.

"So…what is it now, How come you didn't 'malleted' me?"

"Shut up you already and hurry up, school's over and I wanna make it home on time!"

"You mean I've been out for nearly 5 hours?" That was when he realised she had been crying probably while waiting for him to wake up. He wanted her to calm down, he hadn't meant to treat her like that, he wanted to reassure her that he was fine… "You silly, you didn't have to worry, it's me…Oh Gee, Akane. I just fainted, it's not like it haven't happened to me before, you know?"

But Akane was already out of the room, leaving a confused and still groggily Ranma helping himself out of the bed. They walked home in silence, neither of them able to break it. "I can't believe he can be such an insensitive jerk!" she said in a whisper for Ranma not to hear her. She had been so worried about him, not that she hadn't been the many times he'd passed out before, but this time it was different, she was different. For no longer could she denied what she felt for him, what she had felt last night, what he made her feel every time he touch her, stare at her…

When they finally arrived home, all the family was out, and it was Akane's job to try and do her best to get Ranma recover. She walked him to his room, placing him on his bed, where he lied down, not even caring to argue with the girl who was telling him what to do. He was feeling dizzy again, and he had a terrible headache, his pulse started to quicken while his face became paler and sweat started running all over his face.

Akane didn't know what to do, so she tried to figure out what Kasumi would have done in her place. She made up her mind and took some cold wet compresses and held them to his forehead, while drying his face with a towel. Soon he fell asleep and started shivering, and mumbling weird sounds. "Just like in the nursery" thought Akane.

Ranma woke up in his room and found Akane sleeping by his side, her head rested on his shoulders and her arm laid on his stomach. It felt really warm, and Ranma didn't want it to stop, but suddenly Akane's eyes fluttered open and he found himself unable to speak while she pressed a soft kiss against his cheek snuggling even closer to him. He couldn't stand himself any longer and licked his own lips as his breath caught his throat, he leaned down to her face and stole a warm kiss. His lips caressed hers softly, wanting to remember their taste, then he snaked his arms around her waist bringing her closer to him while he managed himself to deepen the kiss. Once more he couldn't help mumbling her name over and over again…

"Akane, Akane, Akane…" repeated Ranma in a husky voice

"What is it Ranma? Daijobu?" asked Akane who was sitting by his side on the bed still pressing compresses in his forehead.

"Akane, Akane, Akane…" Ranma continued mumbling

"Ranma wake up, I'm here, wake up" she told him, while poking him slightly.

"hhhhhhhhhmmmmmm" was all Ranma could say when he finally woke up.

"Ranma are you ok? You were talking in your sleep?" Asked a concerned Akane.

He finally recovered himself from the sleep to find two pools of chocolate eyes looking intendly at him. All of a sudden he remembered his previous dream and a crimson red made his appearance in his face.

"hhhmm, Akane? I'm ok, what's wrong?"

"Oh, well, nothing then…mmm, anyway it's time you take the medicine"

"NO WAY! I'm not going to again! It's disgusting!"

"Don't be such a baby! Come on, you know you have to..

"But it tastes awful!"

"Then, just drink it in one shot"

"Well, if I haven't died yet from your cooking…" mumbled sarcastically Ranma


"I said your COOKING is POISON for humans!"

Once more, Ranma closed his eyes expecting Akane's punch but instead, when he finally opened them, found his fiancée's tearful eyes and his heart skipped a bit at the thought of having made "his love" (did he just thought "his?") cry.

"Akane, come on, don't cry, you know i…. I didn't mean it, it's just I always seem to hurt you whenever I open my mouth. Jeez, I'm so sorry, please stop crying already; would you?"

Suddenly her cry became just a silent muffle and she managed to bring Ranma's medicament to him, that he hurried himself to drink. Ranma moved from his lying position to sit by Akane's side on the bed and placed his hand in her head, gently stroking it. His fiancée hadn't looked at him since she had brought Ranma his medicine, and was startled by his sudden act of affection, but couldn't suppress a shy smile form on her lips. On the other hand, Ranma didn't understand what had exactly possessed him to be acting so "weird" around the Tomboy, but it was like his mind could only focus on one thing: Akane. He knew it, he had known it for long now, he wanted her, he liked her so much that he saw her everywhere whenever he was in a training trip with his "pop", that… but the whole situation was getting weirder as…

Ranma's arms draped his fiancée's waist from behind; bringing her closer while he started nibbling on her earlobe wanting to…

"Ok, ok, come on boy! CALM DOWN, EASY TIGER, Now things are getting worse, I'm day dreaming about doing things like that with HER!" thought the sweating guy.

"Are you ok, I'd leave you so you can rest" said Akane looking at the boy's worried expression. "What's wrong with him today?" she thought

"No, don't go" begged Ranma, while preventing her to leave by holding her hand firmly, then when he realized what he was doing, dropped it, trying to continue without stuttering to much. "I, well…I, I,….I mean, I'm better now, we could….you know, mmm, watch a movie or something as my "pop" kept the tv in here and… is home, and…" ("Bad though, Ranma" he snapped himself mentally)

"Oh man, what's wrong with me!" by now Ranma was pretty sure he had been possessed and so in Akane's mind crossed the same thought. She took the remote control and handed it to her fiancée and sat again as Ranma started flipping over the channels, since he found a horror movie. Akane hated horror movies; she always got so much scared that she had nightmares. Ranma had known all along that Akane couldn't stand watching that kind of films; he knew how they frightened her.

"Is this ok with you? Or do you want to change it?"

"What do you mean? That I cannot watch it because I'm a scary cat?"

"….You said it, not me!" said Ranma laughing

"It's fine with me if it's fine with you" she snapped out

As soon as the film started, Ranma closed the curtains in order to create a "good atmosphere" as he told her. But she had become more and more terrified about the idea of being in a dark room. Akane could hardly open her eyes; she had her hands grabbing the bed sheets, pressing them hard between her fingers. Ranma hadn't been that much concentrate on the tv, he was more aware of a certain girl sitting by his side. His hand landed on top of hers, and she looked up to see his face but his eyes were directed to the tv. All of a sudden she felt secure, and his hands disentangled hers from his sheets, while he intertwined his fingers with hers. It felt so right, so warm; she felt a rush of emotions running through her head, as she felt him squeezing her hand, securing her smaller one in his. Ranma's body was burning, he wanted to make her feel everything was alright, that he was there, that no-one…that…

The film was over but neither of them let go from the others grip, then Ranma spoke.

"mmmm, it wasn't that bad, was it?"

"I guess you were right but still…"

"Don't tell me you…? Come on Akane it was just a film, Dracula does not exist…well, not if you count the hickey Hiroshi made to your friend last Saturday"

"Hey, that wasn't funny; Rica had to apply tones of make up to cover it for her parents not to see it!"

"Well, at least we haven't got that problem" burst out laughing Ranma

"I know you don't have the guts, anyway…"

"What was that for?"

"Ranma, how come you've never tried to make me one?" She asked out of the blue

"hmmm, well, I, i.., well…" he stammered

"I see, am I such ugly that you, that you…? She started sobbing and all Ranma could do was hugged her and rocked her tenderly as he tried to calm her down.

"sh, sh, it's ok, well, of course I have though about it" (You just wouldn't know how many times, he added for himself) "It's just well, I don't know if you, you know, if you want me to…, you know, hickey and…and"

She moved a bit from his embrace as she looked for his eyes and cut him out of his speech. "I want you to, well if you want to" she said in a whisper.

Ranma could only nod, he was so nervous that he could hardly breathe, he then leaned closer to her neck. She could feel him shivering as well as she was, could feel his harsh breath tickling her softly in the croc on her neck and… He felt his pulse quickened as he lowered his lips and started licking and sucking like a vampire feeding off his victim. He could even swear he heard her gasp for breath as he continued his work on her neck, leaving his mark on her, making her his. She could hardly breathe feeling Ranma nibbling on her spot, feeling goose bumps and…