Zypher: And here we are at the last chapter. I thank those that have enjoyed this story so much and have left me great reviews. So here's is the final chapter to this tale for all to read. -opens to book to the final pages and started to read-
Note to Travelling Reviewer - For your information, just because I deleted your review doesn't mean I'm a coward. I'm not copying this word to word so it doesn't count as plagiarizing. If you don't like this story then don't read it. You choose on your own to keep reading this if you didn't like it in the first place and I'm not forcing you to do so. Those who read it choose to read it and they like it but you continue to read it when you don't so I suggest that if you don't like it, stop reading cause I don't need your cruel words. I had enough of that.
Lovers' Fate, Jealousy's Price
Chapter 4
Poor Yugi has went to search for his dear beloved ones all over the world but to no luck for they had returned to their mother, Yami in bed - in pain from the nasty burn.
Along the way, an annoying bird was on its way to Venus with news about what was going on. The bird found her enjoying a bath in the ocean and told her that her son Yami was bedridden with a horrible wound, along with Aqua, after having an affair with a mortal boy. The talk was about her having a nervous breakdown that she went onto a holiday! And that as a result, everything was in a complete disorder with no love in anyone's lives.
This conniving bird poisoned Venus' mind with those lies and she demanded to know the name of the child that dare seduce and harm her son. "If I remember correctly," The bird said with malicious glee. "That his name was Yugi!" With anger boiling high, she abruptly placed an end to her vacation and returned back home to talk with Yami and Aqua.
"You lazy, disobedient little fools! I told you to ruin that child's life but you dare go and sleep with him instead! But as you both know, I'm not too old to have children and I can replace you without a care! Or I can confiscate your little games that you care so much for and give them to someone else! I have been sick and tired of you shooting your arrows at me, sneering at me and showing no respect to your stepfather! I know you both have always made Mars fall in love with another woman to piss me off! But I'm going to make you sorry for doing this out of all things!" she growled.
Wisely, so she would never notice he was actually listening, Yami pretended to be asleep while Aqua had his head under the covers of his bed. Still fuming, Venus left to determine their punishment. She bumped into Ceres and Juno as she was walking thought the halls. Her aunt Ceres asked, although already knowing without a thought, was what making her so red and puffy. "Help me, auntie, a foul child named Yugi is who I am looking for. He disappeared after...a scandal of an affair with..." she hissed, still angry.
"What's the problem with that?" Ceres asked. "Two meet, fall in love. What's so wrong with that? It's natural and who wouldn't fall head over heels in love with your children? They did inherit your talents. It's so silly that you try to ban them from doing what you yourself encourage everyone else to do." Ceres said.
"And you do have to remember, they aren't little anymore. They are old enough to sort out their own affairs." Juno added. Of course, Ceres and Juno were not being entirely honest because they fear Yami and Aqua like any other goddess and knew it may be safer if they didn't say anything to insult them.
Venus was not impressed with their ungrateful help and left to head back to the seashore to think of another way to find the boy and take care of him.
Yugi was still roaming around, trying to locate his dear husbands, determine to do whatever he could to win their trust once again. One day as he traveled, he came upon a temple on a hilltop. He walked inside and said it was a terrible mess. Offerings of corn, sheaves of barley, sickles and scythes were strewn about the temple without a care. Without a single thought, he started to clean up the mess that was made. Soon enough, Ceres came back and was happy to see everything was cleaned up. "Why thank you, young child." she said.
"It was nice of you to care for my temple when Venus is going berserk with finding you." She continued. "Oh please help me, dear goddess! I wish to have a place where I can hide for a while and rest my weary body." Yugi pleaded to her. "Of course I would love to but my niece and I are very close so leave out now or I will have you arrested and taken to Venus herself." Ceres spoke. Defeated, he left and soon came upon another temple. He stayed there and it wasn't a surprise to see Juno come. She too said she would love to take care of him but refused and threw him out for she would never offend Venus by helping him.
Now desperate, he only did the one thing that could help him. He would have to go to Venus and try to gain her trust. But he didn't have no idea how this would work. Venus currently was getting her chariot and with her flock of birds, went to Jupiter's palace and went to Mercury, demanding his help with her plan. "She told him that she wanted to make an announcement to all mankind, describing the massive reward that will be given if they locate Yugi, who she claimed was her escaped slave. After giving him a picture, she left for home.
He wasted no time and appeared everywhere in the world, proclaiming Venus' announcement. "Hear me, everyone! For anyone who can find the boy named Yugi, an escaped slave of the goddess Venus shall be rewarded with seven kisses upon thy lips plus one with full tongue involvement." Mercury announced.
But for young Yugi, he has already made his way to Venus' palace by himself. But he was grabbed by his hair by one of Venus' lesser slaves and brought up to her roughly. Did he get his promised reward? Not even history revealed this. "So brat, you have finally come to see you mother-in-law at last, hmm? Or have you come to see your dear husbands that you have ran off with your carelessness? My dear Yami is still ill because of the burn you gave him. But please, do make yourself at home!" Venus jeered before calling her two slaves, Pain and Agony, and they waste no time carrying out the orders of their mistress.
Yugi was taken away and was kicked, whipped and tortured by them. They soon brought him back, broken and bleeding and Venus laughed with evil glee. "So, you dare try to make a grandmother of me? I am very young and don't deserve such a role! Even if I let you birth this child, she'll never be immortal! She'll be nothing but a mongrel, little brat just like you!" Venus walked over to him and stood over him menacingly before ripping away his clothes and grabbed him by his hair. She shook him without a care before taking him to a room that was filled with a heap of grains and seeds.
She told him to separate them before the next day and left him there. He was to saddened to do a thing, feeling horrible to have made Yami ill. 'And it was all my fault. I deserve this. I just hope our child won't be treated this way when he or she's old enough.' Yugi thought as he rubbed his stomach lightly. Before the night was done though, a friendly nest of ants came in, saw him in his depressed, lonely state and helped him separate the grains with ease into their piles. Venus came back the next day as promised, tipsy and reeking of perfume and seeing that the job was done, slapped poor Yugi.
"There's no way how you could have done this in one night! You asked some wretch to do this for you!" she needled angrily. Yugi soon got dressed in the rags left for him and went to bed, thinking of his husbands and cried until he fell asleep. He was so close to them and yet so far.
The next day, Venus had another task for him. She pointed over to some woods. "In those woods are sheep with golden fleece. I want you to go in there and grab some for me. Right now!" she demanded before leaving once again. Yugi looked to the stream that was nearby and was prepared to drown himself once again when a friendly fox came to him and stopped him from killing himself. "Wait little one, I know you're depressed. You can get that wool but wait till nightfall when they are sleeping. If you go in there now, you will get killed for those sheep are mad during the day. They will headbutt you or bite you with their poisonous teeth." The fox said.
Yugi nodded and waited till night, entering the forest and picking the wool from the thorns where it was collected with help from the fox. Once he believed he had enough, he returned the wool back to the goddess who yelled at him once again. "I know you must've asked some sucker to do this for you! I have something else for you to do that is a real test. You see that mountain over there? At the top is a stream that gushes from the top. I want you to get some water for me and you best not fail me." Venus said as she took the wool from him and gave him a jar. He sighed lightly and started to venture to the mountain, suicide on his thoughts once more.
When he got closer though as night turned into day, he saw that it was impossible. But an eagle, Jupiter's own pet, came to him and stopped him before he could venture further. "Do you not know that this stream is the river Styx? Even the gods are terrified of its waters but I can get it for you so you don't hurt yourself!" The eagle said, taking the jar in his talons and flew up to the top, filling it with ease and brought it back down to him. He pet the eagle and thanked him before heading back to the palace.
Venus was beyond her rage as he came back with the task completed and took the jar from him before giving him one more. "I have one last task for you, dear child. Take this jar to the Underworld. Give it to Queen Persephone. Ask her to swap this for a little box of her special beauty because I do not have any more after sitting up night after night watching over my dear sons. Hurry it up for I need it tonight!" Venus said as he gave him the jar. Yugi knew this was a non-too-subtle death sentence so he decided the quickest way to the Underworld was to throw himself off a tower. But the tower he came up to was a friendly one and gave him some helpful advice.
"Yes, little one, you'll get there quick enough but if you want to get back, you must follow what I tell you. Go to Taenarum and find a hole. That hole leads to King Pluto's palace. Take with you two pieces of barley bread soaked in honey water and two coins. Carry a piece of bread in each hand and the coins in your mouth. Venus as the evil person she is to you will try to make you drop the bread so you cannot continue on. She will send to you all sorts of apparitions to make you feel sorry for them just because of how they look.
"A lame driver, a poor floating corpse and three old ladies weaving cloth. Ignore them all and look for Charon, he's the ferryman who will take you over Styx if you pay him. The sops are for Cerberus who guards the gates of Hell. Throw him one and he'll let you pass. Persephone will give you what you asked. Take the second sop and give it to Cerberus and use the second coin to get back across. And whatever you do, don't open the box on any account." The tower told him. He thanked the tower and did as he asked, getting two coins and bread soaked in honey water. As he crossed the Styx, he saw Cerberus watching him and he stood, holding out the bread.
The middle head lowered and sniffed the bread before taking it from his hand, licking it afterwards before letting him pass. He gave the jar to the Queen and he was given the box. He left and paid Charon once again, feeding Cerberus on the way back who gave him a friendly lick on the cheek as he went by. When he was out of the Underworld, he made the journey back but was curious of what was in the box. When he was nearly home, his naivety and curiosity took over like before and he took a peek.
"What's the harm in taking a peek?" he muttered to himself. He looked inside and saw no beauty, or anything at all. But the box did contain an invisible cloud of Deathly Sleep which covered him and he soon fell to the ground, deeply asleep.
Yami was soon feeling well and was eager to find his lovely prince once again for he didn't want to be away from him any longer. He woke up Aqua and they both were soon off. Their wings, stronger from their long, undisturbed rest, carried them to where Yugi laid, wrapped in Sleep. Aqua brushed the sleep off on him and placed it back in the box while Yami woke him up with a tiny prick from his arrows.
Yugi looked up to the before looking down with shame. He didn't want to face them after so long. Yami place a hand on his cheek. "Do not cry, little one. I wish we can explain why we came back to you after we said we wouldn't but we have no time to explain. Finish our mother's deed and we'll take care of the rest."
Aqua handed him the box and helped him up. Yugi looked back to them once more and was soon on his way to the palace. When he was gone, Yami and Aqua flew up to the heavens and threw themselves at Jupiter's feet. They begged for him to help them and Jupiter, despise all the tricks they played on him in the past, did kept a soft spot for them.
"Fine, I'll try to forget all those times you have involved me in sordid affairs with mortal women." he said with a chuckle. "But let's keep that behind us. Find me a really attractive young woman and leave your mother to me."
All the immortals were commanded to come to Olympus and when they all got there, Jupiter made the announcement. "We all know, Yami and Aqua, the mischievous little brats who's always tempting one of us to sinful affairs with a mortal or other. It's time that we domesticate them, to be married and have their own responsibilities. That will keep them from causing so much trouble for us. I sentence them to live forever with the boy they seduced. He is theirs to have and to hold and nothing shall break the bond between them." Jupiter said and saw Venus squirming.
He turned to her and told her: "Don't fret, my dear. Your sons won't be marrying beneath them as you so think. Mercury, go and fetch the boy and bring him back here." Jupiter said and he was off.
Yugi sat in his room, crying. He finally sees the ones he wanted to see for so long but he didn't want them to see him like he was now. "I will never get them back. I'm so ugly now. Not even the glorious beauty I was given at birth will change this now. I minus well be getting used to my life as a lowly servant." he said quietly to himself and wiped his eyes free of tears as he lied down.
Mercury came into the room and looked upon the dejected child. He walked over and grasped his shoulder lightly and he looked up to him. "Oh, great god Mercury. May I ask what brings you here?" he asked, looking down to not disrespect the god. "You have been summoned for a wondrous thing. Come with me." he answered, taking Yugi's hand and brought him back to Olympus. He looked around in awe as Mercury led him to where the others were gathered and soon looked up to see Yami and Aqua standing there with Jupiter.
Jupiter held of cup of divine nectar and walked over to him. "Young prince, Yugi, you have been through a lot just for love and so have they so we now give you immortal life so you can always be with them in holy matrimony." Jupiter spoke as he held the cup out to them. Yugi looked to them with wide eyes. "After everything I did, you want me back?" Yugi asked. "Yes, we cannot live our lives without you. It was foolish of us to send you away because of what your sisters tried to make you do. We want you back with us Yugi and continue with our lives like it once was." Yami answered.
"But, I'm not like I was when we first met. I'm ugly and dirty." Yugi murmured, looking down to his ragged clothes. Aqua walked over to him and picked him up. "Yugi, your beauty is nothing compared to your heart. We, at first, fell in love with your beauty but there was more than just that. Your gentle, caring nature showed us there was more than just beauty. We want to stay with you for as long as we're alive." Yugi smiled and hugged him, crying tears of happiness. Aqua smiled before letting him down and Jupiter held out the cup to Yugi. "Come, Yugi! Drink this and become immortal."
He nodded and took a sip of the nectar. They cheered for him and they soon had a feast to celebrate. Yugi enjoyed himself immensely now that he was finally back together with those that he almost lost. He was married again, this time properly, to Yami and Aqua.
They spend their days together as always and no less than nine months was the awaited day. Yugi was in bed with Aqua by his side. He was caressing his face gently and whispering sweet nothings to him. "We will always love you, little one. Don't ever think that we won't." Aqua said. Yugi nodded with a smile before he scrunched his face in pain. Aqua sat up, slightly alarmed before seeing blood coating the sheets and smiled. "It's ok, little one. You'll be fine. You're just ready to have our child." Aqua said.
Yugi looked up to him. "But how?" he asked. "Don't worry, I got everything under control here." he said. He placed his hands over his stomach and gently pressed down with care. Yugi watched curiously and gasped when he watched as his hands slipped into his stomach without making a cut or anything. It was a while before Aqua pulled out the small child, cutting the umbilical cord from the child before cleaning her off. Yugi sat up and watched with care as Aqua wrapped a small blanket around her. Her cries echoed through the room and Yugi smiled. "Can I hold her?" he asked and he gave her to him.
"There, our wonderful child is finally here." Aqua whispered as he laid down beside him once more. Yugi had tears in his eyes and wiped them away. "Yes, our child. But what should we name her?" Yugi asked. "How about Pleasure? She is a child of the great Love Gods you know and I bet she'll be the best goddess around." Aqua said and he nodded. "Yes, Pleasure will be perfect." he whispered as he held her close.
Their lives couldn't be any more perfect.
Zypher: And that's the end of this little tale. I'm glad for those that have enjoyed this story and will leave a review. Now I shall be getting back to my regular stories so be ready for another update soon. See you all later.