Okay so here is another one of my fics so I hope you enjoy it.


Rich Girl

Chapter 1: Sango, the New Maid

Sango sat on a bench at a bus stop. She had just been hired as a maid for this rich guy. Sango was a bit nervous about who she would be working for because the last guy she worked for was a mean old man. He was as mean as hell to everyone especially Sango.

"I just hope this guy will be a lot nicer than that other old man."

Then a bus stopped in front of Sango. She stood up, grabbed her suitcase, and walked over to bus as it opened its doors. Sango walked into the bus and asked, "Does this bus go to the Yasuo Mansion?"

The driver smiled. "Yes, it does so hop on."

Sango smiled and sat down in one of the seats toward the front of the bus. The driver closed the doors and drove off. Sango was the only one the entire bus. (Not counting the driver)

"Why is this bus so empty?" Sango asked.

"Mr. Yasuo uses this bus to pick up people like you who are going to his mansion. Now that you think of it, I haven't seen you before. What business do you have with the mansion?"

"Oh so this is a private bus. I just got hired at the Yasuo Mansion as a maid."

"Oh, a new maid, Eh? Trust me you will love it there, even if you are going to be a maid, Miss."

"I hope so. By the way you can call me, Sango."

"And you can call me Miroku."


"Oh look we are here."

Sango looked out the window with amazement. "Oh my god! I have never seen anything this big! I knew he lived in a mansion but I didn't think I would be this big!"

Miroku just laughed. "That's what I thought too. Mr. Yasuo is a very rich man."

Miroku stopped the bus. "Here is your stop, Sango."

"Do I just walk in?"

"Yes. Someone will show you around."

"Okay. It was nice talking to you, Miroku." Sango got up and grabbed her suitcase and walked off the bus. Sango then walked up to the front door and knocked.

The door opened to reveal a young girl with raven black hair. "Hi there! Are you the new maid?" She asked.

"Yes, I am Sango Kohana, the new maid."

The girl smiled. "Come in I will show you around, Sango. My name is Rin."

Rin lead Sango up a long stairway and through many hallways. Then when Rin was done showing her around, she showed Sango to her room.

"Here this is your room."

Sango walked into the room amazed. "Wow…..this is bigger than the house I used to live in!"

Rin smiled. "Make yourself at home. You start working tomorrow."

Rin walked over to Sango and gave her a sheet of paper. "What's this?" Sango asked.

"Its rules and times of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Its basically a maid's guide. Well dinner will be ready in an hour or so."

"Okay, thanks."

"Welcome. Bye."


Rin walked out of the room and shut the door. Sango began unpacking her things. Once she was done with that, she decided she was going to go explore around the place. Sango walked out of her room and looked around.

"I wish I was this rich." Sango sighed. "If only I was a rich girl my life would be great."

Sango walked down a hallway and then into another and up a staircase and down another hallway. Sango was just looking at everything admiring the beauty of the place. Then Sango noticed that it had been about an hour and dinner was ready, but Sango had no idea where she was.

"Great I just had to wander off. Now I will be lost forever in this thing!"

Sango began walking down stairways trying to find out where she was but every hallway looked the same. Sango leaned against the wall in defeat. She sighed and looked down at the floor trying to remember how she got to where she was right now.

"Excuse me. Are you lost?"

Sango looked up to see a girl about her age with long raven black hair coming down to about her waist.

"Yeah. I am."

The girl smiled and said, "You must be the new maid here, aren't you?"

"Yes. I am Sango Kohana."

"I am Kagome Higrashi." (I think that is how you spell it)

"I was on my way to dinner, is that were you were headed?" The girl asked.

"Yes. it was."

"Then come with me, I will show you where to go."

Kagome began walking off with Sango close behind her. Walking down many hallways and stairways they came to a large room with a big table.

"Hey Kagome, what took you so long?" A girl at the table asked.

"I was helping the new maid, Sango find her way to dinner, Ayame." Kagome said leading Sango to the table. Kagome and Sango took their seats at the table. Food was on plates all over the table. Kagome reached out and grabbed a plate and began eating. Sango did the same.

After dinner Kagome stood up and said, "Come on Sango. Me, Ayame, and Rin are going to met up in my room and talk. You wanna come?"

"Sure. But don't yall have to work?"

"No, all maids are off duty after dinner unless Mr. Yasuo says otherwise."

"Oh okay then lets go."

Kagome lead Sango up to her room with Rin and Ayame too. All of the girls gather up in Kagome's room and sat down.

"Every night after dinner me, Ayame, and Rin met up here so we can chat together, you can hang out with us too every night as well." Kagome said.

"Thanks." Sango said.

"I know you have met Rin, because she shows all new maids around so the only person left to met is Ayame."

Ayame looked at Sango and smiled. "Hi Sango."

"Hi." Sango said.

"So Sango where did you come from?" asked Ayame.

"Well I always lived here in this town, but I worked for this old mean man, I was a maid for him." Sango said.

"Oh. I have working here for three years." Ayame said.

"I have been working here for two years." Kagome said.

"And I have been here six years." Rin said.

"Wow. You guys have been here for a while." Sango said.

"So what is Mr. Yasuo like?" Sango asked.

"We don't know." Kagome said.

"What?" Sango asked.

"No one expect his assistance has ever seen him." Ayame said.

"What how does he get in and out of the house?" Sango asked.

"He probably has some back way to all the rooms." Kagome said.

"Oh. Well anyway I better get going back to my room." Sango said and stood up.

"I will walk you back to your room, Sango if you want." Ayame said.

"Please, I might get lost again." Sango said.

Ayame stood up and began leading Sango to her room. Once they got there Ayame said goodbye and headed off to her room. Sango watched her go then laid down on her bed.

Sango layed in her bed. If only if only I was a rich girl…I could buy all the riches in the world. My cash would never ever end. See I could have all the riches in the world, if I was a rich girl.

"I don't know why but I don't want to go to sleep anymore."

"I think I will go check out the bath room on this floor for the maids."

Sango got up from her bed and walked into the dark hall. "I think Rin said the bath room was this way."

Sango was about to walk off when she saw someone walking down the halls, Sango froze. Whatever it was it was tall. Sango didn't move because if she did the thing would probably see her.

Not knowing why she slowly walked after the thing. She followed it down a hall and into another, but then Sango's foot hit something making a noise. The thing turned around and saw her.

It walked closer to her. Sango looked up at the thing.

"Who are you?" It asked.

"S-Sango Kohana. A new maid here. Who are you?"

The person came closer. They stopped in front of window. The moonlight through the window shined on him and showed he had long sliver hair and had a handsome face.

"I am Mr. Yasuo."

Sango's eyes widen. Great, I was following him the entire time? Oh yeah I am going to get fired.


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