When I first thought of this it only started off as five lines. Later I added and fixed it up. I like how it turned out so I thought I see what others thought. R & R…

Disclaimer: I wish...

'Blue, the beautiful addicting color.'

Bright azure eyes illuminated in the moonlight. A dark silhouette shifted it the shadows of a building. The figure stepped out of the shadows a black cloak covering the body of a young man. A teenager, no older then 16 or so.

Riku had been watching this same person for a while now. It seemed he was obsessed with discovering the boy's identity. Each time he thought he finally get to see the boys face he placed his hood on. As it were Riku was losing patience.

It was the color of the boy's eyes that caught his attention. They were familiar like a friend of the past but it was impossible. That friend had died over a hundred years ago, there was no way he was still walking this earth. Unless…

Is it possible he was like Riku now?Rikuhad become a Vampire shortly after turning 17, attacked in an alley by Ansem. Ansem the supposed ruler of darkness. Can it be possible?

The figure started down the road, street lights lighting the area dully. Riku watched the boy, traveling on the roof tops a block or so behind. This was his mission at the moment as Ansem had no orders for him. Riku stopped a building away from his "prey".

A small knock was heard before a door opened. Music form the club echoed loudly on the near empty streets. The boy seemed to be exchanging words with the doorman, the man nodded stiffly before allowing the boy to pass.

This caused a problem for Riku, maybe. With his skills he could easily persuade the doorman to let him in but he didn't want to risk causing a commotion and losing track of the blue eyed boy.

Riku used his agility to slip in threw a window unnoticed. The music of the club was loud to his enhanced hearing. This was going to cause a headache if he stayed to long. Riku stood on the second floor balcony looking out at the people on ground floor. The floor packed with people dancing and tables full of people enjoying a drink.

The only ones in the club around this time were college and high school students lucky to slip in. All others had gone home to rest it was 2 in the morning. Riku was a vampire and he was fighting the temptation in seducing a young girl to snack on. Young blood was so much sweeter.

Riku ran his tongue across his fangs searching for his target. He spotted blue eyes speaking with a blonde also with blue eyes but a lighter shade. A brunette sitting adjacent to him a lion pendent around his neck. Riku although with superior sight had difficulty making anything else out because of the crowd.

Riku took the stairs to the ground floor after deciding against jumping form the second floor. Vampires were known to this world and it would cause quite a stir among the crowd. Riku walked slowly to were the boy sat with the others. He would be careful about introductions, only him and the boy present.

"Squall you know they'll make there move in the next night so what are we doing just waiting around?" A girl looking much like a ninja said dressed in all black.

"It's Leon and I'm not willing to risk people's lives if they so happen to have a force waiting for a mindless attack." The brunette had spoken shaking his head arms crossed over his chest.

"I agree with Leon were going to have to wait for them to attack first. We have no choice." The blond said taking a sip of the beer sitting in front of him. The group sat at a circular table a single candle lit in the middle.

"Yuffie we have no other choice, but don't worry when they attack will be ready." The blonde had spoken again cutting off the ninja Yuffie from any argument attempt.

"You better be right Cloud." The girl sat down crossing her arms in a similar manner to Leon's.

"Hey what's up you've been offaly quite." Yuffie was addressing the boy with the cloak, his hood still up. The boy lifted his head enough the light bouncing off his eyes. They seemed to be shimmering like sapphires.

"Nothing, well maybe…" The boy trailed off his eyes glazing over expressing him being in deep thought.

"What is it?" Leon had addressed more firmly to get a definite answer.

"I've been having this weird feeling lately. Like someone is following me, but this person seems familiar some how." Riku noticed the boy's voice was a smooth tenor it floated easily over the loud music.

"Really? You sure your not just being paranoid S-" The group had stopped a noise startling them into high alert. They had grabbed weapons they had concealed in their clothing.

"Damn!" Riku had been leaning up against a post near to where the group sat. He had been close to discovering a name for the boy. Unfortunately his cell phone had gone off a tune jazz tune playing.

"Who the fuck is it and you better have a good reason to be call-" Riku was cut off Ansem's chuckling heard. Ansem needed Riku to recover some information on a local group that had been causing them problems.

Riku hung up the phone an annoyed sigh escaping before he placed his phone in his pocket. The group behind him had relaxed after discovering it was a cell phone. Though they were caught off guard when the guy started yelling at the person on the other lined only to shut up.

The boy noticed the unique hair color of the stranger. A flash of sliver was all he could make out before the man vanished into the crowd.

'It seems Ansem has things for me to do after all. Don't worry my blue eyed friend we'll meet in due time I promise you that.' Riku exited the club disappearing into the night.

Think I should continue? Review and tell me what you think! Please I need to know if you like where I'm going with this! Candy to the people who review!