A/N: Today's the day when I began this story! & u know what that means…

Thanks to all 5 reviewers (Ghostboy814, FernClaw, Raidon Phantom, PotterPhan21, ghostanimal) for not being lazy & reviewing! Now for the story…

The Best Gift of All:Chapter 16:Change is Everything

He woke up to a thud, and then found himself face to face with glowing eyes. He almost popped five feet in the air. His mouth was agape.

"Do I shock you much?" the metal face said.

"Uh-wuh…you're a ghost!" Danny had finally snapped to his senses.

"Or I could just be a figment of your imagination, ghost boy," it said.

"You are!" Danny transformed into his alter self. "Fight me!"

"At this hour?" It yawned, if it could. "You must be joking. Now if you allow me to bring you quietly to my master…"

Danny blinked twice, and then his ghostly eyes adjusted to the dark instantly. "It's you…are you joking?"

"About what?" Skulker said, facing him.

"Fighting me. I've beaten you once before."

"When I was at a significantly low power level, I can assure you. Face me at my current strength, and I will be found superior."

"Yeah right!" Danny snorted, and just then he received an uppercut, sending him flying back against the ceiling. "Oww…obey gravity laws, please?"

"Silly boy. Just come quietly."

"One punch proves nothing," Danny said arrogantly, blasting an ectoplasmic ray at him. It dissipated as soon as it hit Skulker's armor. "How-"

"I'm much more powerful than you think, child. This is such a waste of time…"

"I doubt it!" Danny fired off a few more blasts, only to have them dissipate as well. "What do you have up your sleeve…?"

"New armor. Do you like it?" Skulker showed off a crafty grin. "Made it myself, as usual."

"I don't care!" Danny closed in, only to get squatted away like a fly. "Guh…"

"Come quietly…"

"Loser," Danny spouted. He needed to figure out how to beat this guy. He blinked twice. 'Stupid nighttime fogginess of the mind! Guh…'

All of a sudden, it clicked. He grabbed his cellphone off the dresser and dialed the hotkey.

"What are you doing?" Skulker said, turning around.


"Bring your gear to my house, I need help," was all Danny could say before Skulker blasted it.

"Hey!" Danny said, but then smiled. That was all he needed to say.

"Why don't you just give up, ghost child?" Skulker said. "I dominate here. You cannot defeat the ghost zone's greatest hunter who's ever died!"

"Were you ever living?" Danny muttered.

"I heard that! Anyways…"

He was interrupted by a water bottle being thrown at him. Water spilled all over him.

"Who did that?" He spouted, before turning.

It was Sam.

"How'd you get here so fast?" Danny said, awed.

"I just happened to be in the neighborhood," Sam said, winking. Then to Skulker she said, "Ever heard of an electric shortage?"

"What does that have to do with-"

She brought up a flame torch and fried his suit.

"What did you do that for!" he screeched.

She took out the Thermos and sucked him in.

"Thanks Sam!" Danny said, taking a breather. "You're always there when I need it."

"Your welcome." She said.

"Now what were you going to do with that flame thrower?"

"I had to burn some weeds." She said, winking.

"Sure…thanks Sam."

"You already thanked me," she said, blinking.

"But really…you're the best friend anyone could ask for!"

"Really? Naw…" Sam said shyly.

"No really. But I wanted to ask you…" Danny looked down, his hair covering his face. "…if you wanted to be more."

The night sky was very glorious, and at late October, snow started to fall. Christmas would be coming soon: reminiscing the past, and with new memories sure to follow.