A/N: I know I should be working on my other non-complete stories, but this idea came to me one day and it wouldn't be appropriate to hold it off since it's Christmas-oriented, so there you go. It's nice DS fluff for you. If you think this should be continued, put it in your review and I'll continue. Only this first part is around Christmastime anyways.  And just so you know, some of the typos were made on purpose for speech effect. Enjoi reading! I just hope their not too OOC…--0

The Best Gift of All

"Mommy, Daddy! Hey, wake up, it's the day!" A young girl yelled out anxiously, stirring her parents awake.

"Can I open my presents now, huh can I? Can I, please?" She said, giving the goo-goo-eye look.

Her parents couldn't resist.

"Of course Sammy-kins, they're downstairs. But won't you wait a few minutes; we were going to open them at the same time after breakfast sweetie."

"O-kieeee…" Sam whined, and then trotted downstairs to wait at the kitchen table. For a while she looked expectantly at the door, but no one came down. So she sat there, bored, twiddling her thumbs at the table.

When her folks finally came down, it was already 8:25 A.M. By that time Sam had already turned red in the face, and the maid girl, Belinda, had already started fixing the pancakes. They sat at the table, eyeing their daughter, who was only a mere seven years old. She was quite mature for her age, already being concerned about things that mattered in the real world, although her choice was very…childish. Such things were: save the rabbits, eat Mother Nature's food, don't kill the cute little animals for eating, and so on. And she was still so innocent.

Belinda set the pancakes at the table.

"Mmm! Finally!" Sam exclaimed, and dug in. Her mother sighed. Boy she always loved the holidays, and Belinda's special potato pancakes were only a small part of the reason.

"Can I open the presents now, can I? Huh, huh?" she pleaded.

"Fine…" they dismissed her, and she ran to where they were assembled, wrecking havoc as she went. As she tore threw bundles of presents, quickly glancing to see if they were for her or not, until her hungry eyes set sight on the biggest, most humongous present ever.

"Is that…for me?" She asked her mom, pulling on the edge of her dress.

"Of course honey. That's from your uncle from Wisconsin. Remember him?"

"Oh yeah, Uncle Steve. Wow it's big!"

"Want me to get the butler to carry it up to your room for you?"

Sam nodded. The butler picked up the box, and carried it up the stairs to her room.

As he left, he said "That sure is one big present. It seemed to move as I was carrying it and it's quite heavy. Do you want help getting it out?"

"No I'm fine," Sam replied sweetly, and he departed, closing the door shut behind him.

'Now to see what's in the box.' Sam thought. She first tore off the wrapping and the tag.

"E-loo-sieve Gift basket," she read. "P.S. Love Uncle Steve. YAY!"

She tore open the box, and was surprised to see a boy sleeping.

'What's a boy doing in the box? Is he…a gift?' She poked him. He didn't stir. She poked again. He turned around and fell asleep.

Poke. Poke. Poke, poke, poke. He stirred.

"…Wah?" He asked sleepily, yawning. He tried to push himself up but only ended up knocking himself and the box over.

"Owwie!" He exclaimed, Sam giggling at his antics.

"What?" He said, staring suspiciously at her. "Who are yous, anyway?"

"Me? I'm Sam. Are yous my present?"

"I am?" He looked at himself, and found that he was in a box. "Where am I?" He asked the girl, confused.

"In my room. What's your name?"


"Where do you live?"


"I mean, where do your mommy and daddy live?"

"I don't know…"

"What do you mean you don't know!" Sam asked, shocked.

"I mean, I don't really remember them. I was taken a long time ago from my parents. I can hardly remember them, and I only can truly see them in my dreams."

"Oh so who do you live with?"

"This guy, who makes me call him Uncle Vlad, though I know he's not my real uncle. He took me; at least that's what I want to think. He said my daddy and mommy didn't want me anymore, and that they gave them to him. He said that I should feel lucky to live with him. He was mean to me."

"So…that's why you're with me?"

"I don't know how I got here. I ran away from the Uncle Vlad. Then this guy picked me up off the street…then that's all I can remember."

"Oh…" She didn't know what to say. It this boy wasn't her present, then why was he in the box?

"You won't tell anybody, right Sammy? That I ran away? I don't wanna go back to mean 'ol Vlad again…" Danny whined, looking at Sam piteously.

"Danny, I…"

"PWEASE DON'T! I don't wanna go back, EVER!" he said, his eyes brimming with tears.

"Uh okie Danny, I pwromise I won't tell anybody, okie? You know boys aren't supposed to cry."

"So?" he sniffled, attempting to wipe his tears away.

"Oh come here ya big baby," she said, then gave him a bear hug. Immediately he stopped crying.

"You know," he started shyly. "You remind me of Jazzy."

"Jazzy?" Sam inquired.

"I don't remember who she is but I know you act like her, hehe."

Sam stood around for a moment, and then popped the question:

"Do you…want to stay with me? So you don't have to go back to uncle Vlad? You know, become part of the family?"

"Nos!" Danny snapped. "I don't wanna be related to you. You're a nice girl, and I wanna be friends with you. But I don't want to be adopted. I wanna be free to look for my family, and one day, be with my mommy and daddy again. Ok?"

"Then, do you wanna stay in my room? I'll take care of you! I wanna help you find your mommy and daddy too, so you won't be a big baby anymore."

Danny scowled at that, but then smiled.

"Ok Sammy, thanks." He said, hugging her again.

"Ok. You can stay in here." She said, pointing to the closet. "I don't use it much anyways."

"Thanks Sammy. I think we'll always be the bestest friends. You're not like other girls, you know? Always weird…it was very nice to meet you." He said then went threw the door.

Sam quickly pulled some blankets and a pillow off of her bed and handed them to Danny. Then she heard someone coming up the stairs. She shut the door.

"Hey!" Danny said, shocked.

"Shh! Someone's coming." He quieted after that.

She jumped into her bed and pulled up the covers. The door opened and her mom peeked in.

"Honey," she asked. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine mommy, I'm just tired."

"Ok honey. I'll send Belinda to come tell you when it's time for lunch, ok?"

Sam nodded. The door closed just as the light was turned off.

After a while, Sam asked aloud:


"Yeah Sammy?'

"Are you…afraid of the dark?"

"Not anymore. After I lived with Uncle Vlad. He doesn't like the dark, hehe. Are yous?"

"No. I like it."

For a moment it was quiet.


"Yeah Sam?"

"I think I love you."

"Me too Sammy. I think, this has been the bestest Christmas ever in my entire life."

At this Sam smiled. As she nodded off to sleep, only one thought ran through her head: 'This is the bestest gift I have ever gotten.'