This story is my view of one direction Heero and Relena's relationship could go after the series ends. I'm taking a lot of liberties with the characters, just to warn you. Heero may seem out of character because I write him in the context that he matured mentally in the years after the war and learned how to interact with people better. I hope you enjoy the story!

I don't own Gundam Wing unfortunately. I wish I did though!

Chapter 1

Relena hesitated in the doorway. She mentally berated herself for ever considering this course of action. What would possess her to do such a thing? Why did she decide to announce her feelings for him now after all this time? In a matter of minutes she had ruined something that had taken years to build.

Her obsession with Heero Yuy had faded after the war ended much to the surprise of her friends. Without the constant adrenaline rush that accompanied times of war, Relena found her fascination with the gundam pilot slowly fading. Her feelings did not completely disappear, but they somehow seemed less urgent. Maturity and responsibility helped her realize that she had simply been chasing a shadow. With all the chaos that the war created in her life, she had needed a goal, something tangible, to focus on. Heero Yuy became that objective for her. When peace was achieved, Relena found herself with a renewed sense of purpose in her job as the Vice Foreign Minister. The work that she accomplished for the sake of the people became her objective and gradually her dependence on Heero lessened.

However, as Relena discovered, life is never stagnant and circumstances are always changing. Just as Relena had completely dismissed her feelings for Heero as an adolescent infatuation, he stepped back into her life. In AC 200, a separatist movement was discovered to be plotting an assassination attempt against Relena. Since the Marimeia incident, a bodyguard always accompanied Relena on trips to the colonies, but these bodyguards were unable to protect her against this level of a threat though, and so the Preventers were called in to handle the situation. In an effort to protect her, the Preventers dispatched their most skilled agent, Heero, to ensure her safety.

During the time while the separatist group was still active, the interaction between Heero and Relena was tense. Heero was completely focused on keeping her safe and Relena was confused by how easily he diverted her attention. Just as Relena thought that Heero was only capable of speaking in abbreviated sentences, the separatist group was apprehended and Heero's demeanor changed. Without an imminent threat on Relena's life, Heero slightly relaxed. The change wasn't monumental, but it was the difference between giving a question a one-word answer or a full sentence. Relena noticed this change and, in turn, began to feel more comfortable around him.

With the threat gone, a highly skilled agent such as Heero was not technically needed to act as a permanent bodyguard for Relena. An agent of lesser capabilities could easily have fulfilled the duties required, but Heero found that he wanted to continue to protect Relena and the peace that she preserved. Lady Une was mildly surprised when Heero requested that he remain as Relena's bodyguard, but granted his appeal.

Before long Heero and Relena settled in a relaxed friendship. Relena was comforted to know that Heero chose to protect her not simply because he was ordered to, but because he wanted to. Seeing each other daily brought the pair a closeness that they had never felt with another person. Although rumors flew about the Vice Foreign Minister and her handsome bodyguard, the reality of the situation was that Heero and Relena had simply become steadfast friends. For several years, the friendship between the pair was steady and neither party ever alluded to something more. However, situations are always changing.

One late night in AC 203, Relena was working her way to the bottom of a bottle of wine. Her day had been horrible. She broke the heel of her shoe getting out of the car, her assistant had misplaced an important file, one of her proposals had been voted down, and her schedule was so packed that she was unable to visit her young nephew for his birthday. Relena realized that her whole world wasn't ending, but the day had been long and frustrating. So when Heero returned from a meeting at Preventers headquarters, Relena was already halfway to her goal.

Looking back at that night, Relena realized that it was the beginning of the end for her friendship with Heero. Later Relena would wish fervently to go back and change the events of that night. But the course of events were already set into motion.

Heero cautiously sat down next to Relena on the couch. He was always hesitant when she was in a mood such as this. Heero knew that Relena had bad days at work occasionally, but he had never known her to try and drown her frustrations in alcohol.

Heero glanced at the woman sitting beside him, "Bad day, huh?"

With a narrowed glance, Relena mumbled her response over the edge of her wineglass, "What tipped you off, Captain Observant?"

"Well, that lovely expression on your face for one," Heero snarkily replied.

He easily dodged the arm she halfheartedly swung at him. He captured her right hand in his grasp and laced their fingers together. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't pick on you when you obviously aren't up to the verbal sparring. Do you want to talk about it?"

Relena sighed and looked at their interlaced fingers. The contrast of his tan skin making hers seem even paler than usual. He had a way of getting her to talk about her problems even when she didn't want to. "It's really nothing important. Honestly, there really isn't anything to…"

Relena's sentence dropped off as Heero gently squeezed her hand. The movement made her eyes dart up to meet his. She understood his look perfectly and calmly looked away, gathering her thoughts to try and convey to Heero what was on her mind.

"Do you ever get tired? Of everything, I mean. Sometimes I just feel like I shouldn't even bother because the outcome isn't worth the frustration."

Heero paused before responding, "I spent a majority of the war trying to die because I was so exhausted with life. I was so wrapped up in my duty, I didn't notice that I wasn't really living. When I realized there was more to life than being a soldier, I began to actually care whether I lived or died. I still get frustrated with things that seem fruitless sometimes, but I try to remember that although some things are bothersome, it does still matter. Not so much because of the outcome, but because it's all a part of life. And giving up seems like the easy thing to do. You've never taken the easy way out, Relena, and I know you won't start now. It's fine to have doubts because, although most of the world might see you as something more, you are still only human."

Relena was struck by the intensity in Heero's eyes as he spoke. When he stated things with such conviction like that, Relena couldn't help but fully believe him.

"Thank you, Heero," Relena whispered.

"There's no need to thank me for anything. You're a strong person and, while right now you feel like you aren't accomplishing anything, I know that you are. I don't think I've met anyone who could have done the things you have."

Before Relena's alcohol fogged mind registered what was happening, she was in his arms with her face pressed tightly into the crook of his neck. Heero tightened his grasp on her and buried his nose in her hair.

Relena couldn't remember who had moved first or how they had ended up tightly intertwined. All she knew was that Heero's warmth was soothing to her frayed nerves. They had hugged before, but something about this time seemed different to Relena. His hold on her seemed more possessive, as if he were trying to protect her from both her inner insecurities and the outside world.

Gradually, Relena began to feel drowsy from the combination of wine and Heero's warmth. As she nestled deeper into to Heero's neck, he slowly leaned back until they were lying comfortably on the couch. Relena was situated half on top of Heero and half on the couch with her leg thrown over one of his. She took a deep breath of Heero's soap-tinged scent and felt the remaining tension in her body dissipate. Heero lightly traced his fingers up and down her arm in a soothing manner until they both fell asleep.

Although nothing of terrible significance occurred that evening. It opened a new door in their friendship, which could not be closed. As time progressed, Relena began relying on Heero's physical proximity when things were difficult. Heero now actively sought to give Relena physical comfort, whereas before he had only used words. Touches lingered and occurred with more frequency, all beginning with that one night.

After several months of gradually becoming more comfortable with which each other physically in this new stage of their friendship, things shifted yet again.

End Chapter 1