Hm… Super short. But I hate not posting stuff after a while.


Sanji's were possessive.

This is what the blonde told himself after sending some guy to the hospital for hurting Usopp.

Sanji's didn't get enough sex. Horny all the time.

That's the explanation he gave himself, whenever he looked at Usopp and got hard. Really hard.

Sanji's like redheads the best.

He thought, or tried to think while kissing the top of Usopp's head, smelling the peach shampoo in ink black hair.

Sanji's liked women.

He tried to ignore the hurt look Usopp sent his way, while flirting with Nami. His chest ached.

Sanji's were very affectionate.

That's what ran through his mind while holding Usopp's hands and kissing his cheeks over and over.

Sanji's didn't like long nosed freaks. And they certainly didn't love them.

He whispered three loving words in a bronzed ear, making Usopp blush.

Sanji's were in denial.

That's what Zoro had said to him. But Zoro's were stupid. They didn't understand how Sanji's worked.


Done. Very short I know. But I had to post SUMFIN. And this idea came from a convo wif my friend Victoria.

Victoria: What would you do if I got pregnant?

Me: Pregnant? Victoria's don't get pregnant

Victoria: Hey, You're right! Just how Rhiana's don't have lives

Me: That was a low blow

Victoria: That's what Victoria's do.

And there u have it. If ur confused. I'm' sorry. But um. Ok

Hope u liked it. I might make a sequel. Or a chp 2. or sumfin. Ionno, I just like the idea of this fic…

Laterz Dudette