Dream On.

By Chibi Neko Yuy.

A Naruto Fanfiction.

Author's Notes: Hey everyone. In the past year, I've gotten into Naruto and this story has been buzzing around my brain for a while, screaming to be released unto the world. I know I should be working on 'Wizard of Oz', but I'm on a blank there at the moment. So, I figured why not post up something new. This is my first non-crossover story. Hopefully it will work out. However, I will need a beta-reader if anyone is interested because I'm the only one of my friends who is in to Naruto. If you're interested, you can email me or tell my at my lj, http/ also, the name is based on the song 'Dream On' by Aerosmith. I was listening to it and thought it suited Naruto, thus it is my inspiration. It will appear in the story at some time, along with some other songs; though the lyrics will only appear on my livejournal and versions of this story, seeing as doesn't like us putting up song lyrics.

Disclaimer: I do not own the series Naruto (both manga and anime), and I do not endeavor to make it seem like I do. The only thing I own is the plot of this story. Don't bother suing me, you won't get much and it will cost you heaps in lawyer bills.

Chapter One. A return

Naruto, now 15, sighed slightly as he and Jiraiya walked into Konoha for the first time in three years. Tsunade had called them home.

"We'd best go and see what the Godaime wants." The changed blonde remarked.

The past three years had been an eye-opening and humbling experience. It had changed him for the better, both in appearance and personality.

In appearance, he now stood at 6 foot 2 with the graceful, misleading figure of an acrobat. It made him seem almost fragile, something he most definitely was not. His golden blonde hair was longer and slightly more tamed due to the weight caused by the extra length. His blue eyes had an exotic tilt to them and his lashes were thick enough that it looked like he was constantly wearing eyeliner. He'd lost all remaining baby fat on his face, which was now masculine and mature, his whisker marks present as always. He wore the black Jounin uniform, complete with leg wrappings, fingerless gloves, and green flak jacket, and now black hitae-ate, having had to replace the original blue cloth. He'd achieved the rank on his thirteenth birthday. Over the top of this, however, he wore the white jacket that the Yondaime was famous for. In fact, Naruto could easily be mistaken for the fourth Hokage, if not for his whisker marks. On his fourteenth birthday, he had received a shock to the system when he found out that his father was none other then Kazama Arashi, the Yondaime. His mother, however, remained a mystery.

Personality wise, Naruto had grown up. Being hunted by the Akatsuki had forced him to grow up quickly. He still had his big heart, but his loudness had quieted and his endless energy had been tamed. Jiraiya thought it a good change, though he occasionally missed the old Naruto. Of course, Naruto could never give up his love of Ramen, but he wasn't so obsessive about it and actually ate normal meals at the proper times. This had caused his massive growth spurt. His travels had given him a new appreciation for life and had healed many of the non-physical wounds that had been caused by the abuse of the villagers during his youth.

All in all, he was one very different person.

"I'll meet you there." Jiraiya nodded, unbelievably proud of his young student.

Naruto left with a flash of yellow light, using his father's signature 'body flicker technique', the one that had earned him the name 'Konoha's Yellow Flash.'

Tsunade was dozing at her desk as usual when there was a knock at the door.

"What is it?" she asked grumpily.

"Someone is here to see you, Hokage-sama. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he was the Yondaime." Izumo said; he and Kotetsu were her guards, like usual.

"Send him in, I'm curious." Tsunade sat up straighter and got rid of any evidence that she was sleeping.

"Jeeze, if I'd known I'd get this reaction I would have waited for Jiraiya and not gone on ahead." The teen that walked in was extremely familiar to Tsunade, "Miss me, 'neechan?"

"NARUTO?" she exclaimed in shock.

"Tadaima, Tsunade-neechan." Naruto said softly.

Tsunade leapt over her desk and pulled him into a hug.

"Kami-sama I've missed you, Naruto." She said.

"See, I told you I'd look after him." Jiraiya walked in.

"So you did. And it seems you've grown and matured, Naruto." Tsunade held Naruto by the shoulders, looking him up and down.

"Puberty does that. It helps that I've fully merged with Kyubi." Naruto replied.

"That's unexpected." Tsunade was surprised.

"Not really. That's how Father designed the seal." Naruto shrugged.

"He's inherited the Uzumaki skill with seals." Jiraiya stated, "He even fixed the Kazekage's seal."

"I thought Gaara seemed more sociable." Tsunade murmured.

"So how are all my friends doing?" Naruto asked.

"Nara Shikamaru and Hyuuga Neji are Jounin now. Haruno Sakura and Hyuuga Hinata are fully-trained medic-nin. Akimichi Chouji is a chuunin and now teaches at the academy, helping Umino Iruka. The rest of your age group are all chuunin still. Hatake Kakashi is doing missions full time, not wanting to take another team. He constantly states that his team 7 still exists, they're just all getting extra training at the moment. He really is fond of you gakis." Tsunade replied.

"It will be good to see them all again." Naruto smiled fondly.

"You're the furthest advanced. None of them know this for I kept my promise and have not said anything about you." Tsunade revealed.

"Does this mean that my application to the ANBU has gone through?" Naruto was eager to know.

"Indeed it has, Uzumaki-san. Welcome to the ANBU forces." The ANBU captain walked into the office.

"I'm honored." Naruto bowed politely.

"Before you go off with the captain, Naruto, I need to give you some things your father left you." Tsunade handed over an ornate wooden box.

"Thank you." Naruto said as he accepted said box and opened it. Inside were several scrolls, kunai and other trinkets. He took out the topmost scroll and unrolled it.

To my son,

If you are reading this, then it means that my seal worked; you lived, and I died. Naruto, I am so sorry that I am placing such a big burden on your shoulders. I hope you can forgive me for this. I only knew that as an Uzumaki you would be able to handle having the mighty Kyubi sealed inside your stomach, and that when you merged with the kitsune, you would not use its powers for evil.

If only I could see you as you are now. I wonder how you look, how you behave. Do you like ramen? Are you a prankster, or do you study hard? In saving the village, I have lost the chance to learn all these things about you. That will be something I will always regret. Your mother felt the same.

Her dying words were that you were to be named Naruto and that you would be the child used for the seal. She had faith in your strength as well, even before you were born.

Naruto, know that I will always be proud of you no matter what you do. I only ask that you look after the village for me. I loved Konoha as much as you and your mother. Give my greetings to Jiraiya and Kakashi for me, and check in on Kakashi every once in a while. He lost his team-mates young and lets the depression get to him too easily.

All my love,

Kazama Arashi. Yondaime

P.S. I hear that Suna is sealing a youkai into a child. Try to get to know him, I feel you will have much in common.

"So what's in the box, Naruto?" Jiraiya asked, rather curious as to what his former student had left his current one.

"Several scrolls, kunai and other trinkets. Plus a letter from Father. He sends his greetings to you, Ero-sensei." Naruto said with a sad smile.

"It must be nice to hear from him." Tsunade said softly.

"Hai. He said he would be proud of me no matter what I did and that he and my okaasan chose me to be the vessel for they believed in my courage, strength, ability and character." Naruto blinked back tears.

"Well as one last gift, he left the ANBU the keys to the Uzumaki estate. He wished us to use it to house and train the ANBU. It is a separate little town, much like the Hyuuga and Uchiha estates, and the head family mansion has been kept clean but left for you." The ANBU captain stated.

"I have no problem with it to continue being used in that way. I will, however, take up residency in the mansion. Hokage-sama, could you please have all my details changed to my new address?" Naruto requested.

"Don't worry, I'll have it done. Go, you need to commence your training. Good luck with that." Tsunade said dismissively.

"Arigato." Naruto bowed and left with the captain.

"That kid is going to need all the luck he can get. ANBU training is said to be hellish." Jiraiya said, sitting down and accepting the cup of sake from Tsunade.

More Authors Notes: Well I hope everyone has enjoyed this first chapter. If you have any comments, please press review or take them up with me on my livejournal. Also, I'm still looking out for a beta-reader, so let me know if you want to take up that position. Further chapters will come out pretty quickly I hope for I already have a rough outline of the story hand-written.


Konoha – The hidden village of the leaf. Part of the Fire Country. It is the village in which Naruto lives and most of the series is set.

Godaime – Fifth Hokage. Tsunade of the legendary three sannin holds this position.

Hitae-ate – forehead protector. Not to sure on the spelling. Kindly correct me if I'm wrong. Ninjas get these when they pass the academy. It signifies them as ninjas.

Jounin – Second highest rank of ninja. Going from bottom to top, the ranks go academy student, gennin, chuunin, Jounin, ANBU / Hunternin.

Yondaime – Fourth Hokage. Youngest and shortest-lived of the Hokages of Konoha. He sacrificed his soul to seal the Kyubi in Naruto. He looks a lot like Naruto, so it is thought that he is Naruto's father. His name is never mentioned, but Kazama Arashi is what a lot of people think it is.

Hokage – The ruler of Konoha. Word literally translates into Fireshadow.

Kazekage – Ruler of Suna. Means Windshadow.

Suna – The hidden village of the sand. Home to Subbaku no Gaara, another demon vessel like Naruto.

Akatsuki – An organization comprised entirely of missing-nin. They are recognized by the cloaks they wear which are black with red clouds. They are hunting Naruto for Kyubi inside him. Each member is very powerful and very dangerous.

Kyuubi – Nine tailed fox demon that attacked Konoha. Gigantic and very powerful. Now sealed inside Naruto. Not known whether it is male or female. For the purpose of this story it will be female. Kyuubi will lend Naruto its powerful red Chakra when a situation becomes desperate.