Heya everyone. I'm really sorry for the late update of this; I know I said Christmas Day was the last chappie but it was busy, and I was in Birmingham on Boxing Day, so I couldn't do it then. Then, the day before yesterday I was tired and I tried to complete it but failed, and yesterday I was lacking inspiration. But here is the newest chappie, please enjoy! IT WAS CHRISTMAS PEOPLE! YAY! And now, are you ready for the final chapter…that's right THE LAST CHAPTER TO THIS WONDERFUL FESTIVE TALE! I really hope you enjoy; MERRY CHRISTMAS!


"…" Speech

'…' Thoughts

(…) Extra information

Songs are in bold

"Telepathic thoughts are in italic and speech marks"

Chapter 6

VvV Christmas Day VvV

Kitty slowly opened her eyes and blinked repeatedly before closing her eyes tight and then springing them open again with a small squeal, jumping up and phasing through the bed to the end of it and her Christmas stocking. "Rogue! Rogue! Like, wake up girl! IT'S CHRISTMAS!"

Rogue opened her eyes very slowly as if she was mocking Kitty and then sat up just as slowly, ignoring as Kitty huffed at her impatiently, "what ya on 'bout Ki…Ki…Ki…" Rogue failed to stifle a huge yawn before carrying on, "what ya on 'bout Kitty?" But Kitty never got the chance to reply, as their door was slammed open to reveal Remy, Kurt, John, Wanda, Pietro with his arm around Lexa, Lance, Piotr, Betsy and Warren all smiling sleepily.

"Y' alright Chere, Chat (cat)?"

"Ya, thanks Remy but what are ya all doing here?"

Betsy sighed and then bounded cheerfully into the room, "pressies Luv, what else!"

"Pressies!" Kitty squealed whilst still stood halfway through her bed, still phased in it and she ducked down, phasing so you could only see an inch of her back as she fumbled around before reappearing with a bunch of presents. "Swap!"

Wanda smirked and entered the room with her own stash of presents, "deal Kit but I want mine now!"

John laughed and joined Rogue, sitting on her bed and dropping his presents delicately on the floor whilst stretching out and grabbing Wanda around the waist as he did, pulling her next to him as she deposited her own presents. Remy sat in between John and Rogue and everyone stared as she smiled at him and kissed him quickly on the cheek, laughing softly as he rapped his arms around her; holding onto her gloved hand softly. But everyone smiled and turned away to look as Betsy and Warren held hands and walked to sit in front of Rogue's bed on the floor, along with Piotr, Kurt and Kitty who sat in Lance's lap. Lexa and Pietro stood to one side as Lexa whispered quietly into his ear and they looked at everyone before walking out of the door, "we'll be back in a minute, I just have something important to do." Everyone rolled their eyes and turned back to each other to chat as they both left, but Rogue, Wanda and Kitty specifically turned to Warren and Betsy who whispered hand in hand on the floor.

"So, ya two a couple now then?" Rogue smirked as she was stared at before Warren turned to Betsy with a wink and then smiled flirtatiously at Rogue.

"How could I love Betsy when my heart's already taken by you Rogue?"

"No need ta get sarcastic Warren," Kitty giggled and Rogue looked at her and Wanda with a smirk, "but then again…how can anyone resist?"

"Remy dunno Chere, he just don't," Remy winked at Rogue and she smiled at him innocently before pushing him off the bed, "what did Remy do Chere!"

"Nothin, ah just felt in tha mood ta push ya and it was tha rahght moment so ah did."

Remy rolled his eyes and muttered sarcastically under his French, "oh genial (great), just genial Chere."

Rogue smirked and as Remy sat on the bed again she pushed him straight off, "that was fohr tha muttering Cajun, and also cuz ah just felt lahke it."

Remy rolled his eyes but moved straight back onto the bed and, just as he suspected, Rogue pushed him straight off but this time he was prepared; a tight arm rapped around Rogue's waist and Remy wasn't the only one falling off. Even better, Rogue fell onto him and she wasn't scowling, in fact…much to everyone's surprise she actually began to laugh and stayed straddling Remy who was very happy with the arrangement. Rogue eventually got up, still lightly laughing and helped Remy up and they both sat on the bed, with Rogue on Remy's lap so no more pushing could ensue. Once sat comfortably they both looked at their curious audience and Rogue smiled shyly as Remy smirked, before they all turned to face Pietro as he dazedly walked into the room with a sheepish grin on his face. Lexa followed, watching him closely but she beamed as he grabbed her softly and protectively rapped an arm around her stomach.

"So…we gonna open de presents den?" Remy looked around hopefully and smiled as several people nodded.

"Sure, as long as I get to open a pressie first!" Wanda smirked triumphantly as John deposited a small, delicate present in her lap and she began to carefully unwrap it as John gave out his other presents. Wanda gasped, catching everyone's attention as a set of jewellery fell out of the wrapping paper and, lunging at John, she shouted loudly; "OH MY GOD!" Remy picked up the presents and held them in his hand; a dark, blood red, velvet choker with a black cross dangling at the front of it, new black cross earrings, studded with a small ruby in the centre of the cross. (Those are part of her outfit on X-men Evolution - when they've all grown up.) There were also three rings, one that was plain black with random marks etched into it; another was plain scarlet, and the last was black with a cross, made out of a single carved ruby. Remy mouthed a silent 'wow' and handed the times to Kurt who admired them before passing them on.

They finally made their way back to Pietro who muttered something that sounded like 'holy shit' before he passed them back to Wanda, and as she put them all on he admired them, "how the hell did you afford them; the rubies must of cost a fortune!"

"Now that would be telling, and I can't tell that, Luv; it wouldn't be polite," John rolled his eyes as if this was obvious and smiled at Wanda as she looked in the mirror with a squeal.

"OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! OH GOD! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!" Wanda lunged at John and squeezed him in a hug before she ran to her own pile of presents and chucked him his own, before chucking everyone else theirs and receiving a load.

Meanwhile the rest of the room were opening their presents from everyone with gasps, squeals and a lot of 'thanks.'

Piotr smiled softly at the water-paints he received from Kurt, the canvas he received from Rogue and Remy with a 'we thought y' needed a new one, mon ami.' He gasped at the beauty of the rose painting from Wanda and John; three white roses sat on luscious green grass, their detail all painted in perfectly. And also the rose painting from Betsy and Warren; beautiful red roses with a Karner blue butterfly sticking its proboscis into one of them. He laughed slightly at the present from Kitty as she smiled 'you said you needed a new pair.' A pair of large, dark blue swimming trunks that matched with his hair and had large silver letters on the front of it saying 'let the water boil,' and on the back; 'coz it will with me in it.' Lance gave Piotr his present last and Piotr smiled and shook Lance's hand as he opened a new set of brushes, ranging from very fine to extra thick, then colouring pencils that had about five shades of every colour. He opened next a palette for mixing paint in and finally a pack of fifty chalk pastels that Piotr admired for a while, taking in the numerous colours and shades for each.

Kurt smiled as he firstly unwrapped Rogue's and Remy's present and he took off his old image inducer before putting the new one on, "we thought ya needed a more personal image inducer, seeming as you wear it most of the time." It was a very colourful 'watch' (it's not a watch but made to ressemble one and act like one) it was like something from the sixties; bright colours in groovy patterns, mixing with each other and in bold black letter on the strap; 'dig the fuzzy dude!' Kurt smiled and laughed at the writing before opening his present from Betsy and Warren, which he found out was a set of two different shirts and a jacket; the first matched with the watch, bright colours all mixed in, in groovy patterns. The second was a pale blue t-shirt, with dark green writing on the back; 'party guy in town, oldies watch your back.' Kurt laughed and then smiled as he unfolded the last one; it was a dark, two button, brown jacket, with a small top pocket and a tiny black leaf embroidered into the top right hand corner of it. Kurt sighed as it reminded him of Amanda and how she would love him in this jacket when they went on a date and Betsy giggled.

"We both thought you'd find those two tops amusing so we thought we'd cool you down after opening them and remind you of Amanda with that one, Luv, and it seems to have worked." Kurt nodded at Betsy and smiled gratefully with a 'thanks' before opening more presents. From John and Wanda he received an I-pod, the colours resembling the watchstrap and shirt, and from Piotr he received a beautiful painting of himself and Amanda, sitting hand in hand on a beach towel, underneath an umbrella in a beautiful beach setting. And from Kitty and Lance he received three ties; one plain dark blue, one blue with orange polka dots and a black one with Wallace and Gromit printed on it. He also got three sets of cufflinks; a gold set, a silver set and one designed like a furry blue creature, that looked very similar to himself.

Remy got two red on black sets of cards from Piotr, a pair of stylish sunglasses from Kurt, a set of thieving tools from Wanda and John, even though he did put them back in the wrapping paper as most of the rest of the room frowned. A silver watch and a red on black watch from Kitty and Lance, with the valued words 'now you don't need to steal one and if you, like, lose the other then you don't have to steal one, like, anyway because you have another one.' He received a black suit and crimson shirt from Warren and Betsy and then he finally reached Rogue's present, which turned out to be a brand new brown trench coat and a brown Bo-Staff with 'Gambit' inscribed onto it in silver. He smirked in satisfaction before claiming Rogue in an intense, absorbing kiss that lasted for quite a while before Rogue had the sense to pull away.

As he admired his and Kitty's joint present of a painting of them both together, his mind took him into the woods around the X-mansion as Lance thought of how he and Kitty had come together. Standing in the forest, holding tightly onto each other with Kitty's head leaning contentedly on Lance's shoulder as Lance's head rested on hers, just as the painting showed. He smiled at Piotr and shook his hands before moving so that Kitty could jump on Piotr and wrap him in a tight hug whilst squealing…loudly. Next he opened his present from Kitty as she watched him anxiously; a pair of black, finger-less gloves and a matching, sleeveless, black jacket with the word 'Avalanche' printed on the back. He smiled and leaned over to kiss her before turning to watch Pietro open his presents.

Pietro smiled at the ice-blue suit from Remy and Rogue, the large set of hair products from Lance and Kitty, the treadmill from Betsy and Warren, the new mobile phone from his sister and John. But Pietro especially loved the joint present for him and Lexa from Piotr; a painting of Pietro seated on the sofa in the living room, with Lexa sitting in between his legs, leaning back onto his chest, just as she was now. He smirked down at her as he held the picture in front of them both, before bringing his hand up and revealing a present for her.

Warren caught everyone's attention as he laughed at the present Wanda and John gave him; it was a whole set of things to help him take care of his wings, including a stylish set of feather trimmers. Next he was shown a joint present from Piotr to him and Betsy that he had let her open, showing Warren flying in a blue sky, with clouds surrounding him as he carried Betsy in his arms, whilst she kissed him on the cheek. Remy and Rogue handed Warren a small parcel that he opened with a smile; a new mobile phone, a silver Nokia 7270 with white wings on the back, that looked exactly the same as Warren's own wings and he smiled. He opened his present from Lance and Kitty slowly and carefully as it said delicate on the side of the box and he laughed again, "you guys hoping for a drink or something?" Warren pulled out the small box containing Vodka and three shot glasses, then he pulled out two bottles of red wine and three bottles of white. He opened his present from Kurt and smiled; a box of cologne, a box of shower gel, shampoo and conditioner and another box of deodorant roll-on and spray. Warren laughed as he thought of something and as he shook Kurt's hand he paused, "I hope you're not trying to hint anything Kurt." Betsy handed him a lumpy present and Warren smiled as he opened it; a bran new white suit…the exact same, snowy white as his wings, with a silver shirt that had wings embroidered into the top pocket. He smiled at Betsy and kissed her, "the perfect outfit for a date."

He passed his own present for Betsy to her and she smiled at him widely before unwrapping it to reveal a stunning dress; it was dark purple and was strapless, the shape of it clung to her breasts and waist while the bottom hugged her hips and thighs. But as she placed it on herself, Betsy noticed that the bottom bit flared out slightly, flowing elegantly until it reached just past her knees. The bust line was slightly low and had a black lace trimming, which matched with the bottom of the dress. She smiled warmly and, after kissing Warren viewed her opinion, "the perfect for the perfect date with my perfect boyfriend…we must have been thinking the same thing."

Warren laughed, "mmm…well, it can only mean one thing; a date, but we'll decide on it later."

Rogue smiled at Remy as she opened his present and threw herself on him with another absorbing kiss; a set of dark green, silk gloves that ran up to her elbows and a matching silk, dark green scarf. But the main part of the present was a beautiful necklace; made up of a silver chain connecting in the middle by a stunning, circular emerald dangling down by another small chain.

Lexa opened her present from Pietro with a small gasp; two gold bracelets with a blue sapphire at the link, which Lexa opened so she could put them on. A gold necklace that joined in the middle by a dagger shaped sapphire, and a pair of earrings, which were sapphires, set in pure gold.

John opened his present from Wanda after everyone had finished opening their presents and he jumped on her, enveloping her in a tight hug. She smiled at him as he turned back to his four new lighters; a red one, with fire running up it from the base to the top, a black one with the words Pyro engraved into it in fire. He turned over the black one and marvelled at the fire shaped ruby based in the centre of it before he turned to the last one; plain black with the words 'My Heart's Fire' engraved in the bottom of it in fire lettering.

But then Kitty caught everyone's attention as she faced Pietro and Lexa, "I, like, don't mean to sound, like, rude or anything…but how come you haven't given anyone presents and how come a lot of us only got presents from our partners?"

Remy smiled at Kitty, "glad y' asked dat Chat…see we have a surprise for most of y'."

"Ah hate surprises…and why haven't ya given anyone presents?" Rogue shot a curious gaze towards Lexa.

"It's a surprise…" Lexa smirked at Rogue's scowl, "you'll have to wait. And besides, I want my present!" Lexa looked around at the room and saw several of the occupants smirk and stand.

"Well Lexa, if you'll just stand up then we'll show you right away."


Remy held his hands over Rogue's eyes, Piotr held his over Kitty's and Lance's eyes, whilst Warren held his hands over Betsy's, Pietro covered Lexa's and Wanda's eyes as Kurt covered up John's, trying to ignore the manic laughter emitting from him. They all suddenly stopped and on the count of three they removed their hands, smiling as the people who were covered all gasped. They were stood in the garage and in front of them were four cars and three motorbikes, they were all different colours and it didn't take long before the new owners were standing by the right vehicle.

Rogue stroked the hunter-green Yamaha FJR1300 lovingly before she got on it and put the black helmet on with 'Rogue' inscribed on it. Kitty jumped up and down with delight before she phased into her bright pink mini cooper, looking around at the seats that were covered in white fluff and the steering wheel that as covered in the same fluff. She batted the pink fluffy dice, which hung from the white, fluffy mirror, like a cat and then pressed a button, which made the black roof slide down into the car. Wanda immediately got onto her scarlet Suzuki GSX-R750 and picked up the black helmet, admiring how her name 'Wanda' had been inscribed into the helmet in scarlet, before she placed the helmet on and leant back, lazily, onto the back seat of her motorbike with a smile. Betsy bent down on her heels to admire every angle of her dark purple Porsche Boxster convertible. She inspected it carefully before smiling satisfactorily and unlocked it, then got in, stroking the black seats and examining the purple and black interior, before placing her hands on the purple steering wheel and leaning back in ecstasy. Lexa walked around her car, her hand stroking along it as she walked, as she bent down to look at the wheels she looked u slightly and noticed how her hair matched perfectly with dark, midnight blue colour of her Honda S2000. She smirked and without a second thought she moved quickly to the door and with a SNIKT unleashed one of her claws, holding it to the door and looking around as she felt the anxiety of several people, before she moved forward and stuck the claw into the lock. As she unlocked the door she heard someone sigh in relief, probably suspecting she might of slashed up the car…but how could she do that to something she had fallen in love with at first sight! She retracted the claw and ran a hand delicately over the silver seats and the black and silver interior before she took her key out of her pocket and put it in the ignition, revving the car and smirking at the low, sporty, rumbling sound it made. Lance had got in his new, dark brown Range Rover almost as soon as he'd seen it, he placed his hands on the black steering wheel in disbelief and then let his eyes wander over the black interior, before he turned round. His hands stayed on the wheel, and he looked at the back of the vehicle, but it didn't have one, or a roof, much like his old jeep but twice as gorgeous. (Look at his old jeep on X-men Evo, and imagine it brown and more sporty.) John was the last to move to his vehicle, to enraptured in it's beauty to move but as Lexa's car revved he was snapped out of his thoughts and went to his Honda XBR 500, it was dark red with orange flamed running up it towards the back. John sat on the bike and run his hand up the flames before taking out his matching key and putting it in the ignition, revving up the motorbike and smirking at the loud, low, rumbling noise that erupted from it. He suddenly heard another revving noise and turned to his right, looking at Lexa who smirked at him as she revved her car and he smirked back, revving his car louder as she did until they both were told to stop.

"Jesus gahs! Would ya quit it, y'all give meh a headache…" Rogue paused and smiled maliciously, "especially with the crap sounds they ahre making." She stuck her hunter-green key into the ignition and revved the bike up, and even though neither admitted it, John and Lexa had to admit it did sound a lot better.

They all stopped revving however as Betsy's voice screamed through their heads, "would you guys quit it! If you weren't revving so loud you would have just heard the Prof. calling us all, he wants us in the living room now to unwrap his presents from him."


All of the x-men sat in the living room, smiling, chatting and laughing, all admiring each others new Evolution outfits that the Professor had bought them. Some played with new toys or investigated new items of clothing or electronic device.

Ray and Jubilee sat hand in hand chatting to Amara who sat in Roberto's lap, whilst Jamie and Danielle held hands and talked quietly, trying to ignore Bobby and Tabby's heavy make out session. Scott and Jean talked to Logan and Ororo, each couple holding hands, as Rogue and Remy playfully fought each other, encouraged by John and Wanda who shouted encouragement whilst she sat in his lap. Kitty and Lance talked quietly in a corner and kissed every now and then, whilst Rahne and Sam did the same next to the Christmas tree. The fire roared and kept all the other singles warm as well as Pietro and Lexa who sat quietly together, talking in hushed voices.

Pietro and Lexa shared a glance that no one noticed and then they both slowly stood up, cuddling close in each other's arms, Pietro hugging Lexa protectively as she smiled at their audience. "We'd like to give you the most special Christmas present we could," Pietro cuddled Lexa closer to him as everyone turned to them curiously.

He looked down at Lexa and she smiled up at him and nodded, before turning around and smiling happily to everyone but she turned to kiss Pietro lightly on the lips before she started to speak. "We have some of the happiest news any couple could wish for………I'm pregnant…and we're going to keep it." Lexa blushed as everyone sat in shock before most of the girls all began to squeal and congratulate them in delight and the boys went to shake Pietro's hand. But the only person who didn't move from his spot until everyone had finished their congratulations and sat down was Logan; he stared in shock at his daughter and Pietro before he began to walk towards them.

Pietro drew back slightly but stopped as Lexa tugged on his hand and stayed perfectly still, his arm squeezing on her waist as Logan glared at him, "you better take care of it, that's all I'll say." Lexa stared at Logan and then rushed towards him and hugged him tightly before looking up at him with her eyes twinkling.

"You want us to keep it!"

"If you didn't I'd have to kill the both of you." Logan's voice sounded threatening but he smiled and the x-men all relaxed as they recognised he was joking, and they all went back to congratulating the both of them.

However, as soon as everyone was done and sat down again this time they noticed Lance had stood up and they all stared at him in amazement; his gaze fixed totally on Kitty who blushed slightly. He smiled down at her and everyone watched in awe as he slowly got down onto one knee and put a hand into his pocket, bringing out a small black box and handing it to Kitty, as he held out his arms to her. "Kitty, I've loved you for I don't know how long and I know you love me back; make my life even more perfect than it is, marry me?" Everyone drew back as Kitty opened the box and it sparkled in the light but they all soon peered forward as Kitty threw herself at Lance with all her might and nodded whilst kissing him lovingly. It was a ring, a beautiful ring; four small lilac, rounded amethysts all ringed around a stunning aqua blue, rather large, square apatite, placed on a platinum ring that fitted perfectly onto Kitty's ring finger as Lance slid it on. Kitty squealed and threw herself at him again before she ran to their cheering audience and held out her finger to them all to admire the stunning beauty of it as Lance followed her and held tightly onto her hand.

But as Kitty reached Piotr she paused and gently held out her ring finger to him, squeezing onto Lance's hand as Piotr studied it closely, "it iss beootiful (beautiful) I iss so happy for the both of you, and especially happy for Katya, I am so proud." Kitty squealed in delight and hugged Piotr tightly before running across the room and practically throwing herself at Rogue who grabbed her hand at once, showing it to Lexa and Wanda.

"Ah suppose we cast tha fahnal (final) vote as ta whethah or not he's good enough fohr ya?" Rogue, Wanda and Lexa all smirked as Kitty nodded eagerly and Lance bit his lip anxiously, "well…what do ya think girls, coz ah'm not ta sure." Rogue pretended to look thoughtful and pulled Kitty's hand to Wanda who took it and turned her hand from side to side to get a full view before passing it to Lexa.

"I don't think I even need to bother on that one," Wanda turned away in mock disappointment, whilst Lexa shook her head and sighed.

"What a shame…what a bloody shame…" she suddenly stood up and hugged Kitty before laughing, "what a bloody shame that I don't get one!" Kitty squealed and hugged her back before throwing herself at Wanda and Rogue and then turning to Lance.

She kissed him lightly on the lips and smiled, "I love you Lance, nothing would make me happier than to be with you forever."

"I love you more than this whole world Kitty, and I always will." They kissed and then turned to everyone before the x-men all smiled and the whole x-mansion rang as they all shouted simultaneously,


The end

WOO HOO! (I know, rather cheesy…) A couple of perky twists to that tale and I hope you enjoyed it all, look out for the sequel next Christmas! I hope you all have wonderful Christmas', spend a good time with your family and most importantly; get all you favourite pressies! Love Thrills, xxx