
A/N: Thank you all for the reviews and for waiting. Please do not blame me if this chapter turns out bad. I'm not at school now coz' I'm not feeling so well :( So I'd appreciate it if you go a little easy one me hehe. Okay, here is Chapter 3; Enjoy.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Shaman King. If I did, I would add some more romance between Yoh and Anna!


Hmm … I wonder what's happening out there. I hope Anna isn't pulverizing Anne. I don't want anything bad to happen to my fiancée, nor do I want anything bad to happen to my sorta ex-fiancée.


Yoh looked at up at the night sky. The stars were out tonight and a shooting star passed by.

Pretty odd. A shooting star passing by at such a awkward moment in his life.

Yoh closed his eyes and made a wish. Afterwards, he opened his eyes and continued to stare out at the stars, while he waits for the Kyouyama sister's return.

Yoh's mind swirled. It just hit him that they were sisters. Both so very different. Anna has her anger problem, cold exterior, and that strong side that Yoh always admired.

Yet Anne has everything Yoh finds in a fiancée. Beauty, carefree nature, sweetness, kindness, and she's full of love.

That's what Yoh wanted .. love.

Anna is just simply not a giving person and will certainly not give or show love.

He then heard the door slide open.

His eyes showed the disappointment of who he rather see. But his eyes also saw something very wrong with what they've seen. Anna came in smiling, looking very friendly. But Yoh quickly changed his expression back to disappointment.

Anna saw this and looked down sadly, but quickly gained back her posture.

Remember Anna, you're doing this for Yoh …


Yoh looked at Anna.

"Y-Yes Anna?"

"Yoh I have good and bad news for you."

Yoh gulped quietly.

"What .. is it?"

"Anne is gone, I sent her home. She will not return. As for me, I am still your fiancée."

Yoh just stared at Anna.

He couldn't believe that Anna drove away the only person he ever really cared about and loved. But then again, Anna drives away all his happiness. For Anna was his unhappiness. He never thought that he could ever hate a person. Hate was such a strong word to use. Dislike is a good replacement, but no. Yoh hated Anna. How could he not? She was everything he disliked. And after what she did, he would not forgive her. Or so he thought …

"Which part of that was the good news and the bad news," Yoh answered after a pause.

"I don't know. You tell me." Anna replied back.

Yoh opened his mouth slightly, in surprise.

He was taken back by her curt response.

Anna stared at Yoh. Sitting on his wrinkled futon. It was then she realized that she lost track of time. It was very late, almost midnight.

"Well Yoh, I don't need you to give me a response. I think we both know the answer to that. Goodnight."

And with that, Anna left his room.

Yoh stared at his shut door.

I think we both know the answer to that.

What did she mean by that? Yoh wondered.

But Yoh just simply shook it off.

I'll worry about this tomorrow. I need time to rest. I don't have the energy to deal with this now.


"So how do you think I did?" Anna asked.

"It was okay for a start," Anne replied.

"Well is there anything else I can do to make it more convincing that I'm trying act like you," Anna said.

"You could be kinder to Yoh. Show him some respect. Oh and act much sweeter," Anne pointed out.


"Do I have to? Can't I just give him space and leave him alone," Anna pleaded.

"There's no other way Anna. C'mon, you want Yoh to be happy right?" Anne asked.

"… yeah ..," Anna answered reluctantly.

"Then he's going to have to be around a happy environment. Which is you," Anne exclaimed.

"Okay then. Starting tomorrow I'll do everything you suggested."

Anna hated the fact that she had to do what her littlest sibling asked for. But she had to do it for Yoh.

"Good. By the way Anna … thank you."

"For what," Anna said.

"For what you're doing. Helping me try to establish a good relationship with Yoh. But even though what we're doing isn't good. You're trying to help the one you love, to be with the one who he loves."

Anna paused.

"H-He said .. He ….loves you ..?" Anna asked slowly.

Anne then realized that she said too much.

Her mouth opened to speak but nothing came out.

Anna didn't say anything. She already had her answer from the long hesitation she got from Anne.

"Oh…….okay. Well I'm going to sleep. Anne, you can sleep in the guest room."

"Okay… thank you," Anne said quietly.

She felt very uneasy with the new tension surrounding them.

"G-Goodnight, Anna."



A/N: Well how did you like it? Good, bad? Anyways, the plan is in action. Anna's first shot at it wasn't so great. But hey, you don't expect her to act so cherry and merry out of the blue when she finds her fiancée kissing her sister and that he isn't really her fiancée. But she's going to try it again some other time, when I update. Read and review, please. Thanks :)