A/N: Sorry it's so short. I'll try to update more soon.

Chapter 11

Walking down the makeshift aisle, she was a vision in white. No one compared to her beauty that day. Everyone smiled or cried as she made her vows to the one man she loved. The one she was about to spend the rest of her life with.

Soon they were pronounced husband and wife and not one person remained in their seat as they kissed for the first time as a married couple. At the reception, not an eye was dry as friends toasted the two and shared stories from when they first met. An older man whom neither recognized stood.

"Although I do not know these two very well, I have heard from others the kindness and love in their hearts. They have protected us and for that I am truly grateful. Never before have I seen such a perfect match. To Elizabeth and Rodney." He raised his glass and everybody drank to the bride and groom.

Elizabeth was on the verge of crying and Rodney had gone red in the face. Sitting on the beach of the mainland with all of the expedition and the Athosians, there was no place they would rather be – except, maybe, with John and Teyla.


Drenched in a cold sweat, Teyla sat bolt upright in bed, panting heavily.

"What's the matter?" John had awoken from Teyla's sudden movement and was now holding her to his chest, trying to comfort her.

"I had another dream. Like the one I had on the ship." Her eyes glazed over as she tried to hold onto it, but it escaped her, as dreams usually do, and she was left only with the image that woke her: a pair of coal black eyes staring menacingly into her own.

"I don't remember it now. I'll be alright." John didn't quite believe her, but was too tired to argue and was sure Teyla was as well, so he gave in and let her go back to sleep.

But Teyla didn't sleep. Long after John had drifted away into his dreams, Teyla lie awake trying to understand who the eyes belonged to. Surely she would have remembered seeing eyes as terrifying as those before; She knew they didn't belong to anyone she had met before in her life.

Just before dawn, Teyla finally fell into a fitful sleep. One filled with dreams of the black eyes. Again, when she awoke, the dreams eluded her, and she was once again left only with the image of the eyes.


"Teyla, are you alright?" Camille, the woman with whom Teyla had become best friends, asked as Teyla yawned for the fifth time that afternoon while they were preparing for the dinner they were going to have together.

It had been four days since Teyla had first had the dream and every night she had trouble staying asleep because her mind kept revisiting the person the eyes belonged to. She had yet to remember anything other than those two frightening attributes, and judging by the way they kept her from getting much sleep, she wasn't all that thrilled about seeing the rest of the person.

But she wasn't about to go telling Camille about her dream no matter how close they had become, because she couldn't bring herself to tell John.

"I haven't been sleeping well because I've…" She frantically thought of an excuse to satisfy Camille's curiosity. Suddenly she had a beyond brilliant idea. "Well, John and I… we're engaged." Camille gasped and clapped her hands together excitedly. "And we didn't want to tell anyone just yet because we wanted to get used to the idea ourselves first. But I've just been wondering if I'm making the right decision."

That was a lie if there ever was one. The only reason they hadn't told anyone about the engagement was because they weren't quite sure how to announce it. And there was no way Teyla was having second thoughts. She knew she was in love with John and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him and nothing could change that. Still, Camille bought it and was pushing Teyla into a chair so she could hear all about everything.

"Oh, dear it's nothing to be worried about!" She said reassuringly. "I went through the same thing when Jerad and I got married. It's totally normal. Just let it pass. You're starting a new part in your life. Of course you're going to be nervous about it. Now tell me, how long have you been keeping this from me?"

"Only about three weeks."

"Three weeks!" She shrieked and then laughed. At just that moment, John walked in the door.

"What's so funny?" He asked as he hung his jacket on one of the pegs by the door. "Hey sweetie." He kissed Teyla before sitting on the couch across from the two women.

Camille was rocking back and forth in her seat, smiling, and biting her knuckle to keep from saying anything. John looked at her strangely but had gotten used to her craziness over the past couple of months so he brushed it off as one of her "moments." Teyla was trying not to laugh at the sight of Camille and was similarly trying not to blurt out that she had told her.

Fortunately for John, he did not have to wait long with the odd-behaving women because Jerad came home and they went outside together to get the wood for the stove so Teyla and Camille could cook dinner.

"Your wife is strange." John said as soon as they had gotten out of earshot of the two friends who had burst out laughing as soon as he and Jerad had left the room.

Dinner passed with small talk and bits of gossip and Teyla was grateful that Camille had mustered up enough self-control to keep from shouting out her juicy bit of news. Not that she really cared if everyone knew, but she didn't want John to expose her by saying something that would contradict Teyla's story. This was why she hated lying.

After their meal, Teyla contented herself with knitting and Camille read by the fire while John and Jerad played a game similar to horseshoes outside.


It was only about eight o'clock in the morning when people started showing up at their house to offer their congratulations.

"I may have mentioned it to Camille last night before you came." Teyla said guiltily, though she knew that John wouldn't be mad.

"So that's what you were up – wait, last night?" Teyla nodded. "Geez. The gossip mill here is worse than it was on Atlantis."

A/N: Just a quick chappie. Tell me if you like and I'll rack my brains for the next part. I've got the ending all worked out, I just have to get the characters there.