Title: Unhinged Love
Author: Skyy Ryder
Rating: T/M - Adult Content may come in later chapters.
Summary: Two people who virtually despise each other end up having a drunken night of pure passion. What happens the following morning when they wake up with one another? Will they still hate each other, or will things change? What about when some shocking news comes to follow?
Pairing: JOHN CENA/OC, Stephanie/Paul - other characters mentioned.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters you recognize. I do however own Mackenzie Roddick, her persona, Kaci Wright and any other made up characters. I also own the storyline and plot, but I do not... do NOT own the WWE wrestlers, I wish I did... but frankly I just don't have that kinda cash. :)

I found that some of these qoutes will give you a vibe for the story... or atleast some of it...

"You know when I hate you, it is because I love you to a point of passion that unhinges my soul" - Julie de Lespinasse

"Hatred is never ended by hatred but by love." - Buddha

"Love comes...when you dare to be vulnerable." -Dr. Joyce Brothers

"When love is supressed hate takes its place." - Havelock Ellis (1859-1939)

Unhinged Love

Chapter 1

Stephanie McMahon-Levesque sat at the head of the long red oak table; a stack of papers seemed to pile up in front of her as she looked down the long table at her writing staff. Her very best friend sitting next to her, her Chief of Writing, Mackenzie Roddick. She was trying something new; she was going to be splitting her team up in to several little teams for the bigger superstars, to have a more focused group. She started to assign three or four superstars to one person. She looked at Mackenzie and told her she would be writing for Randy Orton, David Bautista and Randy Orton, as well as assisting her in writing for Paul Levesque, Stephanie's husband, and for Kane and the Undertaker. Mackenzie nodded as she wrote down the names of the people in her writing staff and the names of the wrestlers she would be taking care of. Stephanie then told everyone she would set up meetings with the superstars and their writing team and then she dismissed them.

"So Mack, what do you have in store for me? I'm sure it'll be something good?" Stephanie asked.

"I was thinking… it's time for a big change..." Mackenzie stated as she stayed seated next to her close friend. Another member of her writing staff, Kaci who also happened to be close with both girls, stayed as well, to throw out some ideas.

"What kind of change?" Stephanie asked her curiously.

"I think Cena needs to lose the title... at Backlash..." She stated.

"What?" Kaci asked. "John loves being champion, and the fans love him..."

"I know... but he just seems so untouchable, like when Paul had it forever... it just seems like it's time for a change... a big change..." Mackenzie stated as she looked at Stephanie. "What do you think?"

"I like it... I like it a lot... but I don't think Cena is going to like it. He's going to be a hard one to crack with this. What about for Randy and Dave?" Stephanie asked as she jotted down some notes.

"For Randy I was thinking, we need to start using this Legend Killer persona some more... he's been battling with Taker for what seems like an eternity... who are we bringing back soon that he hasn't already shamed?" Mack asked.

"How about his father?" Kaci butted in.

"I like it... no I LOVE IT" Stephanie stated.

"Great idea Kace!" Mackenzie stated with a huge smile. "I know they both would agree to it, they'd do just about anything."

"Exactly..." Kaci stated pointing her pencil at her close friend.

"Ok now, Batista... hmmm... I like him as a good guy... but I love him as a bad guy..." Mackenzie stated.

"I feel you on this one... I know its going to be good..." Stephanie stated as she looked at her watch. "I already scheduled our meetings for 10 minutes from now... so meet me in the small conference room across from your office..."

"Alright, I'll try and get some good ideas out and give 'em to the guys... c'mon Kace... we've got brain storming to do..." Mackenzie stated as she gathered up her things.

Mackenzie was about 5'6, dark brown hair that rested just past her shoulders, light brown eyes that usually hid behind her petite black framed glasses. She was an average looking girl, nothing like some of the Divas around, she had an average build, wasn't too busty or too thin, she was very as she liked to say... average. Kaci on the other hand was the blonde voluptuous babe, with a lot of brains.

Mackenzie sat down at her desk and began to type away at her laptop, she had 10 minutes to get all of her ideas in a neat order to present to the three men she would be seeing today in the conference room. She continued to type away as Kaci continue to think of some ideas for the storylines. She would throw some ideas at Mack and see how she felt about them later.

The ten minutes had passed as Mackenzie was printing out her guidelines for the story ideas. She grabbed her clipboard and favorite pen as she and Kaci walked across the hall to meet Stephanie right before they walked in.

She discussed with Dave first about him turning heel again, he thought it would be a great idea and would get a lot more interaction with the fans with the sudden change. She smiled at Dave and looked at him seriously.

"Any input you have, just let me know... you know I'm pretty flexible when it comes to dialogue and who you'll be against... so whatever you don't feel comfortable with, tell me..." She told him.

"Mackz c'mon I've been working with you for 2 1/2 years, you are a genius... I never argue with you... you are the brains behind the operations..." Dave laughed.

"Good I might have to hurt you if you said otherwise..." She winked at him. She turned her attention to the youngest man in the room, and a very attractive one at that. "Now Randy, we were thinking this feud with Taker just seems never ending... so we figured... what legend could we have you concur next?"

"And that would be?" Randy asked enthusiastically.

"How do you feel about turning on your dad?" She asked him.

"I was wondering when you guys were going to bring that up!" Randy stated with a smile. "Dad and I talked about it before, incase it ever happened we are both cool with it. I think it'll be good for both of us..." Randy smirked.

John sat back watching this twenty-something year old woman try and muster up these drastic changes in storylines. He could careless what she had him do; he'd do what he wanted and how he wanted it. He sat with a smug smile on his face as she turned to him.

"Now John, Stephanie, Kaci and I have been thinking... and we think its time for a change..." Mackenzie stated.

"What kind of change..." John asked rudely.

"We all agreed that you're going to lose the belt at Backlash..." She stated.

"WHAT?" John yelled standing up completely irate.

"The new storyline is going to have you losing the title to Triple H at Backlash... causing a feud between the two of you..." She stated.

"This is ridiculous... what do you know about being a champ?" He asked her.

"I wouldn't know anything about that... but we're the creative team behind all of this..." Mackenzie told him pointing to herself, Stephanie, and Kaci.

"John please... we're only doing our jobs..." Stephanie stated as she got up to reason with him.

"No, you are just some young little thing that comes in here, trying to ruin everything for everyone, everything that I've worked my ass off for... you give all the good storylines away and what does it get me?" John asked. "Jack shit... this is fucking ridiculous... I'm out of here..." John grabbed his things and walked out of the room.

Randy and Dave were both shocked by John's outburst, Randy being his best friend had never seen him blow up like this; especially over a silly storyline that will end up changing in a few months anyway.

"Well... that went well... don't you think?" Kaci stated trying to break the silence between the three girls as Randy and Dave both left.

Stephanie and Mackenzie both turned and looked at her. She simply shrugged her shoulders and gathered her things.

"This is going to be the longest year of my life..." Mackenzie stated.

"Hey, if he gives you any more trouble Mack... let me know... I'll have dad try and straighten him out..." Stephanie stated.

"Don't worry Steph; I think I can handle the rapping fool..." She smirked as she walked back to her office.

Well please read and review as always, one of my first actual long stories I decided to post up. Working on this one long and hard... let me know if you guys like it or hate it... should I stop or keep posting... ?