Doki Doki
By Prospero Hibiki
God of Misdirection, Caffeine, and Those Socks You Lost Last Tuesday
[email protected]
A short fic from someone OTHER than Ryoga's perspective!
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Disclaimer: Do I really need to say it?
Ranma ½ (its characters, themes, episodes, etc) all belong to Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Video, and whoever else owns them. All I know is that I do not own them. I am not making a profit out of writing this, and I never will. As a writer, I respect the right of intellectual property and so I would never do anything to violate that right. This is just a fanfic. I love Ranma ½ and think that Rumiko Takahashi is the greatest. I also have one other thing to say.
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Doki Doki.
Strange if anyone had told me that it would happen I would have called him a liar to his face. Ryoga actually went out of his way to not fight Ranma today. And all for a simple reason, because I asked him not to. There is probably more to it than that, but I think that something is happening. Something important is happening.
Doki Doki.
The last few weeks have been an emotional roller coaster. I haven't been able to really understand what I've been feeling for so long. Ryoga's been an enormous help in helping me sort out my feelings but I don't know if that will possible anymore, because he has slowly become central to some of the feelings I was uncertain about.
Doki Doki.
My life has been so confusing ever since I showed up in Nerima. All the fighting has really started to get to me, and I don't know if it's worth it anymore. People have always made my do things in order to make me fit into their idea of who I should be and I'm not going to let it happen anymore. I need to let go of the past and get on with my life like I should have been doing for the past ten years.
Doki Doki.
Ryoga got upset with me when I brought that up the yesterday. He yelled at me and told me I should always go after what I wanted never giving up. He didn't understand that that I wasn't sure if I wanted Ranma anymore. Or maybe he did. He had a really strange look in his eyes when he left for the night.
Doki Doki.
Ryoga's leaving again tonight but it seems much more permanent for some reason. I think he is going away forever. His honor is making him believe he's blocking my path to my goals. If only he would really look me in the eyes again. He hasn't done it since last night and I don't know why. I hope, but I don't really know.
Doki Doki.
He's trying to leave but I've grabbed onto his hand. Strange I can feel his heartbeat through our hands and it's the same as mine. I know now with such sudden clarity that it's always been like this. He looks up for just a second and our eyes lock before he flinches away. I see it now. Or rather I understand what I've seen for the past few weeks.
Doki Doki.
He speaks, "Ukyo I need to go. I shouldn't have come back. It was wrong for me to come back. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this. I'm sorry."
Doki Doki.
He tries to break loose of my grip but can't. I know that sounds strange but it's true. Ryoga the powerful, Ryoga the Mighty, Ryoga the ridiculously strong can't make me let go of something I want.
Doki Doki.
He's done so much for me and now I know why. I open the door. "Okay Ryoga. I'll let you go. But only after I do something." I know that I'll have to make the first move.
Doki Doki.
He's still looking away when I gently kiss him on the lips. That gets his attention real fast though. Gently almost timidly he puts his hands around me and kisses me back. I give a brief thought as to what the people on the street must be thinking right now. But only a brief thought.
Doki Doki.
I eventually break it off. "Bye Ryoga. I'll see you tomorrow." Ignoring the incredibly cute confused look on his face I quickly push him out the door and close it.
Doki Doki.
I wait for a few minutes before I open the door again. He's still standing there with the same look frozen in place, but in it I can see the beginnings of a real smile. I only hope he snaps out of it before people show up tomorrow.
Doki Doki.
I grin. Hell, I hope I snap out of it in time for work tomorrow.