Head Over Feet

(Sequel to Love Ridden)

Chapter One

Mocking Bird

It's been 3 years since Emma left. She finished school a few months after she left Toronto. Once she finished, she moved out of her parents house. They knew she was pregnant but didn't understand why she refused to tell her friends. She had the baby on October 18, 2006. When she moved, she went to New York. Her parents ended up selling Snake's parents house and moved in to another house in Toronto. She's living in a small house with her almost three year old daughter, Kaydence Christine Nelson. Emma worked for a small company that sold organic foods. Not her dream job, but she was paid well and had good hours.

Manny and Sean got engaged a year after Emma left. Manny doesn't know about Kaydence. They haven't seen each other since Emma left. They do talk on the phone and write to each other. Manny graduated last year and just got 'discovered'. She's now a model for some agency. Manny and Sean are living in Emma's parents house. They rent it. Sean works in an auto shop, fixing whatever needs to be fixed. Alex graduated and got an apartment outside of Toronto. She's seeing a guy named Mark. She's a manager at a bookstore. Jay is living with Manny and Sean. He hasn't really been seeing anyone. He's dated a few times, but no one really stuck. He wrote to Emma and calls her every now and then, but she always seems distant to him. He works with Sean, but is mainly behind the counter taking orders and stuff.

June 17, 2009

Emma was sitting in the kitchen going over some papers for work. Kaydence was sitting in the living room playing with her toys. The phone rang and Emma got up to answer it.


"Hey Em. It's Manny. I have amazing news?"

"Oh really? What?"

"Sean and I are getting married!"

Emma smiled, "That is amazing. When?"

"In three weeks."

"Wow. That's really soon."

"We've been engaged for a few months. We just wanted to wait until we told anyone."

"Oh, well then that makes sense."

"So, will be my maid of honor?"

Emma laughed, "Do you even have to ask?"

"Yes! You're the best."

Emma let out small sigh, "So, who's going to be the best man?"

"Jay of course. Like you even have to ask. I can't wait until you're back here! It's going to like old times."

Emma turned and looked at Kaydence, "Not exactly, Manny. I kinda have a surprise for everyone when I get there. When should I head up there?"

"As soon as possible. As the maid of honor, you have many duties. Like my bachelorette party!"

Emma laughed, "Alright. I'll talk to my boss and probably leave Saturday."

"Perfect! I'm so excited, Em! I have to go now though. I have to call a few more people."

"Alright. I'll see you soon. Bye."

"Bye, Em."

Emma hung up and sat next to her daughter, "We're going to be going to visit some of mommy's friends. You'll get to see Grams and Pop Pop, too."

Kaydence smiled, "And Uncle Jack?"

Emma nodded, "Of course."

Kaydence jumped up and ran to her room. The whole time she was talking, "I want to bring my princess toys. Oh, and some of my animals? Can we bring Sandy?"

Emma laughed as their dog came waddling over to her, "Of course we can. I don't think Sandy would like it if we left her here all alone. But, baby, we're not leaving for a few more days."

Kaydence pouted, "But, I wanna go now!"

"Kay, don't start. Let's go to mommy's work. I have to talk to my boss."

Kaydence rolled her eyes, "Fine."

Emma laughed, "You are such a little brat."

Emma drove to her work, with Kaydence in the backseat. When they got there, Emma talked to her boss and her boss said of course because she never missed any days. Emma got home and started to pack. When she was finished, she put Kaydence to bed, who had fallen asleep on top of her suitcase trying to get all of her toys to fit. Emma went to bed and dreamt about everything but what she thought her friends reactions would be once they found out she was hiding a child from them.

I know it's short, but I just wanted to get it started. Hope it's ok. This one probably won't have song with every chapter. But the chapter titles will be named after songs. This one is Mocking Bird, which I got from Eminem. Yeah, I have a strange taste in music. I listen to everything, lol. R&R