Well lovelies, I'm back!! I thought I'd update it today so that you don't have to wait. ) Now you can't say that I don't love you. Lol. Enjoy the chapter guys. Love, Me.

Disclaimer: I don't own it. Gotdang it. LoL

Last Time

...that didn't matter now. Right now she needed to check on her hanyou...


Kagome lowered herself to the ground, still glowing a slightly blue color. But the moment her feet touched the ground, gravity came back into play and she began to breath heavily, as if she had been holding her breath the entire time. She immediately ran up to Inuyasha who was by now on all fours with a hand to his wound, trying to ease the pain. He only succeeded in making it worse by touching it.

"Inuyasha! Inuyasha are you alright? Whats wrong?" She asked him, trying to find out what was wrong with him. Normally a dagger to his gut would't keep him down for more than half a second, but now he was having trouble breathing!

"P-poison. Blade." He sputtered grinding his teeth together.

"Poison?! Let me see." When he didn't, she tried to move his hand herself. In doing so gaining a harsh, deadly growl from him and making her jump. She recoiled from him for a moment pulling her hand away from his form. "Inuyasha, I need to look at it. Let me help you." She said still slightly shaken by that aggressive growl he gave her. "I just want to see how bad it is. I promise to be gentle."

He was hesitant at first, but eventually, he painfully removed his hand from his wound.

It was awful. The blade had been longer than she had thought. It went at least 9 inches into his flesh from what she could tell, and the poison was beginning to bubble around the open flesh. Kagome was truly worried now. If he didn't get this dealt with soon he could very possibly die from it coursing through his veins. It would get to his heart fairly soon if she didn't do something about it. Kagome was still a little hesitant. She didn't want to hurt him more than he already was. She also honestly didn't want to hear him growl at her again. He had never growled at her like that. And if he did is wasn't ever as deep and menacing as it was a moment ago. No, this time he scared her. It was really strange to feel this way. She had never ever been afraid of him before.

Inuyasha P.O.V.

He could smell it the moment he had growled at her. The one scent he didn't ever want directed to him from her. Fear. She was afraid of him. that thought alone hurt more than the poison slowly boiling his insides.

'Shit. I never meant to scare her. It just hurt.' He thought miserably. 'I feel like shit. Well I would have felt like shit even if I hadn't growled at her, but thats beside the point. I need to apologize when this is over.' He thought as Kagome continued to examine his wound.

Normal P.O.V.

"Inuyasha, I can cure this for you, but all the ingredients I need are back at Keade's. We need to get to the village." Kagome stated after looking at the wound.

"K-Kagome, I can barely move, how do you expect us to get back?" He asked breathing harshly.

Kagome thought for a second. She had another idea, but she knew that it was risky. Not to mention he would definately kill her for this if she tried it. She had heard Keade tell her something back before the well was sealed. A way to take the pain of another. Almost like switching your health for someone elses. She knew what she had to do to do it, it wasn't hard at all. Especially with her newfound abilities as a miko. But she had never tried it before. But this was an emergency. If it didn't work then they would just have to try something else, but she needed to at least try.

"I have an idea Inuyasha. But you have to be very still." She said like she knew exactly what she was doing. 'I hope this works.' She thought to herself as she layed him gently on his back and opened up the top of his haori to reveal bare skin.

"W-What are you doing Kagome? This is hardly the time." He choked out painfully as he began to sweat profusely.

"Shut up Inuyasha. Just trust me." She said as she layed her hands on his bare chest and closed her eyes.'Ok Kagome, concentrate. You can do this.' After a moment her hands began to glow a light blue color again, which spread throughout Inuyasha's body until he too began to glow. After a moment Kagome began to sweat and breath heavily as her entire body began to glow along with Inuyasha's.

She was healing him. He soon found the burning throughout his body was becoming more and more bearable. As if the pain and the poison coursing through his veins was being...drained from him? 'No. She wouldn't would she?' Inuyasha thought before opening his eyes which no longer held pain. But what he saw made made his heart almost stop beating.

Kagome had a slash across her stomach. He only saw it from the blood seeping through her clothing from the inside out. Her eyes were closed tightly and her teeth were grinding to the point of almost shattering them.

"Kagome. Please, tell me you didn't." Inuyasha said to her before he lifted her top so he could see her stomach, finding the large gash across her belly and a greenish liquid oozing from it. "Damn it Kagome..." He said sternly but tenderly and softly.

"I'm sorry Inuyasha." She said weakly as she leaned slightly. "It was the o-only way..." And with that, she passed out due to the poison and sheer exhaustion.

He picked her up immediately as gently as he could, holding her bridal style, and ran for all he was worth back to Keade.

The village came into sight quickly. He saw Sango and Miroku on his way through. They waved at him but he just passed them by. When he didn't stop running towards Keade's, they knew something was wrong anf followed him to the old miko's hut.

He arrived at Keade's and called for her. "Hey hag!!"

"What is it Inuyasha?" Keade asked, annoyed at the hanyou and not paying attention.

"Its Kagome!" He called. That got her attention.

"Set her on the futon. What happened to her Inuyasha?"

"I don't know. She switched with me somehow. She traded her health for mine when I was injured and now she bears the wounds that were inflicted upon me. It's kind of difficult. Does that make any sense?"

"I understand what ye are speaking of, but I need to act quickly. Leave so that I can heal her Inuyasha." Keade said as Miroku and Sango ran into the hut.

"What happened? Is Lady Kagome alright?" Miroku asked worriedly.

"Sango" Keade said "I need ye to help me with Kagome. She has been poisoned. As for you Inuyasha and Miroku, I need ye to leave the room." The old priestess told the two worried young men.

Inuyasha was reluctant of course, but thought better of it. Making a deal with the priestess that he would be able to see her as soon as she was done healing her, he made his leave. Waiting restlessly for the reckless girl to be healed. 'I'm going to KILL her for putting herself in danger like that. She's so reckless! I don't know what I'm going to do with her...' He thought to himself as he stood outside of Keade's hut waiting restlessly for Keade to heal his Kagome.


Well, thats all for now. Sorry to keep cliff hanging you like this, but I needed to stop somewhere! LoL. I hope you like it so far. I am about to type up another chapter for you and maybe have two up tonight. Thanks for reading and as always, review review review!!

Love always,
