Chapter 4

Sasuke was completely paralised, with his hand on Naruto's head, looking to the calm and kind face that Kakashi had.

'He saw it! He saw IT!' - His head couldn't stop repeating those panicked words. His normally calm and thinking mind was completely reduced to that phrase and Kakashi's face.

"Oh, you don't need to be nervous" - said Kakashi with a soft voice - "It's a perfectly normal thing on young couples… I remember well how I was with Iruka..."

Kakashi smiled, probably remembering a good memory as he talked but Sasuke was pissed off with the comment.

"We. Are. NOT! A couple." - he answered.

"As you wish, Sasuke… It's not my business what you and Naruto do with your intimate life." - He looked at the floor, seeming slightly disappointed - " But you know, I am your teacher and friend… So you two can trust me, that I will not say a thing... I can even give you advice!"

"I wasn't doing anything, alright?" - Sasuke exploded - "I just slipped and fell on Naruto! So don't put your hentai mind imagining things that didn't happened…"

Sasuke got up to fetch a pair of shorts so he could cover his private parts.

"What are you doing here anyway, Kakashi-sensei?" - the brunette asked, trying to regain his normal calm state.

"Didn't your 'husband' tell you?" - asked Kakashi trying to relax Sasuke, but it had exactly the opposite effect on him, as his face contorted in a 'I-am-gonna-kill-you-if-you-go-on-with-the-jokes' expression.

"We have a new mission, and it looks like it's going to be a B" - said Kakashi - "I came to tell you two yesterday at night but you were sleeping so I only told him…"

He looked at Naruto's direction.

"And Naruto said you two would be there at 1 o'clock… and after I waited 2 hours I decided to pop in the house."

Sasuke looked at the Naruto's alarm clock.

"It's 4 o'clock." - He made a suspicious face - "You arrived late as usual."

"It happened a funny thing on the way, so I got there a bit later than the hour" – Kakashi answered sweetly as he made a casual, innocent face.

"As usual…"

"Hmmm…" - Poor Naruto grunted, still lying on the floor. Sasuke and Kakashi looked at him.

Naruto opened his eyes, looking at his surroundings with a numb expression. His eyes stopped at Sasuke who immediately blushed and looked away.

'Why am I reacting this way? I wasn't doing anything to him!' – He thought.

"What… happen to m…?" - Naruto asked, starting to regain consciousness and he noticed the white haired man - "Kakashi-sensei?"

"You slipped in the bathroom and hit your heat on the bathtub which made you lose consciousness." - Sasuke explained quickly, trying to stay cool and don't let Kakashi tell his hentai version of the situation… Succeeding it - "So I brought you to your room."

Naruto raised his head to look at Sasuke, assimilating the message slowly, then Sasuke was presented with a warm and cute smile from the blond.

"Thank you" - he said, making him even more adorable. And for a moment, Sasuke's heart didn't beat like it did normally, but instead it raced… Sasuke touched his chest, feeling a warmth he hadn't feel for long time ago.

Suddenly Naruto looked down, his cheeks turned pink and he turned his head to the side. Sasuke was wondering why the strange reaction from his 'husband' but his silent question, like telepathy, was answered - "Hum… You might wanna put some clothes... Now…"

"Huh? What are you…" - Sasuke looked down and realized that he had been naked all the time and the shorts were still on the floor. He blushed, picked his shorts and after fumbling a bit trying to put them on, left the room making furious gestures to Naruto and still blushing like a tomato.

Naruto started to remember the early events, and as a reminder, his head hurt. The blond lifted his left hand reaching his head, touching the spot where he collided.

"Ouch.." – He complained with pain and Naruto thought, disappointed - 'Looks like it wasn't a good start…'

"How are you dealing with Sasuke?" – Kakashi, being who he was, always made the most stupid questions.

"Not very good as you can see." - He answered - "I had a little accident on the kitchen."

"Oh! So it was that! I saw the burning marks." – His sensei sighed – "But I thought it was a very powerful form of Sasuke's Katon:Gokakyou no jutsu..."

"Eh eh eh..." – The ninja laughed sheeply, sitting up and his eyes facing the floor.– "Looks like it didn't go the way I was expecting."

"Oh, I am sure that he has already forgiven you" - Kakashi encouraged Naruto by giving him a smile... At least he thought it was a smile behing his mask... - "Everyone makes mistakes!"

It worked!

"Thanks Kakashi-sensei." – Naruto's face lit up - "You're right!"

"And if he hasn't forgive you yet, he will forget it anyway when he hears about the mission."

"Is it THAT good?" - Naruto got up with an excited look – "Not like those D rank missions when you made us scratch dry chewing gum from the streets or even when we cleaned the Noble and VIP's bathrooms?" (A/N: Read the one-shot "Toilet Misunderstandings". Coming Soon!)

"Well, it's different from the previous ones..." - revealed Kakashi-sensei, but although Naruto's shinny blue eyes asked for more information, he stopped the sharing there. But the current look of Kakashi-sensei's face made Naruto think. His eyes shined with mischief and his smile even reached his eyes. Now, when had he seen such hentai grin before?

'Ah!' – The blond thought – 'This mission must be Iruka-sensei-related for I only remember ever seeing this level of happiness from Kakashi-sensei when Iruka-sensei invited him to come with us eat ramen at his place...'

Naruto cast his eyes up, remembering the ocasion - 'Now that I think about it, Iruka-sensei went to buy the ramen with him and only came home the next day at 6 a.m…I almost starved to death and when he arrived he was with his clothes all dirty and no Ramen.'

He muttered with innocence, bringing a finger to his chin – "I wonder why Iruka-sensei started to avoid talking to Kakashi-sensei since then… He said that a bunch of ninjas robbed them and tied them to a tree so they took a while to untie the robs… Maybe he got mad because Kakashi-sensei wasn't able to protect him."

Sasuke got back to Naruto's room, already dressed with his blue shorts and his dark blue shirt sporting the Uchiha fan in the back.

"Are you going like that?" - He questioned coldly to Naruto, referring to the blond's

still wet clothes.

"It's hot outside anyways so it won't be a problem." – The blond nin answered - "So let's get going because Sakura has been waiting for us 4 hours already."

"I am used to Kakashi leaving me waiting for hours but not you two!" – Said a very upset Sakura when they arrive to the meeting point, although, as usual, more directed to Naruto than Sasuke - "Why did you 3 took so long?"

Naruto started to open his mouth, with the intention of telling her what happened to them. But Kakashi suddenly appeared from his back and held his mouth with his left hand. Naruto hadn't even felt him move so he was caught by surprise and started to struggled, however he was no match for the Copy-Nin as Kakashi immobilized him, avoding his escape.

Sasuke looked at Kakashi with a 'WTF' look but it only took eye contact for the two sharingan users to understand themselves. Sasuke understood his signal, but Naruto was clueless as ever.

"Why are you all doing those serious faces? Are you hiding something from me?" – inquired Sakura - "What... HAPPENED?"

"Naruto fell on the street and Sasuke caught him." - Kakashi lied with the lamest smile Sasuke had ever seen.

'Sakura is smarter than that, baka sensei!' – Sasuke thought, trying to improvise some other excuse – 'She won't buy that!'

Sakura looked at Sasuke asking for a confirmation, and he caustiously nodded in agreement. And voilá!

'I guess she did...' – Sasuke thought trying not to look too surprised, silently wondering how she was the second in their class. He glanced at his 'husband' and verified he was still struggling, in complete naiveté to why they were lying to Sakura.

"humfu hum…" - was the only thing that was coming out of his mouth, with Kakashi still grabbing his mouth.

"Could you two excuse us for a moment, I think Naruto is having a 'man problem'.

Sasuke, could you keep Sakura some company while I help him?" – Kakashi asked.

'How lame can you get, Kakashi-sensei?' – Sasuke looked at him – "Sure, no problem!" That made a very, VERY happy Sakura.

Kakashi walked a few meters away, when he was sure he was out of ear reach from them, and only then he released Naruto. As expected, the blond gave deeply gulps of air, for Kakashi was effectively preventing him from any form of speech.

"Gah… What was THAT all about?" - Demanded Naruto, breathing quickly.

"She still doesn't know what you two got married and are living together." - Kakashi said as the most obvious thing in the world.

"So what? Let's tell her! If we don't, we'd be lying to her!"- Naruto complained – "We should always tell the truth!"

"Okay! So you can be the one saying it to her." - Kakashi suggested - "But have you thought how she is going to react when she finds out? Especially to the fact that you've married him? AND that you two are living together?"

Naruto tried to simulate various reactions from his pink-haired team-mate at hearing the news but in all of them, he ended up dead. He gulped, his throat suddenly dry.

"Eh eh eh, you are right… It's better if she doesn't know." – He laughed in typical Naruto-in-trouble manner, nervous from the pure terror picture of Sakura-chan mad at him – "What she doesn't know, won't hurt her, will it?"

'Fortunately Sasuke understood right away.' - Kakashi sighed.

They both returned to the company of the still VERY happy Sakura and the tedious face of Sasuke that looks at them as the 'Salvation'.

'Thank god they arrived, I don't think I could stand more 'fan drooling' or histerical giggles from Sakura at every thing I said... or grunted...' - He thought as he saw them coming – 'Next time just kill me first.'

"Well, maybe it's time for me to refer the details of the mission." - Started Kakashi-sensei, clearing his voice to begin - "We, the 7th team, were chosen by the Hokage to do the 'Mission ISP', and that stands for 'Investigation of the Spa Problem'."

"This mission will have two teams, one will do the information gathering (that will be us)" – he provided - "And the other will be composed by a single chunin to take action when the time comes, and to support us if we need it."

"So basically our mission will be espionage and infiltration!" – Kakashi-sensei smiled at the surprised look of his young disciples. Naruto seemed about to explode of excitement, Sakura was with the 'In heaven' look, thinking about going to the Spa, and Sasuke...was as always.

"Now to the basics of the mission" - continued Kakashi - "Our mission will have place at the 'Summer Spring' village, that is well known by its natural hot springs that attract thousands of tourists and Spa fans every year. Problem is, this year there has been 6 kidnappings in 2 weeks and the targets were young ladies from 14 to 19 years old."

"That's horrible!" - exclaimed Sakura.

"Yes it is, that's why the village hired us to find what is happening to those girls and recover them." - Kakashi made a serious expression - "We are suspecting Slaving business, but we were ordered to gather information and discover the culprits."

He paused and look directly to their eyes.

"And that resumes the mission." – he finished with his carefree tone.

Kakashi looked at Naruto.

"As our first job of infiltracion and espionage, that means that we will have to stay on the shadow and not reveal our identities or our village to anyone from there except the one who hired us. Which also means to stay as discrete as possible… Did you get that Naruto?"

"Yeah…" - Naruto mumbled, making a disappointed face.

"But of course we are allowed to enjoy the Spa as long as that doesn't interfere with the mission." – Kakashi-sensei kindly added, breaking the ice.

"REALLY?" - Sakura and Naruto said at the same time – "That's great!"

"I knew you two would like it." – Kakashi-sensei laughed – "Well, the reunion is over… We will depart tomorrow and are to be expected on the village for as long as it takes to find the culprits, so make your bags and return here tomorrow at 1'o clock for us to go."

Kakashi disappeared in a flash, leaving the three by themselves.

"Well, I am going to do my bag… Bye everyone!" – Sakura ran to her home, leaving Sasuke and Naruto alone, who made their way slowly to Sasuke's home.

Naruto was completely hyper about the mission, but Sasuke kept a thoughtful face, not listening to a word about what Naruto was saying.

'This is very strange… How could they put our team doing such a tricky mission like espionage…?' – he mused – 'Something is not right! Naruto had always been unpredictable and failed on every issue of espionage on school, not forgetting that he normally has the ability to became the centre of attention.'

'So why?'

"Sasukeeeeee! Are you listening, teme?" – Screamed Naruto at Sasuke's ear, making him jump and have an ear-ache.

"AAAHH! What do you want?" – asked the annoyed Sasuke, finally listening and giving his whole attention to Naruto.

"Why are you so quiet? You haven't heard a word I said…" – Naruto looked to him with a suspicious face – "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" – answered the black-haired ninja, starting to be lost in his thoughts again.

'There he is again…' – thought Naruto – 'He is concerned about something and is too damn baka to tell me what it is!'

"Sasuke-teme! Just tell me what it is!" - Naruto angrily demanded.

"I said it's nothing… just my stuff, nothing important" – Sasuke made an annoyed face, mostly because he didn't like to be interrupted in his line of thoughts.

Naruto sped up and went ahead of him, stopping Sasuke from passing, looking at him in the eye, with a blue full of determination and worry. For a fraction of second, Sasuke blushed with that eye contact.

'What is wrong with me?' – he scolded himself, sending that feeling away as he tried to go to the left, try to skirt Naruto. But Naruto followed his movements and went to the left too.

That earned him quite a surprise. Instead of an angry Sasuke, he got and unexpected reaction from his supposed 'husband'.

Sasuke smirked.

'Hum… So you wanna play.' – He thought looking at fox-boy – 'Let's see if you can catch me.'

Sasuke disappeared before Naruto's eyes, running through the roofs so fast that he almost couldn't be seen at the naked eye.

"Hey! You won't get away until you explain yourself!" – Naruto screamed to Sasuke, starting to pursue him at the same speed, without losing his track.

Sasuke, expecting to be followed, went to the woods near the Uchiha complex… But Naruto started to shorten the distance since Sasuke had to cut the path.

'The baka has got better since last time.' – Sasuke thought, and an idea occured him, making him smirk again.

Sasuke changed direction to the left, Naruto on prowl and smiling for he was almost reaching Sasuke – 'I can't believe that I am gonna finally beat Sasuke!'

But he didn't notice that Sasuke was slowing his speed on purposed.

'Just a little more…' – Sasuke said to himself – 'NOW!'

Sasuke jumped, giving a backward mortal and Naruto kept going at his front and he only noticed what Sasuke had done too late.

He tried to stop, but he found a muddy ground that makes him skid

"What da..." – was all Naruto had time to say, before... – "AAAAHHHH!"


Naruto fell to the lake that was ahead, submerging completely. Sasuke landed on the ground and walked towards the place that Naruto fell and he gave a few laughs.

"OH God, you truly are an idiot Naruto! I can't believe that you fell for that." – He said cockily. He continued to chuckle as he waited for Naruto to return to the surface, but after a few moments that shouldn't be, Sasuke started to worry.

He ran to the lake, looking at the blue water in search for his team-mate – 'Where is he?'

Feeling panic to rise within him, he entered the water, stretching his neck to see if he could see Naruto's figure.

But suddenly Naruto jumped from down and grabbed Sasuke by his neck, pulling him to the lake. Sasuke didn't even have the time to utter a word as he fell on the water with Naruto. Sasuke submerged a little and then he came back to the surface at the same time as Naruto.

"Gah!" - He breathed with some difficulty, although Naruto was at his state too, he couldn't stop laughing.

"You…fell…for…it." – The blondie laughed through gasps of much needed air.

Sasuke looked furious to Naruto, searching in the water for something to throw at the Naruto's laughing face. He reached for a seaweed… and projected it to Naruto's face, but the blond saw it coming and avoided it…

Naruto stopped laughing and made a really big, warm smile to Sasuke.

"What are you smiling about, idiot!" - Asked Sasuke, still in anger.

"You have been all tense since we left home, that's odd even for you Sasuke so I got worried." - Naruto confessed, making Sasuke blush a little.

'It's your fault for being tense! I started the day with my kitchen on fire!' - Sasuke thought without saying it out loud.

Sasuke started to swim to the edge of the lake, preparing to get out. But Naruto wasn't satisfied with the return of the stranger-that-usual-Sasuke.

So Sasuke received from the back a brown, heavy and sticky seaweed the size of his head, making him loose balance and fall face-on into the mud.

He calmly and trembling with anger, got up, turn around allowing Naruto to laugh at his face, all cover in mud and still with the big, yucky seaweed on his head, making him look like he had brown hair

But the laugh didn't lasted too much, as he started to cough from the piece of seaweed that Sasuke had thrown at his mouth, taking advantage of the fact that Naruto laughed with an open mouth.

"I am gonna make you regret from being born Naruto." – seethed Sasuke with the evilest smile that Naruto ever saw…

The sun was almost down when they left the lake and Sasuke had to bring Naruto by his arm, since Naruto had fighted with Sasuke until his exhaustion.

But Sasuke was at his limit too…

'Oh God, I'm breaking into pieces… I can't believe that I still have to prepare our bags.' – He thought as he made his way to the house. Looking at Naruto… he verified he had a truly happy face, even unconscious – 'After all this time on the same team I still don't get you at all… And I don't think I ever will.'

He looked at the sun coming down on the trees.

'Let's go home.'

When Naruto woke up, it was already day.

'Oh, my body feels so heavy.' – It was his first thought. He tried to get up, but his body didn't obey him.

'I think I'm gonna sleep a little longer…' – He thought, snuggling more, but as he tried to roll to a different position, he noticed that he had an extra weight on his chest.

He noticed that his back was against the wooden floor of Sasuke's house, and quite honestly, it was starting to feel uncomfortable, so with a little effort he looked down to see what was holding him.

'Oh, it's just Sasuke… He's naked again.'

Sasuke's cheek was against Naruto's naked chest, his right arm surrounding Naruto stomach and the other on the floor. His chest was half on Naruto half on the floor as he was on an lateral position towards Naruto and his legs were firmly intertwined with Naruto's left leg… sleeping peaceful as a baby.

And as a plus... They were both naked.

Naruto was about to sleep again, but his vision finally reached his brain and, he in panic looked again to verify the information that reached his head..

'WE ARE BOTH NAKED AND ON THE FLOOR!' – That was all Naruto's mind could register at the moment. Naruto panicked with the situation, but his still numb body wasn't moving properly… He was only able to go to right a few centimetres, trying to get out of Sasuke's grasp.

'WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I DOING WITH SASUKE ON THE FLOOR NAKED?' - His head shouted violently… He took a little to calm down... But... -'NOOO WAYY! Sasuke wouldn't do that kind of think…'

He started to chuckle nervously.

'As if he would be interested in a GUY, with so many fan-girls that he has… and even more me!' – he calmed himself – 'I'm being stupid for having such nonsense thoughts.'

Sasuke's body started to move… Naruto looked at Sasuke, relieved because he knew that Sasuke would have some sort explanation to this peculiar situation, and everything would be alright in the end...

But, to his terror, Sasuke had lifted his head and…

Had his eyes closed.

'HE'S SLEEP WALKING AGAIN!' – He painfully realised it.

Naruto found his strength in the panic he was feeling, so he tried to roll away from Sasuke, but the young ninja wasn't gonna let go of Naruto's stomach for he tightened his grasp on the blond.

Naruto tried to struggled, but as if sensing his movements, Sasuke lifted his chest unexpectly and put more of his weight on top of Naruto… The only thing that was still struggling was Naruto's head, who, in total panic, was hitting his head on the floor.

Sasuke surprisingly put his arm under Naruto's head, and in the next hit his arm got hit. Naruto felt the texture change and a strange noise, so he took a peek and found Sasuke with a forming bruise on his arm on the place that he had hit.

Naruto looked at Sasuke's sleeping face. He didn't showed any expression or sign of getting hurt or something, but by the bruise Naruto had hit him strong… He calmed himself with such a gesture.

Sasuke's face didn't move from Naruto's face direction and the blond was too shocked to react, like hipnotised, he could not stop looking at the sleeping ninja's peaceful sleeping face.

Then lips colided to his, softly pressing against his own. Sasuke's arm was gently holding Naruto's head and neck, as he calmly gave the blond a prolonged kiss on the mouth.

Naruto didn't struggle or react, just letting himself be completely dominated by Sasuke's scent and texture of his lips. Sasuke moved their bodies so that they were molded to eachother, letting almost every part of their bodies making direct contact.

Sasuke's kiss increased intensity, as he licked Narutos lips and put his tongue in his "husband's" mouth. And Naruto noticed... It was feeling so good inside...

Sasuke opened his eyes, but didn't immediately noticed what was happening, so he instinctively went on with his passionate kiss.

He looked at Naruto's bright bue eyes.

And the kiss stopped as quickly and violently as it began when Naruto regained conscious from the panic.

Sasuke released Naruto, jumping from him, but he couldn't avoid receiving the punch of Naruto that projected him to the other side of the room, hitting his head against the wall. The punch was not enough to hurt him only to lose his balance and it caused him to sagg against the wall.

For a moment, they both just stood in there, looking at each other faces, breathing quickly from the adrenaline.

But Naruto recovered first, letting rage take control of him.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT YOU DAMN HENTAI! YOU SON OF A &$$#&#! YOU…MORON!" – Tears of frustration started to fall from the angry and panicked state he was in – "YOU DAMN SLEEP-WALKER!"

For the first time in his life, Sasuke didn't have the response to Narutos anger... as he let Naruto curse him as the blond liked, because it was his fault.


But that wasn't his fault.

"That's is your fault idiot! We fell on the lake remember?"

"WHEN I WOKE UP YOU WERE ON TOP OF ME, NAKED! DO YOU HEAR ME! YOU WERE NAKED AND ME TOO!" – Naruto screamed while pointing at Sasuke.

"IT'S NOT LIKE I CAN CONTROL MYSELF WHILE I SLEEP!" – Sasuke finally exploded, releasing everything that he had contained on the past few days – "I didn't intended to kiss you! That was one of the reasons that I wanted to live alone! I never asked to have company! I NEVER WANTED TO BE WITH PEOPLE BEFORE!"

Naruto became quiet to the sudden explosion of Sasuke. He was getting the feeling that he was a burden again… And sadness took him over.

He looked at the floor, his anger long gone.

Sasuke became quiet too, after the explosion he…

'I didn't want to say that this way…' – he thought, regretting the harsh words that had came out of his mouth – 'I wasn't gonna say that!'

"Very well" – Naruto broke the silence - "I will leave."

He started to walk to the door, but something held his hand.

It was Sasuke.

"You… don't have to…" – he said, with difficulty – "When I went to get you on that day, I invited you on my free will… and I…"

He paused, having difficulty with his words to come out, saying without looking at Naruto's face.

"You can stay... So... Stay." – He murmured.

Naruto looked at Sasuke, without believing that he had just heard those words come out from him… He couldn't hold his tears any longer as he began to cry from the mix of emotions that were in him, making a huge noise and completly embarrassing Sasuke.

"What are you crying for! Stop it!" – he demanded, without knowing what to do to Naruto, who's cry was increasing – "You don't have to become emotional now, you idiot!"

"Don't…sniff… call me… sniff…idiot…" – Naruto whimpered with difficulty from all the crying.

Sasuke smiled for a second.

'He is back to normal.' – He mused.

Sasuke looked at the wall clock near them. And froze.

Naruto noticed his expression.

"What is it?" – he asked.

Sasuke then reacted suddenly, like someone had gave him an electric discharge.

"WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THERE AT 1 O'CLOCK AND IT'S 5!" – He screamed, going to his room to start packing and dressing at the same time – "HURRY UP! YOU BAKA! WE ARE COMPLETELY LATE!"

Naruto stopped crying as he quickly went to his room and started to try to do his pack. They left the house with Naruto putting his pants on while trying to run at the same time.

"Ever since I got married with you we have been always late!" – he complained.

"Same here" – added Sasuke - "We have to hurry up and get the divorce, if this goes on we will never become chuunins!"

Cutted scenes:

'There he is again…' - thought Naruto - 'He is concerned about something and is too damn baka to tell me what it is!'

"Sasuke-teme! Just tell me what it is! Fuck you stupid emo!" - demanded Naruto.

"YOU WANT ME TO JUST FUCK YOU, DON'T YOU?" – Sasuke just screamed

Naruto looked surprised but finally admitted


And they fucked in the middle of the street.

Comments: okay, let's start with the usual…

I'M SORRY! This took a lot of time to come out, I am terribly sorry and will try better next time TT truly!

Other stuff: the fanfic is 89 made, there is only one chapter to make, the chapters went bigger and bigger, so I will have to cut some of them in two parts, but the correct number of chapter would be 9, so it will probably become 13/14…

But the thing that made this take so long is my horrible English, I made my poor beta stay up until 4:30 a.m. to correct this… I have no words to thank her enough for all the work she has because of my fanfic… Thank you kaguya

And about this cutted scene… well, because we were at 4:30 correcting this we started to say funny things, which ended in this stupid scene… But I think it expressed well the feelings of the yaoi fans that read this fic… so we added it… If we do another we will add it in the next chapter But the cutted scenes aren't part of the actual plot of the fanfic… so don't think of it seriously.

P.S. in case you didn't get that scene was when they walked together in the way home

And many thanks to all that are reading this fanfic, hope that you are enjoying reading it as much as I am enjoying writing it, and correcting it with my beta

That's all thanks and the "Toilet Misunderstandings" one-shot will be coming soon, this one-shot can be told that it was another cutted scene, but although I gave the main plot it was Kaguya that wrote it, so don't worry, it's completely crack and it doesn't have my annoying errors on it.