Chapter 5- The First Date Part 1
By 7:00, Sakura looked like an angel. She had on a white kimono with cherry blossoms around the edges. Her obi was black
with stars framed with glitter scattered everywhere. Her hair was done up in a bun with a lock of hair framing her face. She had on
light make-up, which was pink lipstick and some light red blush, but looked beautiful anyway. "EEEEKKK!!" All the girls
screamed when they saw our now blushing blossom. "You guys! This is way too much!" She squealed. "Nani! It's perfect!" Ino
said. "S-Sasuke-kun will flip!" Hinata stuttered, "N-now the f-final touch!" Hinata put a hairclip on the top of her bun, where the
elastic was. It surprisingly looked the Uchiha clan's symbol, the red and white fan. "Arigato Girls!" Sakura said, "You guys are
way to nice" "It was nothing babe" Tenten said, "Now go out there and make us proud!" "Um…Tenten-chan? Sasuke-kun's not
done yet" Ino pointed out, "It's only 6:45. We have 15 minutes" "W-well, now w-we wait" Hinata stuttered truthfully.
With the guys…
"SASUKE-TEME! HURRY UP! YOU'VE BEEN IN THERE FOR ALMOST ½ AN HOUR" Naruto yelled to the bathroom door
of Sasuke's apartment. As soon as the guys got to Sasuke's apartment, Naruto insisted that Sasuke had to have a shower, as it was
a custom on the first date to look and smell good. "Alright, alright. I'm coming, I'm coming" He told his best friend/rival. The
bathroom door opened and there stood Sasuke in all his glory! Err…with a towel around his waist (A/N: Drool an ocean
ladies/girls/teens). "AHAHAHA! SASUKE-TEME'S NAKED!" Naruto laughed loudly. "Shhh! Dickless wonder…If Sasuke's fan
girls hear that…" Sai said (A/N: Yah, he's in the story too, for the plot Thanks to my friend Miashi ) "Oh! Sorry Sasuke-teme!
Now, let's see what you could wear to your first date with Sakura-chan!" Naruto said enthusiastically, maybe a little too
enthusiastically. He opened Sasuke's closet to find…OROCHIMARU MAKING OUT WITH KABUTO! Hahaha, just kidding. He
opened Sasuke's closet to find out that most of his wardrobe was all black and blue, except for 1 outfit. A sky blue polo with navy
blue stripes going vertical and diagonally. There was a pair of black jeans included. Naruto saw it and instantly pulled it out. "This
one's perfect!" He told the others. Neji, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, Sai and Shino nodded. Sasuke, however, looked appalled. "Hey, I
haven't scene that outfit in ages. Maybe it doesn't fit anymore…" He told Naruto. "Try it on and see" Was his advice, "You want
to look nice for Sakura-chan, don't you?" Sasuke, reluctantly, took it from Naruto's hand. "Just don't come crying to me if it
doesn't fit…"
5 minutes later…
"SASUKE-TEME!!" Naruto called. "Ok, ok I'm coming! Jeez! No wonder Sai calls you a dickless wonder" Sasuke told him.
"TEME! GET YOU ASS OUT HERE NOW!!!" "FINE!" Sasuke came out of the bathroom, looking hot! The polo was still long
enough to be worn and the jeans were a bit too big, giving him that 'bad boy' look. "Wow, Sasuke actually looks ok" Neji stated,
"The dobe's suggestion wasn't that bad" Sasuke looked at himself in his full length mirror, which Naruto dusted off since Sasuke
was gone for 3 years and he didn't have anytime to clean his house after he got back. "Hey, Neji's right" Was all he said. "Can I
hear that AGAIN Teme? Did you just say I was RIGHT!?" Naruto asked him. "Yes, dickless dobe, I did" "WHOOHOO! SASUKE
UCHIHA JUST SAID I, NARUTO UZUMAKI, WAS RIGHT!!!!" Naruto cheered loudly. "Oy! Cut the joy, Naruto" Shikamaru
said. He threw Sasuke his cell phone (A/N: Yah, they have all the electronic tings we habe). "Call Sakura" He told our black
haired, onyxed eye coloured hero. "Fine"
With the Girls…
"When it's not alright. When it's not ok. Will you try and make things better? Will you say alright? Will you say ok? Will you
stick with me through whatever? Or run away. Say Ok." Sakura's ring tone went. "Oh my phone's ringing!" She said,
embarrassed the girls had to hear her ringer. "Sakura, is that you singing?" They asked. "Y-Yah…" She stuttered. The phone went
off again, so Sakura grabbed it and looked at the caller id. "It's Sasuke-kun!" She cried to the others. "Answer it!" They told her.
She did. "Mushi mushi!…Sasuke-kun!…Yah…Uh huh…ok…Mmhmm…hai…nani?!…ohhh…uh huh…yup…ok…see you in a
bit…mmm Ja ne" She hung up. "Well?!?" The girls practically screamed. "Uh uh ah! Mi-mi-tsu" She told them. "AWWW!"
Back to the guys…
"So, what did she say?" Neji asked him. "She sounded cool with it." He answered, "By the way, what time is it?" "It's a quarter to
7" Choji said. "Well, got your ass moving Uchiha" Kiba said, "You've got a date with a cherry blossom in 15 minutes" "Aa, I
Ok, I know I left you at a cliffy in the last chappie with Sasuke going to ki- I mean, that's for the NEXT chapter. I'm SOOO
sorry! I WAS going to add that scene in this chappie, but it's more fun to keep you guys in suspense! MUHAHAHAHA! Lolz.
Anyway, I'll give you a small spoiler, yes they do kiss, but the spoiler is this, right when their lips smack, Sakura gets taken
away! By who? You'll just have to wait and see!