Last chapter, up ahead. Sadness. lol. No, but I just wanted to thank everyone who's read and reviewed this story. It really means a lot to hear the feedback from you readers!
Anywho, I hope you enjoy!
The night seemed to drag on forever. Everything that had happened seemed like a blur to Brianna. Even as she sat there in a police station answering the endless questions from one of the many detectives on hand. Dave sat next to her, holding her hand in a comforting support. Randy and her sister sat at another desk probably answering the same questions she'd had. And her mother. Her eyes fell on the older woman. "Can you please go check on my mother?" Brianna questioned as she turned to the male beside her. Dave simply nodded. "Thank you." She gave a gentle smile as he pressed a light kiss to her forehead. As Dave stood she turned back to the silent man behind the desk. "You're looking at me like you don't believe me." She stated surely as the male flicked an inquisitive eyebrow. "It was all done in self defense."
The older male, leaned forward on his desk. "From what we saw, your brother wasn't the one with the weapon in his hand." Brianna crossed her legs as she leaned back and stared at him. "I'm sorry. But if there's nothing we can go on, your mother is going to be charged with murder."
Brianna took off the jacket that she wore. "Do you see this?" She questioned as she held up her wrists. "That's from him dragging me out of the house." Turning her head, she pointed to her exposed neck. "Those marks are from the tight grip that those men had when they sat on top of me and raped me." The male opened his mouth, but she shook her head. "No, he may not have done anything physically to hurt me, but do you know how he felt having my own brother sit there and watch as this happened to me? As he actually sat there and shouted out orders?" The tears streamed down her face now. The male quiet. "No? Yeah. That's what I thought."
"Is everything okay here?" Dave directed the question towards Brianna as he made sure to eye the male behind the desk. Brianna just nodded as she wiped the tears away.
"I've never had anything against my brother. I forever knew he was sick and that he wasn't going to get any better unless he wanted to." The older male's expression soften for the first time that night. "My mother was just trying to protect me. My mother loved him beyond this world. I knew she always hoped he would get better. That's why she stuck by him." She grabbed the hand that rested on her shoulder. "Please don't punish her. Don't punish her for possibly ending my brother's pain." The last statement had the detective flicking his eyes up at the woman.
Their silence inhaled for a good ten minutes before the detective finally said something. Brianna and Dave watched as the male stood from his desk and beckoned one of his partners to come over. "The mother won't be charged with anything. Everything was done in self defense." The younger male just nodded his head before he turned back to head towards the older woman.
The twosome sitting down let out a sigh of relief at the announcement. "Thank you sir." They both spoke at the same time, Brianna making sure to give a grateful smile.
"I know I probably would've done the same thing for my daughter. Probably worse."
Brianna smiled again and nodded. "When will they be releasing my brother's body?" The question even caught Dave by surprise. "I'd like to have a proper burial for him."
The older male cleared his throat. "Are you sure?" Brianna nodded. "Probably anywhere from two to three days. I'll have someone give you call." He watched the female look to her mother. "We've kept you here long enough. Take everyone home to get some rest." He politely ordered.
"We will."
The male gave a smile. "And congratulations." Dave and Brianna looked at him with a confused expression. "The ring and the look in this male's eyes gave it away." He directed a look at Dave. "Same one I had the day I proposed to my wife." The smile grew wider.
Brianna looked up at her fiancé and smirked. "I'm the lucky one." The twosome shared a quick peck. "Thank you again detective." The male just gave a simple nod as he watched the couple stride past his desk.
"Everyone ready to go home?" Dave questioned loudly as he and Brianna came upon the other three. All three looked up and gladly nodded their heads. Dave smiled as he watched Brianna hold her hand out for her mother. The older woman looked into her daughter's eyes and couldn't help the smile that formed as she let her hand entwine with hers. "And you two?" Randy and Jennifer looked his way and both gave simple smiles as they followed closely behind. "I think my friend has a thing for your sister." Dave whispered into his fiancé's ear.
Brianna smirked as she stole a glance at the twosome. "I think so. We'll just have to do something about that." A smirk formed on his face now. "We're going to be okay now huh?"
Dave looked down at her as he lifted her hand to his lips. "That we are."
Brianna's mom and sister had to return home, but the threesome's relationship couldn't have been better. Jennie and Brianna had that long awaited talk. Both cried a river, but left knowing that not everything had been lost between the mother and daughter. The three woman even shared phone conversations about the upcoming wedding. Brianna had even asked both women to be her maid of honors, along with Sheryl. All three cried of course, but couldn't have been more ecstatic.
Dave asked her to move in with him. She gladly obliged. He and company had decided that it would just be better for him to stay stationed there. Randy took it upon himself to be the one to fly back and forth. And of course, Dave couldn't have been more happier with that. The engaged couple spent as much time as they could together. Brianna had taken her job back at the diner, but only part time as she continued taking classes at the university. Sheryl hadn't minded that fact at all. She was just happy to see the woman in high spirits again.
"I could just stand here all day and watch you study." Brianna looked up at the male leaned against the kitchen doorframe. "Need help?" He smirked as he made way towards her.
Brianna smirked at the male. "David." She warned with her tone as she watched him sneak his way behind her, creeping his arms around her waist. "You're distracting me, Dave." Brianna bit her lip seductively to try and hide the sigh that wanted to escape.
"You need a break anyways." He mumbled against the pulse of her neck. He captured her mouth as she dipped her head back. The woman rose to his touch as he hand glided slowly up her thigh.
"How was your day?" The woman sighed the question.
"Better now."
"Yeah. Mine was good too." A whimper escaped when he found her inviting warmth. The female's nails scraped lightly against his neck. "This feels really good."
"Mm hmm."
Brianna cupped the male's face in her hands. "But Dave. What did we promise?"
Dave composed himself for a second as he looked at his fiancé. A groan escaped at the memory of what they'd promised to each other a couple of days before. "That since we've waited this long already, that we'd wait until after we were married." The male frowned as he stood now. "I think I might've had a couple of drinks when I said that."
Brianna smiled as she pressed a light kiss to her fiancé's forehead. "Aw. Baby. It won't be that much longer."
"Can we go get married right now?"
Brianna hopped off the kitchen stool to hug the male. "I love you."
Dave nodded and sighed. "Apparently I do too. Because I've never waited this long to get laid. You must be a really special woman." The male chuckled when he received a playful slap to the arm. "Do you know how much it cost me for that rock on your finger?"
"You're still not getting any, David."
"Worth a shot."
Okay. I said it was the last chapter, but I'm thinking of writing a second part to this story. But more of the focus will be on the pairing of Jennifer and Randy and of course the big wedding. So, if any of that sounds appealing to you readers, hit me up with a review and let me know. XD!