Sorry it took so long. Hope yall like it.
Disclaimer:I don't own lost or any of the characters.
Kate ran to the beach after the fight. She sat thinking in her tent. Jack showed up with a washcloth.
"Kate, what happened back there?" Jack asked. He moved to wash the blood off of her lip, but she pushed him away. She stared out into her own world.
"Kate, come on. Don't push me away like this." He removed a curl from her face. She began to sob.
"Jack, hold me." He held her while she cried.
"Shh. Everything's going to be okay," he comforted. She looked up at him and kissed his cheek.
"Jack. I want to tell you what I did. Sometimes you don't get me, and that's because you don't know about my past."
"Kate, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"But I do want to. Jack, I killed my father. For most of my life, I was told he was my stepdad. My mom divorced the guy I thought was my dad and married Wayne. I didn't get why. He beat her, he was an alcoholic, and sometimes he even tried to put his hands on me. One night was the last straw. He came home drunk again, and so I blew up the house. I gave the insurance money to my mom and ran away. She reported me to the police, and the marshal caught me. I escaped when we got in a car crash, but he caught me again. He used the plane to trap me. Jack, I'm so sorry to dump this all on you, but I thought you should know."
Jack was stunned. She was right; he didn't know what she was capable of. She pulled away from him and scooted away from him.
"I could say I was sorry I did it, but that would probably be a lie. The thing I hated most about him was that he was my father. You wonder why Sawyer and I get a long so well, and sometimes I run to him to get away from you. The truth is that Sawyer reminds me of Wayne. Sawyer I'm familiar with by the way he acts, but you're different. I have never met a person who cares about me the way that you do. You respect me and make me feel like a person who deserves a second chance. It's something new to me, and whenever somebody tries love me I run away. Running away is what I'm good at. I'm used to dealing with people like Sawyer. I'm almost like a wife who keeps going back to her abusive husband. I keep running because I really don't know anything else." Jack gently grabbed Kate by her shoulders and turned her to face him.
"Kate, you don't have to run from me. I know you're scared of this, of us, but I love you and we will work through this. I don't care what you did in the past. That was then, and this is now. You've been given a new life. Take advantage of that. I love you." He leaned in and hugged her and she hugged him back.
Ana and Sawyer sat quietly on the rock, neither of them saying anything to each other. It was obvious that they were both embarrassed about breaking down and sharing their pasts. Ana was the first to speak.
"If you tell anyone I cried, I will shoot you dead," she said.
"And if you tell anybody I was nice, I'll kill you with my bare hands," he smirked.
"Yeah, but thanks though. For being there."
"Yeah whatever. You just caught me in an off moment. I'm not usually so nice." Sawyer leaned back. Ana turned to face him.
"What is it that you and Jack find so interesting about that girl?" she asked.
"Who, Kate? That's the million-dollar question, isn't it? Well, that's an easy one. She's cute and has a nice body. She's nice and tough when she wants to be. And she's helpful. She took care of me when I was sick, and she brought me to the Doc to get glasses. She is an overall good person. Except when she tried to take my spot on the raft. Then I had to fight fire with fire, and I kept my spot on the raft."
"But she's a criminal, and people go around acting like she's not. They deserve to know," she complained.
"They do know. I outed to keep my spot on the raft. She's sweet most of the time. An d she tolerates me so you know she's a good person."
"Humph!" Ana sighed. Everybody already knew, yet they still didn't care. She understand it.
I am running out of ideas. So I might not update for awhile.