'Twas the night before Christmas and all through Sohma house,
not a creature was stirring, not even Yuki (the mouse!).

The stockings were hung by the bathroom with care,
in hopes that Shigure would soon be there.

Most Sohmas were nestled, all snug in their futons,
while there, outside, sat Kyo eating croutons.

With Hatori fast asleep, and Ayame on his lap,
they had just settled down for a long winter's nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the futon to see what was the matter.

I darted like lighting and tied up my hair,
and threw open the screen to see quite the pair.

Yuki and Kyo sat there on the lawn,
Yuki had fallen asleep and Kyo did yawn.

Why were they sitting outside there, together?
Was it because they were now getting along much better?

I stepped outside, trying not to make a noise,
when suddenly behind me I was swept up with poise.

Someone swooped me up and held me comfortably tight,
if it was Ayame, I would've punched him, alright.

But I looked up at his face, and it was not who it seemed,
he had white hair with a touch of black gleam.

It was Haru and he pointed to the skies,
but the only thing I saw were his beautiful eyes.

There in the sky I saw a familiar face,
he was indeed a dog, not of the human race.

He rode a huge sleigh, with tiny little bells,
and soon Sohma house was awake, covered with yells!

"What's going on?" Momiji said warily, amiss.
"What's that noise?" Kyo growled, really pissed.

Out jumped Akito from large Sohma house,
he carried a wide scowl as he looked up and about.

"What's all this noise? Who is responsible?"
Akito asked quickly and in a quiet babble.

"It is I!" Screamed the dog in the sleigh.
"It is I who bring presents to Sohma house Christmas Day!"

I clasped my hands together and screamed with all my might,
"Shigure! Shigure! Why are you so generous this night?"

He winked and he smiled and he sat up and said,
"It's because Hatori, Ayame, and I will soon wed!"

My face stood still and my jaw hung open...

Hatori woke up and Ayame did too,
when Hatori heard the news, his face did turn blue.

"I'm not getting married to them. Not a chance at all."
Hatori glared at Ayame, "Once and for all."

"I've loved and I've lost and I may not love once more,
but surely I will not come out of the closet door!"

A large bellowing laugh was heard throughout the house,a
It even awoke our Yuki, the mouse!

I looked up at Haru and he looked at me.
We were here together as happy as could be.

Soon all of the Sohmas went back to bed
and I and Haru blushed, faces of red.

We sat on the porch, right next to each other.
We still truely do like one another.

I sat there at first but then said with a smile.
"Merry Christmas, Haru. You're something worth while."

-Dedicated to my own Haru.

I mean NO offense to Ayame, Shii-sama, or Haa-sama. bows to them
Also...I mean NO offense to Kyo and Yuki. They rock. bows to them looooower
Err...and I don't really mean any offense to Akito...for you fangirls out there...
And yes, Haru roxorz my freaking soxorz.

-pinches Momiji's face- SOOOOOOO KAWAII!