Tile: Always Be There For You
Pairing: Elizabeth/Lucky
Disclaimer: I don't own GH or its characters
Rating: PG13 for violence
Summary: After their kiss on the Haunted Star, Lucky and Liz decide that they didn't want to get hurt again, so they stay as friends, but a year later, Lucky has to protect her and Cameron, will their real feelings resurface, and will they finally realize they are meant to be?
Author's Note: Nikolas is out of jail, and he and Emily are happy… and she didn't get raped.
Chapter 1
Elizabeth walked into Cameron's room. She looked at him, as he was sitting up in his crib, he held out in his hands to show that he wanted to come out and play.
"Not right now, honey. Mommy needs to get everything pack before he comes home." Elizabeth said, as she leaned over and kissed Cameron's forehead. "Everything's going to be okay soon, I promise." Elizabeth said, with a smile as she walked out of the room.
She then walked back to her room, and started to pack more of her stuff.
"What the hell do you think you are doing?" said a voice. Elizabeth turned around and saw her boyfriend, Matthew standing in front of her.
"I'm leaving you, Matthew."
"Like hell you are." Matthew said, as he grabbed a hold of her arm.
"Let go of my arm, Matthew." Elizabeth yelled. He looked at her. "You can't leave me, I'm yours." he said; as he pushed her across the wall, and started hit her. All she could think about was her son; she was scared that Matthew would do something to him, so she let him hit her just like he did many times before.
"Just leave me go, just forgot about me. We're not good for each other." Elizabeth said, trying to calm him down.
"I'm not good for you now." Matthew said, as he hit her across the face once again. "What do you want me to be like your perfect friend, Lucky?"
"This has nothing to do with him?"
"Oh it does, Liz." Matthew said. "Then why do you call Lucky when you are upset and not me."
"Because he's not the one who gets angry at me."
"I'll stop, Liz, I really will. For you, I'll do anything." Matthew said, with this desperation look on his face. He would do anything to stop her from leaving.
"No, Matthew, you said that all the time." Elizabeth said, she tried to move away from the wall.
"Don't you move." he said, as he had a grip on her, so she wasn't able to move. "Let me go… Matthew…" she yelled.
"No way, you aren't leaving here…. alive."
Elizabeth looked at Matthew with this fear on her face. There was only one other time that she felted this much fear and that was many years ago. She was so scared of what he was going to do to her, and Cameron.
"Matthew, don't do this." Elizabeth yelled. He grabbed her hand and pushed her on the bed. "If I can't have you, nobody can." he said, as he started to beat her up. She was in a lot of pain, but she didn't want to scream because she didn't know what he would do.
He then smiled at her. "Well before you die… I'm sure you will want to be with me one last time."
Elizabeth looked at Matthew with disgust on her face.
"I guess that is a no." Matthew said with this evil look on her face. "Oh well, I want to," he said.
"No…" she screamed. Before Matthew could do anymore, he heard the police yelling to open up. "Damn it.
He whispered in her ears. "Next time I see you, you and your precious son are dead." he said, as he got up and climbed out of the window and left.
Lucky was working on a case when Officer Thomas walked up to him. "You know Elizabeth Webber right?"
Lucky nodded. "Yeah, why?"
"Officer Hunter and Officer Brown got a call from her neighbor about a domestic disturbance there."
"Is Elizabeth okay?" Lucky asked with this worried look on his face. Even though they weren't together, he still worries about her.
"She won't talk to any of the officers about what happened. I don't know if she had gone into shock. Officer Hunter thought since you are friends with her, you could help her."
Before Officer Thomas could say anymore Lucky had already walking away and was leaving the station.
A few minutes later,
Lucky showed up at Elizabeth's apartment. He was so scared of what he was going to find, if her boyfriend lay a finger on her, I'm going to hurt him, Lucky thought to himself, as he walked up to the bedroom, where Elizabeth was sitting on the bed. He looked at her, and he could see how scared and lost she looked. He remembered when she looked this way before, the night that she got raped all those years ago, he just hopes that she didn't have the same thing happened to her tonight.
He walked up to her. "Liz." he said, in a quiet voice.
"Lucky," she said, as she looked at him. He sat down next to her. "What happened, Liz?"
Elizabeth just moved closer to Lucky. He put her arms around her and she put her head on his chest, and started to cry in his arms. He hated to see her like this. He then saw one of the police officer standing in the doorway.
"Could you let us talk alone?" Lucky asked.
"Is Cameron okay?" was the first thing that Elizabeth said to Lucky.
The officer looked at Elizabeth. "Officer Hunter is taking care of him. She's great with kids; she has two of her own."
"He must be scared." Elizabeth said, with this upset tone of her voice.
Officer Hunter stood in the doorway "Cameron's fine." she said, holding him in her arms. "All he wants to do is play with his toys."
Lucky walked up to Hunter and smiled, as he picked up Cameron and brought him over to Elizabeth. "See Cameron just fine."
"Mommy..." Cameron said, as he climbed on top of Elizabeth and hugs her. "I love you." she said, as she kissed him. Lucky could see that she was in pain.
"Jenny do you think you could play with Cameron for just a little bit long, while I talk to Elizabeth?" Lucky asked.
Jenny smiled. "Sure," she said, as she grabbed Cameron. "How about we go and see what games you have to play. My son has a train set, do you have one?" Jenny Hunter said, as she walked out of the room. The other officer left the room too.
Lucky looked at Elizabeth. "So what happened?" he asked. She looked at him with this scared look on her face.
"I was packing up my stuff, as I was leaving Matthew."
Lucky nodded.
"Aren't you going to say to me that you told me that he was bad news," Elizabeth said. Lucky smiled slightly at her. "No."
Elizabeth smiled slightly.
"So while I was packing my stuff, Matthew came into the room, and he wasn't happy when I told him that I was leaving him. He then started to hit me; he told me that he was going to kill me… and then he…" Elizabeth then stopped in mid sentence, as tears were starting to fall down her cheeks.
"He didn't…. "
Elizabeth shakes her head. "No, he didn't rape me, but if the police didn't come where they did, I know he would have."
Lucky put his arms around her. "He's never going to hurt you again, I promise you."
She stood up and walked towards the window.
"What aren't you telling me, Liz?" Lucky said, as he walked up beside her. She turned around. "He told me that next time he saw me, he is going to kill me and Cameron. I would die before I let anybody touch my son."
"I know," Lucky replied. "You and Cameron are safe now."
"There is no way we are safe, Lucky. Matthew is out there somewhere. You didn't see the way he was, he will kill me." Elizabeth yelled with this terrified tone in her voice. He could tell how scared she was.
"I won't let him ever touch you ever again." Lucky said, with an angry voice.
Elizabeth looked at Lucky. "I know that you will do whatever you can to find him, Lucky."
Lucky grabbed a hold of her hand. "Sit down, Liz." he said, as they moved over to the bed. He looked at her. "I'm going to do more than find him. I'm going to keep you and Cameron safe."
"What are you talking about?" Elizabeth asked, as she looked at Lucky with this confused look on her face.
"I'm going to move in here until we find him."
To be continued.