Forbidden yet Foreseen


"That's what brothers are for!"

„Fred! George! Stay with Ginny!", Mr. Weasley shouted through the noise that swept over the camp side. Screams echoed through the landscape where just minutes ago a happily mass were celebrating the end of the Quidditch World Cup.

Ginny looked around in shock. Between screaming and yelling people, there was a group of dark figures wearing black pointed hats and above them, flying in the night sky, there were even louder screaming humans.

"Death Eaters", she heard someone whispering beside her.

"They're threatening the Muggles", another voice said.

"Run", Mr. Weasley breathed heavily towards his children. "RUN! Into the forest!"

After that, things were messing up. The world stopped spinning and momentarily turned upside-down. Ginny felt someone taking her hand and another one pushing her through the mass of panicked people. She then recognized the heads of her brothers Fred and George beside her who dragged her into the nearest forest. Whoever's hand she was holding, she squeezed it tightly; fear turning her into a nervous wreck.

When they had reached the forest, screams and cries and panic grew fainter. She looked around in confusion, trying to look out for her other brothers, Harry and Hermione who apparently got lost in the dark. When she turned her head around again, she almost ran into George, who suddenly stopped in the shadow of a tree. She bumped into him, feeling Fred knock into her.

"George, what's wrong?", he asked but his twin didn't respond.

Ginny tried to look past George but she felt herself squeezed between her way too tall brothers so she couldn't even move. She, however, felt how Fred leant past her. His hands on her shoulders, he looked at the reason why his twin stopped.

There, in the deepest shadows of the forest, was a small group of Death Eaters walking past. The Weasley kids couldn't see any faces they just heard evil whispers erupting from underneath their masks. Ginny felt something creeping down her spine. This was so surreal. Her breath stuck inside her throat, her hands clutched the back of George's shirt. As soon as the Death Eaters had appeared, they were gone again, vanishing into the shadows.

Ginny felt her heart jump in relief. Her brothers both sighed slightly as well. George was the first to move from behind the tree with Ginny letting go of his shirt. She then turned her head around to look at Fred who still had his hands on her shoulders.

"What are we doing now?", she asked, her voice nothing more than a whisper.

"I don't know", he replied, whispering. "We could –"

But he never told her what they could do because George called them to look at something he had just discovered. Ginny walked over to him, Fred on her tail. The three of them then stared into the night sky where something green was glimmering. Fred gasped. Ginny just stared at it in shock.

"The Dark Mark", she whispered after a while of watching an ugly snake erupting from the mouth of a terribly shaped skull. She suddenly felt cold as if her limps were all covered in ice. "Someone… someone's been…", she muttered, not able to say "killed".

She then felt Fred's hand resting on her shoulder as he stepped closer to her.

Whatever these two pranksters did to her or to the world just for a joke and a laugh, she actually was glad to have them around her now. She turned around to look at Fred whose face was unusually serious and pale. Even George's face – identical to Fred's except for some freckles more on his nose – looked rather taken aback. The three of them just stood in the middle of the forest, silence around them, the Dark Mark hovering above them.

Fred was the first to speak again.

"I think it's safe now… let's go back to the tent", he said, grabbing Ginny's hand, nodding towards his twin.

All three of them then searched the way back through the dark. When they arrived at the camp side, an image of total devastation met their eyes. Tents were burning and destroyed and an eerie silence conquered the place. Ginny was glad that at least the Weasley's tent was intact. She entered the dark tent to find it empty. Neither her other brothers nor her father nor Harry or Hermione had arrived yet. She made way to let Fred and George enter as well who changed uneasy looks.

"They'll be fine, Ginny", George told her after catching the frightened glance in her eyes.

She watched him motionless before Fred motioned her towards the other end of the tent where she and Hermione were supposed to sleep.

"Get some rest, Gin", he told her, looking rather concerned, his blue eyes sparkling in the darkness. "We'll stay awake to check for intruders, alright?"

She glanced at him before sitting down on her bed, suddenly feeling terribly tired. She nodded at Fred who then walked back to George who already lay on a bed at the other side of the tent, looking equally tired.

"Get up", Fred said. "George! Get up!"

Ginny lay down on her squeaking bed, staring at the ceiling. Between Fred's attempts to wake his twin, she could hear George snoring slightly.

"Goddamnit!", she heard Fred mutter before another bed squeaked and he apparently got to bed as well.

Ginny listened what seemed to be hours but everything she could hear was George's snoring. She stared into the dark and thought about the things she just witnessed. Feelings of fear and concern hovered above her. She sighed deeply, turning around to lie on her side. Her mind was still working rapidly so it seemed impossible to get some sleep at all. She again turned around and around and just couldn't lie still. Sighing again, she threw the bed sheet away.

"Will you get some rest soon, Gin?", she heard a quiet voice from the other side of the tent.

"I can't sleep", she whispered into the dark.

"Me neither", the voice apparently belonging to Fred replied.

"Dad's still not here…", she then stated.

"Seems so", Fred agreed. "But he will be fine and the others as well, trust me!"

Ginny sat up on the bed to look at the other side of the tent where Fred and George lay both in their beds, yet Fred rested with his arms behind his head against the wall of the tent, his gaze flashing towards Ginny.

"Fred?", she asked quietly.

"What is it?"

"Can I… -", she began, stopping again. She thought about how childish she sounded when she stated what she wanted to do. How old was she? She turned thirteen soon so there was no way to pronounce what was on her mind. Not to Fred who probably would joke about it years later. But this night, she kind of felt as if her life would depend on it.

"What?", he asked again.

She stared through the dark at the spot where she expected his eyes to be.

"Can I… come over to you?"

He seemed to consider what she wanted before he quietly said: "Yeah, come over."

She climbed out of her bed, stumbling - almost blind - through the dark to the place where she had heard his voice come from. She almost tripped over a pair of shoes standing at the end of the bed. There she could see Fred sitting on his bed, looking at her. She thought about her desire to have somebody hold her in this grave time of night for one last time before she climbed into her brother's bed.

He moved to the side to allow her some space. She lay down beside him, staring at the ceiling.

"Please don't tell anyone that I was too scared to sleep alone", she whispered without looking at him. "I shouldn't be doing this anymore, now should I?"

"There's no reason to be ashamed, Ginny", Fred whispered, turning to lie on his side, looking at his sister. "After what happened this night it's alright to be afraid."

She turned her head to look at him.

"And I'll promise to not tell anyone about this", he said with a grin.

She smiled back at him, cuddling into the bed sheet.

"Thank you, Fred", she whispered, burying her face in the pillow, but still looking at him.

He moved slightly closer.

"Don't mention it", he said, moving even closer to pull one arm around his little sister. She leant her head against his chest and sighed slightly. "That's what big brothers are for, right?"

A/N: Let me say just this about this story: "I little Weasley-cest is no one's death!"
Yeah, this is a story about Fred and Ginny... and that's why it's rated T... I actually am very proud of this... I always wanted to write something like this yet I never felt good about it... well, now, I finally am confident about it and my mind already produced the whole story (I just need to write it down... though). So, if you don't like this ship, I'm sorry. Everyone else, please read on and tell me what you think! Thank you so much! -smiles-

Oh and yeah, I almost forgot: this first chapter is set during the Quidditch World Cup and it is the only sequence which I "stole" from book four... all chapters afterwards are set after GoF and I still refuse to accept OotP and HBP so there will be no spoilers ahead!

And yeah, I don't own the Weasleys or Harry Potter or anything else out of the world of JKR... I just own the sick storyline -gg-