Aly-chan is at it again... >D Mwamwamwa!

Hey guys, it's been SUCH a long time since I've gotten on here to write a story. I know, I say it everytime, but I've got a new obsession, a new goal, a new tragic ending in mind! D

Rather, FMA isn't the most cheerful go-happy animes, and I'm going to take that to my advantage to make this increasingly depressing. Yes, I'm evil, and yes, I have amusement in writing this.

I'd appreciate it a lot if you R&R, because it really does make me happy that someone read my story that took me almost a week to do. ; OVER a week to come up with the plotline, and believe me, this is such a twisted unexpected story. Hope you will like it, and this may contain spoilers, I don't know.

So please, enjoy. And make sure NOT to drink your milk! ;D

Disclaimer - I don't own FMA or any of its characters.. -lesigh-

Trapped in guilt, or has guilt trapped itself inside of oneself?

Is science merciful to man, or does man fall merciful before science?

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Alchemy

I said I'd do this, no matter what the cost. I'm not a man who breaks my word, not like that bastard that left us with Mom and caused her to die of grief. I won't do that to you, I won't allow you to feel that pain...

Tremoring silence, resonating throughout the proximity of the room, was broken by a deafening outcry of a boy enveloped in a series of blankets, now sitting upright, golden orbs wide open with unperceived fear; breath in spasmodic gasps of shallow air. The boy known as Edward Elric was situated in the array of sheets, face briefly contorted by whatever had aroused it to do so; shoulder length blonde hair bedraggled and misconfigured out of its regular immaculate braided form.

Intermittently gripping the blankets, reassuring himself the tribulation of a dream had finally ceased to exist, the teenage boy eventually was relinquished from his short-lived alarm and panic, and hastily wiped an oncoming bead of sweat from flowing down his face away from a fold in one of the dinged blankets, appearing fatigued as he did so. For almost a fortnight these bizarre dreams had been occuring, and only resulting in his own screams piercing through the frigid crisp air that met the morning dew and the sunlight.

Did he possess even the slightest memory of what had been enacted? With a scorn and incoherent mumble of words, the alchemist impetuously shoved aside the blankets, allowing himself to be free of the perhaps pernicious visions he embraced in his once dreamy state. Hesitating at the action of relishing the morning, he remained sitting up on the comfortable mattress, swinging his legs -- though unaware of the fact he was doing it. When a high-pitched shrill became audible, he immediately ended movement of his legs, realizing that his bare left leg, completely made from metal, had created the sound that had ceased to resonate any longer.

Grimacing in spite of something, Ed could hear massive footsteps being heard from down the hall, approaching, approaching. Although the alchemist knew those footsteps exactly to the last echo it emanated, he made no move to welcome or assist in allowing his brother, Alphonse, into the room. Unfortunately, this had become itinerary for the two, and they both possessed an inner understanding that never needed much verbal expression.

Sure enough, the large suit of armor, his fourteen year old brother, his younger fourteen year old brother, entered the room. Though Al didn't make any notion really to do anything -- he only averted whatever he had for eyes downwards to the creaky wood planks imbedded into the ground; the surface deprived of its needed care and upkeep. Silence shrouded the room like hazy fog would surround a valley -- empty and inexorably awkward.

This remained until Alphonse deduced what time would be most appropriate to speak. Ed didn't appear to even acknowledge his sibling, but grip onto the bedpost rather tightly, allowing his eyes to focus on directly one fragment of the quilt he beforehand abandoned, analyzing its functions and intricate loopholes and designs. "... Brother? Did you... have another bad dream?" Al inquired, folding his hands together in a more downturned fashion. "do you remember what it was about?"

Finally, as if Ed decided it was now that he needed to address Al's presence, he relieved the pressure off of his battle-worn hands and met his gaze with equal understanding. "I drew a complete blank as soon as I woke up." His tone was monotone, and with hints of dwelling venom condensed deeply into every spoken word. There was obviously significance in the dream -- he'd been having the same one for more than a few consequential times -- he was sure of that. But why?

Stretching his benumbed muscles, stiff from perhaps sleeping in anodd position during the night, Edward arose from his bed, though not causing much of a formidable stance due to his lack of vertical height. Yawning sluggishly, the alchemist eyed his brother one last time, adorning a grin to perchance evading him from Ed's own worries. Al didn't need to endure Ed's issues unaccountably, or so he thought.

Heading toward the kitchen in hopes of finding some morsel of food, Ed passed around Al, the gigantic suit of armor following behind him -- evidently not convinced from his sibling's attempt at cheering him up. Ominous disappointment shrouded the boy's features as he concluded there to be not a single trifle of edible substance in the kitchen. Al frowned -- Ed was sadistic at times -- but today it seemed a bit more depleted in spirits than he had in a while.

Ed, now accustomed to reclining himself on the couch and periodically opening and closing his silver pocket-watch, could only ponder what next would become of their long tedious journey for the infamous Philosopher's Stone. The ruby stone they had been searching for for almost four years... to defy the laws of Equivalent Exchange; of alchemy itself. Narrowing his eyes, Edward arose from the patched blue sofa, and, grouping his thoughts, ventured into his room to dress in his usual attire.

Emerging with his indistinguishable black pants and shirt to match, the white gloves, and his acclaimed blood-red coat, he saw Al sitting upon the couch he once sat in not ten minutes earlier. "I'm going to the Central library, you coming?" At the remark his brother immediately started, probably too quickly for the floor than it would've preferred. "Of course I'm coming, I will always accompany you, Brother."

Recalling his Brother's constant vigilance of his fealty, Edward could only nod, the blonde woven braid whipping alongside his movement of approval. "I want to look at some more books to find out more about the Philosopher's Stone." "I figured as much." The retort suprised Ed and made him slightly off-guard, the renowned alchemist glancing back at his brother with interrogation glimpsing his features. But, when no interrogation made after a meet and part with their eyes, the two headed to Central, unbounded on their hopeless task of repentance.

After easily endeavoring the short journey to the Central Library, they ascended the stairs, the brothers then veering into the large inventory of works -- biographies, tributes, documentaries -- almost everything was at the centrifugal temple of literature. Wearily sighing at the day ahead, reading, throwing, and screaming mindlessly at books, though despite his complaints, Ed wasted not a minute in finding a book and sat himself behind a stack of superannuated works and began flipping the pages of data.

Al, not quite meeting so much ecstatic demeanor or feeling for the encased writing, navigated a little ways from Edward, finding something to his liking, since he intervened in his brother's endless flipping of pages. "Brother, remember this? Introduction to Alchemy -- this brings back lots of memories, doesn't it?" Ed, skeptical at first about abandoning his position, meaninglessly tossed the book he previously had aside and stood to face the cognizant object, gently confiscating the book from Al. "Yeah, it does..."

It didn't quite bring back the memories he was expecting -- not of his Mother, nor of ther childhood -- plaintive imagery that was foreign, images of the Philosopher's Stone, of a faint distant voice reverberating words, words that were of caution, words that were becoming coherent as the seconds flew past as if they were the revolving of the Earth itself. Instead of a blunt objection, as the alchemist had predicted, it was a mere riddle of sorts, a riddle he didn't understand as soon as the child-like voice spoke :

Hear me now; for sin is near

For your sacrifice you lost something dear

Evermore your fate is sealed

And soon, if solved, your life revealed

Now is now and back is then

If now is solved you start over again

Do not take back what's yours to keep

For what you will gain is deemed far more cheap

Foreboding my word is wise to those close

Or nothing will come from your dream of repose

Keep crimson away; for it is demise

And if this is taken lightly, then say your goodbyes

For this is warning of hope in disguise

Feeling all the cloudy feelings leave his body as if it was his soul, Ed dropped the book, looking up to see Al shaking him violently, Ed's feet no longer comfortably placed on safe ground. Sound returned in a quickened flash like lights would flicker on in a completely aphotic room, all in one instant his senses and body returned in his control. Since Al's message obviously didn't relay to his brother, he attentively placed Ed back on the floor, releasing his protective grip on the teenager.

"Brother, you were screaming that you wanted to die and you almost transfigured your automail into a dagger to try to get me to release you... I couldn't get through to you at all..." Ed's feet gave away under him and he felt his back clash with the dense wood and books that had once been behind him. His throat was parched and his arms were shaking, as well as the rest of his body. Ed tried to get a hold of some support so his vision would perhaps improve -- clear through that incessant haze that was threatening his consciousness...

But to of no avail -- the last image he saw was the flash of the books and of Al's faint voice of concern-- and no more.

And if this is taken lightly, then say your goodbyes...

And then in a flash, you're gone and you DIE.

Whoah, why did Ed see that? Dx; What did his dream mean? WHY did he say he wanted to kill himself? You'll have to find out next chapter, and you betta R&R or I won't be happy-go-lucky to make this tragic. Mks? D

I know the intro was REALLY boring, but I kind of needed a crutch to get started. Hey, you know you like it. xD

Oh, and if someone knows the meaning to the poem, or can surmise what will happen from it, please, feel free to say so! It might give me some suggestions.