Dear Hermione,

If both your parents are dentist, then why did it take you until fourth year to get them straighten? Yeah, I know it was a shrinking charm. Shouldn't you have had braces a long time ago?



Dear Casablanca,

In my fourth year Draco put that nasty curse on me, and made my teeth grow. I couldn't walk around with teeth down to my waist. When Madam Pomfrey was shrinking them I told her to go ahead, mum and dad were angry, but they understood. They insisted on giving me braces for a while, but they just never got around to it.

dear hermione,

what the hell were you on when you decided to go out with Viktor Krum?

from pinocchio

Dear Pinocchio,

Do you not know how to capitalize? You're grammar and capitalization suck. I liked Viktor, he was nice and he liked me. He wasn't a jerk like most boys at my school.

From Hermione

Dear Granger,

I hope Vodemort takes you hostage' and kills you idiotic friends, once they naturally come to 'rescue' you.


Pansy Parkinson

P.S. Don't walk the corridors late at night…

Dear Pansy Parkinson,

Why are you so angry with me? I see no reason that you can be mad at me. Yes, I might be going out with Draco, but that is nothing to get upset about! And my friends are not 'idiotic' ac you say. And if I was captured, I'm sure my friends would come to rescue me. Oh, and you spelt 'Vodemort' wrong, it's spelt Voldemort.


P.S. I can walk the corridors anytime I want! Draco will probably be with me!

to hermione granger.

you are my hero…how does it feel to live always with such stupid people (AKA ron and harry)?



Dear gal-from-the-hood,

Well, I have to say thank you for calling me your hero! But, as for my 'stupid' friends, and why I live with them is none of your business. They are perfectly fine people, and I see no reason for you to be rude. Also, you would do well to learn how to properly start a letter, after stating the person's name, you use a comma not a period. My name should be capitalized, and so are Ron and Harry's.

A little annoyed and enjoyed,


Thank you all for your wonderful reviews. We look forward to reading anything new you have to say. If you would like to ask Hermione a question, then please review in a letter, and we might respond.
