Alright, notes before the actual story. First, I'm using Connan Frai from Just Like Me. She's a Celtic human who plays the flute like a pro, and she has a Kath Hound dog. (For those of you who have read Just Like Me, Jishin will not be in this story, though she will be referred to at times.)

There is a suggested Quai Gon/Connan atmosphere at times, but nothing happens for sweet little Carth's sake.

This WILL be a trilogy, and possibly I might go through the whole saga.

Disclaimer: Æliesha the Kath Hound and Connan Frai are mine, the rest belong to George Lucas and the makers of KOTOR.

Who Are You?

Connan kicked a pebble from her path absently, grumbling as sand swirled in front of her eyes. The grimy substance filled her shoes and invaded her toes, leaving the grungy feeling across her whole body. She shuddered as she vainly tried to wiggle her feet enough to get out all the sand.

Korriban was a very desolate place as of late.

"Why must we explore here more?" She griped to Jolee, standing directly behind her. She separated her brown hair into two pieces and placed it over her shoulders.

An agreeing bark came from behind the disgruntled Jedi as Æliesha bounded up to her master. The Kath Hound runt stood only at Revan's fingertips, and took pride in being able to get a head-massage without her master taking all the trouble of standing on her tip-toes to reach her. Æliesha growled affectionately as Connan proceeded to smother the Hound in scratches from behind the ears and below the chin. The woman cooed gently at her beloved Hound, whispering things only Æliesha would understand.

"I swear lass, you spoil that Hound so much." Jolee pouted. He crossed his arms and coughed. "And stop kicking up dirt; it's getting into my withered lungs! Are you trying to suffocate me?"

"Please," Carth ran up to Connan on her other side, careful not to offend Æliesha, and wrapped an arm around Connan. "If she had wanted to do that, you would have been gone already."

Jolee sputtered, obviously in shock. Connan giggled, turning around to wink at the man.

"I've decided to let old age catch up to him. I'd give him two weeks." She joked, waving a hand at him. She took off into the desolate surface of Korriban, hearing the old ramblings of Jolee she adored hearing.

"I'll show you two weeks, Frai!" He shouted, taking off at an uneasy jog after her. Connan burst out laughing, her run now into a sprint. The clear open dunes of the deserted planet appealed to her greatly for running space. She eased her running off a bit to pull out her silver shined flute, tracing over the cut marks from battle quickly before pushing the mouthpiece up onto her mouth. Using the flute, Connan formed words into the air, allowing them to reach Æliesha's ears. It was a form of communication.

"Æliesha! Come with me!" She blew into the flute. She instantly heard the hound's bark in reply. She could feel the dog's feet bound up to her through the Force, and soon saw the dog's blurred fur as she kept pace with her owner.

"Come back here, Frai!" Carth called, sprinting off after her. The concern in his voice made her laugh. "It's dangerous out there! We don't know what we'll find!"

Connan giggled, only going faster in her chase.

A loud wind struck her abruptly, stopping her in her tracks as she covered her face from all the sand.

"Damn, I can't see a thing!" She murmured. "Æliesha, are you there?" She asked around. The dog barked in reply.

The gusts lasted long enough for Jolee and Carth to catch up to her, and stopped so suddenly, Connan was thrown from her feet and fell backwards onto Carth. Carth caught her around the waist and hoisted her up once again.

"Don't run off like that, you scared me!" Carth scolded, flicking a finger at her. Connan rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Yes, Kreia." She spouted, slapping a hand to her mouth before she could stop herself.

"Who?" Carth asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No one! Why did I even say that?" Connan covered with a meek laugh.

"Frai?" Jolee interrupted. Carth cut him short.

"No, really, who is Kreia?" Carth crossed his arms and planted his feet firmly onto the ground. The force of his movements caused his hair to fall into his face. Connan chuckled and brushed the offensive hair out of the way.

"No one, love. Leave it at that." She clicked her tongue at him and smirked.

"Onasi?" Jolee poked the man on his shoulder. Connan brushed him off.

"You can't expect me to leave everything you say accidentally just 'at that' you know." Carth spat. Connan sighed, looking away.

"What do you want me to do, then?" She sputtered.

"Tell me!" Carth cried, now more agitated than anything.

"Guys!" Jolee screamed, causing him to cough once more. Connan observed the man as he hacked up his lungs.

"You know, all you had to do was say my name. You didn't have to shout." She said calmly. Jolee poked her in the ribs, causing her to squeal.

"Don't tell me what to do, missy!" He threatened. "I've been trying to get your attention to tell you to look!" He pointed his crooked finger in front of them.

Connan focused in front of herself, expecting to see nothing but sand and ruins. What she saw made her gasp.

In font of the Jedi and Carth was a dark purple hole in the middle of the air. It was just floating, a slight whirring sound emitting from it as it swirled into itself. Connan was mystified by it.

"Whoa," She exclaimed softly. She walked up to it slowly, her hound following protectively at her feet.

Connan neared the object and circled it, inspecting all of its sides. As she rounded to a forty-five degree angle, the object became razor-thin; so skinny that she had to squint her eyes almost shut to see it.

"It's there, alright." She said, walking back to the front. "But what is it?" She reached out a calloused hand to touch it.

"Don't touch it!" Carth scolded, preparing to swat Connan's hand back down.

Then it struck.

A purple fog laced evenly around Connan's arm, restricting her from escaping. Connan immediately tried to retreat, squealing as she did. The purple thing wouldn't let go. It began to pull her into itself.

Æliesha bit the fog just as Connan blacked out, and she last things she heard were her dog crying in pain and Carth's cry.

"Connan!" He shrieked.

Everything went black.


Connan awoke suddenly, keeping her eyes shut. She felt around the room with her mind, searching all the unfamiliar things thoroughly. Nothing was as it was supposed to be. Connan was supposed to be on Korriban, searching through the now deserted academy there. The only kind of technology around her was the ship, and this felt nothing like it. There were stainless steel beds around her, syringes in bottles laying on tables—

And it was cold. Connan didn't like cold. Their ship was always at least twenty-nine degrees Celsius. This place had to be no more than eighteen degrees.

Not to mention that the minds Connan touched outside the room weren't those of her comrades. She couldn't sense her hound around at all, and her flute wasn't sitting in her pocket.

Come to think of it… those clothes didn't feel like her regular Jedi Master robes she picked off of a dead Jedi she found. And where were her lightsabers? Her mines? Her grenades?

So, out of sheer wisdom, Connan did not open her eyes.

I can at least try to find my weapons. Connan thought. She felt around the room quietly, careful not to trigger any more Force-adept minds, looking for her sabers. She found them in her bag, slinging across the cemented-down chair in the corner. In there also resided her flute, her grenades, and her mines. She sighed. If anyone came in, she's deal with them.

It wasn't until five minutes later that she sensed someone coming into the room. A man, about her age, with one weapon concealed under his poncho. A lightsaber, by Connan's reckoning. She kept her eyes shut.

The man pulled one of the syringes out of the bottle next to the chair and put something into it. Connan cringed inwardly. As the man came toward her, she slowly moved her hand to grab a hold of her saber.

She opened her eyes and jerked herself up, beckoning her saber toward herself. She ignited it with a flick of her thumb and whirled it at the man, telling him slightly with its blue rage not to touch her.

The man took out his own pure green lightsaber.

"I am not going to harm you," He spoke gently, with a voice that nearly took Connan by surprise. She shook her head violently.

"That syringe spoke otherwise." She snarled, keeping her saber in front of her waist. She backed up into a corner.

The man held his left hand in the air, the other still grasping the lightsaber. "I swear to you as a Jedi, I will not hurt you." He said, smiling at her. She cocked an eyebrow and slowly straightened.

"Jedi?" She asked. Her lightsaber clicked off and she threw it back where she got it. "Where am I? Who are you? Where are my friends? Why are you keeping me here? What happened to me!"

"Calm down, young one." The man said, sitting her down on the bed again. "I'll explain it to you once my apprentice gets here."

Hesitating, Connan took this time to take in the man's features. He had light brown hair, flaking down his back to about mid-way, then cut off. His bangs were tied back in a knot to keep out of his eyes. His eyes—by the way—Connan noted were a deep blue-green. His old poncho covered up his Jedi robes, as if he didn't want people knowing he was a Jedi.

Connan liked him from appearance.

Connan sighed, looking away from the man and staring at the white floor.

"What's your name?" She asked quietly, the man almost didn't hear her.

"My name is Quai-Gon Gin, and I am a Jedi Knight." He said. "And who are you?"

The door shucked open and in came another name, slightly younger than the first, with regular cut hair and a braid hanging down from his ear. His Jedi robes stayed perfectly clean and mended.

Connan still wasn't sure about him.

"Ah, Obi-Wan, there you are. Just in time. Our patient has awakened." Quai-Gon waved a hand at Connan. She backed up again, away from the two.

"Patient?" She asked. "Who are you people?"

"I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, apprentice to Quai-Gon Gin." The smaller man answered. "We found you out on the Outer Rim worlds, all bloodied up and dying."

"Outer Rim worlds?" Connan repeated. "You mean we aren't in the Outer Rim?"

"Why, no, of course not!" Obi-Wan said testily. "Why would you think we would stay out there?" Connan stuck her tongue out at him, causing the man to flinch.

"Obi-Wan," Quai-Gon stated. "Means that we are on Coruscant. Could you not feel it as you awakened? Surely Coruscant has its own feel, seeing as to how it is the Republic's capitol."

"On Coruscant?" Connan was sounding like a parrot. "No, we can't be…. I would have felt it. But—" Connan stopped. "Oh, Force!"

"Watch your language!" Obi-Wan scolded. Connan ignored him. She stood up and began pacing around the room.

"Carth is still on Korriban! He and the others—but why didn't you take me to them when you found me? Were they not searching for me?" Connan stared at Quai-Gon through wet eyes. He hesitated in answering.

"There….there was no one else on Korriban. No one has been on that planet for four-thousand years." He answered slowly.

"Except for us three weeks ago…." Obi-Wan griped.

Connan nearly fell over. She grasped onto the bed so hard, her knuckles turned white. "Four-thousand years?" She screamed. "What year is it?"

Connan knew what Quai-Gon was going to say, though she dreaded above anything else to hear it.

"It would be Republic year number nineteen thousand."


The End!

How'd you like it? I'm not changing the saga much. In fact, the next chapter they go as ambassadors to that ship above Naboo. I hope I spelled that right.

I got the "Nineteen hundred" year from the beginning of KOTOR, if you must know. They said "20 rotations would be more than 20,000 years! That means he's at least 5,000 years older than the Republic itself!" So fifteen thousand that four-thousand at the summary page, and there's nineteen thousand years.

Please review!