
By: Rikka K

A/N: Dedicated to mah friend, Rach! Or rather, Sakura Asakura! Read her stories!

"Sasuke, can I talk to you?" Sakura felt her face burning hot, but she didn't care. She had to let it all out, sooner or later, and sooner was better. Wasn't it?

Sasuke glanced at Sakura, before standing up and following Sakura to outside of the room, out of the earshot of everyone else. "What is it?"

"Sasuke, I…" Sakura paused, looked at Sasuke and sighed. Sakura! What are you doing? Just let it out!

"Sakura, please. What is it?"

"SasukeIloveyouandIwantedyoutoknowmyfeelingssinceforeverbutIneverfindtheperfecttimetodoitsonowhereIam." Sakura gasped for breath, then realized Sasuke didn't understand a word she had said. Great. I just made a fool of myself.

"Okay, Sasuke, I want to say this. I love you. I wanted you to know my feelings since forever, but I never found the perfect time to do so, so now here I am. I want you to know, I've loved you since we first met. But you're so quiet and all, so I never knew when and how to tell you." Sakura finished, but there was still so much to say, and she felt like she was about to burst from all the words she had left unsaid.

She looked up into Sasuke's eyes earnestly, and froze. Sasuke was looking at her, too, but with intensity and softness at the same time, if that was possible.

Sasuke stared at her, strangely, and wrapped his arms around the girl. Sakura was initially surprised, but eventually relaxed into his embrace. Words were never enough anyway.