Disclaimer: The characters in this story are not mine… The story however, is.

Why am I here?

The most basic of questions. It encompasses a myriad of other questions, other hopes, other… dreams. It also shows curiosity. It's one of the things that make us… sentient.

The human race has always been driven by basic emotions. Lust, greed, anger. There is one emotion that is more powerful than all others combined. There have been many songs written about this emotion. Many stories have been written, many movies have been put on videotape and DVD.

What emotion is this, you may ask. I'm sure 99.9 of you have already figured it out. This emotion is… Love.

When Ronald Stoppable first said, "I Love You", to Kim Possible, he never once thought about all the things that these three words meant. All he knew was that he loved her. With every part of his being, he loved her.

I do not mean to say loved, as in past tense. I should say, loves. He loves her. Ronald Stoppable loves Kim Possible.

There is no way a machine can love. It cannot know the width, depth, or breadth of the emotion, for it is boundless. You cannot measure love, nor can you put a number to it in anyway shape or form.

So when the Bebe-fied brain inside of the fake Kim Possible heard the words "I Love You" from Ron Stoppable, it did not know how to respond. A response was not programmed for this statement. There was no way it could respond. It did the only thing it was programmed to do when something presented itself that the hive mind could not understand. It shut down.

"Kim? Kim? Are you OK, Kim?"

Sitting across from his girlfriend in their usual Bueno Nacho booth, Ron was worried. He had just told Kim that he loved her, and what does she do? She faints.

Taking her hand, Ron starts to rub the back of it in an attempt to bring her around. Immediately he dropped her hand on the table because it felt cold!

Ron recoiled in horror as his mind whirled in response to this sensation. Her hand was cold! He gently raised her head off the table, and tried to look into her eyes. They were open, but there was no light. No sign of life. He quickly checked for a pulse on her wrist, cringing from the coldness he felt. There was no pulse!

"No, Kim! Quick, someone dial 911!" Ron yelled as he immediately took her off the bench seat and began to perform CPR. He could blow breaths into her mouth, but when he attempted to push on her chest to do compressions, her chest was solid! It wouldn't budge!

"What…?" Ron exclaimed as he felt the resistance. He tried again, but was unable to push her chest in. Ron scrambled back up to the table, and dug through Kim's backpack. Lip stick, chewing gum, hair brush… there it is! He grabbed the Kimmunicator, and had pressed the call button for Wade before he had even removed it from the pack.

"Hey, Ron. What's up?"

"Wade! Something just happened, and I'm not sure what's going on, but I don't think Kim is… well, Kim!"

"Slow down Ron, slow down! What's going on?"

Without saying a word, Ron turned the Kimmunicaotr so that Wade could see the body lying on the floor.

"Ron! What happened?"

Ron turned the screen back towards himself and spoke. "Wade, can you do a full body scan on Kim? I mean, check EVERYTHING!

"Well, I can do a basic scan…" Wade hit a few keys on his keyboard. "Whoa! Th… That's not Kim! In fact, it's not even human! Ron, that's a machine!"

I wanted to do something completely different, so I just started typing. Here is what I started out with. I couldn't seem to get going on any of my other projects, so I decided to try something completely different. If this sounds like a good start, let me know and I will continue.