Fallen Angels
Chapter One – The grave of Piper Halliwell
Chris Halliwell was 15;
Wyatt Halliwell was 17, and Leo Wyatt. Piper Halliwell's death was
exactly one year ago from this very day. The three men went to her
grave sight…she was buried right next to her sister, Prudence
Halliwell. Chris who took the death the hardest looked at the metal
plate which bears his mothers name. He touched it, holding his tears
back. He placed a red rose with two small rose buds in the floral
cup. He stepped back, and stood high against to his brother. Wyatt
looked at his brother gazed which was locked at the metal plate. He
put his arm around his brother and looked at it.
"Mom would
have been proud." Wyatt said has he been looking at Chris and the
other half looking at his mother's grave.
"She would."
Chris said silently. As he walked forward and kissed the plate and
walked away. Wyatt watched his brother…the symbolism was amazing.
As his brother walked away he heard him sniffle. Wyatt then turned to
his father who had been silent throughout the duration of the event.
"How are you doing?" Wyatt asked
Leo seemed to be
knocked out of a daze. "Oh Wy, I am fine." He said putting his
hands in his pockets.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I am fine. Why
don't you go check up on Chris, I'd like to say a few words."
Leo said with the up most respect.
"No problem." Wyatt said,
he walked forward, kissed his fingers and then placed it on the
grave. "I love you mom…I am getting use to this, I miss you so
much." He walked off.
Leo stepped forward,
and placed his hand on the grave. It was not suppose to be like this.
"Piper," he said, "Remember when you said I would be
missing so much…well look at you." He said with a slight laugh,
"I am sorry. I miss you so much!" He said as a tears came to his
eyes, "Wyatt and Chris try to be strong, but I know what they go
through everyday, it kills me. Chris has got a handle on reality, and
he's doing better in school again. The boys have gotten very close
since…since you're death." He said as he choked, "I am a
whitelighter again!" He said with a smile, "Paige was promoted to
Elder after what happened, and Phoebe is now writing for the entire
west coast." He said looking at her name. "So I am here with the
boys. Paige and the rest of the Elders have granted me only part time
for now, until I feel ready to come back…which I am on Monday. The
boys seem alright, Wyatt is on the football team again and Chris is
on the swim team. Don't worry I won't miss a game or a meet. I
love you baby…take care okay." He leaned forward and did like
Chris and kissed the plate and walked off.
Chris walked around the mausoleum and then found a corner and let his emotions take over like they did so many times before. He gripped the wall, he couldn't do this anymore. It took him so long to get out of the rut he was in and going back there wasn't an option. He had a swim meet in two days. His first one. He had been practicing all week, but just the pain of his mother not being there killed him. He tightened his grip on the wall as tears burned his eyes. He tried so hard to hold them back.
Wyatt walked, as he turned the corner he saw his brother standing in a corner gripping the wall. "Chris." He said under his breath. He slowly walked up, he could hear him sniffling. Wyatt wiped a tear from his own eye and walked up.
"Chris." Wyatt said placing his hands on his brother's shoulders. Chris opened his eyes and felt Wyatt placing his hands on him. He moved his shoulders and stepped forward. "Don't, please."
"Okay." Wyatt said, watching his brother let go of the wall and walk forward. Chris rubbed his hands on his jeans and standing alone. He looked at the marble ground, it was something easy to look at…then it came blurry and soaked. He closed his eyes and rubbed the tears from them. He sighed hard, and looked at the ceiling.
"Its okay." Wyatt
said coming up and standing next to his brother.
"No it's
not." Chris said.
"It was her time-"
"But I killed
"No you didn't…none of us didn't know this could
have happened. Please don't blame yourself Christopher."
green eyes looked into his brothers ocean blue eyes. "I do…and
nothing you can say will change that." Chris was about to hug his
brother for comfort then heard his father coming over.
boys my charge is screaming, are you two gonna be okay? You need
money for dinner?" Leo said walking up.
"No we're fine."
Wyatt said, "I got some money for Chinese or something."
"Alright. Bye guys." Leo said orbing out.
Chris then closed
his eyes and broke down. He couldn't believe what happened and
especially today of all days. He didn't believe it. He walked to
the wall and sat down on a stone bench.
"Chris, no. It's
okay." Wyatt said.
"No it's not that…he didn't say
Goodbye to me…he said it to you, but not to me." He said
with tears dropping from his eyes.
"And he also
"Forgot what?"
"Today is my birthday."