Okay, so not really so much of a chapter as a scene, but hey.

"Come on!" Ronon growled to the slow-moving McKay.

"It's not…my fault…that….I didn't have…military endurance training!" The scientist panted, leaning against a tree then straightening as he heard gunshots behind him.

"We must hurry, Dr. McKay," Teyla advised gently, her chin set against tears for her assumed fallen commander.

"Yeah. Let's go." Ronon, as usual, took point and strode through the gate, Teyla following close behind, with Rodney taking up the rear, casting one last glance back towards his friend. Gazing wistfully back through the fall foliage, Rodney caught a shimmer of what could have been a P-90 glancing the late afternoon sun off of it. But no, it couldn't be that way. Shaking back the tears from his choked-up throat, he stepped through the gate, knowing that John would never be coming with them again..

More is on the way! Reviews, please.