Chapter 1- New Beginnings

People fight for many different reasons. Some people do it just for fun, sport and entertainment, the pokémon trainers for example. Some of the stronger and more serious people fight for those who pay them, or for nothing but personal honour. Then there are those who fight to defend, which isn't easy no matter how strong you are. Fighting to defend yourself requires only for you to get stronger, and pushing yourself to your limits. Fighting to defend others is far more difficult, because it requires you to reach those limits and BREAK through them. The power of one is nice, but unless you have the guts to push yourself this far, then the shining item is no more than a flashy lantern. I know I have limits, but it doesn't matter. As long as I fight for others I care for, then the word 'limit' has no meaning to me, or anyone else who fights for the same reason as I do… Oh and by the way, here's a message from the author, the coolest nerd in Canada, Mikazuchi!

-Ash Ketchum

DAMMIT! You call me a nerd again and I'll come down there and kick your a… oh um, hi people, and thank you for reading my fic. My first season was a success, and I hope this second one will be too. I'm just here to tell you that I unfortunately don't own pokémon according to that legal-mumbo jumbo, as well as the characters. But characters like Ebi, the Super Fiends, The Kaiser Cult and all others that don't appear on the show are mine! One more thing. This second season can get pretty violent at parts, just so you know, and if you can't handle them, then don't come bothering me about it, I've got no time for cry-babies, SO BEAT IT!


IMPORTANT: This story is the sequel to 'Pokémon: Ultimate Adventures!'. If you had not read that one yet, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER!

(Location- Marble Desert)

It's been a several days since the defeat of Grand Dreamer and Chaos Reaper. Our heroes remained in this city because the people insisted they do so. Just about everywhere they went Ash and Misty were celebrities, with people turning to look at them, shake their hands, greet them or get autographs and stuff. It did get annoying sometimes because they didn't get to be as alone together as much as they wanted to be. Whenever they were going out or just alone and away from the rest of the group, there'd be at least five people following them around wanting to get to know the heroic pair who risked everything to save them. Though the glamour and fame was nice, it was time to move on.


The land-speeder's engines roared as it sped over the desert sands at a very high speed. The open-roofed speeder was a brownish colour, and it had a canopy over it. Brock, Ash, Misty, Tracey, Gary, Amaebi and Ebi sat in this order, mostly because Brock and Ebi wanted to sit as far from each other as they could, what with them not liking… make that HATING each other. The group has been riding the thing for about half an hour. As they sped along, they began to see more and more greenery in the sands, meaning they were getting close

"Hmmm…" Misty sighed, taking one last look at Marble City as it shrunk in the distance. She felt somewhat sad about leaving that city, which held so many memories, though some terrifying, there were also many beautiful ones of her and Ash, and the special moments they shared…

"I know how you feel Misty" said Ash reassuringly, putting his hand on top of hers, "That place has a lot of memories, but remember we're adventurers. We travel the world, never remaining in a single place." He then smirked and leaned closer to her, "Not to mention, we can STILL make plenty more 'good' memories…" the two of them chuckled… but quickly stopped when they noticed everyone was watching

"Oh, don't stop on our account. Keep going, it was just getting good!" said Gary, and everyone else laughed, while the two looked down embarrassed

"Twenty more minutes until we reach there!" Said the driver

"Well that's good!" said Ebi and turned around to the group, "Finally! I've been waiting to return here for a long time!"

"Return?" Asked Gary, "You've been here before?"

"Oh yeah!" said Ebi, "Emerald Jungle is a perfect place for adventurers. Along with much natural beauty and wonders, it's a great place for pokémon trainers, whether just beginning or already experienced. There are many wild pokémon roaming the area, so it's a good place to start catching, or build up your collection."

"Really?" Asked Ash, "What kind of pokémon?"

"During the day, you'll find mostly grass and bug elements, but after nightfall you'll run into plenty of ghost and dark types!"

"Cool!" said Ash and he stood up, "I can't wait to get there! It's been way too long since I caught a new pokémon, and I'd better start…"


"GAK!" they heard someone yelp

"WA!" Ash exclaimed as the speeder hit something and wobbled. Him not being safely seated like everyone else, he fell over, "OOF!"

"ASH! Are you okay?" Misty exclaimed

"Ow… yeah, I'm fine" Ash got up. He only tripped. He wasn't hurt.

"Did we hit something?" Asked Tracey

"Probably not" Said Ebi

"Then what was that sound?"

While everyone was busy discussing whether they hit something or not, Aquamarine lay face flat in the sand, with a huge bump on the back of his head. He groaned and got up, seeing the speeder that hit him zoom off. "Ow…" he groaned. He then looked carefully at the speeder and saw… ASH KETCHUM! "GRRRR…" Aquamarine growled, just hearing Ash's name made him angry, and he was on that thing that hit him! "BLACK SQUALL!" Not wasting any time, he unleashed the furious attack. The fierce winds stopped the speeder from moving any further, and lifted it up into the air, spinning in the cyclone.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Ash screamed, holding on tight to the speeder

"PIKAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Pikachu held onto Ash, not daring to let go

"EEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAH!" Misty screamed, she also held onto Ash

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Brock almost fell out


"YEEEEAAAAAAAARGH!" Gary clung for his dear life,

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" Amaebi screamed, being the lightest, she would most easily be thrown overboard

"HOLY GOOOOOOOOD!" Ebi shouted

"WHAT THE…!" The driver screamed

"Heh… take that Ketchum!" Aquamarine smirked as he looked upwards, but sweatdropped as he looked at the speeder in the air, "oh dammit…"


The speeder fell from the sky, carrying the passengers and all, right on top of him.

"Whew… what on earth was that!"

Ebi shrugged "Even I have no answer for that!"

"Whatever it is, it was really freaky"

"Just hope we don't go through that again"

"Oh, I don't know, I wouldn't mind doing that a second time" Ash grinned, referring to the Misty on his left who had been extremely shaken by the sudden winds blast and was holding onto him tightly "Misty… you can stop now. I can't breathe…"

After everyone settled down, the speeder moved on, leaving Aquamarine lying face flat in the sand. "…Ouch" he groaned as the group sped off, not even noticing him

(Location- Emerald Jungle)

"Here we are my friends, Emerald Jungle!" the driver said as they stepped out, "Well, you already paid the fee back in Marble city, so this is where I'll be going now! Good luck!" he called as he sped off

"This is Emerald Jungle?" Tracey looked around, "Cool!"

"Things get even better, because soon the party's gonna get even bigger!" Said Ebi, "By the way Amaebi… where did you say Tobiko went?"

Amaebi shrugged "I don't know."

"What!" Ebi exclaimed, "I thought you were travelling with her!"

"I told you, we got split up earlier" she replied

"Ugh… I can't believe this…" Ebi sighed and shook his head, "I thought I told you two to stay together at all times…"

"Don't be like that! We'll probably run into her eventually during our travels!" said Amaebi cheerfully, "Not just her, but the others too"

"Well" said Ash, looking around, "There's supposed to be a lot of pokémon in this jungle right?"

"Yeah, a lot" said Ebi

"Then I'd better start searching for them! After all, I gotta catch 'em all!" Ash pulled out an empty pokéball

"Nah, you won't be capturing them…" said Gary, as he pulled out an empty pokéball, "Because I will"

"Yeah right! I can capture twice as many pokémon as you!" Said Ash

"Is that a challenge?" Gary smirked

"You know it" Ash smirked

"LET'S GO!" They both called. Laughing as they ran separate ways into the jungle

"Ash! Wait!" Misty called as she also ran in, trying not to lose him in the thick undergrowth, "Careful not to get lost!"

"I know I won't, not with these two!" Tracey smirked as he ran in, holding Venonat's and Maril's pokéballs

"Pokémon Trainers… Like kids in a candy store" Brock smirked as he stepped in

"I'll be looking around, see if our friends are here!" Said Amaebi, running in

"My sister has a tendency to lose her direction, I'd better make sure she doesn't this time!" Ebi said as he also ran into the jungle

Standing on top of the trees was a figure that none of them knew. Actually there were three of them, all human, wearing long flowing capes…

"So they enter jungle" said Red Kaiser

"Yeah… and for some reason, I haven't…" White Kaiser growled, "One of the two Super Fiends that fought me in the desert… the large brute, supposedly resides in that jungle" he clenched his fists tight, he had a score to settle

"Super Fiends are easy to kill. You can do that any other time. Right now, we have a mission" this new Kaiser spoke in an English accent. He had a broadsword hanging from his side and a shield slung across his back. There was a green cape draped around his shoulders, and a golden war-crown around his head… Green Kaiser.

"We here for only one thing… young boy who defeat Kaiser Beast" Red Kaiser spoke in his strange accent. A smile crossed his face and his hand reached down, gripping the handle of his Tai-Chi sword… "That boy, he also defeat members of Super Fiends. I want to see it, how strong he is…"

"He's just a regular human boy, not worth the energy it would take to kill him" Said Green Kaiser, "I have a much better idea…"

"Idea? What is it?" asked White Kaiser

"Watch" said Green Kaiser

(Location- Emerald Jungle)

The emerald jungle reminded them a lot of the Green Forest. It was quite thick but there were some clearings. The trees were at least thirty feet high and vines were hanging everywhere. It was warmer than green forest and a pretty humid. There was a river running through the jungle, and several small mountains and waterfalls.

"Ha-ha!" Amaebi smiled, around at the scenery. This jungle was beautiful! She then looked to the side, "Hey!" she spotted something. An Aipom! Walking slowly over to it, so as not to scare it away, she approached it bit by bit.

"Ai?" the monkey pokémon looked at her

"Don't be afraid…" said Amaebi slowly

"Aipom" Aipom sat itself down on a tree root

"Hello, my name is Amaebi. What is yours?"

"Aipom!" the monkey answered

"Hello Aipom!" Amaebi giggled as she shook the money pokémon's hand… or tail. She then reached into her bag and handed it a piece of fruit. The Aipom examined it for a second, then accepted it. As it started eating the fruit, Aipom suddenly dropped it and looked left and right. "Huh? Aipom? What's the matter?" asked Amaebi, also looking left and right. Aipom then jumped up into the air and grabbed a vine and quickly climbed up, out of sight. "I wonder what was wrong?" she asked herself. Behind her, a shadowy figure approached her… "Huh?" She turned around…

"HA!" Red Kaiser shouted, swinging his arm and slamming her

"AAAH!" She screamed… the blow was so powerful… she was sent flying!

"You are going to be quiet now" Green Kaiser stepped behind her and covered her mouth. Amaebi tried to struggle but this man's grip was too strong! Even when she bit down hard into his fingers, he wasn't even feeling it!

"Stupid girl! You think you can escape us?" White Kaiser threw ropes around Amaebi and quickly bound her.

"Success!" Said Red Kaiser, "Foolproof plan, nothing go wrong!"

"What are you doing!" they heard a voice shout, and turned around to see Ebi! He stood there, growling at the three "Let go of my sister… right now!" Ebi shouted

"Hmmm… no" Red Kaiser answered plainly. At the same time, Green and White Kaiser jumped high into the air to the top of the trees carrying her to the topmost branches where it became hard to see them

"AMAEBI!" Ebi ran forwards, Red Kaiser caught him by the back of the shirt, "LET GO!" he shouted as he turned around and swung his fist

"And why should I listen to you?" asked Red Kaiser in a bored tone, casually evading anything Ebi threw at him. "Fighting weak people is so boring…"

"RHAAA!" screamed Ebi as he continued to lash out at him, with no effect! "AAAH!" he screamed when Red Kaiser flicked him on the forehead with one finger, and that was enough to send him flying! "N… NO!"

"Do you really want her back?" Asked Red Kaiser, "Then do us favour"

"What… kind of favour… Kaiser!" Ebi growled

"You know friend with red hat? Boy who do UniStrike and blasted my Kaiser Beast Charrannosaurus? Kaiser wants you kill him"

"WHAT!" Ebi exclaimed, "Hell no! I'd never do something like that, and the fact that it'll help you gives me even more reason not to!"

"Your choice. If you no kill boy…" Red Kaiser smiled… "Then I kill your sister!"

"WHAT!" Ebi shouted, but Red Kaiser wasn't finished

"And when I am done with her, I go and kill the rest of group, slowly. Not one will leave jungle alive… and it will be your fault!" Red Kaiser smiled evilly

"N… NO!" Ebi shook his head

"This way Pikachu!" They heard Ash's voice in the background. Ash was coming this way!

"Ah, speak of devil… here he comes" Red Kaiser grinned, kicking off the ground and leaping high into trees, out of sight, "I am watching you!"

"Here!" Ash appeared into the scene, looking left and right, "GRR… nothing again! Who was it that said there's lots of pokémon in this place? Yeah right! But could have sworn I heard something…" he looked up and saw him, "Ebi!" Ash called

Ebi didn't answer. He didn't turn back to face him

"Hey Ebi! I thought you said there was a lot of pokémon here! Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place. Can you help me find…" asked Ash

Ebi's mind was in turmoil

"Hey Ebi" said Ash, "Hello?"

"Ash… please… go away…" Ebi said quietly, not daring to look at his friend.

"Huh?" Asked Ash

"I'm warning you, get away Ash!" Ebi he was trembling

"What is it?" Ash came close and placed his hand on Ebi's shoulder

"I SAID GO AWAY IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU!" Ebi shouted as he turned around and slammed Ash on the face with surprising strength

"WAGH!" Ash fell over. "Ow… man, what's going on? What's with you?"

"I may have been with you on your journey for a long time and you have my respect, so that's why I'm warning you to get away right now!" Ebi yelled, tears were in his eyes, "Before I have to choose to make the sacrifice!"

"Wa?" Ash backed off, "What do you mean?"

"It's either gonna her or you! Go before I choose you!" Ebi shouted

"Ebi, what's going on? If you're having some sort of trouble, then I'm here to help!" said Ash

"I don't want your help! Because the only way to do so is to die right now! And I am finding it more and more difficult to hold myself back!" Ebi continued to shout

"Ebi…" Ash stared at his friend, "I want to help you, but what you want right now is out of the question! If you even try, don't count on it! You know I'm far stronger than you!" Ash shot his answer back, "The super fiends you've never been able to beat were defeated by me, and I don't want to hurt you! I've known you for a long time, and I consider you a friend. When a friend is having troubles, no matter how bad it is, I will help!"

"Those super fiends… they aren't any importance. They never were. They are strong, but you can beat them. I wasn't able to do it, because unlike you, I had no purpose to fight back then… Ebi Sword!" said Ebi, and Ash's trainer instincts kicked in


"WAAA!" Ash raised the QuickSilver in defence as Ebi slashed at him with a weapon

"I have a purpose to eliminate you now! You challenged me just by not leaving when I told you to, and now there is no backing off!" Ebi shouted, "Goodbye… my friend… RHAAAA!" Ebi charged forwards. From the EbiDex on his right hand, a long purple plasma-blade stretched out as Ebi attacked



Weapons: EbiDex Arsenal- Ebi Sword, Ebi Shield, Ebi Gun

ATTACKS: Ebi Flash, Ebi Shock, Ebi Flame, Ebi Freeze, Ebi Laser

CLASS: Explorer




"YOW!" Ash moved


"Holy!" Ash exclaimed as he deflected it. That Ebi Sword beam flashed as it hit the QuickSilver. It was real fast, as well as dangerous! Ebi charged forwards again and slashed, but Ash got out of the way. Ebi's weapon passed right through a tree and cut it clean, as if were made of tofu.

"I forged the indestructible QuickSilver! I designed the Element and Nitro Balls! I wrote the ultra advanced EbiDex program! Any technologies on this planet are primitive in comparison to my creations! After making such simple weapons for you, how hard do you think it was to make even BETTER ones for myself!"

"WA!" Ash moved his head barely in time to miss the slash from the Ebi Sword

"These weapons were made to take down Sky Render, and you don't stand a chance!" Ebi shouted as he attacked quickly

"I don't know what's going on with you! I really don't want to fight you, but if it'll stop your insane rampage, then TAKE THIS!" Ash charged forwards. Ebi moved and dodged Ash's punch, swinging his beam sword dangerously close, but Ash kicked his leg and tripped him. "Ebi! Before you get up and fight again, listen to me! You are my friend! I don't want to fight you! I know you're smarter than to resort to fighting without a good reason, I want to hear it!"

"It's none of your concern!" Ebi thrust his laser blade at him again. Ash blocked it "EBI SHOCK!" the Ebi Sword retracted and the EbiDex crackled with electricity


"AAAGH!" Ash screamed as electricity surged through him. Ash growled, reaching down to his pockets… "CAPTURE!" he pulled up an element capture ball and hit the EbiDex with it. The electricity was completely drained as the ball changed yellow. Ash then kicked Ebi in the stomach, making stumble back a few steps, "You're my friend, but you're trying to kill me! How could that NOT be my concern?"

Ebi jumped back and called the Ebi Sword back up, "Draining my taser won't do anything, you aren't even close to defeating me" he wasn't even listening to Ash, "Prepare yourself, RAAAAGH!" He took Ash by surprise when he lunged forwards

"AGH!" Ash screamed. He raised both hands and caught Ebi's wrist, but not soon enough. The tip of the plasma blade passed through his shirt and pierced his chest, "GRRR… YAAAA! Ash growled and fell backwards, using the strength of his arms to throw Ebi and send him hitting the dirt, but Ebi just got up and shook it off,

"Pika Pikachu!" Pikachu called

"No! Stand back Pikachu!" Ash called. "I don't want you or any of the pokémon to hurt Ebi! I just want to find out what's going on!" He turned to Ebi, "Listen Ebi, for the last time! Stop! Please! Otherwise I will have no choice but to fight seriously!"

"YOU THINK I CARE! I WON'T BE SATISFIED UNTIL ONE OF US IS DEAD!" Ebi was no longer a calm, intelligent young man. He was now a snarling, furious wild animal. If he had any bit of restraint, he's left it behind.


"WAAAGH!" Ash exclaimed as Ebi slashed his arm. The wound wasn't deep, but it burned badly. He raised his head and saw what Ebi was doing next

"TAKE THIS!" Ebi shouted as his arm thrust forwards. Ash leaned back and caught Ebi's wrist before the plasma blade could touch his face. Ash sweatdropped at how his face was only inches away from the deadly weapon.

"Ebi… stop!" Ash said as he tightened his grip on Ebi's wrist. He was far stronger than him, but right now Ebi's determination level far exceeded his own

"Bite me!" Ebi snarled as his plasma blade retracted. "EBI FLASH!" he shouted. The dome part of the EbiDex flashed a bright light

"AAAH!" Ash screamed as he let go of Ebi and covered his eyes.

"This special light was meant for retreating, but it works for fighting dirty as well!"

"Dammit!" Ash blindly stumbled left and right, but he was nowhere near Ebi. Ebi then charged forwards to attack… "DON'T THINK THAT'LL WORK!"


"AGH!" Ebi screamed. Ash dodged all of Ebi's swings perfectly, and then hit him!

"Ah…" Ash opened his eyes and blinked. He could barely see. Ash turned to Ebi and spoke, "Ebi, you may be the smartest person I know… heck, the smartest person in the world, whatever! But people like you aren't meant to fight. Wanna know why? Because you're smarter than that! What happened to the calm, rational Ebi I knew?"

"Shut up and die!" Ebi placed his glasses back on his face and charged, but Ash deflected it.

"What's going on here!" Gary exclaimed as he stepped into the scene, "Wha… what are you doing!"

"Ask him!" said Ash as he ran, while Ebi was slashing through the vines and trees

"Ebi! Stop!" Tracey ran forwards to try and stop him, but Brock held him back. It was a good thing too because Ebi's plasma blade seemed to cut through everything. It barely missed Tracey's face when it chopped through a tree and caused it to fall over

"Why is Ebi doing this?" Misty asked herself. While everyone was focusing on the fight between Ash and Ebi, Misty noticed some people standing on the treetops. Quickly and quietly, she ran up to one of them and grabbed a vine. Slowly and clumsily, she made her way up the trees, keeping hidden from the people on top. The Kaisers were chatting amongst themselves and obviously enjoying the fight.

Misty spotted Amaebi, tied up completely, and sitting on a branch. She didn't dare to move otherwise she'd fall. It didn't take long for Misty to figure out what was going on. She moved to Amaebi and undid the gag.

"Misty! Hurry! You've got to do something! These men are holding me hostage!"

"What?" She whispered back

"They're liars! They told Ebi to kill Ash; otherwise they'd kill all of our friends as well as myself! Right now, Ebi is fighting Ash because of their demands, but they have no intention on keeping their promise! When Ash is gone, they'll all attack!"

"And without Ash, we'll be helpless against them!" exclaimed Misty

"Get me down! Ebi will only stop if he sees me!" said Amaebi

Misty undid the knots with some difficulty. Amaebi then grabbed onto a vine and slowly made her way down. There was only one and it didn't seem strong enough for two people. Misty stayed quiet and listened to the Kaisers speaking.

"HA! YA!" Ebi slashed and Ash deflected them, "HAAAA!" Ebi slashed one last time…


"WAGH!" Ash cried in pain. There was a long cut on the side of his face, and it was bleeding, "GRRRR… YOU ASKED FOR IT!"


"AAGH!" Ebi screamed as he was sent flying by Ash's punch. He crashed into a tree and fell to the ground, "Ungh…" Ebi got up and looked at Ash

"That's it! If the only way to settle you down is to beat some sense into you, then that's just swell!" Ash took a fighting stance

"So be it!" Ebi spat. He readied his Ebi Sword, and Ash readied his QuickSilver



They charged towards each other…

"STOOOOOOP!" Amaebi shrieked at the top of her lungs

Everyone jumped when they heard her voice. Ebi turned his head, "Amaebi!" he exclaimed

"Ebi! Stop this madness right now!"


"No buts! I'm safe! There's no need for this useless fighting!" She said, "They were lying! They don't have our friends!"

"What!" Ebi exclaimed. His plasma blade retracted into the EbiDex and he stepped back from Ash. Ash lowered his guard. He knew the fight was over.

"WHAT! How that girl get down there!" Red Kaiser exclaimed

"No! Impossible!" said White Kaiser and looked back. Instead of seeing Amaebi tied up, Misty stood on that limb! "You! I remember you! It was you who untied her, wasn't it?"

Misty stood up and managed to smile "So what if I did?"

"GRRRR… you dare insult us…!" Red Kaiser growled, "I kill..!"

"Calm down, Red Kaiser!" Green Kaiser tried to calm him before he goes berserk… "There's other ways we can do handle the situation. This for example!" he handed Red Kaiser a reed with a dart, "Watch it! This dart is extremely poisonous! It's strong enough to kill a Kaiser Beast in a matter of seconds!"

"Yes" Red Kaiser forgot about Misty, he took the dart and aimed it at Ash, "Die now!"

"What!" Misty exclaimed

Red Kaiser took a deep breath and placed it at his lips…

"NO!" Misty screamed. She dove for the vine and swung. Around the tree… towards Ash… she had to get him out of the way! Too late to warn him! Have to help him…

"Misty?" Ash looked up and saw her swinging towards him…

"AAAAASHHH!" She screamed as she let go

"PFF!" Red Kaiser blew into the blow dart thing

"AGH!" Misty screamed as she slammed into Ash's body.

"WA!" Ash exclaimed as he fell on his back, Misty lying on top of him… "Ungh… Misty, I really appreciate how you feel for me. I really do, but next time, could you not do this in front of everyone, and be a little gentler? Misty?" he asked. Her eyes were closed and there was no response, "Misty?" he then saw something, "WA!" He picked her off him and saw a dart sticking out of her shoulder!

"What!" Everyone ran forwards to see her

Ash reached for it, but Ebi stopped him, "No! Don't touch it!" Ebi pointed his EbiDex at the dart and a pair of tweezers picked it off. He then set it on the floor and pointed it at the dart, "EbiDex Scan!" he commanded. Immediately the EbiDex scanner went to work. "No! This can't be!" he exclaimed

"What?" Asked Ash "What's wrong with her?"

"This dart! It's poison!" he exclaimed

"POISON!" Ash screamed. Quickly he lifted Misty's body and moved his head closer to the wound

"What do you think you're doing!" Ebi exclaimed

"I'm gonna suck the poison out! What does it look like?" Ash shouted as he placed his lips closer to the dart wound…

"NO YOU IDIOT!" Ebi slapped him, knocking Ash's head back, "We have no idea how deadly this poison is? Get that stuff in your mouth, you might die too!" he shouted, "Unlike you, Misty's a normal human, and this stuff is spreading fast! She's only got a few seconds left!"

"WHAT!" Ash screamed, "Hurry do something!"

"I'll try!" Ebi placed the EbiDex over Misty's shoulder. Where the plasma blade came out, a needle stuck into her. It injected some sort of serum, and Misty began to breathe, and Ebi sighed in relief "The medicine I used worked… sort of. This gives us time to breathe…"

"Then is she cured?" Ash asked desperately

Ebi had a grim look on his face "No…" he explained "she will remain under the effects of the poison. She will be too weak to move or remain conscious, but she will be alive. The problem is that letting her LIVE is the maximum the drug can do"

"What do you mean?" Ash asked frantically

"This is no ordinary poison. The stronger the body's defences are, the harder the toxins will fight to destroy the body, and it has already damaged much of it. I need the antidote to eliminate the poison, because the drug I injected it can only hold it off for so long… and then…"

"Don't you have it!"

"It's not that easy!" Ebi snapped at him, "The elements needed to make the cure are near impossible to find! Plus I need a large portion of them, but they're so rare! There isn't anything we can do here!" said Ebi

"Then is… Misty gonna… (sob)" Ash couldn't finish. Tears formed in his eyes, "No, Misty!" He picked her up, "Wake up! Misty!"

Misty's eyes slid open. She was too weak to move, but she could see Ash. She managed to smile, "(Ash)" she mouthed the words, "(I…)" she couldn't even finish. Her eyes closed, and she fainted again

"Misty…?" Ash sobbed, "Misty!" He called her name and began to shake her, "No… this isn't happening… This isn't happening! Misty! Wake up! Misty! MISTYYY!"

Things look bad. First the Kaisers nearly get Ebi to kill Ash, and now they've poisoned Misty! Is she really done for? What can they do to help her? Find out next time in Pokémon: Shadow of the Deceiver!