An Encore Presentation
Guilty Gear versus SNK
Written by:
Lone Wolf NEO
Conceived by: Lone Wolf NEO

Author's note: Guilty Gear is copyrighted by Sammy Studios whereas SNK holds the right over all fighting games under the company label (Last Blade, King of Fighters, Fatal Fury, you name it). Lone Wolf NEO does not own any or all real-life features or whatever facts featured in this story. He does, however, own the exclusive rights to all his original ideas in this fiction. The author would really appreciate it if readers do not copycat everything inside this story without his knowledge.

Chapter 10
Get Down! Get Down!

This chapter takes place just after GVS Encore Chapter 5: She is My Swordswoman.

Desert. Place of nowhere. Hell on Earth. The area where sandstorms reign supreme and dunes are daily sights. It is also at desert one can see the paradox of environment, especially if the said desert is located near a vast expansion of water. Take the Atacama Desert, for example. Even though it stretches along the coast of the Pacific, it is still the driest place on Earth. Yet -- and I mean YET -- penguins can live in comfort there.

"Oh, shut up, narrator," a pissed-off Iori snorted. "Get straight to the point."

May I introduce you to Yagami Iori? (Camera points to Iori, and he shakes his head off). As you can see, Yagami Iori is the only surviving heir of the Yasakani Clan, once ally of Kusanagi Clan but now mortal enemy.

"Yeah, yeah, I don't want to think about it," Iori spoke. Then he snapped. "Why the hell am I doing here in the desert?"

Iori, you do know that you're going to have a fight with Sol Badguy, right?

"What? Do I have to fight that paedophilic rock fan?" Iori demanded. He snapped in fury and proceeded to toss a Yamibarai projectile at an unfortunate fan boy. The said person was sent high into the sky and disappeared forever.

For those who didn't know, Yagami Iori here is having a serious grudge against Sol Badguy. Why? It's because ever since he made debut in An Encore Presentation: Guilty Gear Versus SNK, and ever since Sol Badguy went into his Holy Orders form and kicked Orochi Team's ass--

"Oh, the chapter where they trios of idiot copycat Team Rocket?" suddenly Kusanagi Kyo appeared beside Iori and spoke.

Iori beamed at his archrival. "What the hell are you doing here? And what brought you to this place?"

Kyo shrugged and flexed. "I thought staying at the mansion is kind of bored," he explained. "Oyaji is busy sparring with his… Tekken fellow--"

(At Kusanagi Mansion, Saishuu Kusanagi and Mishima Heihachi can be seen sparring with each other, the latter sending the Kusanagi noble warrior crashing into the wall with his Tekken Fist.)

"--ow, what the hell. Old men stuffs; not my taste." Then he turned his attention to the dumbfounded Iori. "By the way, I haven't seen you around for quite a long time. What's up?"

"What's up?" Iori mocked. This was answered by a loud battle cry. The two fire warriors turned at the source of the voice and saw someone kicking Ash Crimson's ass really good from faraway. The French green flame possessor instantly "died" when Sol Badguy PWNED him with a good-looking Bandit Bringer. "Oh, looks like the Corrupted Flame is coming our way."

"(CENSORED)-ing Fench," Sol growled and plunged his Fireseal into the sand. "Nobody messes with Queen and lives."

This is Sol Badguy. He is made of hotness, ass-kicking and win. He is also an avid fan of everything Queen. Don't mess with him.

Sol flipped his middle finger at the narrator. "(censored) you."

Kyo elbowed Iori. "Hey, who's that guy?"

"That's Sol, you idiot," Iori sneered.

Well, Iori, you know you have to fight with Sol right away.

Iori grumbled and looked upward. "What the hell is your problem, narrator? Can't you see I don't want to have anything with it?" he shouted.

Now you're even quoting him. How ironic. People have been expecting to see two badass fire-wielders clashing in a life-or-death situation. Honestly, Iori, you're as gay as your family name.

"Damn it! I'm not a gay!" Iori cried out.

And you're as emo as that Shinn Asuka person.

(in the heated battle between Taekwondo champion Kim Kap Hwan and Destiny Gundam, Shinn suddenly sneezed. "I shall kill whoever that person is," he grumbled.)

Sol Badguy killed narrator with Napalm Death.

"Stupid people," Sol grumbled and glowered at the charred remains of what used to be the narrator. Then he shook his head and looked at Iori. "Hey! Iori? Want to have a duel?" he asked.

"Why are you in a sudden inviting me for a challenge?" Iori shouted.

"I'm bored," he simply stated.

"If you're bored, then I'm fed up," Iori sneered. "Kyo, you go and fight him instead. I'm too lazy."

"You're chicken," Kyo taunted. This was instantly replied by a Moon Harp Negative that missed. Kyo booed at him as he said: "seriously, Iori, if you're really eager to end our blood feud, why didn't you just kill me in the first place?"

"I (censored)-ing hate you," Iori growled.

Kyo shrugged and left his enemy behind. "Oh, well. At least I can do some exercise," the Kusanagi flame warrior uttered and approached Sol Badguy. The former Dr. Frederick glowered at Kyo and gave him the trademark middle-finger, and Kyo replied by bursting out his crimson flame. "Ara, ara. Looks like our Mister Badguy is already angered."

"What the hell do you want?" Sol growled.

"What do I want? A fight, of course," Kyo spoke and powered up his Great Serpent Cutter. He released the fully-charged overdrive as a massive dragon-like fire pillar and tossed it at Sol.

"The fuck?" Sol swung his Fireseal upward and nullified the fire pillar with Tyrant Rave. He flipped another middle-finger at Kyo, who simply laughed at his reaction. "I was going to fight Iori, and you want to interfere? That's it! You're going to pay! DRAGON INSTALL!"


Sol charged at Kyo. First, he attacked with a Grand Viper and he pushed Kyo as far as he could with the fiery tackle. Kyo took no risk of getting pummelled by the strong collision and produced a flame shield to endure the impact. Sol Roman Cancelled the Grand Viper and Gun Flame-spammed. Kyo intensified the duration of the flame shield and endured the fire projectiles, all while slowly stepping toward the American Badass.

"Is that all you've got?" Kyo shouted with arrogance. He punched through the shield and sent its pieces toward Sol in multiple orange Yamibarai projectiles. He ran behind the fire missiles and jumped over them, catching the blocking Sol by surprise. "Got you!"

"Oh, no, you're not!"

Sol crouched, reared slightly behind and suddenly hurled toward Kyo. The gigantic fire column courtesy of Dragon Installed Volcanic Viper was something even a seasoned fighter like Kyo did not predict, and he was knocked high into the air. Sol did not end it there and Roman Cancelled the uppercut into another Volcanic Viper before he sent Kyo crashing into the desert with a follow-up knockdown kick. He landed and flipped a thumb's down at Kyo. "Abayo." Weak.

"Well, as if having a Guilty Gear versus SNK dream match is dangerously mad enough," Iori suddenly commented and leisurely took his seat under a date palm tree, picking up any date fruit he found on the ground. "What if we SNK fighters suddenly have Gold Mode?"

To prove Iori's words, Kyo stood up and glowing in sinister yellowish orange. Then he suddenly became all yellow as he screamed a battle cry and entered Gold Mode. "Fuck, this is why I hate letting authors doing whatever they please," Sol snorted and entered Gold Mode of his own.

"See?" Iori told the accompanying Testament who happened to walk near the vicinity of the battle. (Author's note: in the original Guilty Gear versus SNK, Testament is still alive. Paradox? Probably not.) "That's what happens. But that will probably not happen anytime soon. Not in the future."

"This I must see…" Testament thoughtfully spoke and ate a piece of date fruit Iori offered.

The Gold Mode Kyo began his counterattack. He fired an unblockable Yamibarai that caught Sol off-guard. He charged at him and immediately attacked with his infinite Shiki: Aragami / Shiki: Dokugami loop. Sol was knocked back, unable to block the flame-laced combos, and Kyo became relentless as he cancelled one loop into another, increasing the strength of each punch by the factor of 10.


He ended the Dokugami loop with his EX 123 Shiki: Shaku En overdrive: he raised his arm, lifted Sol off ground and clenched his fist, igniting his opponent. The explosion sent the shaken Sol across the desert and the Corrupted Flame crashed onto a boulder. He turned to his spectators, lifted his fist and grinned.

"Ore no… kachi da!" This is… my victory!

"Uhh… you're not," Iori said.

Kyo snapped. "What? But I already defeated him!"

Iori and Testament pointed to a direction. Kyo looked at their fighters and was horrified. There he was, always as provoked as he usually would. Despite injuries, Sol still sported the angry eyes that were more than enough to send Kyo stepping backwards.

On top of that, his theme song (Get Down to Business) started playing in the background.

"Damn… fucking… people…"

With another battle cry, he entered his Gold Mode Dragon Install and instantly transformed into his Holy Orders form. He gave his opponent no opportunity at all as he unleashed Dragon Install - Saika (the initial shockwave knocked Kyo off his feet) and charged at the Kusanagi warrior. In the way Geese Howard sent his opponent into smithereens with his Deadly Rave, Order Sol landed all nine initial hits onto Kyo with the power of each attack multipled ten folds

"Get down! Get down!"

Order Sol ended Dragon Install - Saika with an immensely powerful Tyrant Rave fireball that sent the knocked out Kyo hundreds of miles away. He ended the overdrive with a 'cut-throat' taunt. "Usero." Get lost.

"So what's next?" Testament asked even as he feverishly ate several more date fruits. "This is delicious."

"What's next?" Iori demanded. "Oh, that's right." He left Testament with the fruits and walked toward Order Sol. "I think I'm next," he spoke and quadrupled his dark energy, as if entering Gold Mode of his own. He lifted his right palm, unleashed a very dark purple flame and created a mini-tornado out of it.

"Now you're serious," Order Sol uttered.

Iori grinned. "Indeed I am." At the same time, the mini-tornado burst and unleashed torrents of dark purple flame, in which the red-haired warrior gave out a maniacal laugh.

Then he tossed it. "DOUSHITA!"


(Note: this part was originally from Blackheart ZERO's Guilty Gear parody fan fiction which Lone Wolf NEO had miserably forgotten its title. Is it "The Incredibly Zanny Guilty Gear Adventure?")

"Well, it surely is fun sitting around here alone while steering this airship to safety," Johnny uttered. He was heavily drunk, and his voice was hoarse as he dropped the liquor bottle to the floor. "Urp… I think I need to pee myself…"

"Bicycle! Bicycle! Bicycle! I want to ride my bicycle! Bicycle! Bicycle!"

A naked Axl ran into the command control while riding a bicycle. Johnny gaped.

"I want to ride my bicycle! I want to ride my bike!"

Then a naked Sol came in, also riding a bicycle. Johnny's eyes widened.

"I want to ride my bicycle! I want to ride it where I like!"

"AH! My eyes!" Johnny fainted afterwards, and the clothless bicycle racers left the command control.






"Fuck you! You're cheating! There's no such thing as Free Cancel! GUN BLAZE (LEVEL 2)!"

"You're the one who's cheating! Wait a minute! Why are we doing this again? To hell with that! ONIYAKI! FREE CANCEL!"

The first hit of the Free Cancelled uppercut juggled Order Sol and sent him off the ground. Immediately the red-haired Yagami heir braced himself, lifted his fists into the air and charged towards him.

He caught Order Sol.

"Asobi wa owarida! Nake, sakebe!" Game is over! Cry, cringe, and writhe in pain!

The ferocity and the viciousness of the Kin 1211 Shiki: Ya Otome, otherwise known as The Eight Maidens Masher was something Order Sol never wanted to feel, especially since he had eaten a full taste of it before.

"Soshite, SHINE!" Therefore, DIE!

The grapple imploded in purple flame. Order Sol was knocked off the ground, but Iori wasn't finished just yet. Laughing madly, he tossed multiple pillars of purple flame at Sol and ended it with a gigantic explosion of violet.

Order Sol crashed. If the last time hurt so much, this one hurt even more. His head dizzied, Order Sol tried getting up and staggered on his feet. "Damn it! My head hurts…" he growled and madly shook his head.

Iori laughed. He intensified his purple flame and charged at the dizzied ex-Holy Knight. Without ever giving Order Sol any chance to recover, he landed his exclusive Aoi Hana / Kototsuki In / Oniyaki infinite loop, much in the same way Kyo did his Aragami / Dokugami loop. Unlike the crimson flame fighter, however, Iori was more aggressive and did not hesitate to give everything he got against his enemy. Once again, he ended the loop with The Eight Maidens Masher and sent Order Sol flying in the sky with its Saika follow-up. He watched as his rival crashed into the desert, snickered and assumed his winning pose.

"Sono mama, shine." Therefore, die.

He left the battlefield and returned to the date palm where Testament was leisurely sitting underneath it. Then…

"Fuck you, Yagami Iori."

When Iori turned around, Order Sol caught him on the neck and tossed him onto the other side of the ground. He braced a bit, ignited his fist and slammed it onto Iori. "TYRANT--"

"What happens if Sol Badguy does the infamous Sidewinder Loop," Testament uttered thoughtfully, "while donning the Holy Knight uniform?"


The second hit of Tyrant Rave Beta was Roman Cancelled. Order Sol immediately followed up with a Bandit Bringer that further bounced the shaken Iori off the ground. He chased Iori across the desert and prevented him from touching the ground with a crouching hard slash. He later went on with a jump-slash-slash-air dust-Sidewinder-land-jump-slash-slash-air dust-Sidewinder-land-slash-slash-hard slash-Volcanic Viper- repeat until impossible loop that lasted as long as anyone could imagine. That loop came to its end after Order Sol ended an aerial Volcanic Viper with a knockdown kick.


Once again Order Sol continued the overdrive with Bandit Bringer and the Sidewinder Loop. This time, though, he cancelled the second Sidewinder punch and inexplicably Sidewinder-spammed Iori in midair. How he did it, don't ask.

Although it would be awesome if one could actually see him doing it.

"Get down! Get down!"

The Sidewinder Spam ended with an-- aerial Tyrant Rave?

"I don't want to have anything with it!" Order Sol screamed as he sent Iori into the ground. The red-haired Yagami heir was dizzied as he stood back, unaware that Order Sol was already glowing red and kneeling next to him.

There would absolutely be no escape for him, or anyone who dared to piss Order Sol off.


Order Sol Instant Killed Yagami Iori with Napalm Death.


Sol discarded his Holy Orders uniform. He looked at the charred remain of Iori, made a thumb-down salute and glanced at the date palm. Testament was no longer there, probably leaving the area early before anyone noticed.

"Mou, owari da?" Geez, it finishes already?

He shrugged at the new thought and headed back to Shanghai, holstering the cooled down Fireseal upon his shoulder.

"Yare, yare, daze…"



// this event takes place shortly after Little Red Raising Storm, Chapter 8: End of the Day //

"You know, I should rewrite the chapter where Iori and May first met," Lone Wolf NEO said as he was finishing his dinner. "I bet readers are wondering of how the unlikely pairing is formed. And the same thing will be done on K'/Kula pairing. They look perfectly cute and complement each other."

Kula stared at K'. With a blushing face, she smiled to him, an expression K' open-heartedly accepted.

"I bet you're jealous to see Kula-chan getting close to K', aren't you Lone Wolf?" Madlax guessed, in which Hibiki replied with a stern glare of disapproval.

Lone Wolf NEO diplomatically coughed. "As far as the canonical story is concerned, didn't K' save Kula when the space station crashed into Earth?"

Again, Kula stared at K'. This time, her smile turned provocative as she whispered: "you owe me that one." K' gulped at the tempting speech, and gaped when Kula seductively placed a finger upon her inviting lips.

"Ahem." Candy's non-verbal reminder was enough to gain the attention of Kula and K'. Embarrassingly Kula apologized, while K' said nothing about the android 'big sister'. "Remember what I told you about behaving, Kula-chan," she spoke.

"Gomennasai," Kula spoke.

The mobile phone rang. Lone Wolf NEO picked it up and found a notification message of an SMS. He opened the inbox, read the message and shook his head. "This takes every precaution to the extreme…"

He dialled a number. After a long, unwanted, pause, the line was connected. "Hey, Yuuki, it's me," the man spoke. The rest of the diners looked at him in wonder as he began the phone conversation. "Say, I heard you're having some sort of problems with the bureau. Mind if I lend you some hands? Sure, I know what to do. I'll let you know when it's done."

He hung up the phone. He turned to his fiancée and his female fellows. "Everyone," he spoke as he donned the detective hat, "I have to excuse myself. There's something about the bureau I need to take care of. Take care of yourselves, okay?"

"Lone Wolf-san," Hibiki called as he approached the door, "what's happened?"

The Author gave a low-sounding sigh. "We're at war."