Disclaimer:If you've read through this whole thing without realizing it's not mine, then you might need some help. Don't look for the copyright information, 'cause it really doesn't belong to me. I wish it did, though…

Chapter 35- No Longer Alone

Harry stared out the window of the red Hogwarts Express train as it steamed its way through the countryside, on its way back to Platform 9 and 3/4 where the inhabitants would be dropped off. He sighed, thinking about the coming summer and wishing school wouldn't have ended. Great, he snorted as he leaned back in his chair, Now I sound like Hermione.

"Harry," Hermione asked as he turned to her, "Are you alright?" He forced a smile on his face and nodded as she smiled back, her eyes showing concern.

So, Harry," Ron commented as he worked his way through a chocolate frog, "Are you excited for the summer? I bet you'll be glad to get back to Grimm-"

"Ronald!" Hermione hissed as her eyes opened wide with fear. Ron shook his head as he glanced back at her before looking at Harry again.

"Erm…I mean…I'll bet you're glad to be going…erm…home, yeah…erm…home with us," Ron stuttered as Hermione sighed and rolled her eyes, shaking her head and holding it in her hands. Harry forced another smile on his face and shrugged, not wanting to say anything.

"Of course he's glad to go home with us!" Ginny responded as she flipped through a copy of Witch Weekly from her seat in the corner, a purring Ginger in her lap, "It means that he won't be around those nasty relatives of his ever again!" Harry sighed as he looked down at his feet before turning back to his friends, knowing the truth would be discovered soon enough.

"I'm not going to-" he started as he noticed Ron's eager face look to him, "I mean, I won't be going home right away." He awaited the onslaught of questions that he knew were coming as Ron's face fell and Ginny dropped her magazine on her now angry cat. Hermione closed her eyes and looked to the floor as though she knew the truth before he said it.

"What?" Ron cried.

"It's true," Harry gave, "I've been given other instructions."

"Who gave them, Harry?" Ron pressed.

"Why not, Harry?" Ginny asked with concern dripping from her voice. Harry sighed and quirked an eyebrow with a shrug.

"Dumbledore ordered me to return to the Dursley's first," he announced sadly, "He says that I need to be there for a few weeks, if not the entire summer, before I join my friends again."

"That's stupid!" Ron ranted as Hermione tsked him, "I mean, you can't return to them! They aren't your family."

"Yes they are, Ronald!" Hermione began in a stern voice, "By blood, they are his family. And while we may not agree with Professor Dumbledore about this, we must agree that he only has Harry's best interests at heart." Harry sighed and nodded sadly while Ginny straightened her back.

"Well, he's wrong," she remarked as they turned to her, "He doesn't know what's best for Harry. No one does, except for Harry. He's nearly an adult; I think he should make his own choices. It's time for Harry to choose what he wants to do instead of having someone else do that for him." Harry looked at her in shock, knowing that the other occupants bore similar looks on their faces. She merely squared her shoulders and gave her head one nod in response.

"Harry?" she started as she looked him in the eye, "what do you choose to do? Do you choose to go home with us and defy Dumbledore's orders? Or do you choose to obey him and go back to the Dursleys?" Harry felt everyone look at him as he stared at her in shock, not believing that she would ask such a question. Although he desperately wanted to stay with them and have a merry holiday, he knew why he was being sent back to the Dursleys. He knew he had to every year to keep his blood bond anew, but he didn't want to tell his friends that at the moment. After the year they had suffered through, he didn't want them to worry too much about him.

"I think I should follow Dumbledore's orders and return to the Dursley's," he lied as his shoulders slumped from defeat. He looked to the floor again, not wanting to meet his friends' eyes and reveal the truth.

"You can't mean that, Harry," Ron gave as Harry shrugged, still not looking at them.

"Harry," Ginny began, "Think about it. You could join us at the hea—at home—and spend your holiday with your friends. With your family. We'll be miserable without you there." Harry looked to her and forced a smile on his face.

"I know," he started as he sat back in his seat again, "But, I still think I should stick by Dumbledore's orders and return to the Dursley's for some time."

"What for, Harry?" Ron interjected.

"Ronald," Hermione hissed, "It's none of our business. Obviously, Harry has his reasons for obeying Professor Dumbledore and returning to his relatives' home."

"C'mon, 'Mione!" Ron retorted, "Harry would tell us if there was something bigger going on." Ron turned to Harry and looked at him expectantly. Harry sighed and shook his head.

"I can't tell you, yet, Ron," he started as Ron's face fell, "I'm sorry, but I can't. I will tell you, someday. But, for now it has to remain a secret until our side wins and Voldemort is gone." Ron flinched at the name but remained neutral about it.

"When will you join us at the he-at home?" Ginny pressed as she looked to him with hopeful eyes. Harry forced a smile and shrugged.

"I don't know, Gin," he answered as he leaned forward, "It all depends on Dumbledore and how long he feels I need to stay for the bl-for the summer. C'mon, let's play a game of exploding snap." Harry pulled a deck of cards from his trunk and settled to play a game with his friends, urging Hermione to join them and have some fun. After much persuasion from the other two, Hermione rolled her eyes and joined them. Just as they were getting ready to play their first game, the door to their compartment opened and Neville and Luna entered. Harry smiled as the last two members of the DA settled in for the game.

"Glad you two decided to join us," Ron piped up as Harry reshuffled the deck.

"Yes," Ginny agreed with a smile, "the more, the merrier!"

"And when I thought you couldn't sink any lower, Potter," a cold voice sneered from the door. Harry glared at Draco Malfoy, flanked by his usual bodyguards Crabbe and Goyle, as he stood up and grasped his wand in his pocket.

"What do you want Malfoy?" he snarled as he felt his friends stand up and support him. Suddenly, he noticed Draco's features hadn't changed from the night before. The blond Slytherin still sported his large ears and grayish hair. Harry fought back a smile as he heard Ginny and Hermione titter behind him. Draco glared at them when he, too, heard them.

"What's so funny!" he demanded as they giggled more.

"Malfoy," Ron remarked, "you sure look like your true self now."

"Yes, Draco," Luna stated in her dreamlike voice, "the ears are very becoming on you." Harry grinned as he watched the sallow-faced boy turn Weasley red. Draco turned to Harry and glared at him again.

"My father-"

"Yes, yes, Malfoy," Hermione gave in a bored voice, "We know it already. When your father gets wind of this. It's depressing, you know, that your father has to fight your battles for you."

"At least I don't have a mudblood fighting them," he spat before he, Crabbe, and Goyle were flung into the hall. Harry and the rest of the DA had their wands out and Harry noticed that they all wore determined looks on their faces. He approached the three Slytherins and stared at them in a mixture of surprise and amusement. Draco glared at him again as they began to rise to their feet.

"You were saying, Malfoy?" Harry taunted with a smirk on his face. Draco stared at him before motioning Crabbe and Goyle down the hall. Harry entered the compartment again and closed the door, grinning at his friends.

"Now, where were we?" he questioned before the six of them began their game again and laughing when Ron's eyebrows were singed during the game. Harry leaned back at smiled at his friends, happy to know that he was no longer alone in the fight.


"Oi! Harry!" Ron shouted as he jumped off the train, "Where are you going?"

"I left something in the compartment," Harry replied as he turned back to the corridor, "I'll be right out." Harry raced back to their compartment to find his black diary that he had been writing in right before they approached Kings Cross and changed into their muggle clothes. He smiled as he reached the compartment to find his black leather-bound diary on his seat where he had left it. He picked it up and heard the familiar sound of parchment falling to the floor. Harry looked down and saw the familiar yet tidy scrawl of his owl pal. He bent down and picked up the letter, excitedly tearing it open and wondering who Ginger really was.

Dear Harry,

By the time you read this, we will probably be long gone from Platform 9 3/4. I wanted to write one last letter to you before we went our separate directions for the summer and onto whatever the following holiday has planned for us. Though I will miss seeing you nearly every day, I look forward to hearing from you over the months. Your letters have proven to me that you are a strong, caring, brave, and loyal friend. One that I hope I will never lose. Getting to know you over the past year has made me see you in a new light. No longer are you just a celebrity in my eyes. No longer are you a young hero. You are so much more. You are a friend, and that matters most.

Don't forget this, Harry. There is more to you than what the prophecy suggests. And your life means more than just the hero of the wizarding world. Although you will defeat You-Know-Who, and I believe that you will, it is not all that makes you who you are. You have much more to live for than just that. Once you defeat the Dark Lord, you will have your whole life ahead of you. Please don't feel that it is over once you win the war for us, for there is much more for you to do. You could do anything you set your heart to. You have the will power to do that.

I write this to you because I know you are unsure of the future. But you still have a long way to go before your death. And you have a long way to go before you overcome the Dark Lord. At times it may seem impossible, but it will happen eventually. Never lose hope in yourself. I have watched you from afar over the year, and I see how strong you are becoming. I hope to see that strength continue to grow over the next year and forever more.

Please, take care of yourself over the summer. And write often. I look forward to your words and to comforting you, should you need an open ear again. Remember: I am always there for you, as well as your other friends. Don't shut us out, for you are no longer alone.

Love Always,


P.S. I had planned to send this with your beautiful owl, but I noticed that someone left their book in your compartment (most likely Hermione Granger). I figured that they would come back for it and find your letter to give to you. I hope you receive this. If you do, please send me a letter soon and notify me so I know it isn't wandering around the world. If not, then I will know since you won't write back. Again, take care of yourself.

Harry folded up the letter and placed it in his diary for the time being, smiling and wondering who Ginger was as he always did after receiving a letter from her. He left the compartment and turned his thoughts to her words, feeling instant strength and drive in his heart. He knew that others believed in him, just as Ginger suggested, and that filled him with hope. He jumped off the train and onto the platform, hurrying to the Weasleys with a smile on his face.

"Harry, dear!" Molly replied as she pulled him into a bone-crushing hug, "How are you? I wish we could take you with us back home where you belong." At this, Harry's smile faltered and he shrugged.

"It's alright, Mum," he answered, "I think it's safe to follow Professor Dumbledore's orders for now. Besides, I will see you over the summer." She smiled at him as Arthur approached them.

"Ah! Harry!" he announced, "Best get you to your aunt and uncle. The sooner you go with them, the sooner you get to leave and join us!" Harry nodded as the six of them—including Ron, Ginny, and Hermione—started toward the Dursleys. Harry watched as Molly's smile turned into a stern scowl once they had reached his three muggle relatives. The nine of them faced each other in silence for a moment until Uncle Vernon glared at Harry.

"Well, boy, come on!" he snarled, "We don't have all day!" Harry nodded as he grabbed the cart with his trunk and Hedwig's cage on it. Before Harry could move, Arthur put his arm in front of Harry and stopped him.

"One moment, Harry," the patriarch stated quietly before sternly speaking to the Dursleys, "Mr. Dursley, Mrs. Dursley. I hope that you will remember our warning from last summer. Should Harry not write to us daily about his summer, should he even hint at ill manners from your home, we will be forced to visit you and have a talk about his treatment. Do I make myself clear?" Petunia scowled as though she had eaten one of Professor Dumbledore's lemon drops while Vernon's eyes popped out from his face. Harry hid his smile as the two adult Dursley's nodded and turned away from Arthur, hurrying lest he attack them in the middle of the station. Harry turned to his family and smiled bravely.

"Promise you'll write us every day, Harry," Ginny commented as she hugged him. He nodded and felt Ron and Hermione hug him as well. When they had broken apart, Molly pulled him into a bone-crushing hug again.

"Hold on, Harry," she announced as she pulled away, "Mind your manners and be patient."

"Yes, Harry," Arthur reinforced, "We will get you as soon as possible. But, write to us every day so we know you are okay." Harry smiled and nodded.

"I will," he stated as he walked toward the Dursleys. He turned back and waved with a smile before following his relatives to their car, knowing that although he had a long way to go he was no longer alone in his struggle.

A/N: That's it for this story! Please click on my name, for chapter one of "Long Way to Go: Part Two" should be up at this point. I hope you enjoyed this story and I hope you continue to read the continuation of it. Thanks again! And now, for reviews!

iceprincess421: As you can see, the story is now complete and the first chapter to the sequel is out. I'm glad you've enjoyed the story and I hope that you will continue to read the sequel! As always, thanks for your review!

Voldemort is Dead: Like you, I hope one day that Voldie dies, preferrably at the hands of Harry! I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far. No, I haven't revealed who "Ginger" is. I won't be revealing that for awhile. Sorry! At any rate, thank you for your continued reading and support! I hope you enjoy the sequel as well!

Lovegood Loves Good: Thank you for your review! I'm glad to see that you still enjoy the story and I hope you enjoy the sequel as well!

jayley: I know what Crudus did was a little odd, but it was necessary for the sequel. You'll see what I mean! Thank you for your continued reading and support in this effort! I hope you enjoy the sequel as much as you enjoyed this story!

schmanski: Thank you for reading and responding to the last chapter! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I hope you will continue to read the sequel to this one!

Keldore: Thank you for your review. However, I did notice that you weren't too pleased with how the story was going. I wanted to explain that I carefully read and analyzed the first five books of the series before doing the outlines in order to keep the characters in character as much as possible. As for Mrs. Weasley's attitude about Harry, please reread Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, preferrably when Harry first goes to the House of Black. I used her attitude and behavior from there in this story because she acts that way and is very protective of all. And I cannot understand why you believe Harry is whiny in this story, nor can I find any evidence of physical abuse in the stories. Yes, the Dursleys did horrible things to him, but they never hit him. If you do not believe me, reread the first five books of the Harry Potter series to find out for yourself. At any rate, thanks for your review.

shannyauburn: Thank you for your two reviews! I'm so glad you've enjoyed this story and I really hope you'll continue to be my number one fan for the sequel! As always, thanks!

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