Hey people this is my first fanfic but I promise you, you'll love it. If you are an Inuyasha/Kagome fan... you'll love this even more. This has chapter has some Miroku/Sango but not much because like the summary says, Inuyasha is in Kagome's time.
No new characters so far, I don't know I might add one in the 3rd chapter. Ya never know! Well, enjoy!
Ch 1-So the Week Starts
Kagome peeked her head around the front of the hut, and, seeing that the coast was clear, tiptoed quietly from the village with her backpack slung over one shoulder. She had hoped that there would be no moon tonight for two reasons: more darkness so she could sneak easier, and Inuyasha's loss of hearing and smell. Lately that half demon had started to not let Kagome go back to her own time. Not that she minded staying here with him; it's just that you gotta have some space sometime! She ran across a patch of moonlight and remembered earlier that evening...
"Inuyasha, sit!" Kagome screamed at the top of her lungs as the half demon's face once again collided with the dirt. "I can't believe you are such a jerk!" she yelled. "You won't even let me go back to my own time!"
He jumped up and ran up to her until his face was just inches away. "Yeah well we can't waste any more time! We've gotta look for some more jewel shards! Maybe if that stupid wolf boy of yours would just hand over the shards he possesses, you could have a break!"
"MY WOLF BOY? What are you trying to say Inuyasha!" she screamed, her eyes becoming livid with anger which only made her look scarier.
Inuyasha stepped back in a mode of self preservation. He didn't like that all too familiar look Kagome was giving him. She only gave him that evil look right before she said he gulped the word. "N...Nothing," he stammered.
"INNUUYASHAAA! SIT!" she screamed once more before turning on her heel and storming into Kaide's hut.
He thinks he's so smart that I haven't been able to go back but wait till he gets up... she smiled an evil grin and jumped triumphantly into the well.
Inuyasha woke groggily to the sound of laughter. He strained his ears and heard Miroku and Sango laughing outside at... him? What did he miss? "And just what the hell are you laughing about," he yelled, jumping out of the curtain of Kaide's hut. They jumped at the sound of his voice and, unsuccessfully, tried to keep a straight face.
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." They both said at the same time, making it painstakingly obvious that there was something going on.
"Look I heard you guys laughing about me so spill it... what's up?"
"Inuyasha you're too suspicious. We cough weren't laughing at you." Miroku said slyly and both he and Sango smirked.
Inuyasha didn't particularly like the smug look they were giving him, so he turned to face the sunrise.
A silence hung in the air as Inuyasha gazed. He turned to see Miroku get a slap on the face by (surprise, surprise!) Sango.
"I was just trying to break the silence," he said guiltily.
"Keep on doing that and you are going to break your arm," Sango warned.
"But how can I use the Wind Tunnel with a broken hand?" he asked innocently.
"Deal with it," she muttered darkly.
"You two lovebirds are making me sick," Inuyasha complained, earning him a blush from both of them. He suddenly had a vision of Kagome sitting him which succeeded in giving him an unpleasant shiver up his back. But no sit command came. He looked around. Where was she?
As if suddenly realizing the cause of their laughter, he said suspiciously, "Where's Kagome?"
Sango and Miroku both looked at each other and laughed. How dumb is he if he barely figured it out? They wondered.
"She sneaked back home," Miroku said calmly.
Sango smacked him on the head and said, "You weren't supposed to tell!"
"Oh so now she thinks she can sneak it past me that she's gone home? Who is she kidding?" Inuyasha said to himself aloud. He was definitely going to show her a thing or two.
Don't fool yourself; she's got you wrapped around her little finger.
"Great, now I'm talking to myself," he whispered. Maybe he was going insane.
"Inuyasha, I think it would be wise to not go and get her. She has been pretty anxious to get home, and you are not helping things by not letting her go." Miroku said wisely, although he didn't look really all that dignified because Sango's handprint still shone brightly on his face.
Inuyasha blinked at him, surprised that the monk would think he knew more about women than he did. "Feh. As if you are the one to talk about women," he said calmly, gesturing to the handprint on the monk's face.
"It's a curse," Miroku sweatdropped.
Shippou came running from nowhere, and immediately asked Miroku what was wrong with his face.
Inuyasha refrained from saying a smartass comment, still afraid Kagome was lurking somewhere, armed with a mouthful of 'sits'. "Well I'm still going to go and get her anyways," he said, casting Miroku an I'm-gonna-do-whatever-I-want-and-you-can't-stop-me look.
Shippou jumped up on Inuyasha's shoulder and said, "Do what Inuyasha?"
"Kagome went back to her own time for a while and Inuyasha plans to commit suicide by going over there and trying to drag her back." Miroku said.
"Don't do it Inuyasha! She will sit you into oblivion!" Shippou begged. Inuyasha winced at the sound of that.
"Well then at least we are going to see some entertainment," Sango said slyly.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" Inuyasha whirled on her.
"You know excactly what it means," she said coolly.
Inuyasha turned and ran for the well. As much as he didn't want to face it, he knew he wanted Kagome to come back so much.
I guess I'll just have to prepare myself for the abuse he thought as he jumped into the well.
Meanwhile, Kagome's hand slammed down on her alarm clock. Damn, I think I broke it she thought. Suddenly a delicious aroma met her nose, and she resisted the urge to run. She got dressed and jumped the stairs by twos downstairs.
"Good morning everyone" she said cheerily. Kagome was enjoying eating real food at a real table since it had been a while. Back in the feudal era there was great food, but you didn't get it often.
After she got done with breakfast she was feeling so optimistic that she even volunteered to sweep the shrine for her grandpa.
She got her walkman and started to sweep. Her favorite song came on and she started to slowly dance. As the song progressed, she completely let go and started to dance wildly. Kagome was too busy dancing to hear the shrine doors open and close or see the bright red figure coming out of it.
Inuyasha felt the usual nautiousness in his stomach as he passed through the well and was thrown out of it a little more forcefully than usual. "I might just be paranoid, but I don't think this well likes me," he sighed to himself.
As he stepped outside the well, a strange sight might his gaze. There was Kagome, but she was acting super strange. What the hell is she doing he wondered.
Whatever it was, he strangely liked it. Ahhhhhh no don't think those things he panicked. He had to stop this before he went crazy.
"Ummm... Kagome?" Great she has those earplug thing-a-ma-jiggers on.
"KAGOME!" he yelled, taking the headphones out of her ears. Kagome whirled around and would've hit Inuyasha with her hand if he didn't catch her arm. She turned bright red.
OH MY GOD HOW LONG WAS HE WATCHING ME she panicked. "Inuyasha! Don't ever sneak up on me again!" she shakily.
Inuyasha looked at her and asked, "What were you doing?"
"You saw me?" she said turning, if possible, redder.
"Everyone within three miles saw you," he laughed. "You didn't answer my question though, what the hell were you doing?"
"Oh, ummm... I was dancing" she blurted out. Suddenly she remembered why he would come.
"So Inuyasha, why are you here?"
Oh yeahhh. "Well as a matter of fact, I'm here to drag you back to the feudal era." he announced. He realized he was still holding her arm and let go of her as if he was burned.
"Too bad I'm gonna stay here in my era whether you like it or not," Kagome said defiantly, "I have three exams this week and I'm gonna stay for them!"
Inuyasha rolled his eyes and looked straight at her. I guess I could stay here with her, hey free ramen! "Ok I'm going to stay here with you then," he stated.
"You don't need to stay with me all the time," she said. Of course, you don't mind though, do you Kagome? She thought.
"Who cares? Besides the monk can use a little time alone with Sango." he said calmly.
"Finally they are realizing they are so in love with each other," Kagome sighed, "it was so obvious all along." There was a big awkward silence after that and they started to feel a bit uncomfortable.
"Maybe we should go inside," Kagome suggested.
"Yeah, you got any ramen?" Inuyasha asked, practically drooling.
"Later Inuyasha," Kagome said lazily, "I got stuff to do."
This is gonna be a long week they both thought as they walked in to the house.
"Hey Inuyasha" Kagome said sweetly.
"What?" came the groggy reply.
"I've got something for you..." she said sweetly again.
"Is it ramen?" Inuyasha yelled excitedly, running down the stairs.
"No, its some clothes you have to wear while you are here," Kagome stated.
"WHAT? But...but..."
"You're the one who wanted to be here; you have to dress normally!" Kagome said.
"No. No way in hell am I gonna wear one of your freakish outfits from here."
Kagome looked at his bright red robe and thought it pretty much covered the definition freakish, but she decided to keep her mouth shut. "Please please Inuyasha?" she pleaded giving him puppy dog eyes.
Inuyasha looked at her and golden eyes met brown. Wow, she has beautiful eyes. No, no I'm going crazy talking to myself he thought furiously. "Whatever" he mumbled.
Kagome squealed in delight and reached into a closet. When her hand came out, it held a black muscle shirt and a pair of baggy jeans. Personally, she thought it would look good on him.
"Ok, go try this on please" she said excitedly.
Inuyasha took one look at it and nearly did a double take. "Weelll, ok." He took the strange outfit and went into the bathroom.
Half an hour later, Inuyasha was still in the bathroom and Kagome was getting worried. What's taking him so long? she wondered. She creaked the door open just a bit and whispered "Inuyasha, you almost done?"
Inuyasha froze and said quickly, "Close the door I'm still undressed!"
"Oh!" Kagome said hurriedly, "Sorry!"
"No problem," Inuyasha muttered darkly.
"Hey Inuyasha, you need help? Cause I can get my brother in there!"
Fifteen minutes later...
"Kagome, can you get your brother in here because I'm stuck in these fuckin' pant things!" Inuyasha yelled.
Sota came running up. "What is it?"
"Ummm... you need to help Inuyasha get dressed," Kagome said quickly, hoping it was understandable.
Sota walked into the bathroom. There was a few shouts and scrapings but Sota walked out of the bathroom a minute later saying, "Hey Inuyasha how did you get that six-pack? Awesome! You're my new idol." Then he turned and left.
Kagome blushed and said, "Inuyasha, can you come out?"
"No," came the muffled reply, "I look dumb."
"Pleeeeaaassseee" begged Kagome.
"Dammit alright!" Inuyasha said and stepped out.
Kagome was at a loss for words. Man that robe made him look so... modest.. Look at him now! She thought.
Inuyasha looked hot to say the least. He looked better than hot. Sota wasn't kidding when he said six-pack. The muscle shirt Kagome had picked out showed almost all of his muscles and abs. Wow. Also the baggy pants looked great on him and added to the effect.
"I look stupid, don't I," he grumbled angrily trying to step back in the bathroom, "I knew it."
"No!" Kagome said, grabbing onto his arm, "You look...great." She blushed furiously.
"Thanks," Inuyasha said quickly turning his head so she wouldn't see the blush creeping up on his face. "So where exactly are we going?"
"To the mall so we can meet up with my friends, you know, you've met them."
"Oh no not them. They're always giving me these looks and whispering about me. Even though they don't know it I can hear them perfectly. Stupid hea" Inuyasha couldn't finish his sentence because it was met with a sit from Kagome. He angrily picked himself up from the floor. "Well they deserve it!" he said defiantly. Kagome shook her head.
"Maybe they would stop whispering about you if you stop making comments about them." Kagome sighed and said, "Come on Inuyasha lets go. Oh yeah, you'll have to wear your hat."
At the mall...
"Kagome, who is that hottie over there calling you?" Shiinja asked, practically drooling.
"Oh, that's my boyfriend." Kagome said proudly.
"THAT'S MR. ATTITUDE MAN!" they all asked in shock.
"Yup," Kagome answered, "Inuyasha, come on!"
"Sorry," he said, walking over to them, "some girl over there was asking me for my phony umber." He caught the air they were all giving off and said quickly, "But of course I didn't give it to her."
Kagome breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Well thanks for inviting me but my mom said I had to be back by 7 so later!"
Inuyasha looked at her confused and said, "I thought she said eig..." but trailed off when he saw the look Kagome was giving him. "Nevermind," he said hastily.
They walked home in silence, stopping every now and then when Inuyasha smelled a cat around and Kagome had to sit him before he could chase after it.
"Hey, why did you wanna go home earlier?" Inuyasha asked curiously.
Kagome looked at him and answered, "No reason. There was just... a distraction." She paused, and then continued. "What did you say to that girl who asked you for your phone number?"
Inuyasha looked over to her and said, "Nothing, you called me over at that moment." As soon as he said that, he saw an obvious wave of relief come over her face. Why is she acting like this? "Why, does it bother you that she asked me for it?"
"No," Kagome said a little too hastily, "why would that bother me?" A silence crept over them for a minute and then Inuyasha asked,
"What's a phony umber anyways?"
Kagome looked up at him in disbelief. He didn't know what the girl had asked of him? Well of course I shouldn't blame him, but still...
"I know it has something to do with a telly- own." Inuyasha said smartly.
Kagome sighed and said, "Girls usually ask guys for it when they wanna go out on a date."
"Oh," Inuyasha said. He seemed to think for a moment. Then out of nowhere he asked,
"What's a date?"
She rolled her eyes and said, "Don't worry yourself about it."
When they finally arrived home, Kagome was feeling kinda tired but decided to eat dinner anyways because she always laughed when Inuyasha would eat steak raw and in huge bites. How he manages to keep that famous six-pack eating like this, she would never know. After a hilarious dinner of rice and steamed fish, (steak on Inuyasha's part) she went up to her room to change. Oh my god I have never realized how baggy these PJ's look so I can't wear them around Inuyasha... she thought. Kagome was pretty, and she knew it, but come on, every girl is self-conscious. Wait I got a perfect idea Kagome planned and started to rummage through her closet once more.
Dang why does tonight have to be so darn cold? Kagome wondered as she paraded around the house in her cute pajamas. She was wearing an undershirt with lace on the top and comfortable short shorts. Cute, but deadly cold in 47 degree weather. She hadn't seen Inuyasha since she had changed, and she was starting to get worried. She ran to the back door and opened it, ignoring the freezing cold wind blowing her exposed legs.
"Innnuuuyyyasshha!" she yelled.
Inuyasha bolted on the limb he was sitting in and strained his ears. He could've sworn Kagome was calling him. Damn I really am going crazy; I'm hearing Kagome's voice he thought miserably. WAIT what if she is stuck out in here in this freezing weather looking for me he frantically thought and jumped off the limb to search for her.
Inuyasha walked into Kagome's room half an hour later. He had been all around the damn shrine looking for her and then rushed inside to ask her mom. Of course then he found out the truth.
"Were you outside looking for me?" he asked Kagome, closing the door behind him.
"No, I'm not that stupid, Inuyasha. I knew you would come in sooner or later, and besides, I can't go outside like this," she motioned pointing to her pajamas.
Only then did Inuyasha realize what she was wearing and of course, thought that she looked really hot. Of course, he didn't say anything except, "Well I thought you had and I spent half an hour looking for you out there."
Kagome looked at him sympathetically and went to get her blanket from her bed. She wrapped it around Inuyasha and said, "Here, so you won't be cold anymore."
Inuyasha looked down at it and huffed. "Demons don't get cold," he said proudly.
"But you're a half demon; don't they get cold?"
"No," he stiffly answered. He pushed the blanket off his shoulders. "Thanks but no thanks."
Kagome got the blanket and put it on his shoulders again. "I don't believe you, I think you're cold."
Inuyasha pushed the blanket off again, "No, I'm not!"
"Yes you are!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
They kept pushing the blanket on and off his shoulders until Inuyasha finally got tired. He turned around, grabbed the blanket from her hands, and ripped it. "Am not!" he yelled.
Kagome watched him, still in shock. Then that shock turned to anger, and Inuyasha started to get scared.
"Inuyasha..." she said in a deadly calm voice. "That was my last blanket I have right now, and I needed it for tonight! Even though you might not get cold, I do! Now I'm gonna have to sleep under a tiny sheet in 47 degree weather!"
Now Inuyasha was shocked. He hadn't thought about that... "Look, I'm sorry" he said guiltily.
Kagome did a double take. Did he just apologize she wondered. "Inuyasha that's one of the first times you've ever apologized to me!" she squealed and threw herself into a hug with him.
Inuyasha was caught off guard and the force propelled both of them to the ground. Both of them laid in shock for about a minute, and then big time blushing set in. Now you can imagine that this was a very uncomfortable position, and it was made worse by the sound of Mrs. Higurashi's footsteps going up the stairs to Kagome's room.
"Oh my god," she whispered and desperately tried to get off of Inuyasha.
Inuyasha was struggling too and about three seconds before Mrs. Higurashi entered, they separated and went to other sides of the room.
Mrs. Higurashi entered and looked around the room at both of them. "What was all the commotion about?" she asked.
"Oh nothing mom, just a little fight" Kagome said sweetly.
"Well ok honey, just keep your fights down please," she said as she was walking away. Suddenly she turned back and advised, "Oh and honey, don't say the word sit here, I don't want my floors to cave in! Goodnight you two, I'm going to bed." and she closed the door and left.
About a minute after she was gone and the footsteps leading to her room had died, they burst out laughing. "Seriously just tell me when you are going to hug me so I can brace myself" Inuyasha joked.
After a couple of minutes of laughing, they both decided to go to bed only there was one problem-where was Inuyasha going to sleep?
"Ummm how about the bathroom?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha gave her a look and she said, "Alright, bathroom's out."
Inuyasha looked at a corner of Kagome's room and said, "I'll just sleep in the corner over here. It's ok I always sleep sitting down anyways."
"Are you sure Inuyasha?" Kagome asked worriedly, "You won't get cold?"
"I thought we had already gone over this, don't you remember? I don't get cold."
"How could I forget? You tore my blanket, remember?" she said in a deadly voice.
Inuyasha walked over to the corner, took his sword and sheath out of his belt, and thumped onto the floor. "I feel right at home," he said humorously. "Except it's kinda weird to not hear a slap every now and then."
"Not to mention screams of 'You lecher!'" Kagome added. Suddenly she felt very tired and the bed looked more beautiful than anything right then. She trudged slowly to the bed, as if in a trance. Then without warning she jumped onto the bed excitedly. "Aaahhh... heaven."
Inuyasha just looked at her as if she were growing ears out of her head. What's with her... you can't tell me she was that tired he thought. His ears picked up on the sound of her breathing calming and getting slower. Or maybe she was he thought again. Inuyasha kept looking at her sleeping figure. An hour past, maybe two, and yet he still kept looking at her, as if expecting her to suddenly jump up awake. Geez what time is it, he wondered. Whatever; I'm gonna be up for a long time. But he was wrong. Must stay awake, gotta keep my reputation he thought as he fought sleep off. What the hell, no one will know. His eyes drooped and his last thought was, Feh, I think I'll just yawn rest my eyes for a moment. Soon afterwards the room went eerily quiet.
At about midnight Inuyasha awoke to a noise. He noticed it had gotten a lot colder. Kagome was right, it was gonna get cold tonight. He looked over to the bed and saw Kagome shivering and could hear her teeth chattering. Even though she didn't know he was awake, he knew she was. Now I feel really bad for tearing her blanket.
"Kagome are you alright?" he whispered.
Kagome gave a little squeal of surprise and rolled over to see Inuyasha giving her a worried stare. She didn't know he was awake. "Yeah I'm f-fine." She muttered as she rolled over again.
"Don't kid yourself; I can hear your teeth chattering from here." He said seriously.
"You're right I am cold."
"Is there any thing I can do," he asked.
She seemed to think for a moment and then said, "Well... you can sleep next to m... never mind."
Inuyasha looked straight at her for a moment and thought, was she about to say what I think she was going to say? He debated it in his mind for a moment as she shivered. Should he go over there and warm her up, or would it seem too weird? Then as her teeth started to chatter again, guilt took over him. Of course I should, it's my fault anyways.
He got up and walked over to her bed quietly, leaving his sword behind. When he got to her bedside he stopped. Kagome was facing the other way and did not realize that he was there. As he thought it over in his head again, he gave in.
Kagome gave a small gasp as she felt the bed shift under his weight. Had he figured out what she had wanted to say before? Slowly he crawled onto the bed and laid down at least a good distance from her. Kagome looked over at him and mouthed Why?
Inuyasha looked at her and said, "Because you were too cold, I decided to warm you up. I didn't want you to get sick."
Kagome looked over at him again and smiled a beautiful smile that liquefied Inuyasha's insides. She knew that he was just worried over her and felt small butterflies flutter in her stomach as he moved to get closer to her.
She cuddled up to him, her back still facing him. Moving cautiously, Inuyasha put his arm over her body. He didn't care if any thing happened, he just enjoyed being by her. So, cuddling cutely, they both began to fall asleep. Inuyasha felt a sense of peace come over him. Why did he become so relaxed whenever Kagome was around? He thought he knew the answer, but couldn't bring himself to face it. I mean half demons don't fall in love- do they?
Yay! I finished the first chapter! Man this thing took so long to write because I was grounded and I had to sneak onto the computer to write it but it was worth it!
Next chapter-
Kikyo comes into the picture when Inuyasha and Kagome visit the feudal era for a mid week break. If you are a Kikyo lover, don't read the next chapter because I am DEFINITELY not a Kikyo lover and have no mercy for her. Muahahaha. Yeah and Kikyo is there with an evil plan to kill off Kagome and take Inuyasha as hers! Find out what happens. I will probably update sometime in the next week. Don't worry I will update; I've already got the second chapter almost done people!