" Kagome Higurashi. Age--15. Gender--female."said the principal. He sat behind his desk reading Kagome's profile aloud.

" Recorded history: bad girl, trouble maker, cussing at teachers, shooting arrows at people, rudeness, smart talker." he added smugly. He was too scary for Kagome to object. " Welcome to our school for trouble makers! You better watch yourself kid, I'm onto you. Here's your schedule, and books. Good day!"

Kagome grabbed them and went to her locker. She found it, #113.

" Alright, let's give this piece of crap a try." she said as she entered the combination. It was jammed. She tried again, it still didn't open.

" Open you damn piece of crap for usefulness!" she bit at the locker.

She hit it hard and it still did notwork. Then a hand came flying at it and the door opened. Kagome turned and found a girl that seemed a little older than she. She had long black hair pulled into a high ponytail, she wore a magenta over-pull and red pants. She had pink eye shadow to match. She also had a boomerang on her back.

" Hi, you must be the new kid." she said expectantly.

" How did you know I was the new kid?" asked Kagome with irritation.

" Well for one thing, I've never seen you here before. Another thing is, the whole school has heard of a total bad girl coming into our hallways." she smirked. Kagome blushed and put her belongings in her locker.

" I'm Sango." added the girl. Kagome looked at her strangely.

" I-I'm Kagome." she said studdering. They both stared now, then hugged.

" Hey! What're you doing here? I haven't seen you in what, seven years now!" cried Sango.

" I know! It's good to see an old friend." sighed Kagome.

Then, two figures stepped out from behind Sango. They were both boys. One looked like a normal boy. He had black hair pulled into a small low ponytail. He was wearing a blue T-shirt with black

baggies. He carried a staff and had earrings.

He groped Sango's butt.

" Miroku, you perv!" she yelled at him angrily. She slapped him.

He now had a red hand mark on his face.

The other boy though, seemed different. He had silver long hair. Golden eyes. He was wearing a red hoody with fire on it. Also black baggies like Miroku's. He had a sheath in his belt loop so Kagome was guessing that he had a sword. She remembered she had her bow and arrows with her and how much she probably stood out. He rolled his eyes with disgust.

" Why do you even try, Miroku?" Inuyasha chuckled as he helped him up.

" I... no comment." he said as he stuck his nose up in the air, realizing Inuyasha was just being sarcastic.

Kagome let out a slight giggle. Inuyasha walked in front of her. He looked into her brown orbs.

He snapped back to reality and looked at Kagome again.

" So, you must be the new kid." he smirked.

" Showoff..." thought Kagome.

" So what if I am?" she said smugly.

" I hear you're a bad girl. Well move over because I'm the trouble maker of this school!" he claimed.

" Is that so? Well, it looks like we'll have to change that then. Gotta go! Class is about to start. See you later!" she said slyly as she walked down the hallway. Inuyasha struck a defeated look.

" She told you!" said Miroku jokingly.

" Who is that again?" whispered Inuyasha. Sango stepped next to him.

" Her name's Kagome. She's a very old friend of mine. She's a miko. She's one of a kind and even better...single." Sango replied. The four had all of the same classes.

The first was Math, Kagome's worst subject.