Tears of Hope

Aang, Katara and Sokka were flying in the mid of night, all but one asleep. Aang looked at the vivid moon and the small stars nearby it. He always loved to look at them when he lived in the southern air temple. When he was there he felt like nothing else mattered in the world.

XX Flashback XX

(It was the night that the monks told aang he was the avatar.)

"Aang?" Gyatso said knocking on his bedroom door gently.

"Come in." aang said as he was looking at the bluish black sky, while sitting on his window sill.

"Aang, you should be in bed, we have training in the morning."

"Yeah, I know." he said sorrowfully looking back at him. The glow of the night sky reflecting off of his face.

What is wrong young avatar? Gyatso asked fretful.

"I don't think I can do this Gyatso. I'm just one kid. "How is one kid supposed to save the entire world? Aang said with bleakness in his eyes.

"Aang your skills will expand over time as u learn the elements. Any person can change the world; you just have to believe that you can." The older monk told him putting an arm on his shoulder.

"Thanks Gyatso." said the avatar as Gyatso closed the door, filling the room with shadows.

XX End of flashback XX

Aang thought of those final words he heard from Gyatso prior to him running away. Now he had mastered the four elements and was ready to face Firelord Ozai.

He kept thinking of this event more and more in his mind until he heard someone utter "NO don't die, please please don't die! I care about you too much!"

Aang looked back to see if it was Sokka who had said this (because he constantly talked in his sleep) but to his shock it was Katara.

Aang looked at the girl that he had a deep soft spot for. She was resting in her fluffy blue sleeping bag, wondering what she was dreaming about. He thought it must have been bad seeing as she said something concerning a person dieing. So he air bended off of Appas head and sat down inches from her. Katara was propped up against the back of appa and there supplies. Then an immense urge overcame him to not stir her. She was so stunning to him under the moonlight and stars that he just wanted to glance at her all night.

To taste her full, soft lips. But he whispered to himself with dullness in his eyes "I'm just a simple monk. She would in no way love someone like me.'

But he didn't care. He loved her too much to consider this thought in his head. So he started to shuffle nearer and nearer until his lips and hers were centimeters away.

When abruptly sokka shouted, "MOMO GIVE ME THAT MANGO BACK! I'M STARVING! IT'S MINE! Swiftly Aang turned to Sokka to see if he was still sleeping. And he was thankfully. Aangs heart skipped a beat and though he would have a heart attack!

What if katara woke up! What an uncomfortable and embarrassing spot that would have left him in!

The monk was very exhausted of being up almost every night, guiding appa. So Aang woke Sokka up with a massive wave of water he had bended from the ocean below. Given that there was no other technique to get him up, other than flapping food around his face. But Aang liked this approach much better!

Sokkas eyes flew open and yelled,"COOOLLLLLDDDDDD!" only to be covered by Aangs hands.

Shhhh...Sokka you will wake katara!" he said with a downward kind of tone.

"It's your turn to take the reins."

Aang ordered. And astonishingly, without protest Sokka did as he was told. Aang immediately laid down exactly where he was standing ,shut his grayish eyes and soon fell into dream.

The next morning they were on the ground of the small Camoko Islands. Sokka was at a village on the other part of the island stocking up on food. Eating half of it he collected on the way back to the campsite he prepared. Aang and Katara were still sound asleep until Sokka shouted," GIVE THE MEAT BACK, OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES LEMUR!" 'What are you going to do, toss that silly boomerang at me?' Momo thought.

Sokka said trying to seize his beloved meat up in a tree where momo was teasing him with it. At Sokka's outburst Aang and Katara directly woke up. Seeing that they were holding both in the others arms.

The two were so near each other that their noses were close to touching. Aangs eyes were overflowing with shock and air bended five feet in the air! Did he actually fall asleep right next to her? Did he long to or was it guiding Appa that made him so tire? He was thinking it was both. He made an odd noise between an "ahh and an eeee" of being so surprised while in the air.

He tried not to flush but failed horribly.

"Oh…. Aang! Katara squealed, astonished that he was so close to her. Blushing along with the young avatar.