X-men: Evolution. The Morning Star Saga.

Disclaimer: not mine, but morning star idea is.
Comment: Morning stars power.
Rating: PG12.

Chapter three- Sun

Morning Star

Kurt Wagner was a beautiful youth his hair dark blue, his fur light blue, his eyes that seemed to glow pure yellow, he had a beautiful spaded tail, thin three fingered and, two towed feet. Kurt Wagner lay wearing a silver cross, a lose red top, and blue baggy jeans, with fingerless gloves on his hands and feet. Kurt had collapsed just after he had rising the night star Morning star. Kurt hadn't woke since. Kurt lay in Margali Szardos ancient wagon sleeping soundly and silently. Margali Szardos watched other Kurt Wagner.
Margali Szardos had dark green hair, which she wore golden ram horns on, light green skin, pure yellow eyes, light green lips. Margali Szardos wore a beautiful blue dress, which she was losing on her skinny body. Her blue dress was on top of her small breast; she wore a black ribbon down her chest. Margali drew eyes form Kurt looking at Azazel, He was sitting Holden her crystal ball. Azazel was using his 'Magik' to se into Kurt's future so far his efforts were in vain.
Azazel had long black shoulder length hair, red skin, red pointed red skin, pure yellow eyes, and clawed fingers. Azazel wore a golden top, with a golden chain with a skull attached. The top was very lose on his very muscled chest, he also wore tight black trousers, he wore no shoes he only had bare clawed feet.
Margali smiled slightly walking other to Azazel slowly.
"Azazel?" Margali asked gently "Its my fault he's like this. I scared him. I told him that Lucifer saw my parents Gabriela and Azalea killed. " Azazel muttered, placing the crystal ball down. Margali smiled uneasy taking Azazel hands in hers. "Its not your fault. Kurt was bound to relish the power to raise the Morning star of the night." Margali consoled tenderly Margali looked to Kurt smiling affectionate. Azazel stood and kissed Margali cheek holding her naked shoulders Margali felt his breath on her ear.
"You love him, don't you Margali?" Azazel whispered enticing Margali eyes widened Azazel was spot on. Margali felt his hands move up to her neck as he kissed her next.
"Yes." Margali admitted ashamed Azazel chuckled lightly, gently, as he let go of Margali neck standing in front of her. "Show him, how mush you love him, my dear." Azazel advised composed "How?" Margali asked shocked Azazel smiled holding Margali's weak arms strongly "Stop it Azazel. You're hurting me." Margali cried painfully Azazel let go of Margali holding his face sitting back down.
"Tell me how should I show his please." Margali begged sobbing slightly "Give him that loving smile, when he wakes. Kiss his lips. I know you want to." Azazel explained gently Margali smiled again as tears came to her eyes.
"Now if you'll excuse me I need some air." Azazel whispered distant Azazel disappeared in a cloud of sulphur and smock.
Margali sighed rolling her sleeves seeing her arms were bleeding. Margali looked at Kurt slowly smiling "He is trying to be nice, at least." Margali silently whispered.

Kurt moaned coming out of his slumber he yawned his mind a fog. Kurt remembered that serge of powers and how good it was to let it out.
Kurt looked around then asset Margali's ancient wagon. Kurt knew Margali would be in an earshot.
"Margali!" Kurt shouted loudly.
Margali walked toward Kurt smiling gracefully as she sat by Kurt side hugging him.
"Your awake!" Margali shouted ecstatic Margali lifted her head slowly looking in Kurt's eyes. Margali moved her head toward Kurt's; she turned her head placing her lips on his.
Kurt opened his eyes shocked.
'Her lips are soft, her eyes are so full of love, she's older, but this feels so right.' Kurt thought to himself.
Margali opened her eyes slowly seeing Kurt smiling. Margali held Kurt's arms gently; Kurt smiled shyly as he move toward Margali slowly.
Azazel opened the door to the wagon smiling. Kurt and Margali jumped leaving go of each other.
"When did you wake son?" Azazel asked kindly "Just now father." Kurt replied gently Margali sat looking at Kurt.
"You raise the light of the night, Morning star, and collapsed." Margali explained softly "Yes Lucifer's star is hard to raise the star and took a lot of empower form you." Azazel continued sharply. "I can still feel the power inside me surging. I can't keep it in!" Kurt shouted in pain Kurt glowed white as the night sky drew though in the window. Kurt looked up his eyes glowing he placed his hand out.
Margali coved her face as Azazel dragged her away form the light. Kurt looked at the light as it turned to a wonderful colour of blue.
"Raise to the havens above, and light thy way of others my star." Kurt whispered elegant Kurt cast the star up. The light vanished though the wagon roof to the sky above next to morning stars. Kurt light disappeared as he grasped in shock. Kurt caught his breath and held the bed he lay on.
"Mien Gott. Vas was that?" Kurt asked shocked "The morning star, your inner light now lights the skies above for all to see." Margali explained enchanted Kurt smiled slowly "Yes now he much redeem Lucifer's sins." Azazel boldly growled "Yes he mush save the life's of others to repay those Lucifer took." Margali whispered delightfully Kurt looked up as Azazel picked Kurt up close to his shoulder.
"Come Kurt it time you head home. I'll protect you no matter what." Azazel whispered gently Margali looked as Kurt was dragged away from her again.
Azazel opened the door Kurt pauses.
"Can you wait for me father? I'll be Five minutes." Kurt asked gently "Sure but then we leave." Azazel bit strongly Kurt closed the door as Azazel walked out the ancient wagon"
Margali smiled joyfully hugging Kurt.
"Margali I had no idea you felt that way about me." Kurt plainly said.
"I sorry Kurt." Margali apologised ashamed Kurt smiled bring Margali head up in to his hands.
"Sorry for what?" Kurt asked whispering gently Kurt moved His head to Margali's. Margali slanted her head to one side.
There lips met as there arms embarrassed each other in a passionate kiss.
"Good buy Margali." Kurt hissed lovely Kurt left the ancient wagon hugging his father. The two walked along heading back home o Bayville.
Margali sighed to herself as she went to her room.
"Good by, my love may god protect you." Margali whispered, as she healed her bleeding wounds


Next My inner star. Kurt faces a new horro.