Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Summary:Ron realises that there is something between Hermione and Malfoy. In this TWO-SHOT he replays three past moments in which the pair's relationship is obvious. R&R

Discovering the obvious

Ron (1/2)

By: A.Lupin


"I can't believe it, poor Hermione, be paired with Malfoy!" Ron shouted as he got from the couch and paced around the common room. " I don't know why Snape putted them together! He knows the rivalry between them!"

" Well, I think she must be very happy to be with Malfoy…" Harry murmured expecting Ron not to hear, but he did.

"What? Do you know something that I don't?" he looked directly into Harry's eyes. But he only said that of course not. But Ron knew it. He knew when Harry lied, and right now he was lying. And then, he saw the truth. Hermione was with Draco.Idiscovered the obvious.He couldn't believe it. He and Hermione had been a bit more than friends for a while. They hadn't kissed or dated but they'd their romantic moments and movements. He exited the portrait door and went down the stairs as he entered the corridor that leaded to the great hall.


The Golden Trio was walking down that same corridor, walking animatedly and talking about the next trip to Hogsmeade. Hermione was reading one of her text books when she crashed into someone that had come unexpectedly round the corner. I looked up and saw Parkinson, and then I knew who was down. Draco Malfoy. He was on top of Hermione, smirking like a devil.

"Get up, Malfoy!" she shouted in his face, they were inches apart.

"Are you sure you want me to?" he said huskily into her ear, leaning even closer.

"Draco!" she hissed sweetly and girlishly as she smacked his arm playfully. He got up and went away, grinning goofily as she packed her book into her bag, smiling dreamly.

end of flashback

At that moment I didn't realise it, but there it had been. Right in front of my eyes and I had been blind to see it. But now I saw it clearly. I came round the corner and saw the doors that leaded outside.

flashback 2

We had been looking for her for an hour already and she hadn't appered (we had lost the marauder's map). We went down to the Great Hall, to have dinner and we saw her open the doors of Hogwarts as she looked to both sides making sure no one had seen her, but we had.

I went towards her quickly and said to her: "where have you been, Hermione? We were worried about you!" I yelled angrily. She just shrugged her shoulders and said that she had been outside for a while, to think and to breathe fresh air admiring the snowy landscape. I didn't believe her; I could see that she was trying to hide a smile.

Then, we saw the Slytherin Quidditch team enter, leaded by Malfoy, all dirty, Thursday was their training day. Hermione looked at them, but turned around quickly as she said she was going upstairs to change into something warmer and then she would come in.

end flashback 2

She had been watching him. She never came to our practices but she went every Thursday away, saying she had to tutor a Huflepuff, to Draco Malfoy's. Why him? Why not himself or any other? What did Malfoy have that he didn't? Then remembered a sentence that Malfoy had said to him: I have better looks, much more money, I am much more intelligent and wittier and I can be more reckless with girls. Well that was true but they had been friends since…forever. And they had been enemies!

He approached the Great Hall.

flashback 3

He was sitting near Hermione, his hand wondering near hers. That night, she was perfect. It was the winter ball, done for house unity, and Ron had asked her out, and she had accepted. As a pair they had to wear something of the same colour and she had suggested red. Red for passion. We were wearing different reds, I couldn't afford new robes. Her dress was precious. It fitted her perfectly, and it was of a shiny red. The only problem it was that the dance wasa masquerade ball.

Some boy came over here, asking her for a dance. I saw a flash of a very light blond hair, but decided to ignore it. I focused on his costume. It was plain black, but it had a simple stripe of Hermione's red's dress. Shiny. Coincidence, I thought back then. But know I see it wasn't.

She gladly accepted to dance, and spent most of the time dancing with the boy.

end flashback 3

Why? I was crying, and I hoped no one saw me. I went outside, in the rain. No one cared. I cried and cried of despair, until I turned around and saw a face that I had never thought of comforting, but then I saw it, I saw understanding in her face.

A/N: sorry to ruin the end, but if you don't want, don't read what next chapter (and last) will be about. Pansy Parkinson explains how he sees and discovers Draco and Hermione's relationship and replays three other moments.

Reveiw! thanks ;)