Addicted to the enemy

Disclaimer- I don't own anything...I wish I did though!

Summary- it all began the night she gave in. Gave into his charm and passionately kissed her very enemy…HermioneDraco fanfic

A/N hey guys. This is my very first fanfic so go easy. All reviews welcome. Well, I hope you enjoy the story...I no I do! Ahh the imagination, a wonderous thing.

Rated M for sexual situations, mention of drug and anything else that may be considered.

Chapter one: The beginning of a horrid year

It all began the night she gave in. gave in to his charm and passionately kissed her very enemy. The very person she hated more in this world. The person she least expected for this to happen with. She soon craved him, like a drug. She soon became addicted.

But forget that for now. Let me take you back to the beginning of it all and how it came about.

Hermione Granger was set to start her seventh year at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry.

Surprise surprise, she was made head girl as anyone would expect.

She could not wait to see her friends again and was eager to start school straight away. She had missed them terribly as the long hot summer was at its peak.

She walked through platforms 9 and 10 and looked around to see if Harry or Ron were there. But no sign yet, so she made her way to the train. She hadn't really changed all that much over the break. Except for a few minor changes. Her hair was no longer bush like but fell into long curls and had grown a few inches.

She was about to board when she heard two very distinct voices come from behind her. She smiled and whipped around to come face to face with her two best friends.

'Harry, Ron!' she squealed as she gave them both a crushing hug 'oh, I have missed you both so much. It's so good to see you'

'We missed you too Herm' said Harry

'Guess what!' she said. She was smiling so much it felt as if her face was ready to tear in two. 'I made Head girl!' she said screaming again.

'Wow, congratulations' said Ron, who was then slightly distracted by Lavender Brown walking past him.

'Thanks' she had turned back to Harry who had given her another hug 'we should go and find a carriage before they all get taken'.

They soon found a carriage and settled in. the train was soon speeding off through the country side as the three were talking about their holidays, Quidditch and various other teenager talk.

Hermione didn't even have to ask if either of them had gotten Head boy. She knew that they didn't. Both of them were constantly getting into trouble and not completing their work. So it came as no surprise.

She sat there and thought about who it could be when there was a hard knock at the door and the carriage door slid open to reveal a tall, handsome, Blonde boy standing at the entrance giving the trio a pure look of utter hatred.
'What are you doing here Malfoy?' snapped Harry standing up to face him. Ron was too busy stuffing his face with chocolate frogs to really notice.

'Watch how you speak to me Potter' he growled 'I can very easily take house points away from you and give you many detentions now that I have been assigned to a high position' he flashed his Head boy badge at Harry who stood rooted to the spot. Malfoy gave a small smirk. Hermione quickly jumped up in shock and stared right at him.

'How the hell did you get Head boy Malfoy? Did daddy buy your way in?' she said smiling at herself. She hadn't lost her touch.

He took his attention off Harry and moved closer to Hermione and gave her a piercing look.

'How dare you talk to me like that' he snarled 'the only reason I am here in this carriage, mind you risking getting your filthy mudblood germs all over me is to tell the Head girl…'he said this bit with sarcasm '…that McGonagall want to see us in the Heads carriage' he snapped and turned swiftly leaving the two to stare in his wake.

'I can't believe he got Head boy' said Ron after finishing his chocolate.

'As if that's not bad enough. I have to live with him for a whole year' exclaimed Hermione as he headed out the door.

She reached the carriage a short time after Malfoy did. Professor McGonagall was waiting in the Heads carriage for Hermione and began to talk just as she entered.

'Miss. Granger, so nice for you to join us' Hermione quickly looked at Malfoy who scowled her. 'Now that you are both here I can give you your duties. But first let me congratulate you both on becoming Head boy and Head girl' she smiled at them both as they looked at her. 'Your list of duties are on this piece of parchment that I have here…' she handed Malfoy the parchment '…there is the full list on this but I will quickly go over the base of it. You will both be patrolling the corridors at night from 9 pm to 1am. You will be allowed to give detentions and take house points away, if necessary' she said this looking at Malfoy 'You will be also working together on any class projects and will be soon hosting a party in you common room for all the houses. Now, that is all' she said abruptly and left the two to read over the parchment.

Malfoy shoved the parchment in Hermione's hands and sat down on the opposite seat and began to stare out the window. Hermione gave him a cold look but quickly turned her head down when Malfoy looked at her.

'What are you staring at Granger?' he snapped

'Oh, nothing, just the face of shame' she smiled sweetly and sat on the seat opposite and began to read. Malfoy was furious; his eyes ablaze knowing that he would have to put up with this sort of treatment for a year.

'What did you say to me?' he stood up and walked over to where Hermione was sitting and towered over her.

'I think you heard me correctly Malfoy' she was still reading when she said this then looked up to stare straight into the eyes of evil. Pure orbs of silver are what she saw and it sent chills through her. 'Can you please kindly take a few more steps forward, because it's not as if you are taking up my personal space already' she said sweetly.

Malfoy smirked and moved his head close to her ear.

'You better watch yourself Granger' she shivered as she felt his breath so close to her skin. She then snapped out of her trance and pushed him away from her and stood up.

'You no, I am really sick of your empty threats Malfoy. They mean nothing anymore'

She turned on her heal and stormed out of the carriage and left Malfoy to become lost in his thoughts. This is going to be a very long year.

Hermione had walked past carriages and was nearly at the one that she was in with Harry and Ron when she stopped and leaned against the wall. She wiped her face with her hands and stared into oblivion. Jeez he is annoying, but why does he send chills? What? Malfoy? I don't think so! I hate him so much and now I have to spend an entire year with him! Her thoughts continued this way until she got to the great hall for the feast.

A/N what did you think? Good? I no that this is a boring chapter but it's not going to be a porno. It will have a plot, a base. So it will be an actual story…a story of hate and lust…teenagers! Anyways, please review, all is welcome and I will have the next chapter up soon. Bye for now