Poison Ivy
A/N: Ok, I lied. BIG TIME! Lol I'll probably put up something big here, and beware, it may be a little disturbing, lol o.O;; But only if you like the Dursleys, lol :P Anyhow, thank you for your reviews everybody! XDI loved them alll! Thank youonce again!Please review? -puppy eyes- Aww please! XD
Disclaimer: I do not, by any way, own J.K. Rowling's wonderful book, Harry Potter, along with her imaginations, characters, ideas, etc. And I don't own the movie of Harry Potter either for that matter, so shut up out there whose muttering about it. Thank you.
Summary: What if, by the Dark Lord's way of a game, Harry was marked with the dark mark? And it is revealed to the teachers when they are about to question Barty Crouch Jr? Is there any hope for Harry now that he is marked as a Death Eater?
The lights were out on the pathway of Number 4 Privet Drive, and a unsettling silence had passed. All of the windows of the homes of these muggle citizens were dark and anyone who was awake didn't seem to care much for the quiet. But there was one window that glowed illuminatingly, unbeknownst to the sleeping neighbors of the Dursley home. And inside the house, throught the window, slept Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived who was dreaming a very disturbing nightmare. A nightmare that would become real.
. . . The curtains swayed from the open window of the Dursley home as the eyes of the wizard glanced back and forth at the scene. A hand came into view and those fingers held a wand. The tip of the magical stick burned with what looked like a spell that was about to be shot. There was something eerie to the feel of the place, as if this particular figure was in a dream, an unreal scenery imagined for the pleasure of the person. The tables were turned, and the neatly placed items of the house were in disarray.
But what was most misplaced was the dark figure that lay on the floor, the shadows hiding the person's identity. Through the eyes of the figure, the vision tilted slightly, and more light creeped in to finally see a closer look of the human that lay on the floor. It was Harry's Aunt, Petunia Dursley, her blond hair strewn out on the clean floor. The figure seemed to be pleased by this picture, a chuckle echoing in this frightening frame . . .
. . . There was a rustle of hurried footsteps, and a foot was scene in the darkness of the room. The figure's triumphant chuckle abruptly stopped, the person's hands twitching as the vision cleared a little, the fogginess slightly disappearing. The footsteps of the figure's bare legs were seen as the soft sound of motion from the wind was heard as the figure pointed the wand upwards towards the darkness . . .
"Lumos..." the figure's deepened voice cut through the silence like a deadly knife as the wand lit itself, a beautiful illuminescent light that would have been used for good. Instead it showered light to replace darkness with two familiar faces. It was the remaining few of the Dudley Family, Vernon and Dudley Dursley. For all he's mistreatment with Potter, Vernon acted as a father, but not as a fearless man. He shielded his plump son, a 16 year old Dudley who quivered violently, with both his arms as both the Father and Son looked fearfully at the figure. The figure's lips curled into a wicked smile as he raised his wand hand in a small twist . . .
"I hope you're enjoying what you see, Harry..." the figure spoke softly as those twisted lips widened . . .
"Avada Ked---!"
Harry was blasted suddenly as he fell to the floor, his wand clattering onto the floor. A gasp of surprise escaped his lips as all events blurred quickly. The blast that had taken Harry off guard was thrown by one of the wizards and witches of he Order, all of which had been there to pick Harry up (A/N: I know they arranged for Harry to be picked up when the Dursley's were out in the book, but let's say they were not in here!), only to find that Harry had done something horrifying during their withdrawl in their supervision over the Boy-Who-Lived. Half of the escortees rushed to the Dursleys, who were so terrified they didn't even seem to care that they were picked up by the magical folk. Dudley, for all his age and pride over his physical strengths, weeped like a baby in Vernon's chest as the other Order members ran to see if Petunia Dursley was alive.
"She's alive!" the wizard shouted, and the Dursley's gave sighs of relief behind the other remaining Order members. As a few witches and wizards tended to the Dursleys, Remus Lupin (A/N: Sorry for interrupting again, lol. I just don't have my book with me right now, so if Remus wasn't in Advance Guard, please ignore, ok?) looked down at Harry Potter, a look of caution clear on his face. His wand was hidden somewhat in his black robes as he took more steps closer to his former student.
Harry groaned loudly and he got up slowly, his expression painful as he looked confusedly, a slightly horrified look on his face as he faced the clearing faces of Lupin and Alastor, who had come up beside the werewolf. "W-What h-happ-pened-d?" Harry spoke as his voice trembled, his eyes taking in more of the ruined room. Mad Eye Moody raised an eyebrow.
"You don't remember, Harry?" Lupin spoke up, looking closely at Harry's expression. Harry only blinked, his mouth gaped in shock and horror as he sat there on the floor.
"W-What happened? WHAT HAPPENED!" a voice roared as Vernon Dursley pushed away from the Order members, finally coming to his senses. Whatever shock he had now was replaced with anger and hatred for magic. Dudley's father pushed off the wizards and stormed right at Harry, who now held a even more confused look on his face. The young wizard looked straight at the fat man, whose lower lip and fists trembled furiously. Finally all that anger burst from the muggle with one loud yell that made the Order members all wince.
"YOU TRIED TO KILL US! WHAT'S MORE, YOU HAVE THREATENED US, AND THEN BEATEN MY WIFE UP WITH YOUR UGLY LITTLE TRICKS! GET OUT! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE EVER AGAIN!" The plump muggle finally stopped, breathing in and out from yelling too hard. Finally the man turned his back at Harry, who looked at the man with a mixture of expressions all fit into one big look of horror, surprise and despair.
"I.. I..." Harry began only to shut his mouth, unable to form words to express what he felt. His eyes were wide with fear as he looked up at Lupin and Mad Eye Moody.
"Harry, I hate to do this but for our own protection, we would have to bind you. We'll find out what'd wrong with you, Harry, I promise," Lupin spoke and the Auror beside him rolled both his eyes at the same time. Harry nodded, gulping nervously as he screwed his eyes, ready for the thin ropes to wound around him. Instead, the last thing he remembered was a painful jolt on his wounded wrist and all went... dark.
A/N: Like, no like? I'll try to explain a few more things with the Dark Mark, hopefully by then I'd be able to collect all my ideas for it. I'm trying to join together all the types of Harrydom into this fic, so there will probably be times when he'll despair too much, lol. Sory, it's just a weird habit of mine. Not that I DO despair as much as he does, lol:D Please review?