Title: Silent Regrets

Author: Ryukotsusei

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective owners. As much as I wish I could claim a part of it, I cannot. The plot however and any OC's my twisted mind happens to come up with though is mine.

Summary: IY/YYH It's strange how regret can make you think, two people take a journey to discover what's really important. Pairing: Hiei/Kagome

Yusuke brought his fist up to the door once again, ignoring the bitter complaining of his friend behind him. There was no doubt that Kagome was back. They had all been gathered at Kuwabara's house discussing the latest conversation they had with Koenma. It seemed that the demigod wanted another update on how Kagome's training was coming along. He had been working on improving the sensory systems he had in place since the idea that someone of Kagome's caliber could hide her presence from him so easily and he was beyond frustrated that nothing he had done to upgrade it had worked. Now that there had been such a wild flare of power that was unmistakably 'Kagome', Yusuke was certain that Koenma would be making an appearance again to find out just what had happened to make the control she had over her shielding slip so violently. "Dammit I know she's here, why isn't she answering the door?"

Kurama frowned slightly as he studied the energy fields around them. Whatever had happened had him concerned, Hiei's energy was saturating the area around the shrine as well yet he could find no sign of any other ki. Signs of a battle were not forthcoming but he could find no other explanation for what would cause such a thing. "Perhaps she is tired Yusuke, Shizuru said she wasn't in the best of conditions when she left. I doubt she found the answers she was searching for while she was in the past, otherwise she wouldn't have come back."

"Tired or not I'm going to check on her. You guys are welcome to stand here if you want but I'm going inside." Kuwabara had been waiting long enough and he wasn't about to be put off any longer. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a set of keys, searching for the one to the front door. Kagome didn't even know that he had them. It was a hard decision to make, stealing her keys in order to make his own copy but he had been worried about her at the time, especially when she had taken to locking herself inside the house. After one particular nightmare in which she had hurt herself and no one could reach her he had finally taken that step. Now he was glad he did, his spiritual awareness told him that something had happened and he was going to find out what it was.

Yusuke raised an eyebrow when he saw the set of keys. He had tried to get Kagome to give him a set once and she had adamantly refused saying that while his concern was touching it wasn't needed. Now to find that Kuwabara had a set annoyed him. "Dammit Kuwabara, why would she give you a set of keys and not me?" He followed his friend inside once the door swung open, ignoring the look that Kuwabara gave him.

Kurama looked from one to the other, realization dawning on him. "Interesting, I would have thought stealing her keys went against your honor code Kuwabara."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures Kurama. I had to do it." Kuwabara continued walking through the hallway while staring down at the floor, taking in the slowly drying puddles of water. "Well that means Hiei is here too. Or was, Kagome wouldn't track snow through the house and not clean it up." Shaking his head he made his way to the staircase, following the trail of water.

"I'm sure he had his reasons Kuwabara. Perhaps he was here when she came back and he put her to bed." Somehow Kurama had known he said the wrong thing as he watched the look that passed between the two men before they began running up the stairs. Briefly he wondered how he had gotten himself into this. If Hiei was still here which was a very real possibility then barging into her bedroom like the two men were about to do couldn't have any good come from it. "Wait!"

Both men ignored him, not because they were worried that it was Hiei who had been with her but because if the hybrid had needed to carry her up to her room then there was the possibility that she was injured. It was a tight fit up the narrow staircase which resulted in a few rude shoves and curses as they both tried to get there at the same time. In the end Kuwabara managed to shove Yusuke out of the way and reach the bedroom door first. Concern made him forget about the rudeness of barging into a woman's sleeping quarters as he flung the door open, his imagination working overtime in presenting him the picture of his adopted sister bruised and bleeding from some fight she encountered while in the past..

Kagome woke suddenly when the door crashed against the wall. Her reflexes kicked in as she tried getting up, ready to defend herself against whatever attack it was that was coming. Only Hiei's arm which was wrapped firmly around her waist prevented her from leaving the bed entirely though it didn't stop the blankets from falling from her shoulders. Her eyes widened as she spotted Yusuke and Kuwabara standing at the door staring at her with Kurama walking up calmly behind them. While she might have been stunned by their appearance Hiei on the other hand was extremely irritated that they had shown up in the first place. Abruptly he pulled her back down to the bed and covered her nude form with the blanket, his eyes never leaving those of his team mates. "You three had better have a damned good reason for coming up here."

Kurama stepped around Yusuke and Kuwabara while keeping his eyes on the apparition. There had been no mistaking the fact that Kagome was nude even if their look at her was brief, Kuwabara still sported the blush from seeing the blankets fall. "We do Hiei, Koenma is likely to arrive soon and we need to figure out just what we are going to tell him. He was careful not to look at the girl who had now managed to bury herself under the covers against his partner's side.

If Hiei hadn't been annoyed before he certainly was now. "You three can deal with that fool. I told you we did not wish to be bothered Kurama or did you not get that message?" The last thing Kagome needed was to have to meet with Koenma today. Or any other day for that matter, the demigod was likely to be unhappy with their mating and Hiei was not going to sit by and watch her be subjected to one of Koenma's temper tantrums.

"Oh no you don't Hiei, we've been taking the heat from him long enough. Her power flares out of control and you want us to ignore it? What the hell happened anyway? If we noticed it you can be damned sure Koenma noticed it!" Yusuke's temper was beginning to make an appearance now. He had been worried about her only to find out that she was naked in bed with Hiei. Granted it might only be her that was nude, Hiei ran around shirtless more often than not but he wasn't taking anything for granted at this point.

Hiei scowled, not wanting to divulge any more information than was necessary at this time. He wasn't ashamed of their mating but the less people who knew the details behind it the better. "What you felt was necessary Yusuke, beyond that you don't need to know. If you three are insisting we talk about the fool that rules the Reikai now then leave and we will be down shortly."

Kagome peered out from under the covers when she heard the bedroom door close once again. "Well that was... interesting." Sighing heavily she began to get out of bed but stopped when a pair of warm arms slid around her waist. She relaxed then against Hiei's chest, wishing that they could remain that way and ignore the three that were waiting for them downstairs. "Do we have to go?"

His thoughts were much the same as his mate's, disliking the fact that they had been so rudely woken. Now that they were awake, if not well rested he could already feel the stirring deep within him that demanded he take his mate again and strengthen their bond even further. It wasn't an option now though and he knew it. Even if he were to give into his desires he was positive that they'd be interrupted once again for taking too long and then he'd have to kill them. "Unfortunately we do. Let's get this over with so we can get back to more important things."

She had to giggle at this, knowing full well what he meant by that statement as evidenced by what she felt against her back. "You're insatiable, you know that?" Ignoring the groan of protest coming from her mate she pulled herself out of his arms and proceeded to get ready for this upcoming confrontation fully aware of the way Hiei was staring lustfully at her. Yes, things would be very interesting later once they returned to the bedroom if the feelings she was experiencing through their bond was anything to go by.

Downstairs Kuwabara was in the process of cleaning the floors, knowing that Kagome would flip if she saw the standing water. He wasn't going to complain to much about it though, even though he had tried not to look when she had sat up he hadn't missed how thin she had become or the fading dark circles under her eyes. He also noticed the way their auras seemed to combine and he was positive they hadn't been like that before. He wasn't sure of what had caused it but if it made her happy then he wasn't going to question it. Throwing the wet rags in the laundry room he made his way into the living room where Yusuke and Kurama were talking.

Kurama waited until he was comfortable and looked at the human with a speculative look. "You noticed it didn't you?" Kuwabara was by far the most spiritually aware out of the team, if he was able to detect the changes in both of their auras then most likely the human would have as well.

"Noticed what?" Yusuke wasn't exactly sure what they were talking about, though something was going on that was for damned sure.

Kuwabara was silent a moment before nodding, leveling a serious look at Kurama. "When I look at the two of them it's like looking at one person. It's different now, before I could see a thread tying the two of them together like with me and Yukina but not anymore. They aren't separate anymore Kurama."

Yusuke snorted in derision as he threw his hands up behind his head. "I think I might have hit you too hard yesterday Kuwabara. This string theory you have is nuts." He ignored the protest from his friend, knowing that Kuwabara disliked his thoughts being brushed off so easily. "What you say doesn't make sense. They're two people, always have been, always will be."

Knowing that an argument was about to break out Kurama decided it was time for him to throw his thoughts out into the open. "He's right Yusuke, though his explanation isn't all that clear. They are two people but they are not any longer, though I am curious as to how they did it. Their auras are merged which in itself might not be something extraordinary but if what Kuwabara said is true it's more than that. I think the merger happened on a much deeper level, such as their souls."

Yusuke went still as what the kitsune said sank in. "How the hell is something like that even possible?" While he might be willing to ignore something Kuwabara said if Kurama was backing it up then it had to be something to look into further. Soul merging was something he had never heard of, the consequences of such a thing could be dangerous to both Hiei and Kagome.

"If you're asking on specifics I can't tell you Yusuke, I'd never heard of such a thing being possible. The only thing I can say for sure is that they've mated." The smells of their joining had been unmistakable to him and he knew without a doubt that Hiei would not have rutted with her without some solid bond being formed between them. If that was the case then he was happy for the both of them, perhaps now they could begin moving forward with their lives instead of clinging to the past.

Any further discussion between the three was halted when Hiei came down the stairs quickly followed by Kagome who wouldn't look any of them in the eyes, the memory of flashing them all too prominent in her mind. "Indeed we have Kurama though if the three of you know what's good for you you'll keep this information to yourselves. I will not have her targeted by my enemies because someone cannot keep their mouth shut."

Any angry retort that Yusuke would have thrown was held back at that statement. He was all to familiar with people trying to use Keiko to hurt him. The idea of the same thing happening to Kagome left a bitter taste in his mouth. He would respect Hiei's wishes on this, though that didn't mean he couldn't get the answers to his other questions. Breaking the gaze he had with Hiei he turned his wrath on Kagome, a month's worth of worry coming to the surface. "Fine. Now what the hell were you thinking by disappearing like that Kagome? Everyone was worried sick, what the hell is wrong with you?"

Kurama laid a hand on Yusuke's shoulder to calm him down. Already he could see the fury in Hiei's eyes at Yusuke's outburst and it was only a matter of time before he stepped in. While they were all frustrated by what she had done the hybrid would not tolerate them attacking her in such a fashion. "Relax Yusuke, she had her reasons. You know them as well as I do, there is nothing to be gained by making her feel worse."

Kagome stared down at the floor, knowing that they all had every right to yell at her for leaving. It might not have been the right decision but it seemed to be the only one at the time. "I'm sorry I left and even sorrier that I didn't say goodbye first. You can hate me for it if you want but I can't change things." She turned away from them all then, ready to go back to her bedroom. 'Let them think what they want, they're going to anyway.'

"Is that what you think? Kagome none of us hate you." Kuwabara got up and walked over to the girl who had stopped but had yet to turn around. Ignoring the glare he was receiving from Hiei he placed a hand on her shoulder and turned her to look at him. "We were all worried Kagome. I won't lie, the way you left upset us all but it was because you didn't try talking to any of us first. We could have helped somehow."

Kagome shook her head, while they might have been able to lend a shoulder the only one who could have helped was Hiei and at the time he didn't know it. "I'm sorry Kazuma, there isn't anything that you could have done. It was something that I had to work out on my own. But if it makes any difference, I won't leave again."

Crossing his arms Yusuke glared at them. "You're damned right you won't. I'm of a mind to have you move in with one of us just to make sure of that." He knew that none of them really had the room but if it stopped another incident like this then he'd gladly put up with an extra house guest. 'Make that two.' He decided as he looked at Hiei. Now that they were mated he was positive where she went the apparition would as well.

"I'm not moving Yusuke." Immediately Kagome went on the defensive. She should have known something like this was coming but the shrine was her home and she wasn't about to become an inconvenience to any of them just because Yusuke didn't believe her. "This is my home, I'm not leaving it."

Yusuke looked about to argue with her but Hiei cut him off. "She said she won't leave again, I am the only one here who has a say in if she relocates or not. If she wishes to remain then you will accept it." He could feel her anger beginning to build at the detectives display and having a pissed off mate to deal with once these three left was definitely not high on his list of things to do.

"He's right Yusuke, as her mate he has the right. Let it go, she won't leave him just as he will not leave her." The tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife and Kurama knew that if this dragged out too much longer an argument was likely to break out. "We have other things to concern ourselves with anyway. Hiei, will you be able to shield her like we've been telling Koenma now that you two are mated or is this going to be a problem we have to figure out how to work around?"

It was a good question, one that needed answered and to be honest Hiei wasn't completely sure. Their bond helped with many things but her energy was enormous and now it was tied in with his which only made it stronger. Rather than answering with a uncertain answer he tried to help her mask her power through the bond. He was pleased when she began to mimic his actions helping to dampen it even further. Even so it still wasn't enough and a good portion of her energy leaked out.

"It's not working." Kagome sank down on the floor, trying to remember if Kaede had said anything that would possibly help. It would seem that once more she was causing them trouble, though this wasn't something that she could have foreseen.

Kurama had expected as much, combined as they were now it would be near impossible to mask completely. It wasn't just her that was affected, even Hiei could not completely mask himself which could cause problems in the future if stealth was needed. "We work with what we can then. In this case it's fortunate that you two are mated. The mating increased your auras so much that shielding no longer works, we can use that as an excuse as to how Kagome just popped up on his radar again. Koenma won't question it, seeing as it's not just Kagome's that skyrocketed. If nothing else this should make him happier with it being easier to find you two."

Hiei couldn't say he was happy with the idea of Koenma constantly keeping tabs on him but it was something that he could deal with. "Fine, that is solved then. If there is nothing else you wish to speak about then leave." He ignored the amused look that the kitsune was giving him as the three of them stood. "Better yet, don't come back for a few days."

Yusuke couldn't help but start laughing when he saw the look that Hiei was giving Kagome, it was obvious that they'd be indisposed for quite a while. "We'll come back later." He paused as he looked at Kagome who had a blush beginning to form on her face. "Take it easy on her Hiei, we do want to see her again and if you have her tied up in bed the entire time we might just have to break the door down. Again."

Kagome buried her head in her hands trying to fight down the embarrassment as Yusuke scrambled for the door, Hiei close behind him. She was doomed, it was official. Her sex life was going to be the topic of discussion at their next get together, there was just no getting around it. She heard the front door close and knew that they were alone once more. She looked up when she heard Hiei stop in front of her, his intentions all too clear by the look in his eyes. Feigning innocence she smiled up at him. "Was there something you wanted?" Her heart began to race as he reached for her, knowing exactly what was coming.

A smirk crossed his face as he pulled her to her feet and pushed her up against the wall. Now that business had been dealt with it was time to get onto more pleasurable things. He gave her no time to protest as he claimed her lips in a searing kiss, letting her know exactly what it was he had planned for the rest of the day. As he pulled back he stared into her eyes, one hand sliding up into her hair to tangle in the thick mass. "Did you really need to ask?"

Author's Note: It is finally completed! There will be no more chapters to this. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read and review. It is greatly appreciated.