Under the Mistletoe

By: RoxyRoo

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Summary: You never know just who is behind that white beard or in that red suit... Christmas fluff.

AN: Thank you for all of your great reviews!

Part Seven- It Must Have Been the Mistletoe

"Where are you taking me?" Rory demanded, after having to leave her warm bed late that evening on Christmas Eve.

"Oh calm down old woman," Tristan teased, pushing her wheel chair.

"Old woman! Why you old fart!" Rory scolded, trying to turn in the chair to swat him.

Tristan just chuckled, darting out of the way. He wheeled her into the room of his distination.

"Oh Tristan," Rory whispered, looking in the room. The room was dark, the only light in it coming from the lights of the Christmas tree, and the candles lit in it. The fireplace had a huge fire roaring in it. There was a huge window that showed the snowed covered grounds around the place. Snow was falling.

Tristan just grinned as he wheeled her over to a place by the fire. He hit the stereo, for a song to start playing.

"Look up," Tristan said.

Rory looked up gasping, just as the Barbara Streisand song began to softly play.

"It must have been the mistletoe
The lazy fire, the falling snow
The magic in the frosty air"

Tristan took Rory's hands, wrinkled with age, and slowly pulled her from the chair. His lips met hers in a quick kiss, before he rest her hands on his chest, the two slowly starting to sway to the soft music.

"How did you manage to pull all this off?" Rory asked in a teasingly voice.

Tristan just smirked. "I have my ways. Also a couple of the nurses helped me put it all together."

Even at eighty-three years old, Tristan was still able to charm any woman into getting what he wanted. Rory loved to tease him about it, saying that after so many years, his charm no longer worked on her, yet they both knew that was not true.

"Our first Christmas more than we'd be dreaming of
Ah, St. Nicholas must have know that kiss
Would lead to all of this!
It must have been the mistletoe"

A lot had happened to Tristan and Rory in their sixty years of marriage. If you went back to their room at the nursing home you would see all the pictures of the two's adventures together. Even though they had several of their own accomplishments, if you ask them what they were most proud of they would answer their children, along with their grandchildren, and all their great- grandchildren. The only thing they loved more than their offspring was each other. No one, not even the nurses at the nursing home, could believe how in love the two were. They acted like they were still teenagers in a brand new love.

When Rory started to have problems with her hips, and had to go to live in a nursing home, where she can have help 24/7, Tristan not able to be apart from her for more than five minutes packed up and went with her. They had a room to themselves that they shared. The nursing home had a larger bed that was put in there for them.

"Tristan," Rory said softly, looking up at Tristan. He helped her over to the couch in the nursing home rec. room, knowing that she should not be on her feet for too long.

"Yeah Mary?" Tristan asked. He still every once in awhile dropped the nickname. She liked to act like she could not stand it, but they both knew that deep down she loved it when he called her it.

"Remember that old movie that came out a year or two before we first got together, the Notebook?" Rory questioned, as she interlaced their hands together on the couch, cuddling into him.

"Yeah," Tristan said, vaguely remembering a date making him go to it when it first started playing.

"Well, in it, remember how when the couple was older, and the woman asked the man if their love was strong that they could both go at the same time?"

"Yeah," Tristan said softly, knowing where she was getting at. Neither knew how much longer Rory would have in the world.

"Well, you don't think, that maybe our love is that strong, do you?"

"No, I think our love is much stronger than theirs," Tristan answered kissing her on the top of the head. Rory smiled, tightening her grip on him.

"On Christmas eve our wish came true
That I would fall in love with you
It only took one kiss to know
It must have been the mistletoe!"


"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all of the way," Angie sang early the morning as she walked down the hall of the nursing home. She went to the rec. room, wanting to get it cleaned up before the patients started waking up. It was against hospital rules for her to do what she did the night before for Mr. Dugrey. However all of the nurses admired how dedicated he was to his wife, and how in love the two were. Everyone around knew the two's story, about what Christmas meant for them, that it was special for them. As Mrs. Dugrey's health was not so well, and they were unsure of if she would be around for next Christmas, Angie and a few other nurses decided to decorate up the rec. room especially for the two on Christmas Eve night.

Angie feared how Mr. Dugrey would take his soul mate passing on. They had been married for sixty years.

Now it was just time to clean up the stuff, before anyone else would notice. Now whistling the Christmas carol, Angie entered the rec. room. She stopped in her tracks, surprised to find that the Dugrey's were still in the room, cuddled together on the couch. She went over to them, but gasped as she took in their forms. Reaching a hand out to verify her suspicion, she was met with cold skin on Mrs. Dugrey's neck, and no pulse. She felt the same on Mr. Dugrey's neck.

A tear slid down Angie's face, however she felt her heart warm at the thought that the two would be able to rest in peace together, never to be alone.

It must have been the mistletoe
The lazy fire, the falling snow
The magic in the frosty air
That feeling everywhere
It must have been the pretty lights
That glistened in the silent night
It may be just the stars so bright
That shined above you
Our first Christmas
More than we'd be dreaming of
Ah, Saint Nicholas had his fingers crossed
That we would fall in love!
It could have been the holiday,
The midnight ride upon sleigh
The countryside all dressed in white
The crazy snowball fight!
It could have been the steeplebell
That wrapped us up in its spell
It only took one kiss to know
It must have been the mistletoe!
Our first Christmas more than we'd be dreaming of
Ah, St. Nicholas must have know that kiss
Would lead to all of this!
It must have been the mistletoe
The lazy fire, the falling snow
The magic in the frosty air
That made me love you!
On Christmas eve our wish came true
That I would fall in love with you
It only took one kiss to know
It must have been the mistletoe!
It must have been the mistletoe!
It must have been the mistletoe!

It Must Have Been the Mistletoe by Barbara Streisand

The End



AN: I did it! I finished it by Christmas! I hope you guys enjoy, I wrote it in one shot on Friday afternoon, my fingers more of a less took over with plans of their own for it... I did not originally plan ending it the way that I did. I know I said once this was over, I would continue with ONM, however on Friday after finishing this I started a new story... It should be up within the week, however here's the summary for it:

The Rock
He was known as being rock hard with his emotions. No one was ever able to get through. But what happens when the one who did get through was the girl he was hired to kidnap? AU