Chapter 4


It was something that stuck to Roy Mustang wherever he went no matter what. It was sadly apart of him, and he really couldn't see himself without it.

He felt guilty for a lot of things. And that was why he strived to become Furher, because then he would have the chance, and be in the position to do something. To change the way things were done.

That was his goal, he would keep to it. But right now, he couldn't think of his goal. At the moment, he was a guilty man.

After the coma Ed had lapsed into, Roy felt that they couldn't be in that place anymore. So they packed everything up and went back to central, with another troop taking over their assignment.

And here he was, sitting besides Ed's hospital bed, watching the small up and down motions of the teen's chest, and feeling even more guilty than he was used to feeling.

"Why do you cause me so much trouble?" He asked softly. His gloveless fingers played absently with a free lock of blonde hair as he studied the pale, blank features.

"I told you that you couldn't leave, but you did it anyway." Strands of black hair fell over his eyes as he bent slightly.

"But I really should have known better. You never really listen to anything I say, and that's what makes me so angry at you most of the time. I'm not harsh because I don't care, I'm harsh because I do care. And what can I do but worry, and make sure I know everything you do?"

He twirled the blonde locks around his finger.

"It's hard you know, keeping track of you. You're so wild that you do whatever you think is right. And you are right, it's just that the military does things that aren't right, but we have to do it."

A shuddered breath left his lips.

"When you joined my jurisdiction, Fullmetal, you handed your life over to me and I won't allow anything to happen to you. But I'm not doing such a good job of it. I just wish you would listen to me…"

He trailed off and let go of the silky strands of hair he had wrapped around his finger just as the door opened.

Riza gazed at him with calm russet eyes that relaxed him because it was normal. "You need to eat sir." Roy stared at her for a good while. He was reluctant to leave Ed alone in the room, but he also knew that he wouldn't be able to help the teen when he awoke if he made himself sick in the process.

"Fine." He exited the room with her walking besides him. "Where is Alphonse?"

"He's going to be coming in a few minutes. He was really upset."

As they continued down the hall, Roy turned and looked over his shoulder, a pensive look on his face.

It was only 15 minutes later when Alphonse realized that his brother was no longer in his bed.