Kiara's Secret

As the sun arose, Kiara padded out the den, trying not to awake her father and mother. She stepped to the top of pride rock. She smiled as the wind from her grandfather swayed past her.

" Good morning, Kiara." Mufasa's spirit said to her.

" Good morning, Mufasa. It is a beautiful day, yes?" Kiara glanced up at the clouds. Mufasa smiled and nodded. Zazu flew up and sat by Kiara.

" Ah, morning has arose. Kiara, today is going to be great! Your father has a special moment for you." Zazu said.

" Special moment, huh?" Kiara asked.

" Yes." Zazu said.

" Kiara!" Simba roared up to Kiara.

" Coming!" Kiara roared down to her father. She ran down the rocks to greet her father. Her claws gripping the ground as she ran. " Yes, father?"

" Kiara, as I would like to have a great time with Kovu, I suggest you two not to have any cubs until further notice. Clear?" Simba said. Kiara's jaw dropped.

" What? Why not? I think a cub would be great for me and Kovu." Kiara said.

" No! He is apart of Scar and Zira." Simba said.

" But you said you wouldn't doubt him anymore. You lied!" Kiara roared as she thundered away. Simba sighed as he watched his daughter go.

Kiara ran to the watering hole where Kovu was pouncing on his prey for his morning breakfast. Kiara smiled and ran up to him. She nuzzled his mane.

" Kovu, I have something important to tell you." Kiara began.

" Is it about your father again? He's been in our way alot now." Kovu asked.

" Yes. Father says that we shouldn't have cubs." Kiara said.

" Well then, we can just have one cub." Kovu said, not getting the point. Kiara sighed.

" No Kovu, No cubs at all. None. Not even one." Kiara said. Kovu's ears layed back against his mane. His teeth barred. He shook his head.

" What should we do? I mean, I want a cub." Kiara said.

" Should we just proceed?" Kovu asked.

" But father.." Kiara said.

" He doesn't have to know. Just say you are going on a trip for a while. He'll understand. Come on, I will come with you."

Kiara and Kovu approached the den. Simba was standing ontop of Pride Rock.

" Father, Kovu and I have decided to take a journey. To visit the other lands that lie before us." Kiara said.

" Yes. It won't be long, just enough time to get us away from Pride Rock and explore Africa." Kovu said. Simba stared hard in Kovu's eyes.

" You're lying. I can see it in your eyes. You're lying." Simba said.

Kovu and Kiara gasped. Kovu stepped back. Simba glanced at Kiara and then back to Kovu.