Author's note: Thank you for waiting so long for this chapter, and special thanks to Zeo-Chan for putting up with me. Due to recent developments (please see my profile for details), I'm afraid that that next few chapters might be slow in getting out. I'll do my best to get them out quickly, but at this time I can't make any promises. Again I'm truely sorry for the inconvenience and I hope that you will all keep your faith in me during this trying time. Thank you and please enjoy the chapter.

Later on in the week, an early morning meeting was arranged between KaibaCorp and FearCorp. Both of the twins looked professional, Jake being dressed in a well fitting grey suit, while his sister was dressed in a rich brown suit jacket and matching modest long skirt. Tamara stayed with her brother, content to stay in the background.

Seto's gaze flickered over her, noting instantly that she wasn't wearing her wedding ring. He frowned and glared towards her direction. He had a feeling she wouldn't move too far from her brother. He let out a growl under his breath and turned his attention back to the others.

The younger redhead murmured something to her elder brother, and they both turned to greet Seto politely, acting as though they had never met before. "Hello Mr. Kaiba." They said, bowing politely. "Do you happen to know what will be brought up at the meeting?" Jake asked.

He snorted to himself as he measured the twins. "Possible merging," he replied, waving his head to dismiss the two. He muttered to himself, thinking out loud. "And the marriage annulled," he said quietly, his eyes catching Tamara's for a moment.

Jake frowned slightly, lost in thought as he considered this unexpected development. Tamara however, nodded. "By Christmas, New Year's at the latest." She agreed. "It depends on when I come back from the Academy."

Her brother touched her shoulder lightly. "I'll be back twin; don't take too long, the meeting will start in a few minutes." He said calmly before walking away to speak to one of their CEOs without waiting for her answer.

Seto barely glanced in Jake's direction as he talked to one of the CEOs. He did, however, track her every movement. Then he heaved a sigh and pushed his chair back, ignoring any looks he got. He moved towards her side slowly before stopping. "You know, I would treat you better," he said quietly, gazing down at her for a moment.

The redhead looked surprised. "What do you mean by that?" She asked, trying to keep her voice calm and level.

He sighed and shook his head. "Don't worry about it then," he muttered, turning on his heel and showing her his back. He slapped his palms against his thighs and turned his attention to the others.

Tamara looked troubled as she rolled away to rejoin her brother. This earned Seto a dark look from Jake.

Jake had the look returned. Seto's own dark glare outmatched the twin brother's and he hoped the twin would back down. "Uh-oh," one of the CEOs muttered, glancing between the two guys. The others looked up a bit before resuming their talks.

Although Jake said nothing to Seto Kaiba, when the meeting started, the staring contest ended. However, Jake pointedly pulled out the chair next to his own for his treasured twin. This action of affection earned Jake disgusted looks from his CEOs. Still, Jake made sure that she was comfortable before taking his own seat.

Seto raised his eyes for a moment, his own gaze hard and cold. He wanted to show her twin that he was better for Tamara than Jake was; to prove to her protective older brother that he was going to control both companies and love her as well. Kaiba let out a breath before raising his eyes to the people in the room.

For her part, aside from the worried glances that the girl occasionally shot to her brother, Tamara seemed to be ignoring the fight between Seto Kaiba and her older brother. As she had her head bowed at the current moment to arrange her writing materials to her satisfaction, Seto could see that his reluctant wife's thick red-gold hair had been arranged in a modest professional coil that covered the back of her neck, a simple silver clasp kept it there. Between the hairstyle, copper-framed glasses, and the chocolate brown suit she was wearing, Tamara looked more like a secretary or a clerk rather than her brother's equal and behind-the-scenes CEO of FearCorp.

"Mr. Kaiba would you like to begin, seeing as you were the one who originally requested this meeting?" One of Jake's CEOs asked politely. In this case, this CEO was acting as a mediator between the two corporate leaders.

For an answer, Seto gave his famous I'm-annoyed-now snort and rolled his eyes to himself. He glanced at Tamara once in a while for the next couple of minutes, before actually speaking. "The companies of course," he stated, being vague. His mind was a million miles away. He didn't like how she was dressed today; like a secretary that didn't know what she was doing. It made her look different and he didn't like that look.

Jake jumped in now. "Once our two companies are merged, if indeed that is a possibility, my sister would then be set free of the prior arrangement. I am of agreement to this, for KaibaCorp has abilities at its disposal that FearCorp currently does not."

Seto glared even more now. "No, she is my wife." he all but growled out. Everyone glanced in his direction. "If you'd like, I'd offer you both positions at the company if it's money you're worried about."

Tamara looked at Seto Kaiba for the first time since the meeting started, tension making her body rigid in every pore. Her lips tightened, but Jake spoke before she could. "I've made arrangements money-wise, for her anyway." He said curtly.

Feeling annoyed, Seto blew out a breath to steady his temper. "The offer is extended to the two of you, not just her." he said, his gaze dark. "But yes, I am thinking about merging," he continued on, ready to change the subject.

Although the girl nodded very slightly, Jake looked unimpressed by this. Finally, Tamara spoke up quietly. "Why? What do you have to gain by this merger?" She asked, her pencil having fallen still on the paper.

Seto sighed because he couldn't really answer her real question. So, ignoring her quiet question, he started straight into the many reasons why the merger would be good. But he did keep watching her off and on during the couple hours they were talking. He didn't like how her brother was acting and how she was acting as well. It pissed him off to no end and he felt that she knew better than that.

Finally, at a discreet nudge from his twin, Jake suggested that they take a break for lunch and to clear their heads. Some of the CEOs from Kaiba's side as well as Jake's smirked at this.

Seto stood up as well, his gaze blank and ignoring the CEOs and Jake. He was frustrated and annoyed with them. "Tamara," he said softly, "I would like to talk to you. Privately," he added when he glanced Jake's way.

Jake opened his mouth to protest, but Tamara laid a gentle hand on his arm and he fell silent. She pulled away from the table and followed him out of the room. The others followed, but scattered.

Seto glared a couple of times to make sure that any people who might have been following them left them alone. Once alone, he whirled around on his heel and stared down at her, shifting his weight so he could tower over her. "Why?" he asked, his mask slipping slightly to let her see a small side of him that he had forgotten existed.

Tamara cocked her head at him, looking confused as she pushed her glasses further up her small nose. "Why what, Mr. Kaiba?"

He let out a frustrated, forced breath out between clenched teeth. "Why? Why have you gone back to call to calling me Mr. Kaiba? Why have you been so shy? I want to make things right and I have no damned idea how to." His face hardened and the mask slipped back into place.

"I was under the impression that you understood that our private lives are treated differently than our public lives. When we are in the presence of our respective companies I call you 'Mr. Kaiba' because it is common knowledge among them, or so I thought, that our marriage is only a legal formality." She replied calmly.

Seto let out a breath. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately when she was around. It was frustrating. "I know," trying to resist the urge to hiss at her. He didn't like how she was treating the marriage and he didn't like not being taken seriously.

Tamara sighed quietly. "How did this get so complicated so damn fast? We've only known each other two days, if that..." She asked aloud.

He nodded in agreement. Maybe, if he listened hard enough, he could hear his inner voice telling him that he did love her, back when he was younger and was just told to ignore those feelings. Maybe, in the back of his mind, he wanted to love someone and have it returned. He did have Mokuba but, it wasn't what he wanted. But what did he want?

She blew out a breath. "Jake's not gonna like this... he's not going to like this at all..."

Why's that?" he asked harshly, watching her intently.

"He doesn't like you." Tamara said bluntly. "You didn't make a nice first impression, remember?"

"I know, I know." he said in a frustrated tone. His dislike, and anger, colored his tone and he wanted to show her brother that he could and would change.

The redhead sighed again and looked away, she looked lost and unhappy. "Why does everything have to be so messy?"

He nodded in agreement. Everything was complicated and for once, he wanted things to be easy, not hard.

"Why do you seem so angry at me? You kept looking at me during the meeting, was my bra strap showing?" She asked finally, turning her face away from him in embarrassment as her cheeks began to turn pink.

"Why?" he repeated. Surely it was noticeable as to why he was angry. He took one look at her before shaking his head. "No, your strap wasn't showing," he said, his voice low and flat.

The redhead drove to the window, looking out of it as though the view outside held all of her answers. "I don't understand this... at all. This is a business marriage, nothing more than a legal fiction, we didn't want this. We aren't compatible, and you already have a girlfriend, or at least someone you like."

Seto frowned, legal fiction? He took three large steps to her before leaning down to her level. "Legal fiction? You belong to me, but I want to show you how much you are beginning to mean to me." he said, before dropping a light brotherly kiss upon her forehead. He wanted to really kiss her but he didn't want to frighten her away like he had been doing lately. He straightened and laid a hand on her shoulders, being gentle and conscientious about his actions.

Tamara swallowed and shook her head hard, seeming stunned by his chaste kiss. "I don't understand you." She said quietly. "You agreed that you weren't interested in marriage, at least, not with me. What about your girlfriend at the office?"

"And I don't understand you either," Seto whispered quietly, gazing down at her with a seemingly sad, but loving expression in his eyes. "I was hoping by doing that that you would be a little jealous but I saw it didn't work. She's not my girlfriend, not even close." He spoke softly, almost pleading to her.

Now the redhead looked surprised as she raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Why would I have been jealous? I didn't know you, and I thought you really didn't care about anything except for keeping your company. As far as I was concerned, you could do whatever you wanted so long as this 'marriage' remained as low key as the three of us had originally planned it. It wasn't like it was public knowledge that we were attached to each other. To be completely honest, I'm not ready to be married, let alone be in a relationship." She shrugged her tiny shoulders, the velvet fabric of her suit caressing his hand. "There are a lot of things that I still have to learn about myself, and that goes for Jake as well..."

Seto sighed; he wasn't really sure why she should have been jealous. Was it because he wanted to rub it in her face? His little voice did nod a couple of small nods but nothing else. "And when will you be ready for a relationship?" he asked, curious and slightly upset and hurt that she felt like mocking this to a point. "And what do you want to learn about yourself?" he asked, curious again.

Tamara sighed and shook her head. "I don't know. I might never be ready for all I know." This was the truth. "I want to learn where I belong, what my gifts are, and how to use them. I love my twin, but I need to do this on my own and without anyone hovering over me..."

Seto nodded, he could understand that. "But why not learn with me? If you find you don't like something, then couldn't we change-" his gaze jerked upwards when he spotted her twin nearby. "Never mind," he said gruffly, straightening up more and taking his hand away.

Jake had a frown on his face as he entered the room. "Hon, pill time."

Tamara made a face and pouted, but she nodded, following her twin out of the room and into the men's bathroom.

Pill time?" he asked himself, glancing towards the bathroom. Wait a minute… he did a double take towards the doors. 'Men's bathroom?!'

After a few minutes they both came back out again. Jake handed her some Yen, and she sped off towards the vending machines. Tamara wouldn't meet anyone's eye particularly those of her husband.

Seto waited until she was around the corner before casually moving to Jake's side. "What was that if you don't mind me asking?"

The redheaded brother looked at Seto. "She had to go to the bathroom too." There was a tight note in his voice. Jake didn't want to embarrass his little sister, and he was more than ready to punch Kaiba's lights out if the other decided to make a scene.

Seto nodded, as understanding as he could be. He figured that she would tell him a bit more on some things she needed to have done. He made a mental note and cleared his throat, unsure of what else to say.

Jake's face was expressionless. "My sister mentioned that you were going to have her Dueling Academy laptop looked at." He said calmly.

"Ah yes," he said, thinking back. "I had it sent out, I believe, a few days ago." he couldn't really of much else to say. He stuffed his hand into his pocket and turned away from Jake, his stony features falling back in place.

"Will it be back before she leaves, or will it be sent to her directly?" The question was asked casually, almost as though Jake didn't care about the answer.

He thought for a moment. "I'll deliver it to her when it's finished," he said, making an impulsive decision. He smirked to himself and sighed to himself. He was bored with this meeting and he wanted it over with.

Tamara came over. "They are ready brother." She said quietly, finishing the last of her snack and handed him the change.

Her brother nodded and took the empty wrapper as well as the change from her. "Okay Tammy, let's go finish this off." He replied as they both headed back towards the conference room.

He glowered at their backs. He watched her hand the change over and the clinks just adding to his mounting anger. How long was this going to go on? Would he be tortured by her like this or would he just try to stop falling for her? 'By God, I'm growing obsessed,' he thought sourly as his hands balled into fists.

As the meeting reconvened, the mood heated up even more as the wrestling began again regarding the powers that Seto would have. That was when Jake dropped the bombshell. "Mr. Kaiba has no rights to FearCorp as a boss. This marriage is nothing more than a way to keep our respective companies. It isn't a real marriage, just a legal formality."

The younger redhead's face was calm and expressionless. Her brother had revealed nothing that she didn't already know, so she merely made a note on her pad.

Seto could almost feel himself foaming at the mouth. He was ready to reach across that table and strangle the damned Jake if he didn't stop. His fists curled even tighter and he let out a strangled breath through clenched teeth. He wanted to scream at them that he didn't want it to be just a fake marriage; that he was ready and willing to wait for her to make up her mind. To do anything, say anything, to make her stay with him.

Another hour of pointless bickering went by, and both twins looked tired when the meeting finally was called to a halt for the day. Jake was pulled to one side by his CEOs while Tamara packed her and Jake's things.

Seto also stood up, gathering his things into a small, neat pile before him. He had to admit he was curious about what was going on but he knew better than to pry at that exact moment. He slowly shifted his feet until he was close to Tamara, glancing down as she shoved the last items into the bag.

"Sis?" Jake called quietly, striding over to her from behind. "Can you make it back on your own back to the apartment? I need to head back to the office again." He said, ignoring Kaiba completely.

Tamara didn't answer right away, looking thoughtful. "I... think so. It might take a while though. Brother, would you hold it against me if I said that Japan is a nice place to visit, but I really don't like the idea of living here long term? It was a lot easier to get around back home in America..." She sighed softly. "I really need to relearn how to use my walker, or better yet, my crutches. Granted, that's not exactly my favorite way of doing things, but I don't think that we'll have a choice. Looks like I'm going to spend a lot of time in detention at the Academy..." For a long moment, the younger redhead looked lost in thought before she shook herself out of whatever path that her mind had traveled down. "Don't worry about me Twin; I'll be okay on my own. I take it that you won't be home for dinner tonight?"

Jake shook his head regretfully. "Sorry honey, it looks like I'll be burning the midnight oil yet again. Don't bother waiting up for me; you need your sleep too sweetheart." As he spoke, he took the heavy bag and hung it on the back of her chair. "Don't forget to eat tonight; you've had a bad habit of doing that lately when you are busy with other things." When Tamara tilted her head back in order to look at her brother, Jake bent over, tenderly kissing her forehead from behind and ignoring the looks gained by this odd public display of affection. "Don't worry, things will calm down, Seto Kaiba is just testing us that's all. He just wants to see how far he can push us before one of us has a meltdown. I love you Twin." He said by way of goodbye before rejoining his CEOs.

Seto had backed away during their conversation. He was curious why she wasn't eating at all. He opened his mouth to reprimand her but he snapped it shut again. He didn't want to step into this just yet. He just barely heard the last part and he was a little upset but he didn't really mind. He understood why they were wary of him. "Would you like me to drop her off something to eat?" Seto asked Jake, looking over his shoulder towards the other twin. "I could get her something and if she liked, she could go back to the mansion and eat there and I'll take her home after a while." He was trying his best to be polite but his patience was thin from the meeting.

Jake raised his eyebrow and looked at his twin, who was shrugging into her letterman's jacket. "What do you think sis, the ball is in your court." He asked her.

"I might as well brother, I think the heater has gone out at the apartment and they never did say when they were going to fix it. Mokuba really wants me to go to the mansion anyhow." She shrugged. "Since I'm not staying overnight, this shouldn't be a problem."

The elder Kaiba brother nodded. "If your heaters are out, then maybe you could use an electric heater or space heater in there?" Now he was concerned, he didn't like the idea of her being in an un-heated apartment like that.

Tamara shrugged. "I'll be fine. It just means that I'll put on more clothes, that's all." She answered, watching her brother leave. "Did you bring the van, or are we walking?"

"That still won't help," he said. "I insist you at least stay the night until the heaters are fixed." he was firm and hoped that they would agree. He didn't want her coming down sick. And who knows, maybe something would happen, although he did doubt it.

The redhead sighed but decided not to argue with him while in public. "All right, but I'll need to head to the apartment first to change my clothes. Jake'll kill me if I ruin my clerical suit. The apartment isn't bad during the day, but the night's going to get very cold." Snapping up her jacket, she followed Seto out of the room.

He resisted the urge to put his arm around her, ignoring any looks they got. "Why doesn't your apartment have any heat?" he asked, curious why the landlord would allow such a thing.

"Their boiler is finicky, or at least that's what I was told. It happens every once in a while." She shrugged. "At least I know where all of the side-routes in the area are now, but it'll still take me about two hours to get back to the apartment. Jake hasn't gotten around to getting me my own van yet."

"Well, would you like a ride?" he asked, not liking the idea of her taking two hours to get back to the apartment. And, he did manage a glance over his shoulder at the other twin, who had disappeared around the corner. Her older brother was always leaving her by herself, and he didn't like it. He, if she would accept him, wouldn't leave her by herself. He wanted her opinions and anything else she wanted and had to offer.

"If you happen to have the van with you, I'd be grateful for it." She said with a smile. "If you don't, it's not a big deal." The dimples flashed in her cheeks, as though teasing him, there was nothing coy or seductive about her manner. It was clear that she was trying to keep a 'friendly' distance between them by not acting like his wife.

He had let out a sigh then. What would it take to make her comfortable around him and be more trusting? What could he do, or say to her?

She sighed softly. "You know... you didn't have to offer us that job... you could probably run FearCorp better than we ever could despite everything we've put into it, and I think that galls him a bit, even though he won't admit it."

"It's okay," he replied, finally realizing they were nearing the elevator. He pushed the down button and stood waiting. He twisted his neck slightly sideways, flinching when it cracked loudly. "Ouch," he said, reaching up and rubbing the tender spot.

Tamara smiled. "You get used to it." She said, referring to the cracking.

He chuckled. "I know, but it still hurts every time,"

"Hm, that's a good point. I'm so used to the creaking and cracking of my body, I hardly notice unless my joints pop; now that hurts."

He chuckled again at that. "And, if you pop your knuckles when it's dead silent, it's even funnier." he smiled at that imagine.

The redhead sighed, and when the door dinged, followed him out of the elevator. "Where are we going?" She asked.

"I thought you would like to go eat lunch." he suggested, hoping that his own stomach wasn't going to rumble its agreement.

"Lunch sounds really good right about now, that snack was a long time ago." Tamara agreed. "Any place in mind?"

He hummed to himself for a moment. "Wherever you would like to go," he said after a moment. He felt that it was her choice and he was willing to go anywhere.

"Let's go back to the apartment. I'm embarrassed to say this, but I haven't yet re-mastered the chopsticks and I wouldn't like to embarrass you in public Seto." She admitted as a blush flooded her cheeks. "I'll admit, I cheat when I'm alone."

He laughed. "It's okay. How about we order out something then instead?" He suggested, still chuckling.

She nodded. "That'll work. I'll even let you surprise me, because I haven't really figured out Japanese food yet. I don't like spicy food though."

"Ah, there is a nice Italian place we can order from. I've eaten there once and the food was good." he suggested, smiling.

Tamara's face brightened and her eyes lit up in happiness. "Really? Cool. That would do nicely then. Thank you. I'll have to write down the address for Jake later since I won't be here after next week to watch over him..."

Seto nodded and pulled out his cell phone. Flipping the tiny thing open, he typed out a quick text to his van driver, telling him to bring the van for her.

The redhead hummed softly to herself. "I still can't believe I'll be gone on Monday... this week is going by faster than I would have liked..." She said, more to make conversation than anything else.

"Monday?" Seto was confused. Was it really that soon? He counted off the days… yes, it was. He frowned to himself and shook his head. "That's so soon," he said, "Are you nervous about it?"

"Very." She nodded. "I've never even seen the school, Jake took care of everything once I had taken the exam and had gotten in. He swears that once I finish here, he'll send me wherever I want to go."

"You've never seen the school?" he asked, giving her a curious look.

"No, that's one of the reasons I need my Academy laptop back. Dr. Crowler told me that I would need to make sure all my info was correct and that I had gotten into the classes I signed up for. He wasn't very nice about it though, he said that I had gotten the lowest exam score on record, and that I had better change my Slifer slacker ways." She shrugged it off.

"Stupid, idiotic bird brained person," he muttered, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

"I've been called worse by better people." Tamara said, thinking he was mad. "It doesn't matter to me what he thinks, I'll just be a little mouse and keep out of the way."

Seto shook his head. "You shouldn't be," he ground out, angry as hell about what was said to her. His hands balled up tightly but he knew he had to restrain his anger and quickly.

"Trust me Seto, I'll be fine, I'm used to staying out of other people's way." She smiled. "You'd be surprised how much you can learn when people don't notice you, and I'm very good at that."

He shook his head. "I wish you would let me teach you." he said softly, looking in the other direction.

"You aren't a good teacher Seto, you don't have the patience for it, and I'm a slow learner at best."

Knowing she was right, he sighed. "I know, I know," then he chuckled. He knew he would be frustrated but he wanted to teach her regardless.

Tamara gave him an odd look, trying to figure him out. "Even if I accepted your offer, it's too late to back out now. Jake says that everything is all set up." She frowned. "I still want to go to Wisconsin though. Hopefully if I manage to get good grades, Jake will agree to at least let me take summer courses to satisfy my writing itch."

"Why Wisconsin, and not some place in Japan?" He asked, curious why she would still choose some place that far away. "And why will Jake agree to let you take only a summer class?" he cocked his head sideways, waiting for her answer.

"That's still the best school that has the best writing as well as teaching programs that is best suited for people with disabilities. I've wanted to attend there since tenth grade. Now that we are stuck here in Japan again, Jake wants me to study dueling first though. He's hinted that if I tough it out and get good grades during the year at the Academy, he'll pay for me to take online courses while I'm here during the summer break." She was scanning the streets for the van that Seto had called.

"And that's wrong," he stated, shifting his feet. "for him to manipulate you like that. Why shouldn't you be allowed to go to the college if you want to? Why do you have to get good grades at the Academy in order to do online courses for the summer? That's a load of crap if you want my opinion." he huffed out the last bit and rolled his eyes. A moment later the van pulled before them from the throng of traffic.

For an answer, the redhead shrugged. "Maybe so, maybe no." She said as she waited for the ramp to come down when Rick had jumped out. "Still, my brother has his reasons for doing things. At least when this 'marriage' is annulled, I'll be close by so this can be taken care of quickly as possible." When she was loaded in the van, she again guided Rick though the process of tying down her wheelchair.

"Hmph," Seto let out, giving a funny stare at the back of her head. What would it take to make her see? What could he do? He was still answerless as he climbed into the passenger seat and slammed the door shut.

"Where to Sir?" Rick asked when he climbed into the driver's seat again.

"Go to the Italian place so we can grab something to eat." Seto said, looking out the window and went into ignore mode.

Tamara smiled at Rick's inquiring look and shook her head. When they got there, Tamara spoke to Seto. "Did you want me to wait here while you ordered?"

"It's up to you," Seto said, giving a small yawn. Bored and growing crankier by the minute, he was ready to go home.

She smiled at Seto. "I did say you could surprise me." Tamara reminded him.

"Hmmm, true." he said, thinking and stroking his chin for the affect. "Well, then I'll order for everyone then. Mokuba loves this and I'm sure Jake wouldn't mind having something to eat as well." he wanted to try to be nice to her brother. He opened the door and dropped his feet to the concrete.

The redhead nodded and waited in the van. She was already thinking about the things that were on her list of 'things to do'. Tamara didn't think that it was a good idea to be around Kaiba as his moods kept shifting around. One minute he was cold and somewhat reasonable, the next it seemed almost as though he really believed that he was a semi-loving husband... Shaking her head, Tamara tried to clear her thoughts.

Seto too, was thinking of his list as he entered the Italian place. Warm smells enveloped him and he took a deep breath. 'Why can't she see I'm trying? What is wrong with trying? It's better than doing nothing at all...' He stepped up to the counter and ordered the first things that he saw, not really paying attention very much. "Snails sir?" the boy asked. Seto gave a grimace and started shaking his head. The boy chuckled and wrote down the rest of the order. "It'll be ready in about fifteen to twenty minutes, depending on how busy it gets."

Rick slipped in the store to use the bathroom, nodding to Kaiba as though to say that Tamara was okay before heading into the men's room.

The boy handed Seto the cartons and he slid the money across the counter. "Keep the change," he said, noticing that there was a little over fifteen left in change. He gave the boy a sincere smile and strolled past the other customers. He looked through the glass windows and smiled to himself when he could barely make out Tamara's form in the back. The door clicked open and he slipped out, balancing the food on his right arm. Unlatching the door, he swung himself into the seat and glanced over the back. "I hope there's enough for everyone. I even have some for Jake so you can take home for him. That is, if Mokuba doesn't find it first." he chuckled.

"Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Jake might claim that I don't eat unless I am reminded, but the truth is that he's the one I learned that from." Tamara's dimples flashed briefly as Rick was seen hurrying back to the van and silently slid into the driver's seat again. "Where to now Mr. Kaiba?" He asked.

"You're welcome," he said, tucking the boxes next to his seat on the floor. He let out a quiet breath; she really should eat more instead of following her brother's habit. "Home I suppose, unless there was somewhere else you'd like to stop at?" he hinted, shifting his body to get comfortable.

"I need to go back to the apartment and change my clothes if you don't mind." She said politely, smiling at Seto directly for the first time.

He nodded and directed Rick to her apartment. "Anywhere else after this?" he asked, looking over his shoulder.

"We can go to the mansion after that if you wanted. Will we have lunch at the apartment, or wait until later?" She asked, cocking her head to one side inquiringly at him.

Seto nodded and they pulled up to the curb at her apartment. "Don't be too long okay," he teased, smiling again. "Oh, why don't we go have lunch at the park? It is a nice day," he suggested, pointing out the sunny day.

Tamara blushed and ducked her head. "I'll try. Sure you don't want to come up?" She asked shyly.

Oh man, oh man, oh man, this was his opportunity! He could almost smirk but he left it as a small smile playing on the corners of his lips. "Of course," he said, keeping his voice level and as steady as he could. He stepped down and waited as Rick helped her as well.

She nodded at Rick as he untied her chair and lowered her from the ramp. When she was off, she told Rick that they would be back soon and politely led Seto inside towards the elevator.

Seto followed behind her by a few steps. He did smirk now that she had her back to him. He wanted to seduce, to make her understand what he wanted. But how? Oh, how indeed?

Pressing the button for the elevator, she pulled out the key that hung from a silver chain that she habitually wore around her neck and ducked her head slightly to take it off. "It's a good thing I didn't forget my key, Jake was in such a rush this morning, I almost did." She said once they reached the door.

Seto grinned his little trademark smirk and waited until they reached the Twins' apartment. She leaned forward and he watched as she stuck the key into the lock. Then he leaned down as well, capturing the key between his long fingers and brushing against her shoulder in the process.

The redhead froze, and almost stopped breathing for a minute, before she turned the key. Leaving the key in the lock, she twisted the doorknob and pushed open the door for him.

"After you," he said, bowing down and his cheeks flamed from her reaction. If he'd bothered to remember that she was so sensitive to touch, he would've tried a few tricks before. Sliding his hand across the handle as she moved forward, he cast a glance behind him. Screw the lunch and Rick standing outside downstairs. He wanted to possess, to kiss, to love her in every way but how to make her respond to what he, and she, wanted?

Numbly, Tamara entered the room, not noticing his blush. Instead, she made her way to her room. "Grab the key will you please?" She called back over her shoulder. "I didn't want to forget it." Opening her door, she swore softly to herself. "Crap... now I remember what I was supposed to do today." She muttered softly to herself as she gazed upon the chaos of Slifer red uniforms, clothing, and books that was scattered around her modest bedroom.

He mumbled and grabbed the key from the door where it had stuck in the lock. He moved softly, quietly towards her room. When he heard her mutter and swear, he grinned to himself. "Everything ok?" he asked, poking his head around the corner.

"No, I was just reminded exactly how big of mess I made in my room trying to pack." She replied, turning her head as though to look at him.

"All right," he replied, rolling his eyes. Sometimes he wondered if she would ever admit she needed some help. "Are you ready?" he called from the next room.

"Hold on, I'll be out in a few minutes." Then the bedroom door shut, leaving him in silence.

He resisted the urge to growl. He paced slowly, wondering why she closed her door on him.

She hummed quietly, and smiled to herself as she changed her clothes. When she came back out, she was dressed in a dark green turtleneck with golden-brown jeans. Slightly worn brown slip on shoes graced her small feet, while her hair was in a loose ponytail. The ugly backpack was on her lap and packed full. "Sorry I kept you waiting." Tamara said, shifting her grip and making the ruby teardrop on her otherwise plain wedding band flash slightly.

He glared at the damned bag. Was she going to flaunt it in front of him? "Get a new bag or I'll buy you a damned new one." he growled out, glaring at the stupid thing.

"As I've said before, it may be ugly, but it's strong enough to hold everything I put into it." She said calmly, ignoring his glare as she put the bag down and turned her chair so that he could hang the bag on the back of it.

"Grrrr..." Seto rapped out, resisting the urge to bend down, spill everything on the floor and destroy the bag once and for all. "I can, I could, find you a new bag that will hold everything you put into it." he suggested sweetly, his gaze torn between watching her and glaring a death glare at the bag.

"Thank you. Perhaps you will have better luck than I did." She replied just as sweetly, wondering what he wanted as she waited, but not willing to let her fake husband pick a fight with her.

He rolled his eyes at her back and bent down to pick up the bag. "I'll go find one sometime soon," he said happily.

Now it was her turn to roll her eyes. "All right, but I'm still not sure why you are bothering. I leave for the Academy on Sunday." Tamara answered, now impatient for lunch despite the company she'd be eating it with. Still, she was glad he hadn't tried anything yet. With luck, he was finally eager for her to be gone so that they could go back to their separate lives.

"Well, if I find one after you leave, then I'll bring it by." he said, shrugging the bag onto his shoulders. "Now, let's go have our picnic. I dunno about you but I'm hungry." he chuckled.

Hearing Seto slide the backpack on his own shoulders, she raised her eyebrow but said nothing as she grabbed the key from the sidetable where he had placed it.

He let out a quiet sigh as he followed behind her, took the key from the redhead, and locked the door before he handed her the key back. His stomach gave a small rumble and he sheepishly shook his head and chuckled.

Tamara smiled back, pleased that he no longer seemed to have his mind in the gutter. "Did you have anywhere in mind for our semi-late picnic lunch?" She asked.

"Uh... Park, park, park," he suggested, thinking about the different places around town. He cocked his head sideways and thought harder. He thought about many places they could go (the bedroom) but he knew that she wouldn't like his suggestions. He chuckled and strolled ahead a bit. "Where would you like to eat?" he asked slyly, his mind still halfway in the gutter. He licked his lips and thought evilly to himself, 'Say you don't wanna eat... You wanna eat me.' he resisted the urge to laugh out loud and he quickly turned his back to her so he wouldn't do that. "Other than that, I have no idea where to actually eat." he said loudly, glancing over his shoulder. 'Dammit, got to stop acting like a damned boy in love.' he thought harshly to himself a moment later, shaking his head slightly.

Smiling, she shook her head. "Maybe we could ask the driver for suggestions." She offered. "I'd like to see more of Japan, I don't remember much."

"That'd be a wonderful idea!" he said, smiling widely as he turned around to face her and to walk backwards a couple of steps. He reached for his phone and dialed the driver and spoke quickly. Then he snapped it shut. "Do we bring Mokuba along?" he asked, smiling again.

"No, I think he said he was hanging out at a friend's house. You can call and ask him if you'd like Seto." She said, pressing the button for the elevator.

He nodded and thought hard. Would he call his brother up? He knew that Mokuba would enjoy the day with the two of them, but how would he get the kid to give them some private time? He leaned against the wall and let out a breath.

The elevator dinged and the door opened. Tamara drove inside, holding the door for Seto. Although it crossed her mind to let him be squished for not paying attention, she decided to be nice if only for Mokuba's sake.

He followed her inside and stood beside her and pressed the ground floor button. It was silent, tense inside the elevator and he didn't like it one bit. He shifted and leaned over her. "Tammy," he said softly, glancing down at her.

Uneasy, the redhead tilted her head back to look at him, wishing that he wasn't so close. "Yes? What's with the nickname?" She asked, not quite liking the look in his eyes that made her pray for the elevator's ding.

He swooped low and pecked her very lightly on her lips. "I like the nickname," he whispered softly as he pulled away from her and straightened his back.

Tamara looked surprised and stunned at his answer. A part of her screamed that his interest in her was absolutely stupid as she waited for the ding.

He shifted uncomfortably and glanced sideways at her. He noted that she had a flushed look on her face and he resisted the urge to chuckle and smirk at her reaction. But he couldn't help but wonder if that was the first time anyone did that to her.

When the elevator finally dinged, Tamara exited quickly, heading toward the doors that led outside. She resisted the impulse to look at him, not wanting him to see exactly how unsettled both Seto's light peck as well as his surprising comment had made her. The redhead managed to keep her face calm and somewhat expressionless to avoid being questioned by Rick as she was loaded into the van.

Once she was loaded up and strapped down, Rick drove them to one of the larger and more beautiful places in Japan. However, Tamara was silent during the drive, lost in her thoughts while at the same time trying to ignore Seto's piercing eyes as he gazed as her in the rearview mirror. To distract herself, she concentrated on the wonderful smells coming from the take-out container that was at Seto's feet.

He kept shooting glances back at her through the mirror. He knew he upset her by the looks and how she was acting but he didn't think he would upset her that much. He let out a breath and his shoulders hunched slightly, giving the illusion of a silent defeat. 'For God's sake it was just a kiss!' he screamed in his head as he looked at her again for what felt like the millionth time in a row. He nudged the container at his feet and glared at it, wishing it would burst into flame and die so he wouldn't go homicidal on something else.

The park that Rick had chosen was beautiful if you loved nature. Tamara's face seemed to soften at once at the sight, not knowing that she was giving away her romantic side. When she was unloaded, she couldn't stop looking around in wonder. "Amazing... Goddess of the Earth, how majestic you are in your beauty..." Tamara's voice was hushed as though she was uttering a prayer.

Even he had to admit it was a beautiful park. He had managed to check out that softer side and he wanted to see it more often. He licked his lips and grabbed the container of food from the floor. He barely heard her faint whisper but it hit him in his heart. Would she whisper something that sweet if she could believe he wanted her with every fiber of his being? Would she feel the same if he gave her the chance? He mentally groaned and stood behind her, waiting. It was breathtaking here and he was happy that his driver had chosen this place to come to.

Tamara now turned her head to look at Rick. "Thank you very much for bringing us here. If you haven't eaten yet, you can take a lunch break now if you'd like, we'll be here for a while so you don't have to wait around if you don't want to." Then she smiled at Seto. "Ready to explore?"

Seto nodded, glancing at her. She was treating his employees like people, instead of items. "Be back in two hours," he told Rick as the driver hurried off. He felt he ought to be graceful and grant the guy some time so she wouldn't have a fit. He nodded to her question and followed after her, keeping his pace with her.

His redheaded wife drove at a normal pace, looking around her in wonder. "I forgot how beautiful Japan can be... It's times like this when I can almost hate population." She said quietly, not wanting to talk loudly in a place like this.

He nearly beat his head in when they came closer to the nearest tree. He hated humanity and the population at times and everyone knew it. He wrapped his fingers tighter around the container and sped up just a bit. "Why are you talking so softly?" He asked his voice loud and disturbing for a moment.

With the mood broken, Tamara shot him a dirty look. "Never mind." She said coolly, all softness gone from her face. "Let's find somewhere to eat, I'm hungry now.

Kaiba could've growled right then and there. He had a feeling he seriously messed up, but how? Why? He reached up and ran his fingers nervously through his hair with one hand, glaring at random objects, hoping he could destroy something within arm's length.

After a few more minutes, the redhead pointed to a blooming cherry blossom tree. "How about there?" She asked, she liked the openness of the area. Seto wouldn't be able to pull anything in a place that public.

He shrugged to agree to her spot. He didn't really like it one bit but he knew she would protest if he suggested somewhere else to go eat. He followed her to the tree and attempted to sit down with the food. Handing her the container a moment later, he dropped to the ground, his legs sticking out in both directions. "All right, ready to eat?" He asked, rubbing his stomach and attempting to stay nice now.

For an answer, Tamara laughed and opened her container. "Hmm... it still smells good, even cool." She said, picking up her fork and taking a bite. Some sauce hung on her lower lip, and she wiped it away with the side of her fork before cutting another bite of her lasagna. "It tastes wonderful."

He nodded and bit into his own food, staring off into the distance over her shoulder. Man, he sure did screw up but he wasn't about to let her know that, otherwise she might gloat that she was right and he was wrong. He couldn't stand that idea. He took another swallow of his food.

She hummed quietly as she ate. It was a tune that he didn't know at all. If Seto had dropped off the planet, the redhead wouldn't have noticed in the least. As far as she was concerned, she was eating alone and thoroughly enjoying the scenery around her.

Kaiba dug into his own food and watched her every so often. He could sense she was mad at him and he knew he probably deserved it. Swallowing the last bite of his food, he stood up and dusted off his slacks.

A few minutes later, Tamara finished her meal as well. "That was very good. I'll throw the garbage away for you Mr. Kaiba." She said calmly to Kaiba, taking the empty container from him before driving off to find a garbage can.

Back to calling him 'Mr. Kaiba', he thought unhappily as he watched her roll away from him. His hand curled into a tight fist and he shook his head. Sometimes he hated how quickly she slipped back into her shell and rolled away from him when she didn't like where things were going. He sighed and shook his head, still angry with himself.

When she returned, she had a slight smile on her face and a cherry blossom in her braid. "Full?" she asked him politely, the fragile closeness gone between them. If Tamara noticed Seto's anger, the girl either ignored it, or simply didn't care.

He shrugged his shoulders and turned his back to her to try his hardest to start ignoring her. He saw the blossom in her braid and he frowned, biting his lower lip in frustration. Why was it that this woman was able to do this to him?

Shaking her head, she drove slightly ahead of him, not speaking. Unseen, the soft tender expression was back on her face as she soaked up the quiet beauty of the park. "If I ever get a real boyfriend..." She murmured to herself.

"Real boyfriend?" He echoed as eyebrow rose at that comment. What the hell did she think he was? He shook his arms to get rid of the jitters. Gnawing on his bottom lip, he watched her back. He hated how she treated his affections as nothing and he wanted to, more than anything, to do something that would really prove that it wasn't a joke or a ruse for the fake marriage.

"Well, this isn't exactly a love match." She replied calmly. "I'm sure you'll find someone more compatible once I've left for the Academy. Speaking of which... have you heard anything about my Academy laptop yet? It's cutting it kind of fine... I want to make sure that I get into the classes that my brother and I decided on..."

"Yeah, your laptop should be back today." he said, not really paying attention now. Her comment was starting to really dig underneath his skin and he didn't like it very much. "But what makes you think I'll find someone once you leave?" he asked, eyebrow raised and tapping his fingers on his right knee.

"Whew, thank you, I wasn't looking forward to fighting with Dr. Crowler about my classes." She smiled happily. "Considering that you are Japan's number one most eligible bachelor, it wouldn't be hard for you to find someone that would be a credit to you." Tamara raised a fiery eyebrow of her own. "Even I know that much Seto."

"Bullshit," he mumbled, shaking his head. He may be Japan's, or hell the world's, most eligible bachelor, but it didn't mean he liked it. Most of the people that wanted to 'go out' with him were only after his money and usually he turned them away in a heartbeat, no matter what those sweet talking women would say to him. "It's a lot harder to find that person, especially since so many are gold diggers." 'But not you', he wanted to add but he kept his mouth shut. He licked his lips and waited for her answer.

"If getting the good things in life were easy, then we wouldn't value them as much. The good things in life have to be worth fighting for; otherwise you won't know them for what they are when they cross your path. You might have to date a lot of ducks before you find the swan of your dreams." The redhead replied, seeing the garbage can and throwing away the empty containers. She smiled. "You've got to start somewhere, or you'll never get anywhere."

He snorted, regarding her look. He knew she was right, but what if he already knew what he wanted, and she was sitting in front of him telling him otherwise? She was worth fighting for, even if she didn't think so. "I'm already fighting for someone," he said quietly, stuffing his hands into his pockets and looking the other direction. He wondered if she heard him at all.

"You didn't find me, I was thrown at you." Tamara corrected him. As she spoke, she pulled her braid over her shoulder and stroked it. "You want someone who can back you up in a duel and in your company. I can't do that, and I know it."

He took a deep breath. So what if she was 'thrown' at him? Did it really matter? He watched her pull her braid over her shoulder. "I know you can back me up in my company and I'll help you if you're so concerned with duels. I know you can do it. You shouldn't be so damned stubborn." he shrugged his shoulders.

"Can you honestly say that you were ready for a relationship, let alone marriage? I'm not suited to be a wife Seto." She said calmly.

'And honestly, the idea of marriage scares the living crap out of me, but I'm willing to work with it.' He thought, watching her. A sudden though flashed into his mind and he seized it quickly. He took that stride forward that separated them and grabbed her shoulders before spinning himself in front of her. "It doesn't matter if I'm ready or not. I'm willing to make things work out. And you're damned well suited to be my wife, regardless of what you think!"

Her slender shoulders felt fragile beneath Seto's hands. "And if I'm not willing?" The redhead challenged Kaiba, fire in her light blue eyes. As she spoke, she was trying to escape from his hold on her. Tamara was throwing down the gauntlet, tired of trying to dance around his ego. In truth, Tamara wanted nothing more than her freedom to do as she pleased.

He shook his head, suddenly feeling as though he'd do anything for her to change her mind. Climb the mountains; stab himself in the heart, whatever she wanted him to do. He could tell she was about to give up and he could see her throwing the flag around, but he didn't want that.

Instead the elder Kaiba brother leaned in close and did the very thing that had been haunting him for nights. He kissed her. At first Kaiba was gentle, yielding to her tender mouth. But several seconds of gentle and nice flew out the door. He gripped her shoulders a bit more, molding his lips against hers and lapped at her bottom lip. He pulled back quickly, licking his own lips and struggled to name what she suddenly tasted like. He glanced at her slightly red lips and smirked to himself.

She looked as though she'd been hit in the back of her head with a board, Tamara blinked and shook her head as though to clear it, licking her lips as she tried to gather her scattered thoughts. The redhead opened her mouth as though to say something, but nothing would come out. Her world had been shaken to its core when Kaiba had kissed her, and for once in the proud girl's mind failed her. For the first time, she had no idea what to do now. The young woman blinked again and just looked at the man who was claming to be her husband helplessly.

He watched her mouth move and he was just as speechless as her at the moment. He suddenly had the feeling that was the first time she'd ever been kissed like that, and he liked the joy of it. He leaned down and clasped her hand. Feeling her fragile cold hand slightly tremble in his own, his smirk widened before turning so that he was standing at her side and tucked her arm protectively in his own so that he remained close to her and prevented any attempt to flee. For some reason, his fragile wife made him feel as though he was almost a knight, a bit a dark one, protecting his sheltered lady from harm. But soon his headstrong wife would leave his protection.

It made him want to snarl when he thought about all those young pups trying to gain her attention and favor. He already knew from their encounter with Duke that she was too polite, and far too innocent to send them away. When Seto looked at her left hand, he was reminded that she wasn't wearing her wedding ring and frowning in disapproval. Seto made a mental note that that too would have to change. Suddenly bored and looking at his watch, his lips twitched. "It's time to go Tamara." He said in an icy calm voice.

"Yes Seto." She answered, her lips feeling cold and stiff. The redhead still wasn't sure exactly what had happened. Tamara was still trying to figure out how in the world she was going to shake him loose when the van pulled up and her so-called husband released her so that she could get into the van. Although the drive to the Kaiba mansion took place in absolute silence, she still felt Seto's piercing dark blue eyes burning into her from his gazing into the rearview mirror.

This was gonna be a long night…